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The Street Fighter V Thread, vol. 2

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34 minutes ago, Shakunetsu said:

Yeah, Power scaling and the whole establish lore about how death works will be messed up.


Like what's the point of Gill DNA genetic manipulation to attain powers like resurrections and Bison desperate need for a clone body to exist. If the dead has been walking among with the living all of this years. Like every conflict by this super secret organization had became totally pointless lol.


This stuff exists so Capcom has excuses to kill Characters and bring them back without having to come up with any sort of good reasoning.

It is making lazy excuses to not have any form of consequences in your universe.

Not that the SF Universe had any form of consistency to begin with and if it had, Capcom would retcon it in 2 weeks.


Vampires and Werewolfs aren't even that outlandish anymore, when you have walking talking Mudgolems who serve GODS!, magical Dictator, 2 colord Jesus and Frankensteins Nash running around.

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16 minutes ago, Mr.Cipher said:

Vampires and Werewolfs aren't even that outlandish anymore, when you have walking talking Mudgolems who serve GODS!, magical Dictator, 2 colord Jesus and Frankensteins Nash running around.

If they existed and roaming in the first place that Shadaloo and Gill Organization were experimenting on them in the first place but they aren't.


that Mudgolem came from a long slumber because of the black moons.

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If they have even similar powerlevels to DS version, they would have simply wiped everything both organizations would have send.


And Necalli was an asspull, he didn't do what he was teased to do, got beaten by everyone, outside of 1 fight with Ryu and then got beaten because the Hobo sat under a waterfall for 90% of the story without having any interaction with the world at all.
The Black Moons might as well not have existed and they could have still pulled out Necalli, because it was time for his Devour-Hour.

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Here's a thing, I'm calling it now that SF6 will indeed have guest characters and predicting the future of SF7 is where thing gonna get rebrand radically.


If their intended new motif(mma and luke centered) will fail and not appeal to the niche, the new leads would desperately shove in guest characters because influencers says. Then later on after SF6 the next Capcom Flagship Fighter anymore is not a SF with a number or SF7 isn't being announced. Instead they will announced a Capcom Fighting with something something. 


A rebrand Street Fighter like with a new title but more of a Capcom's KOF, A Portmanteau type of naming. Kinda like how Pokken is a named combination of Pokemon and Tekken, or something like Capcom is to Captain Commando. Then Street Fighter will be just put in the subtitle of the rebrand but more of a Capcom's KOF like or something like CFA.


Edited by Shakunetsu
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Speaking of SF 6 , so damn lame Capcom made us wait until summer for probably a small showcase of in-game footage and all that after one week countdown to show what 99% of people already knew it was coming.


Juri's reaction to the 38 second teaser Capcom showed us in this render i made. 


She was not impressed.....




Full resolution :



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9 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

What are your guys thoughts on other Capcom  game chars in SF?


We already have Final Fight and Rival Schools.

Would it be too outlandish to have a Darkstalkers char since Capcom will probably never make a new DS game?

And that already sucks ass.


8 hours ago, Mattatsu said:

whereas having vampires and werewolves in SF feels wrong to me… Then again we have Blanka so idk lol.

And that's even worse.

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4 hours ago, Skort said:




total aside: I'm really diggin' the sorta cyberpunk/Tron color scheme you got going on in these pics.   I mean I'm pretty whatever about Juri herself and motorcycles (excepting that one from Akira the anime) but the color scheme and shiny everything is one I wouldn't mind spending some time in. 


EDIT: you also posted a sunset a long time ago, yes?  That one was really cool too.

Edited by Pair of Rooks
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Random question just popped on my head after watching some xTekken highlights - who would you guys remove/add to the roster if Capcom ever announced a new major patch or something along the lines of?


Personally I'd get rid of

- Cole

- Blanka

- Dhalsim

- Rufus

- Megaman

- Pacman

- the two PS mascots


and then add

- Gen

- T Hawk

- Rose

- Viper

- Feng Wei

- Dragunov

- Anna

- Kunimitsu


I also never quite liked the duos between Ibuki/Rolento and Julia/Bob, plus how the hel do you have Nina but not her sister, or bring in Christie over Eddy?

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Street Fighter side:


Alex x Mika - Team Wrestling

Honda x Hakan - Lore Shit.  @SoneroEX Headbutt would be his wallbounce move, would really make his block and punish game frightening especially after Hand Slap pressure.  



Jun x Lee - Team Quasi-Anti Kazuya.  Jun would be a charge character capable of meterless crumple and juggle state by storing her charge via her Target Combos/Tekken strings.  She'd also have flashes on Unkown in certain EX moves and her super art, which would be based off of her 1+2 palm thrust and then she summons a Mizuchi Claw to smash the enemy.  Lee would be NGBC Robert with a Hitman Stance, just like Xiaoyu is NGBC Hotaru with no fireball and adding armor moves.

Dragunov x Bruce - Tied by a loose military alliance between G-Corp and the Russian military.  Bruce would be a character with lots of high-low strings that would build pressure into command grabs and be armed with his big Knee DP.  Dragunov would be more about parries big buttons to separate him from Abel, who's about up close block pressure and grapples.  

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On 3/11/2022 at 4:38 AM, Pair of Rooks said:

EDIT: you also posted a sunset a long time ago, yes?  That one was really cool too.

On 3/9/2022 at 4:54 PM, AriesWarlock said:

When are you gonna show us a video of how that game is coming along?


It's a big work in progress as i have limited time to dedicate to this so it may take a  ( long ) while. I have learned a lot BUT i still need to learn a lot more to achieve what i set in my mind to do if i ever manage to do it at all. Call it a long shot, a hobby,a waste of time, but i do enjoy working on this.


My  vision  of the game i am working on is


- basically retro style synthwave art style with Juri   juri-han-avatar.png

- racing loop game where you dodge stuff coming from the front and air  ( think Pepsi man ) 

- i will try and add power ups to it that will influence how the game plays, speed enhancers etc

- loops, meteor strikes  etc.

- main idea, crazy stuff happening on the screen ,keep on racing and  last as much as possible while the game gets more difficult 

- track colors ( the wireframe ) change depending on the speed you have 

- so much more


Needs to be done


- tons of scripting for events to happen

- animation on Juri's clothes, hair , body etc

- physics 

- motorcycle animations ( wheels spinning etc )

- create a lot of props / objects / materials

- controls

-  optimization 

- interface 

- so much porting to bounce between Blender and UE 5 to use both library assets as both of them are incredibly useful and i require both

- basically a lot of stuff 😛  


Regardless , here are some some screenshots and a low frame rate  video of  part of the track loop ( cyber track, but will also feature a city environment )  , materials created and so on of a super early alpha "build"   ( boy that was a mouthful ) 









Edited by Skort
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4 hours ago, Daemos said:

Do you guys remember Omega Mode in SF4? And how it foreshadowed changes to the character's design in SF5 (we didnt know at the time). What are the chances we get one for SF5 before SF6 is out? It'd be fun.

That was my hope, but i doubt we will get anything like that  


Patch is pretty close at this point and they're doing nothing to hype it up 


Expect just boring balancement shit

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I honestly expect nothing more than a minor patch to tweak up season 5 characters and that's it. 


I would love to be wrong but i doubt it.


PS : why they haven't released it yet i don't know. It was supposed to be released last year but delayed because they didn't want the balance changes to interfere with the CPT. So,the patch is almost surely finished  yet here we are almost half way through the month and nothing.  


Never change Capcom.

Edited by Skort
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10 hours ago, Daemos said:

Do you guys remember Omega Mode in SF4? And how it foreshadowed changes to the character's design in SF5 (we didnt know at the time). What are the chances we get one for SF5 before SF6 is out? It'd be fun.


I don't think they(current leads) would. Here is a history recap on the end of SF4 lifespan and how omega mode did happen.

  •  From what I know before the OMEGA MODE was an idea by a team in Capcom in US not by Capcom of JP. 
  • It was even a struggle same as Decapre being added in the end of SF4 lifespan. Capcom JP wasn't interested in adding more content to SF4.

Take note. The guys in Capcom in Japan weren't the same guys in Capcom in Japan from the 90's those people already went to DIMPS and ARIKA. 


So because of that I don't the really take the argument that Capcom of Japan always at the best interest with Street Fighter or keeping it just like the 90s.  Or I don't the really take the argument that Capcom of Japan is doing the best for Street Fighter unlike their western counterparts/US Division. 


I used to hear that kind of arguments lately in forums  from the era of SF4 and SFV era that it was always Capcom US division or westerners that messed up SF and Capcom of Japan make things better because they are Japan. LOL.


I know we consider Capcom of Japan as superior for story and bio confirmation because the official source material should originate from them but for the other things, that's a very different argument and logic. So an Omega Mode is unlikely now because priorities, leads and control have change, because of the current strong hold now is Capcom of Japan now.

Whoever was responsible with the launching of vanilla SFV state was a disaster and likely the guys that give effort for OMEGA MODE weren't fine with it.


There were even a very forced the argument that time against the complain with SFV retail release like it was made to be like that because it wasn't supposed to cater the non-esport interested individual or isn't for non-competitive gamers. And I don't think that's the influence of the team behind SF4 Omega Mode and Decapre.


Take note. ONO wasn't a strong figure anymore after season 3, The so called radio silence might be something weird that suddenly happened after season 3, Ono was already out before Kage even been thought about. Season 3 was a one of the best season of SFV unlike Season 2.


Whoever gave the initiative to effort a whole new arcade mode and the season 3 with final fight characters in it all of a sudden aren't likely the one that felt okay with the debut SFV retail state. Or maybe they had a sudden change of heart haha.


Here's a conspiracy. The radio silence happened because of the major shake up in the company and hierarchy. 


Here is something to think about.

  • Radio silence happened after Season 3
  • Ono wasn't an influential individual anymore in SFV even before the start of Season 4 DLC
  • Ono twits that he would ask the higher ups that people want something new for SF5.
  • At the some point SF as a brand full control was given to JP division again. I can't remember what year was that but it was during SFV lifecycle.
  • A Final Fight character wasn't initially intended to appear in SFV according to one of the interviews 
  • SFV lifespan support should had ended earlier. I can't remember the year exactly in the interviews but it was like 2020?
  • Capcom US division had loosen control to SF as a brand at the near end or middle of SFV lifespan


Edited by Shakunetsu
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