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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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17 hours ago, J-ride said:

#Respect for those goalies fighting it out, that almost never happens.

They used to call this guy "The Warchief". One of the scariest goalies ever, 2:18 he leaves the crease to just annihilate dudes and leave the net wide open lol 


I think he was probably one of those players who loved the snow on the ice, absolute psycho

Edited by elliephil
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I just noticed one of the cute girls from "8 at the Table" has a tattoo of a gun between her tits.... yeahhh that's going to be a significant point deduction right there, dawg.

It's not a complete disqualifier, and of course we've all seen worse but that's terrible.  That particular area is also one of the "forbidden zones" for tats, imo.  The others are the booty and thighs...I'm inclined to include the lower portion of the leg as well; ideally, I don't want to see any ink on the legs at all....but I'll say the lower leg having something is at least *tolerable*... sometimes.

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i recently upgraded my net speed from 300mbps dl to 1 gig.

and im sorta regretting since i dont really truly need 1 gig download speed...and im not sure i wanna pay 40 extra bucks a month for something i dont really need since 300 download is fast enuff. now i regret the impulsive upgrade.

cuz its not like i play alotta fighting games to need net that fast i just play dbfz and thats it. hmmm

i was thinking of calling my provider to cancel it..but the new modem and router  are in the mail already.

so i havent really tried it.

any of yall have 1 gig speed? how is it? is it worth it? or just unnecessary?

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19 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

any of yall have 1 gig speed? how is it? is it worth it? or just unnecessary?

I have 900 mb speed and its worth it because my wife and I both work from home sometimes and have to connect to VPNs ave do large file transfers. But the extra bandwidth also allows me to game online and her to stream simultaneously without any lag in connections. I pay about $60 a month for it, and I have my own modem/router. I'm pretty happy with the service.

Edited by Chadouken
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53 minutes ago, Sonero said:


Fresh & Fit are, and let me get this straight: FUCKING CLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWNS.


I have no idea how people watch their bullshit ass show.

They were even exposed for pulling some Weinstein expectations on some IG models and even after the girls posted receipts their channel didn't get nuked which is bonkers after #metoo.  I really want to know how the fuck they are able to skate that kind of heat and not get into any trouble with the google illuminati. 

Edited by J-ride
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I've been married 10 years and I wouldn't buy my wife a vacuum for birthday/christmas because even though they might HINT that's what they want if you actually get it they will hold it over your head for years afterwards.  You probably got setup too.  One year my wife said no Xmas gifts but then pulled out a gift on Xmas and started a huge fight with me about not getting her anything.  About 30 minutes into the fight I brought her gift out and gave it to her showing her that I didn't fall for her setup and knew the whole operation was an act of female entrapment.  #STAYWOKE

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Little Women: LA is on... Elena on there is quite alright; she's a "regular" little person, y'know with the normal body proportions, as opposed to a dwarf.  Sadly she got some butt implants on one of the episodes that aired earlier though... but yeah she could definitely get pounced on. 


Heh, her boyfriend is a normal-height black dude; I salute him for managing to check off some boxes on the list of certain fantasies and fetishes he probably has going on.

approval GIF


Unfortunately it's been extremely rare that I've even met a "little person", actually.  I've only seen a fine one in person 2 times in life before... one of which was an old friend's sister so naturally I wasn't sure it would've been ok....and actually she was already hooked up with someone anyway.

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6 hours ago, Sonero said:


Fresh & Fit are, and let me get this straight: FUCKING CLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWNS.


I have no idea how people watch their bullshit ass show.

They have 2 kinds of fans:

1.) People who know they're clowns and watch just because of their guests and the dumb shit the fine-ass girls they bring on say.

2.) The desperate who really believe the shit they spew.


That's my take on it anyway. I don't get it either. I'm a virgin with no relationship experience and these dudes come off as lame to me. Even if I was down bad enough to pay somebody to teach me "game", it would never be those two. So, reason 1, I think, would be the main reason people watch. They do work hard to secure their guests and shit, so I guess I'd give them that.

Edited by axeman61
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17 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

“Implants are a very versatile technology that can be used for many different things, and nowadays it is very convenient to have an always-accessible COVID passport on your implant,” Sjöblad said in the video.


Think the only other person who would've heard of this implants would be reticently, but those implant companies have been trying to meme these fucking things since like the 90s. The best they were able to do was get them into dog's necks to help reunite them with owners (which is 💯 awesome).


So this isn't that there is a microchip that is being made for the vax. Its some company sitting on decades old tech trying to say "hey we can totally do this too pretty please for the love of fucking god buy our shit and do this because we need the cash".

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sheeeittt, I still watch Fresh & Fit since it is a reliable source of random crazy shit along with female guests making fools of themselves, basically.  On top of that, there's the live chat which is merciless all the time, just as any self-respecting live chat should be.  That's a recipe that always makes for a good time in my book.


It would be nice if they did the "Call or text your male friend right now..." bit more often.  I never get tired of seeing the results of that unfold live on a show....especially when the girl in question swears up and down her "bestie" guy friend "isn't like that" or "he would never!" 🤣  It's so delicious seeing that get proven wrong time and time again...and watching the girl's reaction as the realization hits her right then and there.

james franco sandwich GIF

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ah, Tommy reporting on some more hoodrat shenanigans as usual, I see; this one was too dumb to care that she was caught on camera, apparently...

(**EDIT---or I guess it's possible that she realizes that the American justice system is a pathetic joke, *and* that since she's a woman, she's entitled to do whatever the hell she wants without fear of any serious consequences)


Edited by MillionX
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I don't know what's more impressive: how retarded the CNN guy was in presenting the information, how equally as retarded the young rippa guy was in his analysis back the the insane level of retardation you find yourself in linking that whole bullshit.


Its a whole 13 minute video on easily answered questions. I'm fucking amazed.

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I never brought him up, but that YoungRippa guy seems like a prime example of a dumbass who thinks he's smart. At least, when talking about Covid. I don't know much about him and other topics, and I never delved hard into it. But what little I've seen of him talking about other stuff feels like the dumbass trend stays consistent. He's one of those anti-sjw types, which are starting to be as annoying as sjws themselves.


But I think we should refrain from calling each other retarded. Unless one of us does something retarded.

Edited by axeman61
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Rippah catches my attention on the race/gender swap issue going on in entertainment... I tend to agree with him on that.  It's an odd thing though; my general reaction has gone from being irritated and annoyed to just sitting back and laughing at the absurdity at this point. that tv miniseries where Anne Boleyn was played by a chocolate-skinned woman...and of course they didn't even have the excuse of it being fiction there; Anne was a real person. 🤣  It's also amusing how when it's a race or gender swap 1 way that's an unacceptable thing...but when it's the other way around... like when they more than likely have a woman that looks like Viola Davis playing Jean Grey a few years from now... or they make Gambit a woman... suddenly there's all kinds of rationalizations and excuses thrown on the table to discuss why that's perfectly reasonable... usually by your average "Well ACTUALLY..." Comic-Book-Guy sounding dork.


I am definitely regretting that I never made a youtube channel to "react" to the usual race/gender-swap nonsense, because we've all seen that it nets EASY views and subcounts for the past few years now.  😆  


anyway, if I created a comic book story that caught on and became the next big thing... I'd prefer to have some stipulation in place that my characters are NOT to be changed like that, at least as long as I'm still around... preferably forever, really.  

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I really hate missing something great on youtube--- Tommy Sotomayor just had to go live last night as I was already about 5 minutes away from Dreamland ----- with a video about "Flat-earthers vs. TransWomen.."(complete with listeners calling in) it wouldn't surprise me if that goes away soon... oddly enough I can still go back to it now but it's also "Unlisted"....whatever, it should be another juicy one for sure.  If I had the space I'd just find a way to save it (the file-size on multi-hour shows like this would be insane, I'm sure.) so I can check every last bit of that out later. 


It's a bit unfortunate we don't hear much from the flat-earther believers anymore, at least from what I see.  It's at least amusing to me that we still have people in 2021 that have this opinion.  Chris from the F&F show is one, but I'm never sure if he's just trolling or not 😆

Edited by MillionX
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I been telling my homegirl for YEARS to stop arguing, going live, engaging in mess and posting all her business on FB cuz she ALWAYS ends up in a bullshit situation. She didn't listen. Even tho this situation isn't initially their fault, she made it WORSE hopping on the internet, now because of those actions, her kids are about to possibly be taken by DHR


I don't necessarily feel bad for her, cuz she's been warned many times by me and others, she actually is a good mom however but I feel bad for those kids. Im praying she keeps her kids and this situation scares her into finally stopping the bullshit she does to herself and gets her on the right path but I'm not holding my breath 🤦🏾‍♂️

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