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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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15 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

Most of us negroes grew up on those cheap ass thin steaks that moms would cook well done.

Steak-ums for the win 🤣. As the old saying goes though, those that know better do better. 


I am a recovered well-done steak addict for at least 15 years. I honestly can't think of the last time I have eaten a steak above medium as an adult. My preference is between either medium rare or medium. The "cool" factor in rare just doesn't jive with my palate. 




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When I was in high school I used to get pulled out of school to play Taps at funerals for the local Legion. They'd pick me up, we'd go to the Legion post and hang out until all the guys got there, eat donuts, etc and then go do the funeral. I'd get paid $10 and they'd take me back to school but not all too quickly lol. Sometimes I'd be out like 2+ hours. 

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2 minutes ago, Dayaan said:

You know we're going to end up with a Transformers dino, right? That would be rad as fuck. I want it.

Lmfao I started reading that and wasn't sure if it was meant to be a diss 🤣. Anything with ff series is pretty much fire. 

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17 minutes ago, Dayaan said:

Ok I wouldn't go that far, but I will say that there has never been an event in time where you go with your mates to watch Fast and you don't leave the night laughing. That's all.

I mean think of any crossover concept it's gonna be rediculous and it's probably gonna be funny as fuck whether on purpose or not 

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hmm... great big-screen (or tv/streaming show) crossover potentials... 🤔

Ghostbusters & Beetlejuice

Silverhawks & Thundercats!

Predator vs. Robocop

Predator & E.T.!

The Lost Boys meet Teen Wolf

TRON vs. The Matrix

Dante, Bayonetta & Viewtiful Joe, united to save the world.

Warhammer 40k + HALO


oh, and of course an ultimate comic book movie crossover that has little to no chance in tv and film --- Avengers + Justice League.... imagine the grand final battle to save the multi-verse there.  sheeeeeittttttt....*edit---and I'm talking about a proper expanded JL team of course, with at least Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern in the roster.

head hype GIF



Edited by MillionX
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1 hour ago, AriesWarlock said:

Apparently, in Australia they killed a lot of cats, and more they have a mice problem.



It is a never ending cycle of Imperialist fuckery of the ecosystem, over there.


The English brought cats.


The cats killed the local fauna, fucking up the ecosystem.


The Aussies killed a bunch of cats.


But imported mice are now the problem.


Fuck England.


Edited by JHDK
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1 hour ago, DangerousJ said:

I haven't read it but there are comic crossovers between tmnt and Ghostbusters, Transformers and terminator, transformers and back to the future., Justice league vs power rangers

The tmnt x ghost buster ones are pretty good. When all of the IDW TMNT run was free to read on comixology I read them. 

The tmnt x Batman ones are the definitive of OK. 


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According to Southwest Airlines spokesperson Chris Mainz, the woman who attacked the flight attendant “repeatedly ignored standard inflight instructions (tray table in upright position, seat belt, etc.) and became verbally and physically abusive upon landing.” 




The woman was subsequently arrested and charged with a felony battery count. But this is part of a pattern. Earlier this month, the Federal Aviation Administration reported that there has been a “dramatic increase” in passengers behaving badly while on planes, even as the total number of people flying still remains below 2019 levels. According to the agency’s numbers, in the first five months of the year, about 2,500 cases of airline passengers being total dicks have been reported—an incredible twenty-fold increase compared to a typical year.


More, via NBC News:

The behavior in question includes passengers refusing to wear masks, drinking excessively and engaging in alleged physical or verbal assault, including what the agency describes as political intimidation and harassment of lawmakers.

In Fort Lauderdale, Florida, for example, a fistfight broke out amid a dispute over mask-wearing. In Washington, D.C., a passenger was escorted off a flight after arguing with flight attendants over the mask rule.

In another case, a flight bound for Los Angeles was diverted to Denver and forced to make an emergency landing after a passenger allegedly tried to open an emergency exit.


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4 hours ago, Reiraku said:

I've been sitting on my shares for a while now. I've basically doubled my money so far

That's wasup. Can't wait for Tuesday. This got me on the edge of my seat. I missed out on GME short squeeze in January,but I'm all in on this attempt. Here's to life changing gains to all is involved

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Someone I know posted this video today about UFOs swarming a navy ship via radar



They use this as "fuel" to say these are extraterrestrials. I wish people would understood the real meaning of UFO instead of "I don't know therefore aliens".


Back when I was in ROTC in college, we got a trip to Langley AFB and visited the Skunkworks room where the F-117A Nighthawk and F-22 was in development.  The person mentioned the reports they got because of these strange shaped aircraft flying around. I wouldn't be surprised if this was some new type of flight tech that'll be formally announced in circa 2030. 

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11 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

Everything I hear from older people is that flying was a lot better before it was made more affordable so anyone could do it. 



Happy Memorial day errybody. I watched that Big Daddy movie last night and it got me all down in my feelings lol. Didn't expect that from an Adam Sandler joint. 

Edited by DoctaMario
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46 minutes ago, Maxx said:

I saw this tweet and I know it's partly a joke but seeing the comments made me realize either people are really getting weirder and forgetting to interact as a human or they're getting more meaner. Like all you have to do is say congrats and keep it moving. If it's your friend.. You aren't neutral. 



Internet has definitely disconnected a lot of people from shit that used to be normal.

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3 hours ago, Maxx said:

I saw this tweet and I know it's partly a joke but seeing the comments made me realize either people are really getting weirder and forgetting to interact as a human or they're getting more meaner. Like all you have to do is say congrats and keep it moving. If it's your friend.. You aren't neutral. 



You already know me and the boys are tossin' that sumbitch around like a hot potato.

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4 hours ago, Maxx said:

I saw this tweet and I know it's partly a joke but seeing the comments made me realize either people are really getting weirder and forgetting to interact as a human or they're getting more meaner. Like all you have to do is say congrats and keep it moving. If it's your friend.. You aren't neutral. 



If anything, I think the internet has normalized people with zero social skills or ability to read the room being seen and heard. People that wouldn't leave the house and torture the rest of us with their inability to understand basic human interaction without overanalyzing it now have a voice.

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4 hours ago, Maxx said:

I saw this tweet and I know it's partly a joke but seeing the comments made me realize either people are really getting weirder and forgetting to interact as a human or they're getting more meaner. Like all you have to do is say congrats and keep it moving. If it's your friend.. You aren't neutral. 



It's also a reminder that only a fraction of peeps are on Twitter and of that a fraction are actively interacting. Pay dumb people no mind. If I know you and your show me a baby, imma say it's CUTE! Babies are cute. Not normalizing "neutral" behavior for this. 

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I dunno...i guess I would like more on what they mean by "Neutral." My sister and my brother both had their first kids last year and I mean I'm happy for them and offered congrats but I'm not super excited about it like everyone else is. I'm just like "Yea...that cool. No I don't want to hold your baby." I get they are my niece and nephew but I don't want really much to do with your baby, I do not like babies, they do not fill me with joy. I don't hate them in just completely un-interested them And tend to have little nice to say about them, even my own families babies. 


Hit me up when your kid is r or 5 and I'll be 1,000x more interested. Truly. Kids are awesome. Babies are the worst lol. 


So yea I'd like to know more about what they mean by neutral. 

Edited by RSG3
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56 minutes ago, Maxx said:

Lmfaoo I was getting into my car that's on the side of the road in front of my house. Some dude was driving by and must not liked how close he was to my car and yelled nigga at me. ☠️


I just got drive by nigga'd by some old white man. 

Ever had a brick thrown at you for riding a bike for being biethnic... in your own country? By a 12 year old?

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2 hours ago, Maxx said:

I saw this tweet and I know it's partly a joke but seeing the comments made me realize either people are really getting weirder and forgetting to interact as a human or they're getting more meaner. Like all you have to do is say congrats and keep it moving. If it's your friend.. You aren't neutral. 



some jokes are hit or miss.  In this case, I don't even see where the target was.  

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17 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

I dunno...i guess I would like more on what they mean by "Neutral." My sister and my brother both had their first kids last year and I mean I'm happy for them and offered congrats but I'm not super excited about it like everyone else is. I'm just like "Yea...that cool. No I don't want to hold your baby." I get they are my niece and nephew but I don't want really much to do with your baby, I do not like babies, they do not fill me with joy. I don't hate them in just completely un-interested them And tend to have little nice to say about them, even my own families babies. 


Hit me up when your kid is r or 5 and I'll be 1,000x more interested. Truly. Kids are awesome. Babies are the worst lol. 


So yea I'd like to know more about what they mean by neutral. 

In my head neutral is saying nothing. Neither. Positive or negative.. But if you say nothing it might as well be negative. 


You don't have to be overly excited. Just say sumtin nice and that's all you gotta do. Not saying anything is fucked up, especially if it's family or friend. 

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There was, of all things, a Seinfeld episode about that a million years ago.  "Jerry, you have to see the baby!"


More interesting to me are the people trying to score social media likes demanding a pat on their heads for their displays of apathy. Just own that apathy already.  Normalize not giving a shit what other people think of your opinion of their baby, lol.

Edited by Reticently
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17 minutes ago, Maxx said:

In my head neutral is saying nothing. Neither. Positive or negative.. But if you say nothing it might as well be negative. 

If you can't say anything nice...Sorry I don't think your baby is cute. Congrats on your child an all but that's about all I can muster in general when it comes to babies. 


Babies suck. No one can convince me otherwise. Loud, demanding, fleshy sacks of poop. Blah lmao. 

Edited by RSG3
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What baffles me the most is how people can pinpoint similarities between the babies and their parents/relatives (eyes, nose, etc.). Like....I can never catch that shit. To me all babies look the same sans some minor differences, and you want me to compare them with grown ups? Maybe when they hit the 3-4 year old mark....

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2 minutes ago, Lantis said:

What baffles me the most is how people can pinpoint similarities between the babies and their parents/relatives (eyes, nose, etc.). Like....I can never catch that shit. To me all babies look the same sans some minor differences, and you want me to compare them with grown ups? Maybe when they hit the 3-4 year old mark....

Depends on the feature.. If the kids has a flat nose or a specific hair or eye color.. You can identify which parent its from

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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

I dunno...i guess I would like more on what they mean by "Neutral." My sister and my brother both had their first kids last year and I mean I'm happy for them and offered congrats but I'm not super excited about it like everyone else is. I'm just like "Yea...that cool. No I don't want to hold your baby." I get they are my niece and nephew but I don't want really much to do with your baby, I do not like babies, they do not fill me with joy. I don't hate them in just completely un-interested them And tend to have little nice to say about them, even my own families babies. 


Hit me up when your kid is r or 5 and I'll be 1,000x more interested. Truly. Kids are awesome. Babies are the worst lol. 


So yea I'd like to know more about what they mean by neutral. 

I think most dudes feel that way, and I definitely wasn't super clucky about kids until I had my own. Babies are just kind of bumps on logs until they can start smiling or laughing or whatever but once they get a little older they're funny as fuck. My kid will fart at the most hilarious times, and like BIG farts, not little squeakers either. 🤣


I honestly don't even get that bent out of shape about a baby crying in public, yeah it's kind of annoying, but the kid's doing it for a reason, it's not like they're purposely doing it to be assholes like a lot of things adults do.

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