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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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Does anyone else know of a dude from Gen X or Millenial generations that is NOT a gamer?  This has always been a very odd phenomenon to me... it just seems like something that everyone from these generations was into....well, guys at least...and the amount of girls that got into gaming has increased significantly with each new generation.  I knew one guy from junior high and high school who was like this.  It's not even due to being from a poor family that can't afford it.....that's one scenario that comes to mind as a possible reason----no, the guy just wasn't into it.  It was one of the most "Twilight Zone" moments ever when I realized that dude was like that....almost like he was from the Boomer or Silent generations instead.  I remember that on some field trip, while the rest of us were playing games in an arcade, he was just kinda standing around since videogames in general wasn't his thing.  Even the stereotypical jocks that were more concerned with playing whatever sport for the school more than likely had a NES or Master System, or later SNES and Genesis like other kids (*assuming middle-class parents that can afford it of course)


It's as strange to me as if there was a person who said "Yeahhhh I just don't listen to, not specific genres...just music in general.  It's not my thing."

Or---"eh, I'm not into watching movies at all."  or any other form of entertainment the vast majority of people enjoy.  It's bizarre to this person is really an alien that doesn't understand that 1 aspect of the human experience.  Normally, people might not be into 1 or more genres (like I can't stand visual novels and turn-based rpg stuff...and with movies it's hard for me to take "romcoms" seriously at all) but they at least like something from that medium of entertainment.


haha that dude also happened to be a big-time chubby chaser.  The BBWs were definitely his thing, at least....of course he ended up married to one.

Edited by MillionX
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Honestly, a lot of the conversation around Gina Carano is just silly to me. Keep bending to Twitter to people that don't buy your products and see how that works out for your bottom line. Canning her did more damage to Disney than it did to her. She isn't hurting for money. They literally scuttled an entire series, Rangers of the Republic and allegedly a second series, due axing Cara Dune. How much did that cost them? That's not including them having to shuffle their entire programming line up. They cancelled Star Wars figures that actually sold because of this. The bag was fumbled but it was by Disney.


People would financial security do or say things at the job that most of us can't. Would she have taken this stand if she was struggling actress that needed the cash? Nope. Would Darc be at this job he hates if his finances allowed it? Nope.

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They both dropped massive bags, stop it. She just has the benefit of Daddies money so fucking up the deal of a lifetime isn't the end for her like it would be the vast majority of people. 


She's privileged enough to fuck up and not have to deal with the real world fall out thay comes with it. 


Same for Disney. Yea they lost some money and work. They really don't care in the long run, doesn't even come close to matching their biggest financial losses. 

Edited by RSG3
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21 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

They both dropped massive bags, stop it. She just has the benefit of Daddies money so fucking up the deal of a lifetime isn't the end for her like it would be the vast majority of people. 


She's privileged enough to fuck up and not have to deal with the real world fall out thay comes with it. 


Same for Disney. Yea they lost some money and work. They really don't care in the long run, doesn't even come close to matching their biggest financial losses. 

You act like she didn't have any kind of career before the Star Wars show lol


Why is this guy even bringing her up? How long ago did all that shit happen?

Edited by DoctaMario
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Just now, DoctaMario said:

So just like every other time this happens and they inevitably vote to raise debt ceiling and life goes on like it always has with them continuing to spend way more than is necessary/responsible?

Not really, because the concessions McCarthy made to become Speaker mean that he has to satisfy every single member of his caucus on the debt ceiling before he can put a reauthorization through.  Else his Speakership goes up for a re-vote again. 


So there's a high chance of shit-show, with the goofiest Congress members having the leverage to shut the whole government down.

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18 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

You act like she didn't have any kind of career before the Star Wars show lol

No I don't. She was a decent enough fighter before Star Wars. She had some money. 


19 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Why is this guy even bringing her up? How long ago did all that shit happen?

I don't know, why you asking me? Go ask him, he's on Twitter lol. 

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30 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

They both dropped massive bags, stop it. She just has the benefit of Daddies money so fucking up the deal of a lifetime isn't the end for her like it would be the vast majority of people. 


She's privileged enough to fuck up and not have to deal with the real world fall out thay comes with it. 


Same for Disney. Yea they lost some money and work. They really don't care in the long run, doesn't even come close to matching their biggest financial losses. 

Most of this just restating what I said. She's financially secure. Whether its "daddy's money" or not. That gave her the ability speak her mind and not be destitute because of it. Her net worth is 4 million dollars. So with or without "daddy's money" she'll be okay.


Disney is in the red and their board is practically in a civil war right now. The situation between Chapek, Iger, and their CFO isn't a good look. Giving away money when you are in the red is an L.

14 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

So just like every other time this happens and they inevitably vote to raise debt ceiling and life goes on like it always has with them continuing to spend way more than is necessary/responsible?

IIRC the McCarthy, in order to get votes to be Speaker. Agreed to not raise the debt ceiling. We'll see what happens in June. 

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1 minute ago, RSG3 said:

No I don't. She was a decent enough fighter before Star Wars. She had some money. 


I don't know, why you asking me? Go ask him, he's on Twitter lol. 

You said she was coasting on family money which, as far as I can tell, isn't true.


As for the second part, I'm just wondering what the point is outside of trying to dunk on her is all.

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6 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

You said she was coasting on family money which, as far as I can tell, isn't true.


As for the second part, I'm just wondering what the point is outside of trying to dunk on her is all.

It's just to dunk on her lol. I'm confused why you're trying to look for a deeper meaning from a Twitter post thats just dunking on her. I'd bet yoy money I don't have that was the only goal, that and to farm easy likes. 

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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Honestly, a lot of the conversation around Gina Carano is just silly to me. Keep bending to Twitter to people that don't buy your products and see how that works out for your bottom line. Canning her did more damage to Disney than it did to her. She isn't hurting for money. They literally scuttled an entire series, Rangers of the Republic and allegedly a second series, due axing Cara Dune. How much did that cost them? That's not including them having to shuffle their entire programming line up. They cancelled Star Wars figures that actually sold because of this. The bag was fumbled but it was by Disney.


People would financial security do or say things at the job that most of us can't. Would she have taken this stand if she was struggling actress that needed the cash? Nope. Would Darc be at this job he hates if his finances allowed it? Nope.

It's clear from her current feed that if they'd bent the rules enough to allow her to stay on, she would've said even more dumb stuff. She might have even put them into an "Adidas" type situation where they had to drop her later in the game with a lot more money invested.


Yes, they suffered more than her in the moment, but it was still a good decision long-term.


Also, since it's being discussed, the point to dunking on her was to bring up how much she lost as her newer work flounders.

Edited by axeman61
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11 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Disney is in the red and their board is practically in a civil war right now. The situation between Chapek, Iger, and their CFO isn't a good look. Giving away money when you are in the red is an L.

And they'll eventually sort it out and continue on as usual. Like the entity that is the global existence of a corporation does not care. They will recover, this isn't even close to the worst situation they've been in. They'll recover, they'll move on and make more movies, shows, merchandise and Rollercoasters. They'll still be here 50 from years from now most likely. 


Wonder what Gina will be up to even 10 years now 🤔 


Either way the entire shit show from both parties is rather entertaining to watch regardless of who you are I think. 

Edited by RSG3
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45 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Most of this just restating what I said. She's financially secure. Whether its "daddy's money" or not. That gave her the ability speak her mind and not be destitute because of it. Her net worth is 4 million dollars. So with or without "daddy's money" she'll be okay.


Disney is in the red and their board is practically in a civil war right now. The situation between Chapek, Iger, and their CFO isn't a good look. Giving away money when you are in the red is an L.

I'm double posting here, but a.) they're NOT "giving away money" getting rid of someone who would only be a bigger problem later, and b.) Disney being in the red is temporary at best. Their net worth is still over 100+ billion. To imply they should have kept her on because it's not a good look to "lose" money is insane. They have enough to fire a CEO with a parachute package and keep moving along.

Edited by axeman61
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27 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

It's clear from her current feed that if they'd bent the rules enough to allow her to stay on, she would've said even more dumb stuff. She might have even put them into an "Adidas" type situation where they had to drop her later in the game with a lot more money invested.


Yes, they suffered more than her in the moment, but it was still a good decision long-term.


Also, since it's being discussed, the point to dunking on her was to bring up how much she lost as her newer work flounders.

Rules? What rules. You had people from Lucasfilm saying all kinds of out pocket shit on Twitter for years. Pablo Hidalgo being a prime example. Part of the reason the whole thing blew up is because she got canned and no one else did.

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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

It's just to dunk on her lol. I'm confused why you're trying to look for a deeper meaning from a Twitter post thats just dunking on her. I'd bet yoy money I don't have that was the only goal, that and to farm easy likes. 

I'm just wondering if there was some kind of event that happened recently that prompted him to bring her up. But I wouldn't even consider for a second trying to bet against you on that last part 😂

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39 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

I'm double posting here, but a.) they're NOT "giving away money" getting rid of someone who would only be a bigger problem later, and b.) Disney being in the red is temporary at best. Their net worth is still over 100+ billion. To imply they should have kept her on because it's not a good look to "lose" money is insane. They have enough to fire a CEO with a parachute package and keep moving along.

At work, so I'd already typed the other post before this. It's giving away money. If I get rid of someone that brings in money for people that don't support my product I'm giving away money. All that money they spent on Rangers of the Republic. Money they gave away. All the Cara Dune merchandise sales. Money they gave away. Twitter isn't their customer base. If that were the case sequel trilogy merchandise would sell in droves instead of being in the discount bin. Classic Star Wars stuff sells and Mandalorian stuff sells.


As for Disney. Their market value dropped by 123 BILLION dollars last year. People acting like everything is fine with Disney hasn't been paying attention.  Most of their money comes from the parks and Super Nintendo World isn't going to help their bottom line. The stock price is sub $100. They are on the hook to buyout Comcast's 33% stake in Hulu. They have more issue than I can name. 


TLDR: Disney's financial situation isn't good and their primary source of income has serious competition from Super Nintendo World.

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26 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Rules? What rules. You had people from Lucasfilm saying all kinds of out pocket shit on Twitter for years. Pablo Hidalgo being a prime example. Part of the reason the whole thing blew up is because she got canned and no one else did.

The rules where you a.) don't continue to say stupid stuff after having been warned before, and b.) don't compare people in your political party to jews in the run-up to the holocaust after having been warned tweeting stupid before.


Unless I'm missing something, Pedro stopped after the tweet where he had a bad nazi comparison.


I mean, there are no official rules we know of, but I doubt she wasn't warned before and if she said "fuck it" to those warnings, keeping her on after that would have only turned out bad.

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1 hour ago, axeman61 said:

It's clear from her current feed that if they'd bent the rules enough to allow her to stay on, she would've said even more dumb stuff. She might have even put them into an "Adidas" type situation where they had to drop her later in the game with a lot more money invested.


Yes, they suffered more than her in the moment, but it was still a good decision long-term.


Also, since it's being discussed, the point to dunking on her was to bring up how much she lost as her newer work flounders.

"Dumb stuff" being things that don't come from the Neoliberal 2022-23 playbook? Either everybody should get to express their political opinions or no one should.


I'm honestly kind of surprised that as a big fan of stand-up, you're ok with them shutting her down for that, even if you don't agree with her,  considering those same people have tried to silence comedians you like.

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3 hours ago, MillionX said:

Does anyone else know of a dude from Gen X or Millenial generations that is NOT a gamer?  This has always been a very odd phenomenon to me... it just seems like something that everyone from these generations was into....well, guys at least...and the amount of girls that got into gaming has increased significantly with each new generation.  I knew one guy from junior high and high school who was like this.  It's not even due to being from a poor family that can't afford it.....that's one scenario that comes to mind as a possible reason----no, the guy just wasn't into it.  It was one of the most "Twilight Zone" moments ever when I realized that dude was like that....almost like he was from the Boomer or Silent generations instead.  I remember that on some field trip, while the rest of us were playing games in an arcade, he was just kinda standing around since videogames in general wasn't his thing.  Even the stereotypical jocks that were more concerned with playing whatever sport for the school more than likely had a NES or Master System, or later SNES and Genesis like other kids (*assuming middle-class parents that can afford it of course)


It's as strange to me as if there was a person who said "Yeahhhh I just don't listen to, not specific genres...just music in general.  It's not my thing."

Or---"eh, I'm not into watching movies at all."  or any other form of entertainment the vast majority of people enjoy.  It's bizarre to this person is really an alien that doesn't understand that 1 aspect of the human experience.  Normally, people might not be into 1 or more genres (like I can't stand visual novels and turn-based rpg stuff...and with movies it's hard for me to take "romcoms" seriously at all) but they at least like something from that medium of entertainment.


haha that dude also happened to be a big-time chubby chaser.  The BBWs were definitely his thing, at least....of course he ended up married to one.

I had a teacher back in 4th grade (this was early 90's) who claimed to have no TV in his house, and his only form of entertainment was reading books. This was also before Internet was a widespread commodity so unless he was buying the newspaper I dunno how he was keeping up with what was going on in the world. Smartphones were also definitely not a thing back then either.

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And regardless of who is wrong/right in the whole Disney/Gina Carano feud I certainly don't think Disney is gonna lose any sleep over axing a low tier character like Cara Dune. Sure, they might have lost some money on the table with her merchandise prospects, but she definitely wasn't a needle mover.


I remember back when her western movie was being released they were promoting her as the "star that beat Disney" or something like that LOL.


.....Which upon further research is the same movie that triggered all this discourse online about her box office failures (which sounds weird considered it was released like 7 months ago)

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1 hour ago, HD-Man said:

Any man going in a chick raw with 8 kids clearly isnt in the right frame of mind

I could maybe see making an exception for one kid if she genuinely messed up.  The only way I'd accept multiple kids was if she was a widow, because I am sure as fuck not dealing with MULTIPLE baby daddy drama.  In my experience, single moms are almost all horribly toxic people who most men should stay far away from them. 


Men need to stop trying to rescue these hoes.

Edited by J-ride
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35 minutes ago, Lantis said:

And regardless of who is wrong/right in the whole Disney/Gina Carano feud I certainly don't think Disney is gonna lose any sleep over axing a low tier character like Cara Dune. Sure, they might have lost some money on the table with her merchandise prospects, but she definitely wasn't a needle mover.


I remember back when her western movie was being released they were promoting her as the "star that beat Disney" or something like that LOL.


.....Which upon further research is the same movie that triggered all this discourse online about her box office failures (which sounds weird considered it was released like 7 months ago)

It's less about Carano and more about the collateral damage i.e. scuttling an entire series. Moreover, it's a pet peeve of mine. Creating a problem where there is none. Caring about what Twitter thinks keeps losing company's money and they keep doing it. You think they would have learned from Netflix standing by Chappelle in spite of Twitter's crying. Twitter is a small segment of the population.

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1 hour ago, J-ride said:

I could maybe see making an exception for one kid if she genuinely messed up.  The only way I'd accept multiple kids was if she was a widow, because I am sure as fuck not dealing with MULTIPLE baby daddy drama.  In my experience, single moms are almost all horribly toxic people who most men should stay far away from them. 


Men need to stop trying to rescue these hoes.

Captain Save-A-Hoe after reading J-Ride's post.


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The United States will soon follow Europe in implementing laws against so-called hate speech, a top Eurocrat claimed at the World Economic Forum’s meeting in Davos.

The vice president for Values and Transparency for the European Commission, Věra Jourová predicted on Tuesday that hate speech laws will be imposed upon the American public, despite longstanding case law at the Supreme Court protecting such speech under the First Amendment.


“Illegal hate speech, which you will have soon also in the U.S. I think that we have a strong reason why we have this in the criminal law,” Jourová said.

The Czech politician, who previously served as the European Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, made the comments during a WEF panel hosted by former CNN host Brian Stelter on “The Clear and Present Danger of Disinformation.” The choice of Stelter may perhaps be viewed by some as ironic given his own relationship with the truth.


The panel also featured New York Times chairman Arthur Gregg Sulzberger, Democratic Congressman Seth Moulton, and Internews CEO Jeanne Bourgault.

Representative Moulton seemingly agreed with the statement from the EU Commission VP, telling her: “I think in general the US has a lot to learn in terms of data regulation, internet regulation… You’re way ahead of us in that regard.”

However, the Democrat politician later clarified that he did not believe that American politicians were ready to forsake the fundamental aspects of freedom of speech.


The comments from Jourová come amid the backdrop of the ongoing dispute between the European Union and new Twitter boss Elon Musk over his publicly stated commitment to free speech, which has ruffled feathers in Brussels.

Indeed, Jourová herself commented on the matter to Euractiv on Tuesday, saying that the platform should partner with the EU on combatting hate speech and disinformation, saying: “We need the platforms to work with the language to identify such cases.”

She said that European Union laws surrounding online speech will be enforced, saying: “They apply to Twitter regardless of who owns it. Musk should not underestimate our efforts to make big platforms responsible.”

“Regulators are already closely monitoring compliance with the applicable data protection rules, and we will be able to enforce the Digital Services Act later this year as well,” Jourová added.

The Digital Services Act (DSA) which came into force in November greatly expanded the ability of Brussels to police so-called ‘hate speech’ and ‘disinformation’ through the addition of punishment mechanisms against internet platforms that fail to abide by the bloc’s rules.

Should companies like Twitter fail to comply with the DSA by February of 2024, the EU will be able to impose fines of up to six per cent of their global revenue and even possibly ban the platform altogether.

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1 hour ago, AriesWarlock said:


“Regulators are already closely monitoring compliance with the applicable data protection rules, and we will be able to enforce the Digital Services Act later this year as well,” Jourová added.

The Digital Services Act (DSA) which came into force in November greatly expanded the ability of Brussels to police so-called ‘hate speech’ and ‘disinformation’ through the addition of punishment mechanisms against internet platforms that fail to abide by the bloc’s rules.

Should companies like Twitter fail to comply with the DSA by February of 2024, the EU will be able to impose fines of up to six per cent of their global revenue and even possibly ban the platform altogether.

Europeans, lol. I wonder if she's aware that VPNs exist and that people could use them even if sites like Twitter aren't technically available in Europe?


That said, I have to wonder if the 1st Amendment as we know it will last beyond a few generations from now considering how many younger people don't seem to believe in free speech and given that we're seeing violations of it like THIS that are coming to light that people seem to believe are necessary. Hopefully something is done about it and people push back on this kind of shit.

Edited by DoctaMario
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Congrats, Inferno.


4 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

"Dumb stuff" being things that don't come from the Neoliberal 2022-23 playbook? Either everybody should get to express their political opinions or no one should.


I'm honestly kind of surprised that as a big fan of stand-up, you're ok with them shutting her down for that, even if you don't agree with her,  considering those same people have tried to silence comedians you like.


The anti-vax shit she apparently won't shut up about now. She's deep in that Fox News hole. That stuff is her opinion. It's also dumb. Comparing republicans to Jews in the run-up to the holocaust is also dumb, if you've been told in the past by your employer to stop making an ass out of yourself on social media. People keep forgetting that part. I hate the woke mob, but It isn't as much about them; she was told to stop doing the shit she was doing and didn't listen. Disney felt it wasn't worth the risk of her saying (or perhaps doing) something worse in the future.


I hate the woke mob when it comes to comedians, but I'm not defending utter stupidity just because there's overlap between the type of people who would hate what Gina said and those that would try and cancel a comedian. Free speech is not free reign to say stupid shit without consequences.

Edited by axeman61
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