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The Street Fighter V Thread, vol. 2

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3 hours ago, Shakunetsu said:

Here's a conspiracy. The radio silence happened because of the major shake up in the company and hierarchy. 

Who knows. If anything, I'd bet the opposite.


We know Japanese companies are rather adamant when the subject is change, and yet, SFV went through quite a bit during its life cycle, the turning point being S3 with the release of Arcade Edition.


What did that bring? A lot of monkey paw additions that people had been asking for, like Arcade Mode. Specifically people in the West. Casuals from the west.


At any rate, the situation externally didn't change. SFV's underwhelming performance (Of course, I'm not talking about sales here) opened the way for ArcSys to finally get the respect it had been deserving for decades now. A lot of other games also managed to get more of a spotlight because of it.


And yet, SF's niche is still right where it was left. All Capcom needs is to make a good game and they'll be just fine.


Can that dumpster fire of a FG division pull it off though? 🤔

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19 minutes ago, Skort said:

Added some new noise node to the material to simulate a glow effect, tweaked some emission settings and bunch of other stuff and the track is coming along quite nicely. I'm really digging the "tron" aesthetic i managed to pull off so far. So much more to do though but we getting there 🙂 

This is seriously impressive, excellent work. Can't wait to see it in action.

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23 minutes ago, Volt said:

And yet, SF's niche is still right where it was left. All Capcom needs is to make a good game and they'll be just fine.

The Japan division always had terrible understanding with their niche by confusing which is which  or what the category they should be.


They probably bombard guest characters if their attempt for new direction would fail, because they see casuals voices are the same as sf fans and capcom fighters fans in general


Some people in different forums would say that it's impossible because of how they handle SFV and that would be followed, This people had no idea or totally had forgotten that the first half had mix influences while the last half were had different leads and had a different priorities. There was even this struggle between SFV and expanding SF4 content for the last time before.


The second season of SF6 DLC characters would probably tell were the SF brand/IP is heading in the future either a total reboot or a total rebrand of SF to MORPH in some sort of a new Capcom All Star fighter as the next flagship fighting game of Capcom instead.


I remember in SRK were they started a thread about additional characters for DLC, that effort was obviously with Capcom US division probably trying to salvage MVCi disaster. A SRK admin even invited us to a chat with some Capcom personnel that time to a different site. I think it was the same admin guy that started the character thread for MVCI? Pethro might be aware whose that guy because I can't remember the name.


I manage to join for a very brief period but I wasn't able to reach out because of my internet connection that time, typical user timed out. It's Capcom of Japan that probably pulled the plug. And probably responsible for the disastrous SFxT DLC and disaster SFV vanilla launch.


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This talk reminds me that I want SFVI to crash and burn, to burry the brand for another Decade.


So far every new SF game has been various degree of shit.
SFxT got fucked by Capcom themself being greedy Gremlins, could have been the greatest thing ever, but they themself were to greedy.


Honestly only thing that keeped SFV going were the tournaments, without them the game would have been dead 2016.

But complaining and playing is better than sending Capcom a message.


SFVI will start like SFV, with a penal that writes lessons learned, there they will put a bunch of shit they wont keep and then they will ignore complaints until the next game comes out.


Just let the brand get rest, I hate seeing it being misstreated like that.

Hell SFV was so bad it made me an anime player!

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If SF 6 is badly managed and a poor product then the franchise should be  dormant for a while indeed.


However, I do want SF 6 to be a good product that is fun to play and watch for both returning players and newcomers.


I will follow SF 6 news with interest but I shall remain cautious and keep my expectations in check. Capcom has my interest still but NOT my loyalty.


Take all the time you need but develop a good game,it's all I ask for.

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31 minutes ago, Mr.Cipher said:

SFVI will start like SFV, with a penal that writes lessons learned, there they will put a bunch of shit they wont keep and then they will ignore complaints until the next game comes out.

They likely start slightly better, They learned their lesson that's why MVCi had been slightly better launch than SFV.


But the DLC and later season would likely be the turning point to disaster. And yes they are greedy even in MVCi haha



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1 hour ago, Skort said:

Added some new noise node to the material to simulate a glow effect, tweaked some emission settings and bunch of other stuff and the track is coming along quite nicely. I'm really digging the "tron" aesthetic i managed to pull off so far. So much more to do though but we getting there 🙂


The effect looks cool, those images are nice.


Forgot to ask, will Juri's other costume colors be available? I see the bike has a different color in the last image.

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4 hours ago, misterBee said:

People buy bodies/heads/clothes at 1/12th and 1/6th scale.  With the right parts you can build any person or character you want.


Check out the 1/12th and 1/6th scale sections at sites like this one:

Lots of cool stuff on there. Thanks for the link.


Typing in Street Fighter brought up this lololol (NSFW)





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9 hours ago, Mattatsu said:

This is a good thread of tweets where Daigo talks about his opinions on the mechanics of SFV (chip, VT, etc).


If only people had pointed out how so much of this was dumb already....



Wait, where's that vid of Sajam saying SF5 is a well designed game?



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12 hours ago, Mattatsu said:

This is a good thread of tweets where Daigo talks about his opinions on the mechanics of SFV (chip, VT, etc).


read the comments of the tweet to see the screenshots of Daigo’s translated stream


I kind of like the idea of having v trigger available in the beginning of a round rather than building it up like a regular comeback mechanic.

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The KoF route? That's better than this too.


Doesn't solve how bad some triggers are but they would make some sense that way. At least you could have alpha counters use regular meter and do damage again.  


Hell you do thst and you can get rid of grey damage. Then the game could regular chip kills again and make some sense. 

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12 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

They could make it like this:

Have 4 super bars

1 bar is for ex

2 bars for triggers

2 bars for guard cancels

2 bars for v shifts or whatever is called that special back dash

4 bars for a super


I had similar thoughts in my hypothetical SFVI battle system. Have all the systems tied to single 4 bar meter. At work so I can't look at it, but I had three levels of Supers like in Alpha/Zero. This is what I remember from the top of my head.

  • 1 bar EX
  • 1 bar Alpha Counters (each character has two one that knocks down and one that leaves the opponent standing)
  • 2 Bar Level 1 Super
  • 3 Bar Level 2 Super
  • 4 Bar Level 3 Super

TLDR: I had similar but slightly different idea. I like your thoughts though. 👍🏾

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10 hours ago, Shakunetsu said:

After what happened with both Nash and Seth in SFV...


Here's a wild speculation guys, It's lingering in my thoughts yesterday that


Alex will return but with this DESIGN instead




Changes surely would be radical from now on,


We even might get ED with Bison trying to control him.


Like Bison as EDs Power Up Mechanic before having Bison as a separate DLC Character.





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Looks like Bison would be having a future in SF6.


While Ken looks like heading to DLC bait this time.


Their character pics to guest in this collab really shows their priorities to represent their brand in SF6 and what they want SFV to be represented now.


Since it's not a regular collab it's with SNK and KOF.


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58 minutes ago, Shakunetsu said:

Looks like Bison would be having a future in SF6.


While Ken looks like heading to DLC bait this time.


Their character pics to guest in this collab really shows their priorities to represent their brand in SF6 and what they want SFV to be represented now.


Since it's not a regular collab it's with SNK and KOF.



Dunno man, I think that while the pics show who Capcom and/or SNK think are recognizable/popular chars from SF, but not necessarily that they are also on SF6.

At least in the case for Bison.



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As ridiculous as this sounds i don't think a character being dead counts for much anymore when it comes to the possibility of being added to the roster. Especially when said character specializes in swapping bodies and having "phantom" forms. I can see old man Bison returning in later DLC, but its "safe" to say he won't make base roster i would guess.


Daily reminder that Seth came back as a waifu robot with a male voice and  Dan was added because he is friends with Sakura and Blanka   ( Capcom's words ). I would say that any character is possible at this point,for better or for worst.

Edited by Skort
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SF Story and Lore are inconsistent anyway, Capcom will just mage stuff up, retcon it 2 weeks later and then be radio silent until next time.

At this point, they should just stop to pretend that there is any sort of Story in their games. Its pointless and starts getting insulting and it looks especially bad, when you look at the competition who do all far better.

But hey, they don't care about that anyway, buy Chun-Li costume, support the CPT and be a good sheep. After all thats what drags this dead horse forward.

Just a reminder, people bitch since 6 years about SFVs Netcode and instead of leaving, they buy DLC for the game.

At least KoF came up with something that makes sense within their universe.

Edited by Mr.Cipher
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As most know... my last channel got nuked because of some... Final Fantasy VII RE stupidity and a blunder I made on my part. 

(I was just trying to upload a boss fight with the Hell House but the music apparently got me in trouble). 


The good news is that about 80% of the stuff I had on that channel was kept safe on a USB, including my old ass Mai Shiranui tutorials for KOFXIII, my most crucial KOFXIV matches, lots of DOA/Tekken stuff. I'm reuploading my stuff as we speak. 


Got a new KOFXV Compilation match up. I'll try to upload new KOFXV matches and other FG stuff once per week when schedule starts to align between college and work. 


Just a slight upload from yours truly. 

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1 hour ago, Skort said:

Dan was added because he is friends with Sakura and Blanka   ( Capcom's words ).

Yeah the most sh!ttiest reason to waste a slot for a gag character that aged terribly.


1 hour ago, Skort said:

Daily reminder that Seth came back as a waifu robot with a male voice 


Yeah we all know that Seth was re-designed to stand out because of Urien and Gill in one game,


Surely they will resort to those design idea concept with other BLAND & BLONDE character that isn't interesting to the current leads anymore. Since they had the new kid on the block


 I'm already thinking of Alex being returned as a blue red creature base on one of the SF3 endings. Abel becoming something else and also ED.




Edited by Shakunetsu
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Just now, Hecatom said:


The difference is self explanatory.

Dan is a garbage character that has been a waste of a slot since day 1, Akira isn't

How? We got better odds of a new F-Zero coming out than a damn new Rival Schools game.


The one SF game she'll be playable at barely even functions and is almost unanimously considered the most asstastic entry in the franchise. At least we know Dan is intended to be a joke, but what is she?

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