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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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Just now, Darc_Requiem said:

Sagat wasn't strong at launch. People don't consider him strong now. Zeku didn't really get strong until they buffed his stance switching IIRC. Dead on with rest though. 


Maybe i am remembering wrong, but i recall both of them being considered strong in various tierlists near their respective releases.


Perhaps, they were overblow when they were released, which tends to happen  🤷‍♂️, but if it is the case it ties back with the original point on how people are quick to jump the gun, lol


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4 minutes ago, Hecatom said:


Maybe i am remembering wrong, but i recall both of them being considered strong in various tierlists near their respective releases.


Perhaps, they were overblow when they were released, which tends to happen  🤷‍♂️, but if it is the case it ties back with the original point on how people are quick to jump the gun, lol


People don't really know how characters will turn out in the beginning. People thought Akuma was too weak at first. He got buffed, he had 875 heath/stun originally, and Tokido was like "LOL thanks guys."

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Elden Ring be like "How would you like to fight 2 Crucible Knights? That sounds fun, right?"




Edit: Both Auriza dungeons are dog shit. One is a dumb double boss fight and the other packed full of stupid imps. Neither is fun. 


I love these games but From really could stop with the annoying Thief/Imp type that just scuttles out of range and then leaps in with long combos that build bleed. They always make you fight like 3 or 4 of them in a small room. It really feels like luck dealing with some of these because you have no room to move, it's dark as fuck so you can't see, and said they do bleed so you just eat fuck loads of damage for no reason. It's just not fun. This enemy type and room set up can go away forever. It wasn't fun in DSIII and it isn't fun here. I'd rather deal with poison. 

Edited by RSG3
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now i gotta wait for hecatom to come in and defend arcsys obvious bullshit like he works for the company or something. cuz according to hec arcsys can do no wrong.  cuz this aint pay to win bs by them according to him.

hec gonna put a spin so hard on arcsys pay to win dlc, underplay their actions...he should just apply as Putin's war crimes lawyer.

hec can get Putin off. hecatom should be a defense attorney lol.


heheh, i tease hec cuz i know he's a huge arcsys fanboy. i know he loves that company. but nah. he's still wrong tho. about this game he is. 

Edited by VirginDefiler
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15 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

now i gotta wait for hecatom to come in and defend arcsys obvious bullshit like he works for the company or something. cuz according to hec arcsys can do no wrong.  cuz this aint pay to win bs by them according to him.

hec gonna put a spin so hard on arcsys pay to win dlc, underplay their actions...he should just apply as Putin's war crimes lawyer.

hec can get Putin off. hecatom should be a defense attorney lol.


heheh, i tease hec cuz i know he's a huge arcsys fanboy. i know he loves that company. but nah. he's still wrong tho. about this game he is. 

I don't think the point of Hecatom's post or my post was to defend arcsys but more so on the state of dlc characters for fighters and the knee jerk reaction that often comes when a character comes out with a strong set of tools.  You said that Arcsys was just putting out characters that were play to win and we're saying that's not necessarily the case and arcsys are not the only companies guilty of releasing a character that is over tuned.  And often times a character that comes out may actually just be really strong with their tools that hey have and not OP but because it's a new character with strong tools that is suddenly introduced into the game you end up with a bunch of people complaining and jumping the gun instead of thoroughly looking at the matchups from all angles.  It's just "this new character came out and this shit is cheap AF, I don't want to deal with this pls nerf!".  Labcoat could very well end up upending the DBFZ with the stuff that she has  (that true block string with the beam is pretty crazy that Cloud showed) but it's been only a bit over a week and there haven't really been any major tourneys yet where it's clear she has taken over but people are losing their shit instead of giving it a chance to settle.  One thing I didn't notice that cloud didn't attempt to do regarding beyblade after teleporting behind her section is to try to hit her with a beam and not a ki blast.  If she's doing beyblade in that situation and you know she's going to do it then that may be the answer for that.  I will agree that having a permanent debuff on a character is a bit much and it should probably be timed thing which is probably what's going to end up happens all the time to over tuned characters and Lapcoat is not going to escape that especially with the amount of crying going on right now.  Arcsys is going to see everything everyone is saying and they're gonna put 4 bullets (2 each for her kneecaps) into her and then she's going to be useless cause people didn't let her sit for a moment to see if everything about her is as fucked up as they really believe.  There's always the possibility that someone is working out anti labcoat strategies right now that nobody knows about yet and by the time it comes to light she's gonna have her legs taken out making it moot.

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56 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

dumb shit


Calling out dumb shit is not being a fanboy.

Specially when i give you examples of not only ASW games but other companies.


Also, you said a lot of people is "abandoning" the game, and yet it still gets the same amount of consistent play in every platform.

Is like saying that everyone was abandoning T7 or SFV when Leroy or Akuma were released, just because some people were mad because the char were strong.


Is not the 1st time a company releases a char that seems/is strong, and like it usually happens, if is truly overtuned, it will be nerfed sooner or later.


Niggas acting like if is the 1st time and if like there are no ways to correct a char if is an actual issue.



Edited by Hecatom
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35 minutes ago, Mattatsu said:

Hey Hecatom, what’s your opinion on Strive? 🤣

Fucking garbage mate, but i am an arcsys fanboy, so i surely bought 10 copies of it and run tournaments for it.





His stupid stance reminds me about people saying that i was a Capcom hater for pointing out the clearly obvious flaws that SFV had, despite 


A) Playing the game, hence why i was critical about it, not dumb hate, but critical of things that needed to be improved, like the netcode, the stability, the input lag, etc.

B) Being an TO here in my country for fgs, including SFV

C) Playing Capcom fgs since SF2


With people on the internet if you praise or heck, don't agree with a negative opinion about X game, you are a fanboy.

And if your criticize it you are just a hater.



Edited by Hecatom
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Kirby demo is pretty fun but it is going to be stupid easy.  I'm getting it for my son and I like that it has co-op so we can play together, but I don't think I'll probably play it myself solo.  Just seems too easy and basic.  Also disappointing that it doesn't appear to be 60fps.  I would have thought they could have gotten that down since Mario Odyssey has more detailed worlds and is 60fps.

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