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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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11 minutes ago, J-ride said:

Disney fucked around and they are definitely about to find out.  Wonder if their wokeness applies to them paying their fair share in taxes?

Bro the only one fucking around and finding out is DeSantis. Disney still pays the highest taxes in Florida despite the special treatment, they are the largest source of revenue for the entire state, on top of being Florida's largest employer. 


Disney's just gonna ask any other state if they would like billions in revenue yearly and move and Florida is gonna be stuck holding the bag  Not really sure why you think this is gonna hurt Disney all that much, this fucks over Floridians way more then it does Goofy Disney.


Not sure how biting the hand that feeds the state is such a good idea. 

Edited by RSG3
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9 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Bro the only one fucking around and finding out is DeSantis. Disney still pays the highest taxes in Florida despite the special treatment, they are the largest source of revenue for the entire state, on top of being Florida's largest employer. 


Disney's just gonna ask any other state if they would like billions in revenue yearly and move and Florida is gonna be stuck holding the bag  Not really sure why you think this is gonna hurt Disney all that much, this fucks over Floridians way more then it does Goofy Disney.


Not sure how biting the hand that feeds the state is such a good idea. 

Welp it seems Texas is gonna get the Disneyland they always wanted

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2 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Bro the only one fucking around and finding out is DeSantis. Disney still pays the highest taxes in Florida despite the special treatment, they are the largest source of revenue for the entire state, on top of being Florida's largest employer. 


Disney's just gonna ask any other state if they would like billions in revenue yearly and move and Florida is gonna be stuck holding the bag  Not really sure why you think this is gonna hurt Disney all that much, this fucks over Floridians way more then it does Goofy Disney.


Not sure how biting the hand that feeds the state is such a good idea. 

They can't save so much in taxes under the current arrangement that they'll just pick up and move their Florida businesses with that privilege revoked. If they DO float the idea of moving, it'll probably be about more than the taxes saved.

Edited by axeman61
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Way to go, DeSantis. You're about to dump $1 billion in bonds debt into the laps of local governments because you're butthurt about Disney not supporting your right to restrict other people's freedoms.  Gonna be hilarious when taxes go up for Orange County residents because of this.

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24 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

They can't save so much in taxes under the current arrangement that they'll just pick up and move their Florida businesses with that privilege revoked. If they DO float the idea of moving, it'll probably be about more than the taxes saved.

I don't think you have looked into how much money Disney brings to Florida. It's not about how much they save. It's about who actually benefits who. 


Edit: Dude, what is with people starting shit with Mike fucking Tyson in small enclosed spaces. You know you're locked in there with him right?

Edited by RSG3
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19 minutes ago, Chadouken said:


Way to go, DeSantis. You're about to dump $1 billion in bonds debt into the laps of local governments because you're butthurt about Disney not supporting your right to restrict other people's freedoms.  Gonna be hilarious when taxes go up for Orange County residents because of this.

Maaaan...DeSantis is a dumbass goes without saying.  Disney World is one of the main attractions for most people really wanting to set foot in FL aside from the other lesser resorts and Miami in general.  Dude has to know that the mouse has ultimate FU money.  To the point that even if it wouldn't be sound from a business stand point they could easily start building a park elsewhere in a different state if they really wanted to and gradually just shut down their FL business.  Its super unlikely that they'll do that but the fact that they CAN if they wanted to should be something DeSantis should consider if he keeps fucking around with them.

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amber heards lawyer is whipping out the ole "vagina can do no wrong. testicles = guilty" nonsense by quoting the things he said about violence and by bringing his past fights he had with other men. no females. but just guya.


also that guy deserves getting hit by mike cuz i hate assholes that act stupid on planes. i just wanna land safe n sound. i dont want my pilot distracted damnit

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55 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

amber heards lawyer is whipping out the ole "vagina can do no wrong. testicles = guilty" nonsense by quoting the things he said about violence and by bringing his past fights he had with other men. no females. but just guya.


also that guy deserves getting hit by mike cuz i hate assholes that act stupid on planes. i just wanna land safe n sound. i dont want my pilot distracted damnit

The courts are the biggest simps on earth so I wouldn't be surprised if it worked.  I had an in-law whose wife left their two year old in a hotel by himself to go clubbing and they still gave the wife custody after the divorce.


The starting shit get hit rule is 100% how I operate in real life.  I generally am respectful and don't go out of my way to start shit and I especially wouldn't be starting shit with Iron Mike, but that's just me.  Mike did nothing wrong!



Edited by J-ride
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For the record, Disney is NOT going to spend millions/billions to make a new theme park/resort in the US unless it's an expansion of an existing one. Heck they can't even be bothered to fix the rides that exist here now.  WDW in Florida is in too deep and it's not going to uproot 50 years there despite what happened. In the past few months Disney was shifting jobs (a few thousand) from CA to Florida so this is awkward for the company. 


"They have the money" yes but they're not going to spend it for a whole new resort in the US. 

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1 hour ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

Fuck disney.  If florida needs shit like that to keep going then they're fucked anyhow. 

I get tired of corporations getting sweetheart tax deals in general.  I own a small LLC and I get audited and fucked over with nearly zero tax breaks so I don't have much sympathy for a corporation whose activism brought the legislative hammer down on themselves.  PAY WHAT YOU OWE BIIIIIITTTTTTTCCCHHHHH!!!!

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6 hours ago, J-ride said:

Disney fucked around and they are definitely about to find out.  Wonder if their wokeness applies to them paying their fair share in taxes?

Wait till he feels the force . . . 






6 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Bro the only one fucking around and finding out is DeSantis. Disney still pays the highest taxes in Florida despite the special treatment, they are the largest source of revenue for the entire state, on top of being Florida's largest employer. 


Disney's just gonna ask any other state if they would like billions in revenue yearly and move and Florida is gonna be stuck holding the bag  Not really sure why you think this is gonna hurt Disney all that much, this fucks over Floridians way more then it does Goofy Disney.


Not sure how biting the hand that feeds the state is such a good idea. 

Agreed. Let them pull out; it'll set them on track for the state to become America's dingleberry. 

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1 minute ago, J-ride said:

Not at the price per acre of land these days.  Disney is way less liquid than you think, most of their money is tied up right now.  It would NOT be cheap to pull out of Florida.

I never said it would be cheap either :coffee:

Edited by RSG3
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Disney will probably negotiate some sort of voluntary "contribution" so they don't have to give up their tax status.  Cheaper for them than real tax. and the state will get to avoid finding out who has deeper pockets for lawyers.


Happens in Pittsburgh all the time, where the biggest tax base institutions are all actually structured as "non-profits" to dodge that Federal.

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1 hour ago, J-ride said:

I get tired of corporations getting sweetheart tax deals in general.  I own a small LLC and I get audited and fucked over with nearly zero tax breaks so I don't have much sympathy for a corporation whose activism brought the legislative hammer down on themselves.  PAY WHAT YOU OWE BIIIIIITTTTTTTCCCHHHHH!!!!


What in the flaming fuck are you going on about? holy shit look up what the whole thing is:




Walt Disney Co. proposed the Reedy Creek Improvement District in the mid-1960s in a remote area of Orange and Osceola counties. It allows Disney to operate like its own county government and is responsible for municipal services such as power, water, fire prevention and road maintenance. It also means Disney doesn’t need approval from local planning commissions if it wants to build new structures.

The reason special districts were created was so taxpayers who don’t benefit from the services of the special district aren’t required to pay for it through taxes.

A huge benefit of special districts is making tax-exempt purchases for the services they provide and issuing municipal bonds for major infrastructure projects at a much lower interest rate, said Chris Lyon, an attorney who deals with special districts.

The measure lawmakers are considering would not permanently terminate the Reedy Creek Improvement District, but it would phase it out on June 1, 2023, and allow the special district to reestablish on or after that date.

If legislators approve the bill, as is expected, Disney would be able to go to the state Legislature in Tallahassee next year and request it be reestablished, likely under more limited capabilities and powers.


Walt Disney World is a massive complex. They own an insane amount of acreage of which they turned most of it into wildlife refuge and random sanctuaries. The special tax situation has fuck all to do with some weird sweetheart deal. Its about practicality. They let the company operate how they need to, the whole state benefits from it being there.


Disney are hall of fame shit ass went it comes to a lot of copyright shit (which by all means feel free to shit on) but this is nothing more than DeSantis grandstanding and just coming up with a way to be petty for political expediency. Not only that, it makes the life of people in the districts WDW is at harder on them.


This shit is even dumber now. Disney has had a gay or week for decades. Literal decades of them being supportive of homosexuals in their parks. They also have hilarious amount of LGBT people working in random areas of the park. When I worked there it was something like 90% of the entertainment portion of the park (people playing the characters, doing the daily shows etc) were gay.



I don't know how the fuck people get hyped over being shimmied politically for the other side. All this goofy grandstanding about woke politics, but this basically pandering in the stupidest way possible to people like you. So what are your pronouns gonna be on this one: McConnell/Boebert?

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@SoneroIf I'm reading your post correctly, basically DeSantis is going to cost taxpayer's more money because they will have to foot the bill for shit Disney is currently paying for. Based on my understanding of what you wrote, you are dead on. It's classic case of a politician uses the public's ignorance on subject to seem like they "standing up for them". While in actuality, they are reaching into their wallets and costing them money.

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29 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

@SoneroIf I'm reading your post correctly, basically DeSantis is going to cost taxpayer's more money because they will have to foot the bill for shit Disney is currently paying for. Based on my understanding of what you wrote, you are dead on. It's classic case of a politician uses the public's ignorance on subject to seem like they "standing up for them". While in actuality, they are reaching into their wallets and costing them money.

Yes, which is why I said Disney could, if they where petty enough, fuck him over hard core by moth balling the park and moving. They won't because as Reticently said they will negotiate a deal but if they wanted to call DeSantis bluff they could, and it would look awful for him in the long run. It's not just tax costs they are also one of if not the largest employer in Florida so that's a lot of jobs leaving to. So pay more with no job. 

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32 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

@SoneroIf I'm reading your post correctly, basically DeSantis is going to cost taxpayer's more money because they will have to foot the bill for shit Disney is currently paying for. Based on my understanding of what you wrote, you are dead on. It's classic case of a politician uses the public's ignorance on subject to seem like they "standing up for them". While in actuality, they are reaching into their wallets and costing them money.


My dislike of corporations is...short of enormous. They're massive, shitty, abusive entities which are essentially capitalistic golems who constantly act against the best interest of society in a multitude of ways. Disney by far being one of the biggest offenders as to their role in IP laws and copyright stuff.




This is basically a situation that makes having those parks at all tenable. I worked there years ago.  Its hard to wrap your head around how big the whole thing is because even the 4 parks aren't close to using all the land they own. The special district stuff is really a compromise to make the whole tenable .


Pretty sure DeSantis is riding the fact that the media purposefully misreported shit he did to go extra wild.  He is trying to punish Disney  more for taking back the donation they made to him than anything else. That's the part that's sort of bullshitty. DeSantis is trying to pretend he cares about anything while throwing a tantrum because he didn't get his pie from the company.


Its fucking dumb.

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Meanwhile in my country 2 wins for the people have happened.

The ex "president" Juan Orlando Hernandez aka JOH, was extradited to USA to be prosecuted for his drug trafficking crimes.

People were celebrating on the airport with music, food, fireworks, etc.


Also, the congress abolished the enclaves that the JOH's government was creating supposedly to attract foreign investment, but in reality as a way to create safe havens for him and his cronies.


It was an unanimous vote from all parties on the congress.


Edited by Hecatom
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6 minutes ago, Phantom_Miria said:

So, some shitty republican governor is raising taxes on a shitty disgusting corporation that pretends to care about social issues but it's really just trying to look good and make more money?


Actually its backwards. Shitty republican governor is going to do away with a special tax situation they created so that two different counties didn't have to spend money providing services to the disney parks.


Now they'll have to raise taxes to cover the park.


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