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On 12/3/2023 at 5:50 AM, Sonichuman said:



It's wild how ahead of the curve Sega was on a lot of things, and a real shame how much of a shell of their former selves that company is today.


That said, I didn't know Like A Dragon has those games in it, and I just realized I have it on PS+ so I'm looking forward to checking that out

Edited by DoctaMario
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Vertical position has always seemed like a bad choice for most systems, imo.... I've always been concerned that it can so easily get knocked over.  Even if the chance of that happening is low, I'd rather eliminate that possibility to absolute zero % chance by just setting the system flat/horizontal.


I got that Baldur's Gate update yesterday finally on Steam Deck; that took quite a while to's fortunate that download speeds are faster on there; if that size of an update were on a Switch game it might've taken days to get all that downloaded.

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7 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Thought this might be insightful.  I don't know if it's true or not but..I mean it can't hurt to set it flat just in case right?

Vertical has rarely been something I've done. Takes up too much space. Although it's a moot point now, when there was actually console competition it mattered. Now we just have Sony and Nintendo. I think the Wii is only console I had in a primarily vertical position. 

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My PS5 sits vertical due to space. Every Sony console I've ever owned laid flat and every single one of them has had to be replaced woth a new model after they stopped working for reasons. 


So I'm not gonna worry about this fear mongering nonsense. Last time someone went on a rant about this it turned out the PS5 he worked on and showed us was already worked on before and had different liquid metal used inside of it. Like he was probably the 5th person inside that console, who know wtf it had been through. 


I'd care if not every single Sony Console I've ever owned had to be replaced at some point down the line regardless of orientation. Your console is gonna die no matter what you do. 

Edited by RSG3
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i know u guys are gonna think im jerkin this game off, but genshin impact is impressing me more n more. the more i play. i took a hiatus from playing the game for over a year. waiting fora cryo catalyst to be released. and when she did. i started playin again aaand. wow. its not just the new areas i havent explored but they really improved the gameplay. genshin was a botw rip off. with its gimmick climbing mechanic. but the one major complaint peeps had was its dungeon design. or better said lack of it.

cuz dungeons were essentially just battle areas. which got tired quick. but ever since i stopped playin they added zelda like dungeons involving puzzles and its a blast! very fun. solving these zelda puzzles.

genshin is def one of the very best rpgs ever made. i cant stop playing. addictive.

im gonna check out star ocean 2 after i complete all these quests n locations. but it seems thatll be months from now cuz genshin content i havent completed  is massive

Edited by VirginDefiler
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Got 100% on Mario Wonder this past week on my flights.  The final final stage was pretty damn tough and I died at least like 80 times, but mainly at the same badge trial at the same damn part.  And then when I finally beat the stage, I missed the top of the flag pole by like a milimeter lol, so I had to do the damn level again to get it.  The 2nd time though I probably died like 20 times total and again, most at the same damn part.


I have to say though, when you actually 100% it, it's very underwhelming.  Like literally nothing happened when I got the final standee to 100% it, and that was after farming a shitload of purple coins.  


But still, what an awesome game.

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That's a cool surprise to see they added "Probotector"  as another playable character in this new Contra.  I was already sold on this; it just adds a little more to my interest in the game.


*Today's portable gaming greatness... I was playing Dead Cells and Doom Eternal at work today... once again, it is insane to me that the tech is this damn good now; Doom Eternal still looks amazing in action on the there's no sacrifices at all, and you can play it anywhere.  I was sitting in the lounge area ripping demons apart in those incredibly gorgeous graphics.  

I still don't like that they put so much platforming shit in it though... that's not what I want out of a Doom's why when I play Eternal, most of the time I just fire up the Horde mode for a while.

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On 12/5/2023 at 4:39 AM, Sonichuman said:

Thought this might be insightful.  I don't know if it's true or not but..I mean it can't hurt to set it flat just in case right?

I have to wonder if the issue isn't caused by people putting a ton of mileage on the consoles in a short amount of time, causing them to not be able to cool down and the innards to melt. Granted, that's a design flaw no matter how you have it sitting, but if you're playing for hours at a time, then if course it's going to heat up. As was said in that thread, liquid metal is designed to be used vertically and PC motherboards have been stacked vertically since forever.


I got a base with cooling fans in it that I set the console in and it works pretty well in addition to charging the controllers too.

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2 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

I got a base with cooling fans in it that I set the console in and it works pretty well in addition to charging the controllers too.

Which cooling stand did you get? I keep getting a message my PS5 is running too hot. I'm gonna clean the fan and may decide to lay it flat. A cooling stand would be helpful too, but I'm not very familiar with them. No rush, obviously. I know it's a big day for you. 

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18 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

Which cooling stand did you get? I keep getting a message my PS5 is running too hot. I'm gonna clean the fan and may decide to lay it flat. A cooling stand would be helpful too, but I'm not very familiar with them. No rush, obviously. I know it's a big day for you. 

This one:


The fan has 3 speeds, there are two chargers for controllers and it has a bunch of slots for game/DVD cases. Even without the fan it's still a nice stand.

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1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

This one:


The fan has 3 speeds, there are two chargers for controllers and it has a bunch of slots for game/DVD cases. Even without the fan it's still a nice stand.

Thanks, man, I'll look into it!


And congratulations!  Hope all goes super easy today 😊

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7 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Man...the Xbox fanboys are really hurt right now

Fuck em' I hope they enjoy their cockmeat* sandwiches. Unless MS is cutting you check you should not be fanboying over Xbox. I can understand kids doing this shit. It's usually because they are immature and trying to justify the sole platform they own. Adults though? Fuck em'.


*For those that didn't get the reference....


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44 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

Possibly, it's why Bungie made all those cuts. If they hit their numbers, they keep control. That said, I doubt they do. Sony'll have them doing Horizon Forbidden West Remaster by the end of the year 😒


Edit: Fuck these Woke/Anti-Woke people. Woke people complaining the portrayal of women in GTA6 is misogynistic. Anti-Woke people are complaining that GTA6 is well...woke. A) The shit the women are doing in the trailer are literally GTA renditions of actual events. B) Double cheeked up women are twerking on top of cars, how the fuck is that woke? 🙄

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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1 hour ago, Lantis said:

Pretty sure all those people complaining about GTA 6 are from Florida because of the parody of Floridian people doing stupid shit 😂

Unfortunately it isn't just them...Most of the takes I've seen or been hearing about are from the people who think they're the smartest person in the room at all times

Look...I'm perfectly ok if you don't like GTA for whatever reason you deem it to be even if its weird AF to me (like Elon saying he couldn't play because you shoot cops...bruh...)  but saying the GOAL of the games is to shoot cops is misinformation.

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2 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Unfortunately it isn't just them...Most of the takes I've seen or been hearing about are from the people who think they're the smartest person in the room at all times

Look...I'm perfectly ok if you don't like GTA for whatever reason you deem it to be even if its weird AF to me (like Elon saying he couldn't play because you shoot cops...bruh...)  but saying the GOAL of the games is to shoot cops is misinformation.

Elon can eat a dick. This dude's real life actions cost people lives. Won't go into detail, forum rules on politics, but he's cut off or limited Starlink in warzones. 

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3 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Edit: Fuck these Woke/Anti-Woke people. Woke people complaining the portrayal of women in GTA6 is misogynistic. Anti-Woke people are complaining that GTA6 is well...woke. A) The shit the women are doing in the trailer are literally GTA renditions of actual events. B) Double cheeked up women are twerking on top of cars, how the fuck is that woke? 🙄

All the hillbillies shown in the trailer are for the anti woke folk. They have redneck mud park in there. LMAO 

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5 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

The Smash Community continues to be a cancerous boil on the ass of the Video Game Community. They've claimed another victim.




This is why I eventually barred Smash tournaments from the events I ran, because sadly, the samsh community is cancer everywhere and the drama is not worth it.

Edited by Hecatom
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