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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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11 minutes ago, Hecatom said:


1) You are aware that the game is not owned by ASW, so if anything the infrastructure would be under Neople.

2) Is a beta, of course they wouldn't havbe all the infrastructure up, specially when they are testing multiple stuff beside stability of netcode.

Like stress on the servers, the back end, etc.


People expecting a beta to be on par to when the game is released is ridiculous.

If anything, those betas are meant to iron this kind of stuff.

To catch any issues they could have and start seeing how much infrastructure would be needed.

co-developed by Neople, Arc System Works, and Eighting, and published by Nexon.


No one's expecting the game to be perfect... We expect to actually go online and playing a fighting game against people. We are expecting the bare minimum and not getting that. 


They announced rollback which is cute if we could play people 


Edited by Maxx
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the guest on F&F tonight brought up an interesting question I've also wondered about ever since seeing that one girl from SWV back in the 90s.... when women have those super-long fingernails...just how do they go about wiping their ass after a shit?  I imagine they might accidentally cut or badly scratch their own asshole...then there's also the obvious problem of her getting shit on her nails...maybe even a skidmark on a nail or 2.  At the very least, those nails will just generally be "in the way" of adequately wiping your ass.


Edit---the topic of borrowing money = hell nah...just generally speaking.  I learned quite a long time ago to stop being generous.  Usually it's enabling the person and WILL become a pattern, since a lot of people are just bums....and they always will be that.  That shit annoys me...when there's someone that is seemingly ok with existing forever as a parasite on someone else's cashflow.

Edited by MillionX
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12 minutes ago, MillionX said:

Edit---the topic of borrowing money = hell nah...just generally speaking.  I learned quite a long time ago to stop being generous.  Usually it's enabling the person and WILL become a pattern, since a lot of people are just bums....and they always will be that.  That shit annoys me...when there's someone that is seemingly ok with existing forever as a parasite on someone else's cashflow.

I only lend money for real emergencies, but if I lend it I consider it a gift and don't expect to be paid back.  I find it makes friendships better to not be hanging that over anyone's head.   I don't do it often and it has to be something major like medical bills, funeral costs, etc.

Edited by J-ride
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I only lend money to one of my brothers because he always pays back every time. If I have it to lend he can borrow it. I don't ask what it's for, it's none of my business. 


I don't lend to my other brother ever for all the normal reasons. 

Edited by RSG3
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I stopped letting people borrow other things too, like games or music CDs back when that was a thing (I'm one of the few people that still uses CDs).  I kept noticing that you always get that object back in worse condition, so fuck that.  Oh and that's if you even get it back at all.  I remember one so-called "friend of a friend" who *borrowed* a playstation game I didn't play was a bit of a disappointment...but OF COURSE I never saw this person ever again in life.  Fortunately, as mentioned I didn't care much for that game so it wasn't a huge loss.


It could also be that "Memphis experience" as well....since that city is trash and it's best to have only the lowest expectations of anyone who is a native there.


..and yeah, it's a kind of therapy... a feel-good thing for me to take any chance I can get to shit on that embarrassing excuse for a "city".  Fuck that fly-ridden cesspool.  I doubt even 100 years of attempted gentrification can fix it.

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Re loaning money: I genuinely don’t mind but also I’m very selective. I Zelle my best friend money whenever she may need it cause I know she’s always good for it. She’ll either pay me back when she gets paid or she’ll pay me back through buying my something like dinner or whatever. 

she does the same for me and I repay her when I get paid by the same means, just zelle’ing her back or helping cover something like buying dinner or groceries if I’m coming over or whatever 

Edited by iStu X
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1 hour ago, Maxx said:

more dumb shit



Again, is a fucking beta man, expecting to be perfect as if it was a full released game is idiotic, the whole point of this is to test stuff on the server side to have it ready for when it releases.


One thing will be if the game is already released, you paid money and was like many other instances where the game is released with broken online.

But complaining about a beta?

Nah fam, that is not only whack, but also moronic.


Seeing how they have been doing tweaks with each maintenance we can see that they are improving things on their end, so this beta test is serving its purpose which is to iron out the issues so when is released we dont have to deal with this shit.


Complaining about it is the epitome of 1st world problems.

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12 minutes ago, Hecatom said:


Again, is a fucking beta man, expecting to be perfect as if it was a full released game is idiotic, the whole point of this is to test stuff on the server side to have it ready for when it releases.


One thing will be if the game is already released, you paid money and was like many other instances where the game is released with broken online.

But complaining about a beta?

Nah fam, that is not only whack, but also moronic.


Seeing how they have been doing tweaks with each maintenance we can see that they are improving things on their end, so this beta test is serving its purpose which is to iron out the issues so when is released we dont have to deal with this shit.


Complaining about it is the epitome of 1st world problems.

My nigga did you even read what I wrote? I said no one's expecting it to be perfect. Did you like purposely ignore the fact I said that? 


It's called criticism. What do you want me tk say it's a perfect fucking beta? Lmfao. No bitch I'm gonna give criticism of the game and opinions. They wouldn't have a fuckin open beta if they didn't want people to critique it. Nor would they do surveys at the end of these betas if they didnt want critiques 

Edited by Maxx
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So the online works for 5-10 minutes at a time. When I'm actually online it's good..pretty sure I was playing some people in Asia.. Smooth online. Did notice any lag personally.

Also you can see the damn button. Mappings when your in someone's room online. So now I know where the super is now. 


When I was forced to play the cpu it was fuckin juggling my ass. I could stop laughing that they had this cpu on hard? Maybe it fucking would launch me into a supers and cancel into finishers or sumtin. Just casual 15-20 hit combos... All I'm seeing is agony and anime colors. 

Edited by Maxx
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damn... this story on Fox right now---about a guy who moved here from San Francisco... he mentioned paying 3300 a month in a bad part of town apparently?!  That's insane to me...but not too surprising.  The cost of living is so far off the deep end in comparison....both there and in New York City from what I hear.  It always surprises me that so many (non-rich) people would continue to stay there by choice.  I'd always rather be in a place where my money is a bit more effective in having a nice life.... like imagine you earn 300k a year but you're in some place where that's just "scraping by somewhat".  Nah, I'd rather be in a spot where 6 figures means you live like a goddamn king.  


Man...he mentioned 3300 a month... and the most I've paid was around 1200 (water included in the rent price) for a fairly decent 1-bedroom apartment, in a complex with gated entry and a very nice pool area, fitness center, tennis court, etc.  Cheapest was about 630-ish (which included 1 utility bill), and even that place was an "ok" 1-bedroom. 


edit---ha, at my old place it hasn't changed much.  In fact, you can get a 3-bedroom there for about 1,920

Edited by MillionX
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2 hours ago, MillionX said:

It always surprises me that so many (non-rich) people would continue to stay there by choice.

I read an article just recently about an economic analysis that showed that even for working poor, the higher pay for menial jobs in those places more than offsets the higher cost of living.


Like, I'm not about to run out and test that myself, but it does explain how NYC and SF don't just disintegrate from lack of people doing basic work.

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8 hours ago, RSG3 said:

I only lend money to one of my brothers because he always pays back every time. If I have it to lend he can borrow it. I don't ask what it's for, it's none of my business. 


I don't lend to my other brother ever for all the normal reasons. 



I'm the exact same way 🤣


Just keep your word and I don't mind assisting. To quote one of our former Presidents:


". . . Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.”

-George W. Bush



1 hour ago, Gimpy said:


Yet this seems like something Jimmy Pesto would do 🤣

Edited by OPTIMUS124
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7 hours ago, MillionX said:



Edit---the topic of borrowing money = hell nah...just generally speaking.  I learned quite a long time ago to stop being generous.  Usually it's enabling the person and WILL become a pattern, since a lot of people are just bums....and they always will be that.  That shit annoys me...when there's someone that is seemingly ok with existing forever as a parasite on someone else's cashflow.



All but about two people total that I've let borrow money have done EXACTLY what Million posted.  They just keep coming until you push them away.   Sad as it is, a LOT of people do seem to be okay with holding their hands out over making the money they need.  

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2 hours ago, MillionX said:

damn... this story on Fox right now---about a guy who moved here from San Francisco... he mentioned paying 3300 a month in a bad part of town apparently?!  That's insane to me...but not too surprising.  The cost of living is so far off the deep end in comparison....both there and in New York City from what I hear.  It always surprises me that so many (non-rich) people would continue to stay there by choice.  I'd always rather be in a place where my money is a bit more effective in having a nice life.... like imagine you earn 300k a year but you're in some place where that's just "scraping by somewhat".  Nah, I'd rather be in a spot where 6 figures means you live like a goddamn king.  


Man...he mentioned 3300 a month... and the most I've paid was around 1200 (water included in the rent price) for a fairly decent 1-bedroom apartment, in a complex with gated entry and a very nice pool area, fitness center, tennis court, etc.  Cheapest was about 630-ish (which included 1 utility bill), and even that place was an "ok" 1-bedroom. 


edit---ha, at my old place it hasn't changed much.  In fact, you can get a 3-bedroom there for about 1,920

Man, Now I'm gonna look around this area and see what I can find.

Kinda out of the blue topic, but PS5 players:  Do you have problems with your controller doing shit you didn't tell it to do?  

This fucker is throwing extra commands in which, in some games will simply get ignored, but in others it can go through and wreck whatever you're trying to do.  I submit as evidence, Wukong In Warframe.  This bitch be glitching up enough without the added headaches, so I hope this is just my imagination.  If not, PC Master Race here I come.

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^and hell yeah I'm there for it.  For a few years I kept thinking how great it would be to see that final story arc in animated form.  The ending was rushed, sadly...but hot DAMN it was awesome otherwise.


On another note--- More supervillain theme music... serious good stuff this time... sometimes I play certain games with this stuff in the background


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so i just watched the game of thrones tv show. 1st time. binge watched it for 2 weeks.


my thoughts.

i had no problem with last season.

but seeing reviews for each season. everyone shits on final season. after seeing final season. i had no problem with the final season. so i dont get the hate for the final season.


i think theres 2 big reason for the hate of the final season.

1) two of the final season eps had almost no dialogue. but were dedicated to war depictions.

the show's strength, imo, is the backstabbing, political intrigue, and behind closed doors dealings, that gives everyone a hard on. and having 2 episodes not having any of that, but having just war on display. i think alotta peeps found that boring. which i get. 


2) the dragon queen not ending up ever sitting on the iron throne. made alotta folks expecting to see it, lose their mind. couple that with the fact that this is the 21st "woke" century. and alotta of the woke mob having major issues with a show that had strong female characters in it, having said show reveal that number 1 "strong independent of needing a man" female, get jobbed by a strong male character. made the woke mob go bonkers. 

1st off, we all were cheering for dragon queen to reach the iron throne, but lets be honest, that bitch constantly insisting she should rule the world cuz she was entitled to cuz birthright, was getting tired real quick. by the end it sounded obnoxious as queen cunt of the lanesters family. couple that with the fact you could see the absolute power corrupting her absolutely slowly but surely. i wasnt surprised. lastly, i think her burning the city down with her dragon wasnt so much cuz she was mad the lanester cunt killed her friend, but more cuz..someone actually said no to her. and like all the power mad lords of the show, the dragon queen most def did not like anyone disobeying her. her losing her mind seemed more of reference to her dad, the mad king, that let the power also go to his head. i think thats the point of her dragon destroying the iron throne. so the cycle ends of every asshole trying to get in that chair that symbolizes power.


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1 hour ago, VirginDefiler said:

I think theres 2 big reason for the hate of the final season.

No dude. The hate for the last season is the

lazy-as-fuck writing and hamfisting everything into an abridged season after slowly building an entire fantasy world on screen. It was supposed to be a 10-season show with 10 episodes each season. Instead, the showrunners decided to fast track everything after they got a sniff of a contract from The Mouse.


They introduce fast travel all of a sudden. Dani turns into a completely different character seemingly overnight. They give the throne to a guy who was never even in the game. These are just a few examples of things they got wrong. 


To be fair, the show surpasses Martin's novels and so they ran out of written material. But still, they rushed it. 


And Jon Snow fucked his cousin.

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5 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

No dude. The hate for the last season is the

lazy-as-fuck writing and hamfisting everything into an abridged season after slowly building an entire fantasy world on screen. It was supposed to be a 10-season show with 10 episodes each season. Instead, the showrunners decided to fast track everything after they got a sniff of a contract from The Mouse.


They introduce fast travel all of a sudden. Dani turns into a completely different character seemingly overnight. They give the throne to a guy who was never even in the game. These are just a few examples of things they got wrong. 


To be fair, the show surpasses Martin's novels and so they ran out of written material. But still, they rushed it. 


And Jon Snow fucked his cousin.

LOL now you know how anime fans feel like when the anime goes past the Manga. The last season was a filler arc 

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"The Eighties" is on CNN right now... I thought this was more recent, actually; it's from 2016?!  Now it's on the late night shows... the arrival of David Letterman.  There was a clip just now reminding me that Jane Pauley (she was shown interviewing him) was really cute back then....ha, she snorts when laughing.  

Oh now they're talking about SCTV, and the talent that came out of that show.


niiiice... this is such a great trip down memory lane; now they're on that show Thirtysomething.  I didn't care for it but Mom was all about it; she was part of that target demo at the time.....from that right into L.A. Law... I watched that one though.  I really need that time machine.  People who are not of this generation just wouldn't truly know, tragically... I'm sure everyone says that about the time they grew up, but it was so great to be around in that era as "my time".  I wish they'd spend a bit more on each thing though... they go from one show to another quickly on this... as I was typing that up it went through about 3 shows, now on Moonlighting.  Cybil Shepherd was HOT back then....ah yeah... the characters on that show---that was some of the greatest romantic tension ever on prime time television, imo.  


The theme song from Moonlighting was the shit too... from the great Al Jarreau:

ah, now they're on about talk shows... they briefly mentioned Morton Downey Jr.--- hopefully they show that clip---there was one about smoking, and some woman was going on and on about an anti-smoking Morton Downey lights one up and blows a huge cloud in her face 🤣  I've never been a smoker or even saw the appeal of it but that was one of the funniest moments I've ever seen in a talk show like that.

Edited by MillionX
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3 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

so i just watched the game of thrones tv show. 1st time. binge watched it for 2 weeks.


my thoughts.

i had no problem with last season.

but seeing reviews for each season. everyone shits on final season. after seeing final season. i had no problem with the final season. so i dont get the hate for the final season.


i think theres 2 big reason for the hate of the final season.

1) two of the final season eps had almost no dialogue. but were dedicated to war depictions.

the show's strength, imo, is the backstabbing, political intrigue, and behind closed doors dealings, that gives everyone a hard on. and having 2 episodes not having any of that, but having just war on display. i think alotta peeps found that boring. which i get. 

  Reveal hidden contents

2) the dragon queen not ending up ever sitting on the iron throne. made alotta folks expecting to see it, lose their mind. couple that with the fact that this is the 21st "woke" century. and alotta of the woke mob having major issues with a show that had strong female characters in it, having said show reveal that number 1 "strong independent of needing a man" female, get jobbed by a strong male character. made the woke mob go bonkers. 

1st off, we all were cheering for dragon queen to reach the iron throne, but lets be honest, that bitch constantly insisting she should rule the world cuz she was entitled to cuz birthright, was getting tired real quick. by the end it sounded obnoxious as queen cunt of the lanesters family. couple that with the fact you could see the absolute power corrupting her absolutely slowly but surely. i wasnt surprised. lastly, i think her burning the city down with her dragon wasnt so much cuz she was mad the lanester cunt killed her friend, but more cuz..someone actually said no to her. and like all the power mad lords of the show, the dragon queen most def did not like anyone disobeying her. her losing her mind seemed more of reference to her dad, the mad king, that let the power also go to his head. i think thats the point of her dragon destroying the iron throne. so the cycle ends of every asshole trying to get in that chair that symbolizes power.



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5 hours ago, Chadouken said:

No dude. The hate for the last season is the

lazy-as-fuck writing and hamfisting everything into an abridged season after slowly building an entire fantasy world on screen. It was supposed to be a 10-season show with 10 episodes each season. Instead, the showrunners decided to fast track everything after they got a sniff of a contract from The Mouse.


They introduce fast travel all of a sudden. Dani turns into a completely different character seemingly overnight. They give the throne to a guy who was never even in the game. These are just a few examples of things they got wrong. 


To be fair, the show surpasses Martin's novels and so they ran out of written material. But still, they rushed it. 


And Jon Snow fucked his cousin.

she was his aunt.


i'll agree final season wouldve fared better with 3 extra eps making it a full 10 ep season. agreed. but i disagree about lazy writing.

it was fine.

if Knots Landing soap opera had a baby with Dungeons & Dragons, thats pretty much GOT.

its a soap opera with magic. its not hamlet.

we all watched to see the gossipy intrigue part. the high production value of the fantasy world was just the cherry on top of that decadent dessert.

the writing was fine for final season, imo


dani as in dragon queen? imo, she didnt turn overnight. maybe cuz i binge watched it but she was never really "good" to begin with.

1st she just lets her bro get murdered. not even cuz she got threatened. but cuz she started seeing herself as the chosen one which meant her bro is in the way. as for her liberating slaves. imo, she seemed more like any politician telling the people what they wanna hear, to get what she the places she liberated slaves had slaves far outnumber their masters. she gave me the vibe like if she walked into a city with only a few slaves. she wouldnt care about liberating them at all.

cuz she knew if she liberated the slaves when the slaves far outnumber the masters. she wins the city by winning the majority of the masses. it, her "goodness" for liberating slaves was just a strategic political ploy. nothing more. thats how i saw her motives and actions.


as for 3rd eye crip boy.

half way thru the show i just thought to myself.

3 characters are hella op.

1) dragon queen cuz 3 dragons. A tier

2) arya stark aka kunoichi with serious camo ninjitsu. A+ tier.

3)3rd eye crow crip S+ tier. cuz he can control minds and bodies. and see thru any creature's eyes. plus see the past memories. pfft. he can literally mind control the dragons bro. the dragon queen never had a chance. no one can beat him. 


so yea im not shocked he became king. as for the midget nominating him. i just thought his ass was trying to name anyone since he couldnt name jon snow due to snow being in he hockey penalty box. but everyone by that time knew crip boy was strong due to super powers of sight. tho. no one in that group knew he could control minds since the few that knew his mind control powers were dead.


Edited by VirginDefiler
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