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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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Buddy brought over his XSX with gamepass tonight and checked out some games I had never played.


Cyberpunk - played for like 20 minutes and it's just not for me.  I hated how much information is on screen and stuff.  Just too much going on.  Also we never got to "play" and it was just a long ass tutorial and I could just tell game is not for me.  Also was not impressed with the graphics.  Most entertaining part of it was seeing tits and dick sizes.


Infermax - played like 15 mins and didn't want to play more because I will buy it at some point.  Awesome 8bit retro Castlevania like game and it's pretty damn hard.


Limbo - had never heard of it and loved it.  Played like 10 mins then bought on Switch for $2 on sale normally $10.


Deedlit - the full name is longer but it was alright.  Loved the music, reminded me of the Monster Boy game on Switch as far as music went.  Something about the combat and collission detection didn't sit well with me.  It was like no pushback on the enemies which bothered me.  Felt a little unpolished as a whole.


Wind Jammers 2 - not sure what to make of this.  I basically didn't know WTF I was doing but once I started feeling like I knew what I was doing it got a bit fun, then I got my ass handed to me.  Def seems like a fighter in that it's just not that fun single player and would be more fun playing with others who are good at it.




Just bought Inside (sequel to Limbo) on Switch too cause it's only $2 normally $20.

Edited by purbeast
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This is free right now -


I decided to get Grapple Dog.  It looked fun to me.  Its ok so far.


Here is some sidescroller I've had for a while but just never played.   Its cool.  Contra like shit.



I tried out some game called Guntech 2 today.  I got a bit frustrated with the little ship I controlled but its not the games fault.  I just suck.


Ive been tried out a few shmups/shooters lately.  Them shits are fuckin' hard and they make my hands hurt and make my eyes burn.

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I’m really hoping that the new voice of cards game doesn’t keep going the way it is in terms of difficulty. Cause like…there isn’t any. 

The protag doesn’t get a heal spell right off the bat like the first game but you get some really good abilities before even reaching level 5. Not to mention your default attack hits twice. 

Edited by iStu X
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9 hours ago, Faltimar the Dark said:


I tried out some game called Guntech 2 today.  I got a bit frustrated with the little ship I controlled but its not the games fault.  I just suck.


Ive been tried out a few shmups/shooters lately.  Them shits are fuckin' hard and they make my hands hurt and make my eyes burn.

Just for your info those copies of Cotton 2 and Boomerange have like 10+ frames of lag in them. They are terribly lazy conversions. 

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23 hours ago, Hecatom said:


If the only games I played on my PS1 were Tenchu, SotN, and FF7, it still would have been worth buying with my paper route money. The atmosphere and feel of Tenchu was unrivaled at the time. It's clunky to go back and play now, clearly ambitious beyond what the PS1 could do, but it's still really fun. And the music is still a high point in gaming, IMO. None of the other Tenchu games really captured the magic as well. Fatal Shadows came the closest IMO- still don't know why that one was shat on by the gaming press like it was. 

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5 hours ago, Wellman said:

The lab coat version of Android 21 feels like they should have dropped it in the first or second wave of DLC, not this late. Feels very much like some assets cobbled together at this point in the game's life.

She has some of the same things as reg 21 but she does have different tools as well as lacking the range that reg 21 has.  I don't even think she has the absorb ability that reg 21 does when she stabs you.   She's different enough and she's the only character currently with special move that OTG's (far as I remember at least...not counting throws like Basegeta)

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Just now, PVL_93_RU said:

There's no E3 this year though. It'll likely be either a develop stream or a blog post drop 

E3 2022 has not been officially canceled...YET.  Everything out so far regarding E3 this year has been that it's been moved to the digital only format due to Omicron and then everything else has been rumors from insiders.  Nothing from the ESA yet on cancellation or dates.

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49 minutes ago, Wellman said:

As a casual Darkstalkers fan, them adding that many DS games feels like overkill. 

I can understand why. Darkstalkers 3/Vampire Savior’s arcade release had to cut characters for technical  reasons so they made Hunter 2 and Savior 2 to restore the cut characters by replacing them with some of the characters in Darkstalkers 3. So you can now play Donovan, Huitzil and Pyron in 3’s engine.


Though I don’t think many people were fiending to play the first Darkstalkers game. 

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16 minutes ago, Lantis said:

Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo seems to be a totally random addition to that FIGHTING GAME collection

i thought the same thing but I’m happy it’s there. 
also, capcom missed a huge opportunity by not adding in rival schools. Especially with Akira being in SFV. 

I can get why the JoJo fighter and the Vs. Titles aren’t there but there’s no reason For the omission of rival schools. I would have been fine with just 1-2 darkstalker titles instead of all 500

Edited by iStu X
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3 hours ago, BornWinner said:

I can understand why. Darkstalkers 3/Vampire Savior’s arcade release had to cut characters for technical  reasons so they made Hunter 2 and Savior 2 to restore the cut characters by replacing them with some of the characters in Darkstalkers 3. So you can now play Donovan, Huitzil and Pyron in 3’s engine.


Though I don’t think many people were fiending to play the first Darkstalkers game. 

True I get that but instead of one of the extra DS games like the first or Hunter/Savior 2, would have preferred something like one of the Saturday Night Slam masters games (probably impossible due to close those "homages" were) or one of the console versions of Alpha 3, one of the Rival Schools games (Preferably Project Justice) or Capcom Fighting Jam/Evolution instead of repeating versions of one game even with their changes to roster and such.


I am still buying it but it feels a missed opportunity for Capcom.

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so I got started on Dying Light 2 yesterday, finally... I look forward to whenever I get to doublecross the shit out of those Survivors and align myself with the Peace Keepers faction.  Betrayal is always a delicious thing in any game with the freedom to join opposing factions.


Playing this is reminding me now... Dying Light and Left 4 Dead are the only truly great "zombie infested world" games, imo.  Everything else that has been produced falls short of the greatness in those 2 IPs.  


Unfortunately, the PvP mode from the first game ("Be the Zombie" mode) is not in there... at least for now.  I am not sure if they even plan on bringing it back.  I didn't play it much in the first game but I loved that concept of being the monster (heh, like I do in any game, really).  It would be a fun alternate story mode if once you fully turned, you just keep on playing in story as one of the "volatile" creatures...and your main objectives switch over to just hunting down human survivors to eat them so you can evolve and grow stronger.


ah, Joe did a review of course


Edited by MillionX
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56 minutes ago, iStu X said:

i thought the same thing but I’m happy it’s there. 
also, capcom missed a huge opportunity by not adding in rival schools. Especially with Akira being in SFV. 

I can get why the JoJo fighter and the Vs. Titles aren’t there but there’s no reason For the omission of rival schools. I would have been fine with just 1-2 darkstalker titles instead of all 500

Gotta leave room for Capcom 3D Fighting collection. Rival School, Project Justice, Star Gladitor, Plasma Sword, Power Stone, Street Fighter EX

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5 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

Gotta leave room for Capcom 3D Fighting collection. Rival School, Project Justice, Star Gladitor, Plasma Sword, Power Stone, Street Fighter EX

I'd buy that immediately... mostly for the Rival Schools games and Power Stone.  It would be great to finally get the "proper" original version of Project Justice as well.  On the Dreamcast American version, the custom character mode was missing which was some bullshit.


...ooh imagine how cool Power Stone could've been if it had custom-character mode too; that would've greatly expanded the replay value for me at least.

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37 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

The Uncharted movie grossed $44 million on it's opening weekend. It's projected for $51 once Monday is counted.


Don't care for this movie but happy to see Tom Holland having under successful franchise under his belt. 

just embrace tom as your sony movie overlord and things will get much easier that dude gonna play all the sony character from now on. kratos, sly, spike, rudy from wild arms and in the jack and daxter movie he gonna be both those niggas!

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2 hours ago, Lantis said:

Or maybe it's because this collection is basically 2D fighters?


I think that is because of that, notice how all the games in the collection ran on the same arcade hardware more or less.

Even with the game(s) that were part of the CPS3 hardware is easy to assume that its emulation is not that different to the ones in CPS2 when comparing it to emulate games that run a 3d engine.


For Rival Schools they will basically had to emulate a playstation and with Project Justice a Dreamcast/naomi board, plus adding online.

I can see that elevating the cost of the project in a way that capcom probably is not interested on investing on 😕

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1 hour ago, Hecatom said:


I think that is because of that, notice how all the games in the collection ran on the same arcade hardware more or less.

Even with the game(s) that were part of the CPS3 hardware is easy to assume that its emulation is not that different to the ones in CPS2 when comparing it to emulate games that run a 3d engine.


For Rival Schools they will basically had to emulate a playstation and with Project Justice a Dreamcast/naomi board, plus adding online.

I can see that elevating the cost of the project in a way that capcom probably is not interested on investing on 😕

Makes sense but it still feels like they left meat on the table with their choices. But I also felt that about the Capcom Beat em Collection not having any of the SNES Final Fight sequels or putting out a collection of the license beat em up games out there. Can a brother get a legal way to play Alien vs Predator or The Punisher?

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