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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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3 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

There is quite a lot of unknowns going into this direct cause the first half of this year feels mostly barren.  If Atlus stops playing around and actually announces that P5 and maybe P4 are coming to the Switch that'd be great.  Things I'm at least 90% sure we're going to get tomorrow will be Splatoon 3 news in some form, either a trailer or the announcement of its own separate direct or probably both.  Kirby will def be there and I'm fully expecting an update on the Advance Wars remake.   Things that are more so a might will be BotW 2 or Bayo 3.  Those 2 releases are more so in the backend of this year though but they might still throw a bone for one or the other.  I'm not going to expect Bayo 3 cause I fee like we just got the first real trailer a few months ago...if we get it?  Great!  All for it.  Not gonna expect it though.  Wild cards are going to be whatever Nintendo's been cooking in the oven that we don't really know about...I'd be pretty insane if they pulled a Metroid Dread with Mario Kart 9 and the game releases within 3 months.  Mario Kart 9 is the only game that's been floating about for the past couple of months without much real evidence for it.  Then there's the fact that Monolithsoft updated their website a few days ago coincidentally a week before the Direct is announced.  Could be nothing...could be Xenoblade 3 or Xenoblade X remaster.  If we get both then amazing.  Normally though when something is about to get announced from Monolith though Takahashi posts on twitter and provides some sort of hint which as far as I know hasn't happened yet...Ninjas might be watching him.

you just jinxed it. Instead you're getting a dozen licensed IP games no one currs about, a handful of indie games, maybe 3 of you will love, 2-3 1st party game updates with launch dates and MAYBE one bombshell reveal. 

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12 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Son: "Dad can I have my Switch?"

Purbeast: "Boy can't you see I'm playing Splatoon 3?"



PROTIP: We each have our own Switch.




In all honesty though, I may get it too so that we can play together.  Part 2 is a pretty cool game but I suck at it.  He is only 6 and he could kick my ass in that game if I played against him.

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On a serious note the only thing on my wish list when it comes to the Direct tomorrow is the release date for the Smash Ultimate Character Pass 2 amiibo. Which I feel is a reasonable request.

If those are announced during or directly after I’ll be happy. Everything else is just a bonus. 


Edited by iStu X
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22 hours ago, Chadouken said:

So apparently you can buy the PS4 version of Forbidden West for $60 vs the PS5 for $70. But the PS4 version comes with a free upgrade to the PS5 version, so you can save yourself $10 if you want the PS5 version by purchasing the PS4 version and upgrading it immediately. This works for both physical and digital, but you need to buy it digitally from the PS Store through a browser to make it work. Can't do it directly from your PS5.


I already preordered the PS5 physical version and used $50 I had saved in Best Buy rewards so I'm sticking with that. I do hope this doesn't come back to bite us in the ass if too many people use this exploit and Sony takes it away from us in the future, but for now it's an easy way to save $10.

It's not an exploit, the reason it works at all is because Sony originally said it wouldn't charge extra for the PS5 version then went back on their word, then got backlash for it so made a special exception for Horizon. I wouldn't expect other games to do it this way.

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heh, after all these years... it still makes me laugh that Dark Falz/Dark Force from Phantasy Star series got translated as "Dark Phallus" one time.  🤣 


If only this IP got some remakes with a serious budget... I've always enjoyed the enemies and general lore of this series, even though I was not into the earlier ones.

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5 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

What would DLC for Dread be I wonder? Hmmm.

I had to think about this for a moment because every answer I was coming up with I felt was going to be forced and not natural since Dread is a pretty complete thing.  I mean I see 2 things that they could do that might be pretty interesting if they're execute it well and that's maybe doing a prologue story involving Raven Beak.  How they'd do that and make the game play and story good at the same time though I'm not 100% sure of.  Maybe focus on the time before the X ran rampant on the planet and what Raven Beak had to do to contain it might be interesting.  The 2nd thing would be a side story epilogue that could lead into hints of what to expect for the franchise moving forward.  Like Samus gets a message from the Federation shortly after the planet blows up to debrief her on what happened and right in the middle of debriefing shit starts going down on the ship. 


Personally though I'm fine with where Dread is and I'd rather then take that energy for doing any DLC and put it towards Metroid (if it will even be called this moving forward) 6.

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So Jeff Grubb and Mike Minotti gave a rundown on what they expect tomorrow for the direct but also said none of them are guaranteed. It’s just what they’ve heard from their usual sources, known reputable leakers and their own personal hunches 

Spoiler tagging for those who wanna stay potentially spoiler free 



* Final trailer for Kirby 

* Final trailer for Triangle Strategy

* Final trailer for Advanced Wars 1+2 Re-Boot Camp

* More Bayo 3 Info

* More Splat 3 info 

* More Mario + Rabbids Spark of Hope info 

* Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster Collection

* Hollow Knight Silk Song 

* Sports Story 

* 007 Golden Eye coming to NSO

* Xenoblade Chronicles 3 

* New Fire Emblem entry OR remake/remaster of an older entry

* 1-2 Switch Sequel (🤷🏼‍♂️)

* Pikmin 4

* Metroid Prime Remaster (Only Prime 1)

* New Game from EPD9 team (Mario Kart/Arms team). They expect it to be Mario Kart 9

* New Trailer for BotW2 OR Twilight Princess and Wind Waker HD Collection port announcement (They specified it will either be new trailer for BotW2 or announcement of the collection but highly doubt both) 


Edited by iStu X
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A short trailer for Swansong--- coming this May (also later for Switch!)

of course this still isn't what I really want... but this looks much more engaging than those games that are just text or text + pictures... this is at least giving us some animated characters and exp, stats, and skill point choices.

Edited by MillionX
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oooh... I didn't think there would even be a shotgun in Dying Light 2 since the game seems to be focused mostly around melee combat...but here we go

sheeeitttt, in any game with firearms, if I can get a shotgun then oh yeah... that's my weapon of choice most of the time.  

Edited by MillionX
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M$ reiterates again that they are going to keep making CoD on PS consoles and also beyond existing contracts, also say thaty want to support Nintendo with titles



First, some commentators have asked whether we will continue to make popular content like Activision’s Call of Duty available on competing platforms like Sony’s PlayStation. The obvious concern is that Microsoft could make this title available exclusively on the Xbox console, undermining opportunities for Sony PlayStation users.

To be clear, Microsoft will continue to make Call of Duty and other popular Activision Blizzard titles available on PlayStation through the term of any existing agreement with Activision. And we have committed to Sony that we will also make them available on PlayStation beyond the existing agreement and into the future so that Sony fans can continue to enjoy the games they love. We are also interested in taking similar steps to support Nintendo’s successful platform. We believe this is the right thing for the industry, for gamers and for our business.


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I finally sat down and messed with the M2 Shottriggers port of Battle Garegga and expectedly it's really really good. Full training mode, replays, online leader boards the works. What I actually sat down to mess with and why I tagged you tho was M2 tuned a new mode for the game called Premium Mode where the rank is static per stage. Basically a mode where the game plays more like a traditional console Shmup instead of a mean arcade game. This is a fantastic training mode for the game, you can play and learn the ships, bombs, how bullet patterns work without dealing with the variable difficulty nature of the game. One could 1cc Premium Mode and graduate to Arcade. I bring all this up because learning to play Garegga means you could easily move onto playing Armed Police Batrider (and Ibara for that matter), I remember you really liking that game upfront. I'm a big fan and like it better then Garegga but Garegga is really great to and as said can be used to learn to play Batrider in a less brutal way. 


I recommend this port to everyone by the way. It's on PS4/5 and it's brilliant. M2 really needs to port and make a Premium Mode for Batrider for sure. They seem super focused on their Toaplan stuff right now tho. I can't get excited for those until they start releasing Toaplans late 80s and 90s contend like V-V, Doguun, Truxton/Tatsujin and Batsugun. 

Edited by RSG3
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7 minutes ago, RSG3 said:



I finally sat down and messed with the M2 Shottriggers port of Battle Garegga and expectedly it's really really good. Full training mode, replays, online leader boards the works. What I actually sat down to mess with and why I tagged you tho was M2 tuned a new mode for the game called Premium Mode where the rank is static per stage. Basically a mode where the game plays more like a traditional console Shmup instead of a mean arcade game. This is a fantastic training mode for the game, you can play and learn the ships, bombs, how bullet patterns work without dealing with the variable difficulty nature of the game. One could 1cc Premium Mode and graduate to Arcade. I bring all this up because learning to play Garegga means you could easily move onto playing Armed Police Batrider (and Ibara for that matter), I remember you really liking that game upfront. I'm a big fan and like it better then Garegga but Garegga is really great to and as said can be used to learn to play Batrider in a less brutal way. 


I recommend this port to everyone by the way. It's on PS4/5 and it's brilliant. M2 really needs to port and make a Premium Mode for Batrider for sure. They seem super focused on their Toaplan stuff right now tho. I can't get excited for those until they start releasing Toaplans late 80s and 90s contend like V-V, Doguun, Truxton/Tatsujin and Batsugun. 

I don't even know if I had ever heard of Battle Garegga until you made this post lol.  Just went and saw a video of it and should see if I got it on my MAME cabinet.  It looks good.

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Just now, purbeast said:

I don't even know if I had ever heard of Battle Garegga until you made this post lol.  Just went and saw a video of it and should see if I got it on my MAME cabinet.  It looks good.

Same main programmer/director as Armed Police Batrider. They are very similar. The main differences are Batrider has that sorta tag mechanic where each life is represented by a different player ship you swap to when you die, and Batrider has a METRIC FUCK TON of secrets while Garegga only has the secret Mahou ships. Batrider has 18 bosses and half of them are secrets you have to trigger. 

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2 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Same main programmer/director as Armed Police Batrider. They are very similar. The main differences are Batrider has that sorta tag mechanic where each life is represented by a different player ship you swap to when you die, and Batrider has a METRIC FUCK TON of secrets while Garegga only has the secret Mahou ships. Batrider has 18 bosses and half of them are secrets you have to trigger. 

I will def check it out next time I fire it up.  All of my arcade gaming time in the past few months has gone only to pinball and I don't see that changing much in the near future lol.

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is there a fighting game where you can pick and choose special moves and add them to your characters? sorta like how superdragonballz ps2 had?

cuz the dopest thing about superdbz ps2 was you had a character, and you had like 20 special moves that you could "equip" to your character and it would vastly change the meta of the character.

anything like that out there?

i find character building and discovering new synergy strats fascinating.




oh yea, i just remembered arcana heart and red earth have equipable powers/abilities. sadly those games are dead

Edited by VirginDefiler
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14 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

is there a fighting game where you can pick and choose special moves and add them to your characters? sorta like how superdragonballz ps2 had?

cuz the dopest thing about superdbz ps2 was you had a character, and you had like 20 special moves that you could "equip" to your character and it would vastly change the meta of the character.

anything like that out there?

i find character building and discovering new synergy strats fascinating.




oh yea, i just remembered arcana heart and red earth have equipable powers/abilities. sadly those games are dead

Mortal Kombat 11?

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36 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

is there a fighting game where you can pick and choose special moves and add them to your characters? sorta like how superdragonballz ps2 had?

cuz the dopest thing about superdbz ps2 was you had a character, and you had like 20 special moves that you could "equip" to your character and it would vastly change the meta of the character.

anything like that out there?

i find character building and discovering new synergy strats fascinating.

Mortal Kombat 11

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I haven't played 3 houses but I'll play the new Fire Emblem Warriors If they continue to improve on what they did in the first game.


Advance Wars


No Man Sky is coming to the Switch.  Didn't see that coming.


Edit: I JUST got off work so I'll just update this post with what's going on.


YOOOOOOOO...A NEW MARIO SOCCER GAME! YEESSSS!!!  I've wanted another one of these FOR YEAAARRSS!!!  MARIO STRIKERS BATTLE LEAGUE!  YEEESSS...LET THE CHAOS COMMENCE!!!!  Gear is going to be in the game and it's going to effect stats.  8 players can all play on 1 switch.  Online play will have Online clubs.  20 people per club.  This shit bout to be LIT!!!  Game is coming June 10!


Alright moving into Splatoon 3.  Showing Salmon Run.  Salmon Run has more crazy boss shit that you're gonna have to deal with that they're showing off.   Oh I can't wait for the chaos in this mode.  Looks like you can actually throw eggs between players now.  That's great!  Showing some of the new supers.  You can shoot eggs into the basket so there's going to be some at the buzzer moments now.  Looks great!  Called Salmon Run Next Wave.  Game is coming Summer 2022 this Armored Core?  No actually is a remake of Front Mission called Front Mission 1st Mission. 


Front Mission 2 is also going to switch.


Disney and Pixar are coming out with a Kart racer being published by Gameloft,  Sully, Mickey, Mulan, Jack Sparrow all shown.  Disney Speed Storm.  Online, splitscree, coming this Summer.


Star Wars The Force Unleashed is coming to Switch.  Disney is going to let this  happen even though it's not canon?  interesting.  Coming April 2022


Ass Creed Ezio Collection.  Coming Feb.


SD Gundam Battle Alliance coming to Switch this year.


Remaster of of Chrono Cross coming to Switch!  Rumor is real! Soundtrack will be enhanced.  Radical Dreamers will also be included.  Chrono Cross The radical dreamers edition is coming April 7


Moving on to Kirby.  Kirby out here eating cars....and didn't fully eat the car and looks like he was just stuck on the top of the car? lol  Looks like that's how he's gonna turn into the car I guess.  He's saving kidnapped waddle dees.  They're calling  what Kirby is doing Mouthful mode when the object is just sticking out of his mouth so it's a new way to do abilties for him.  Evolve classic kirby abilities and make him more powerful.  Coming 03/25.


Talking about MLB the show coming to the Switch.  Showing what the game looks like running on the console.  Coming April 5th.


Moving on to game collections.


Talking about KH cloud versions...errr Isn't this already out?   Says it's coming out tomorrow?  Thought it was already out.


Klonoa collection coming out!  Coming July 8th.


Portal collection coming with Portal 1 and 2.  2 will have split screen.  will come out later this year.


A classic comes alive?  Live A Live announced for Switch.   I've only heard of this game apparently it's only been released in Japan.  Looks a lot like Octopath Traveler.  Coming July 22nd


New Sports title coming to Switch called Nintendo Switch Sports.   Pretty much remake of Wii sports titles for Switch.  Bowling, Tennis, Chambara and 3 other sports, Soccer, Badminton, and Volleyball.   I'll probably enjoy playing this with friends.  Has online play.  Now they're going to show Volley ball with Koizumi against Takahashi.  I doubt it's gonna get nearly as many sales as Wii Sports did but I can see this game doing really well.  Game is coming 04/29.  There will be updates to the game.  Golf will be added in the fall.  Game will have an Online Play Test planned.  Play test will be from 02/18 to 02/20.


moving on to head lines.  talking about Taiko drum game


and there's a new demo of Triangle Strategy game. 


tallking about the Cuphead dlc.  ccoming 06/30


Errr a free update coming to Dread.  Dread  mode difficulty and rookie mode.  coming later todaay.  dead in one hit with dread mode, Boss rush mode coming later this year.


Earthbound is coming to NSO.  Earthbound Beginnings is also coming to NSO.  Coming later today.


Moving into a highlight real of some 3rd party games coming to the platform now including Demon Slayer, Two point campus,  a Lego beatem up game?


MARIO KART 8 DLC BAAABYYYY!!!  It's not 9 but I'll fucking TAKE IT.  Booster Course Pass.   Remastering games from previous mario kart games.  they're doing 6 waves of this.  Yo...they're going in on this!  Each wave is like 6 tracks.    first wave coming 3/18.  24.99.  If you have the expansion pack for NSO then you get it automatically for free.


Ok last announcement.


Is this Xenoblade chronicles?  Yes  it is!   Xenoblade Chronicles 3!  Looks like this is like a mix of 1 and 2?  Like it has the cel shading of 2 but I think they mentioned the Bionis?  I'm gonna need to finish 2 to find out what the heck's going on. lol.   Yeah there's the title drop.  Game is coming September 2022.  Yup confirmation that it ties the stories of 1 and 2 together.


End of the Direct.  No Bayo or BotW2 but I'm ok with that cause I GOT A NEW STRIKERS GAME BAAAABYYYYY!

Edited by Sonichuman
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