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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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Skyrim---so the unmodded character I had was extra fresh, just a mere level 2 weakling... Imperial I named "Lucien".  The modded one is basically the same character with the "better vampires" mod on; I'll switch over to that one if I get that mod again.  I remember that mod had all kinds of interesting stuff to improve the vampirism roleplay aspect of the game. (like making it so sunlight does constant damage to you, adding "ranks" of how powerful you are as a vamp [starting as a "fledgling"], etc.)

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haha I still have the Burger King games---- Sneak King and Pocketbike Racer.  Unfortunately they are not backwards compatible for the XB1 or Series X; I actually tried playing them several months ago out of curiosity to see if they would work on the new systems, so I'd have to fire up the old 360 to play those again.


I also had "YARIS" too....and those Doritos Crash Course games.  Doritos Crash Course still works on the Series X, actually; I played that one some months ago

(partly because I was looking for easy achievements--- back when the MS Rewards program was still a thing..... as of recently that Rewards program has been nerfed so damn hard it may as well not even exist.  I'd be willing to be that no one is going to bother with it anymore at this point; thanks for ruining a great thing, MS.  It wasn't even that long ago that I was telling a friend that I wish Nintendo and Sony would implement a rewards system that's even half as good as what MS had going on; it was easy to earn a decent amount of points each month but that'd dead for sure now.)

Edited by MillionX
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2 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:


It didn't embed because of that "fx" part in the hyperlink.

Yeah @RSG3telling Elon "F, X!" pisses him off. 🙃


Darc: "Elon, you should really check out Legion. It's pretty good."

Elon: "What channel is it on?"

Darc: "FX 👀"

Eon: "Security! Remove this man from the premises!"

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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1 hour ago, AriesWarlock said:



Anyway, here’s the top ten list of most searched characters on Pornhub.

  1. Chun-Li (Fortnite)
  2. Tifa (Final Fantasy)
  3. Dva (Overwatch)
  4. Lara Croft (Tomb Raider) 
  5. Lady Dimitrescu (Resident Evil)
  6. Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog)
  7. Ada Wong (Resident Evil)
  8. Mario (Super Mario Bros.)
  9. Widomaker (Overwatch)
  10. Mercy (Overwatch)


Now this is a list I can get behind (except for  Sonic, because of course those weirdos would)

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haha, so yeah, I didn't really think about that until now.... Fortnite has introduced a whole new generation of promising young creeps to the greatness that is Chun Li.  That's good work.


Great choices out of that pornhub list too; Lady D is new on the scene but already worthy of legend status, I'd say.

Interesting that on this list--- Mercy, Widowmaker and Dva made the cut but NOT Tracer?

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David Jaffe thinks Kratos is too soft now


He's said some other stuff including saying he thinks the team should have put their experiences into a different game other than God of War.  I'm going to respectfully disagree...Saying Kratos is soft is a weird take to have especially if you've atleast been through the first fight with Balder/Stranger.  I feel like that was really the whole main purpose of that fight cause at first the game was pretty melancholic and slow and it lulls you.  "Is this really Kratos?  Man he really got a handle on himself"  and then WHAM...UPPERCUTED TO WHOLE DIF ZIPCODE.  "Oh wait no this is God of War".  I'd say Kratos is more nuanced in the 2 recent games...soft isn't it.






Edited by Sonichuman
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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

Muta apparently released the entire call that Karl, him and Jirard were on in response to legal threats

It's 47 minutes...and I haven't listened to it but based on the comments....Muta and Karl don't have anything to worry about.


It amuses me how stupid is Jirard, knowing full well they have him on record and that the receipts are public, and still decides to threaten with legal action.

I wouldn't fault his friends for still trying to defend him, even with the evidence, but at the same time, they should give it more thought besides coping with, he is a nice guy as a reason.

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2 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

David Jaffe thinks Kratos is too soft now


He's said some other stuff including saying he thinks the team should have put their experiences into a different game other than God of War.  I'm going to respectfully disagree...Saying Kratos is soft is a weird take to have especially if you've atleast been through the first fight with Balder/Stranger.  I feel like that was really the whole main purpose of that fight cause at first the game was pretty melancholic and slow and it lulls you.  "Is this really Kratos?  Man he really got a handle on himself"  and then WHAM...UPPERCUTED TO WHOLE DIF ZIPCODE.  "Oh wait no this is God of War".  I'd say Kratos is more nuanced in the 2 recent games...soft isn't it.







Well, he is indeed more soft now.
That by itself is not a bad thing.


Saying that.
I still think the Greek Era is superior in everything to the Norse era.


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This really sucks for the devs cause I know they're still working and ironing out details on stuff for these unannounced games that may or may not happen all because some assholes were trying to hem them up for 2 mill and they refused to  pay them.   I don't even know what ultimately the hackers think their end goal here was because this isn't somthing that's like damning evidence or an email from a corporate exec being racist or anything like that.  They release all this info out aaaand.....????  Ok so now everyone knows that there's potentially more X-men games coming.  OH MAN....YOU REALLY DID A NUMBER ON INSOMNIAC THERE.

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16 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

David Jaffe thinks Kratos is too soft now


He's said some other stuff including saying he thinks the team should have put their experiences into a different game other than God of War.  I'm going to respectfully disagree...Saying Kratos is soft is a weird take to have especially if you've atleast been through the first fight with Balder/Stranger.  I feel like that was really the whole main purpose of that fight cause at first the game was pretty melancholic and slow and it lulls you.  "Is this really Kratos?  Man he really got a handle on himself"  and then WHAM...UPPERCUTED TO WHOLE DIF ZIPCODE.  "Oh wait no this is God of War".  I'd say Kratos is more nuanced in the 2 recent games...soft isn't it.






I kinda get what he's getting at; Kratos has matured A LOT for someone who did the shit he did in GOW3. But still: is Kratos supposed to just be a stab-happy murderer forever? Wouldn't that get stale?

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