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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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also, i hate the lord of the rings.

i've hated it since i was a child. long before the peter jackson films ever existed. 

only thing worse is the hobbit. which also stinks. 

i found tolkien's stories incredibly boring af.


i remember telling friends back in the early 90s how tolkien's lotr was incredibly popular in the english speaking world, and that hollywood is gonna eventually make movies about it. due to its massive fan base.

and i also remember telling same said friends not to bother watching em cuz his stories are dull, slow paced and boring. cuz they are. 

tolkien is the only person i know that can take nordic mythology which is so fun and somehow make it a boring snoozefest.

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this Flash cast show is another marathon ----I fell asleep right near the start of it... woke up and that same show as still going.  They are about at the end now but it's been 7 hours, 5 minutes so far... the guy is still reading superchats 😆  


This would normally be Dark Shadows time, but unfortunately Decades is doing their usual marathon of something over the weekend... and it's the Monkees. 👎  I was never a fan of that show.


...I miss being a kid and having much more energy and spare time; it just hit me while enjoying Kingdoms of Amalur yesterday---as a kid, or even a college student; school would already have been out by now, and I'd have nothing but free-time all day every day to spend quality time with Amalur and any other game, movie or show that I care about.  I only really had enough energy/time to play that and Diablo 3 for a little while yesterday.  


On another note---a toilet on some stairs?  Yeah.


Edited by MillionX
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Random, but Louis C.K.'s new special is out now and it's pretty good. It's only available at his site, but I'm sure you can find a trailer for it somewhere. I heard he got an ad on one of SNL's commercial breaks though. I'm wondering how the hell he pulled that off. Heck, would the audience of SNL even rock with him like that?


EDIT: Random again, but I hate hearing in response to this special dropping and Louis continuing to do stuff in general that "cancel culture doesn't exist." Really? Louis had multi-million dollar deals at the time his scandal happened. Now he's back to just doing standup, touring, and putting specials out on his website. If that ain't cancelled, I don't know what is. Just because he's scratching out a living still doesn't mean it didn't happen. Hell, I agree with it in his case. But he's not a Weinstein or a Cosby. People act like he shouldn't be able to make any living whatsoever from here on out.

Edited by axeman61
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9 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

1st she just lets her bro get murdered.

Viserys spent his entire life treating Dani as a sexual object, molesting her and then selling her off to be married and raped by Khal Drogo. Once she embraced her position and fell in love with Drogo, I don't think she had a problem with him killing her piece of shit brother.


If you liked the way the series ended, that's fine. I thought it was terrible fan fic and there's no way the books end like that (if Martin lives long enough to finish them). But I don't think people were mad that Dani didn't get the throne. I'd say most people were pulling for Jon Snow, and the show clearly pointed towards him being the true king by the end of it. Instead, he is imprisoned for killing an insane bitch who was laying waste to an entire city, and then has to go back to the wall? Horseshit.


And no pay off for Jaime's character arc either. You see him spend seven seasons changing into a better man, only to go back to Cersei at the end and die like a bitch.


It all just fell kinda flat for me. Had nothing to do with wokeness or episodes being dedicated to large battles. If anything, those battles were the best episodes in the final season. I just felt insulted having invested so much time into the show for it to be completely rushed at the end after Benioff and Weiss signed a deal to do a Star Wars trilogy and get that Disney money.  They dropped the ball on Game of Thrones.

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10 minutes ago, J-ride said:

Martin is a lazy fuck and will never finish GOT.  I'm honestly surprised he hasn't hired Sanderson to finish his book series, then we'd get some progress toward completion.

That's likely what will happen. Martin will pull a Jordan and die before he finishes and Sanderson will write the end 😂 I can't imagine Martin is in great health these days. What's amazing is how someone like Stephen King can be so fucking prolific and just turn out novel after novel, and then these fantasy authors get so stuck in the mud.

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Meh, first 3 GoT books are really solid.  Martin fucked up by not doing the time skip he originally planned for book 4, and since then he's just paralyzed by the sheer amount of attention on him over it.  That sucks, but I get it.  I actually have more negative feelings about the show runners, because it would have been comparatively easy for them to shit out a better ending for the show.

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4 hours ago, axeman61 said:

Random, but Louis C.K.'s new special is out now and it's pretty good....

Yeah after he got cancelled I saw him in a local bar with for just a few bucks cover and two drink minimum.  Can you imagine?  Selling out stadiums then a few months later you are doing dive bars again?  He was pretty funny and was interacting with the audience and even made SPICY jokes about his current situation.    

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1 hour ago, Chadouken said:

That's likely what will happen. Martin will pull a Jordan and die before he finishes and Sanderson will write the end 😂 I can't imagine Martin is in great health these days. What's amazing is how someone like Stephen King can be so fucking prolific and just turn out novel after novel, and then these fantasy authors get so stuck in the mud.

I don't know how he does it. Writing is hard. 

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@Darc_RequiemI think Stephen King is a mixed bag, when he is on, he writes absolute FIIIIIRRRREEEE stories, but when he is off, BOY is he ever off.  I think Cujo hands down is the worst thing he ever wrote, and even King tells people not to read it.  I think another author who is similar is Crichton, his top books were pretty incredible sci fi, but his worst book is so bad it's hard to even describe what happened in that book because it's sounds silly to put on paper the laughable things that occur in that book.  Basically some scientists make a super smart monkey hybrid and try to raise it as a normal boy.  Now, I want you to imagine a money/human hybrid and then they just send this kid to school and then try and take the rest of this book seriously.  I had stop reading it several times because I was absolutely bewildered by how terrible the book was.

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On 12/18/2021 at 2:51 PM, Maxx said:

I like zoning like an asshole 😂. But Im just mashing to survive in these streets



how is this nigga not copyright infringement?

he is clearly dante.

he is doing all of dante's gunslinger moves.

he's doing



and twosome time. like wtf.

its a actuall copy paste of his special moves man.

it would be funny if capcom would put out a cease and desist on dnf duel over infringement lol

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1 minute ago, VirginDefiler said:

how is this nigga not copyright infringement?

he is clearly dante.

he is doing all of dante's gunslinger moves.

he's doing



and twosome time. like wtf.

its a actuall copy paste of his special moves man.

it would be funny if capcom would put out a cease and desist on dnf duel over infringement lol

LOL I call him breakdancing Dante. 

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I get that type of talk from the dentist. I'm congratulated on my teeth (though I still have an underbite) even though I do the absolute bare minimum.


My doctor has been on me about my weight so long that I think he wants to straight up say "hey man, you want bitches right? There's NO WAY they're checking for you in the club, the library, or anywhere bitches congregate".


Random, but Happy Birthday Dangerous J.

Edited by axeman61
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