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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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3 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Giving Nepheli the Potion from Seluvis will end her questline but you'll get a unique Ash Summon for it. Nephelis quest was broken until the patch the other night so can't say if the reward for her quest is worth it or not reward wise but it seems to involve Kenneth Haight and Stormveil Castle. 

I have found Nepheli after I got the potion however there was no way to give her the potion.  She was not in Stormveil Castle either.  After the patch they now label people on the map you have interacted with too so I can easily get back to her now that the patch is out and see what happens.

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this looks sick 🤘


2D action platformer Moonscars announced for PC





Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page:


Under grim moonlight, the fierce clayborne warrior Grey Irma battles, driven by a lonesome purpose: Find the Sculptor, and unravel the mystery of her existence.

Push the limits of your combat skills, and master new abilities to progress through an unforgiving nonlinear 2D world. Face off against the relentless darkness that seeks to destroy you. In Moonscars, every death is a lesson learnt—and as you overcome each challenge, new truths will be revealed.

Key Features

  • Death Shapes You – Before you rise, you first must fall. Mold yourself into a master warrior through a cycle of trial and triumph.
  • A Grimly Gorgeous World – Explore the shadows and secrets concealed in the moonlight of a painterly nonlinear 2D realm marred by desperation and despair.
  • Test Your Resolve – Sharpen your skills and reflexes in challenging, action-packed combat. Slash and parry with your sword, wield unique special weapons, and command powerful Witchery.
  • The Moon Hungers – Unearth a strange, dark fantasy tale filled with twists and intricate worldbuilding. Seek the truth of your creation and be rewarded.
  • Clay, Bone, and IchorBear witness to tales and memories of betrayal, suffering, and revenge as Grey Irma and her fellow beings of flesh and clay seek truth and purpose.
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There are a shit load of metroidvania type games on PC.  I suppose they're on everything but I only play on PC.  So...there are a shit load of metroidvanias these days.  Some games I consider metroidvanias and others I just consider side scrolling adventure games. 


Anyhow, that game looks cool so I put it on my wishlist and I'll give it a try when it comes out. 



Edited by Faltimar the Dark
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Reports coming out that Moon Studios has an oppressive work culture and they may not be working with M$ anymore

This sucks if it's true but at this point there's been so much nasty shit going on in this industry that I'm not surprised anymore.  Why is it so hard to just not be a shit piece?

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24 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Did they put Sephiroth in Elden Ring? 🤔



It's amazing they let you put the Quick Step Skill on Greatswords. The customization in this game is seriously next level. You can buildand play how you want to. It's fantastic. 


Oh also Vergil is in Elden Ring as well. 


This one has late game boss spoilers so gave upon at your own risk.





Edited by RSG3
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VGM Fridaaaaaays!  This month is Women's history month so I figure I'll throw some love specifically to some of the ladies that put music into our ears while we gamed.



Fumie Kumatani - Personally started noticing her around when Sonic Adventure 2 came out.  Mostly known for her contributions to the Sonic franchise but she's also contributed to Burning Rangers, Nights, and Phantasy Star.

Eveline Fischer - The other half responsible for music for the original DKC SNES trilogy.  She's also done voices for various games and was actually the original Joanna Dark from Perfect Dark.

Yoko Shimomura - The Goddess of VGM imo.  If I started talking about her body of work I'd probably be sitting here typing all day.

Lena Raine - Recently did some music for Deltarune but she's done some music for Minecraft here and there but her most famous body of work would be Celeste.

Michiru Yamane - Her biggest claim to fame is her amazing contributions to the Castlevania franchise starting with SotN and onward.  Since Konami is well...Konami right now...She's also contributed to the Bloodstained IP.   She's also contributed to the Suikoden series  as well as Skullgirls.

Minami Matsumae - She has pretty wide body of work but her most famous work is probably Mega Man.  Other games she's contributed to include Final Fight, Megaman 10, and Shovel Knight.

Manaka Kataoka - Relatively new to the scene, she started doing work with Nintendo with the Wii Fit before being involved in Animal Crossing and Zelda.

Minae Saito -  Her breath of work is not that large but she was the composer for Mega Man 4, Captain Commando and also contributed to Megan Man 10.

Yumiko Kanki - Her breath of work is also not large however there is one game that is probably her greatest work that people would be familiar with and that's F-Zero.  She also did the music for Star Fox 2.

Soyo Oka - She worked a brief bit at Nintendo before leaving she left quite a mark before departing.  Her biggest title being the Super Mario Kart.  She was also responsible for Pilotwings, SimCity and doing the rearrangement for Super Mario All-Stars.

Minako Hamano - She's been around for a moment.  Her first title she worked on was LoZ: LA.  She contributed most of the music for that game actually and she's contributed to various titles since then while mostly contributing the Metroid franchise (2D and Prime)

Harumi Fujita - She's worked on a few thing during her time at Capcom during the NES period.  She's responsible for Gemini Man and Needle Man's music in Megaman 3. She's also contributed to WindJammers 2 and also to SoR4.

Yuko Takehara -  Her music can mostly be heard during the major versus era of Capcom.  XvsSF, MvsSF, MvC1, Star Gladiator, and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.  Also responsible for Megaman 6's music, Nash and Rose's music in Alpha 1,  and Pump Man in Megaman 10.

Yuka Tsujiyoko - She's been around since the NES days and her major contributions have pretty much been Fire Emblem.  She's been the main composer for Fire Emblem all the way up to the first release on GBA before she started taking a more supervisor role for the series with occasional contribution.   Another large feather in her cap would be she was also responsible the music from Paper Mario and Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door.

Atsuko Asahi -  New blood.  First game was Steel Diver and she also contributed to Animal Crossing New LeaF, Pikmin 3, reaarangements on WWHD and Mario Kart 8.  She also was responsible for Arms's Grand Prix Theme Music which is what I was going to put for her...but she did the composition and arrangement for Dolphin Shoals soooooo...  

Shiho Fujii -  Relatively new.  Her first game was with Wii Fit before she went on to contribute to Animal Crossing, the New Super series, LoZ: SS as weell as Mario Kart 8 , Ring Fit Adventure and Super Mario Odyssey.  She's also a part of the new blood that's up and coming and responsible for some of Splatoon's music mostly dealing with the Squid Sisters.


There's a good chunk in here and I would have tried to do more but I figured I need to cut it somewhere.  I can do more research next year for a post then.

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Sitting here thinking about other builds I could do in Elden Ring and Kain from LOK crossed my mind. That could be really fun...but the more I think about it the more I just want a remake of Blood Omen but to the caliber of Elden Rings world design. Nosgoth has as much character and presence as The Lands Between and it would look amazing done at this level. 


@MillionXTell me a Blood Omen remake with Nosgoth represented to this level wouldn't be fucking amazing. 


I've gone and made myself a depressed LOK fan again...

Edited by RSG3
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I'm laughing, but I feel a sliver sad for them. How can they salvage themselves? All they really do is sell games and geek merch. Not the best proposition in this day and age. Hell, they were saved by redditors going crazy on short-sellers last year. That's probably the only reason they're even around today.


So, yeah, it's really fucking stupid they're chasing NFTs, but what else have they got but to chase the latest trend?

Edited by axeman61
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5 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Sitting here thinking about other builds I could do in Elden Ring and Kain from LOK crossed my mind. That could be really fun...but the more I think about it the more I just want a remake of Blood Omen but to the caliber of Elden Rings world design. Nosgoth has as much character and presence as The Lands Between and it would look amazing done at this level. 


@MillionXTell me a Blood Omen remake with Nosgoth represented to this level wouldn't be fucking amazing. 


I've gone and made myself a depressed LOK fan again...

oh hell yeah... I couldn't handle that kind of hype if a new Blood Omen was released, looking like Elden Ring.  Sheeeeitttt, I'd be on that day 1... with a pre-order on the Legendary Ultimate Edition and all.


There is some "blood magic" kinda spells in there.... I'm considering making a character that is suspiciously similar to the legendary Kain himself.  It's a shame there's no vampiric monster transformation kind of ability....I imagine sprouting wings to fly around in a "super form" would be another overpowered thing they didn't want to allow.


A "transmog" customization system for the clothes would be nice...that + color options always makes for some amazing depth with character creation.


Random other favorite character ideas that came to mind for future playthroughs... Lumen Sage from Bayonetta 2!... Jeanne or Bayo herself... also Genan and Ukyo from Samurai Shodown... those 2 were always my favorite character designs from that series.

Or... Midknight, Xavier, and Eternal Champion himself from Eternal Champions... 

ooh----Mola Rahm from Temple of Doom!  Yeah I'm definitely making him next... faith+sorcery of course.  NOTE---there just happens to be a helm in the game that has big animal horns, btw... perfect for this character!

Edited by MillionX
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Oh, and I watched a clip or two of the best rune farming spot in the game, but I purposely didn’t look up how to get there, but last night, as I sprinted Torrent past some enemies, desperately looking for goodies and a grace in a new land, I spotted a place that looked familiar. Looked down and there it was…


there’s no way that isn’t intentional by the way. That area is filled with rune pickup items that each grant you like over 50k. It hasn’t been patched out yet, so yeah, that spot has to be on purpose.


bless their hearts

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So out of curiosity I checked the VtM: Bloodlines 2 instagram page []... sure enough it's still dead.  Their last post was June 2020.  The last thing mentioned publicly/recently was that it's still in development though (I'm assuming they've had to rewrite damn near everything since they got rid of the head writer and eventually the whole team got dropped off the it's like the progress went back to the drawing board, most likely.


Oh yeah....

"but this is my cheese!" 😆

Edited by MillionX
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5 minutes ago, MillionX said:

So out of curiosity I checked the VtM: Bloodlines 2 instagram page []... sure enough it's still dead.  Their last post was June 2020.  The last thing mentioned publicly/recently was that it's still in development though (I'm assuming they've had to rewrite damn near everything since they got rid of the head writer and eventually the whole team got dropped off the it's like the progress went back to the drawing board, most likely.


Oh yeah....


Keef always hilarious. I have to give From credit tho, the nerfs this time seem really on point. Hoarfrost Stomp for example was fucking retarded and I'm not even talking about PVP that shit murdered PVE to. Was bonkers lol.  After the nerf it's still pretty good its just not fucking retarded anymore lol. 


Probably why they left the Moonveil Katana alone. It's strong but not dumb...least not yet lol. 

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After sinking any chance that G4 had to succeed , Foreskin and the vicepresident have jumped ship/were fired and are bringing new people 🤣


Comcast invested millions in the show in order to enter the esports ecosphere, just so 3 or 4 idiots ruin any chance of that, lol.

Edited by Hecatom
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12 minutes ago, Hecatom said:


After sinking any chance that G4 had to succeed , Foreskin and the vicepresident have jumped ship/were fired and are bringing new people 🤣


Comcast invested millions in the show in order to enter the esports ecosphere, just so 3 or 4 idiots ruin any chance of that, lol.

I feel bad for Jirard. He keeps trying to get real content off the ground and he's always on the up and up, level headed. He does good work and it gets ruined by dumbasses. Poor guy lol. Good thing he didn't dump his entire YT Channel for this venture. 

Edited by RSG3
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4 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

I feel bad for Jirard. He keeps trying to get real content off the ground and he's always on the up and up, level headed. He does good work and it gets ruined by dumbasses. Poor guy lol. Good thing he didn't dump his entire YT Channel for this venture. 

Yeah, you can see that he got caught offguard when Foreskin started her rant, he was clearly uncomfortable.

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It seems that the game is failing due a lot of people leaving the studio, Microsoft not putting work into creating new content into the game to justify a live service model, the botched player progress experience, and that has lead to Halo being on its way out of the top 10 played games of M$, and having way less view per event than niche fighting games with 1000 views at best on twitch.



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6 minutes ago, Camacho said:

Since Elden ring is doing so well, I wonder how many more digital copies the other DS games, BB, and Sekiro will sell.

I can't speak to sales but people are still playing Bloodborne. I've been invading at BL53 in Byrgenworth and Nightmare Frontier specifically and getting invasions one after the other most days. Fewer in other spots but still some here and there.

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1 minute ago, RSG3 said:

Yea he definitely wasn't read in on what was about to happen before it happened. He looks super uncomfortable. Dude looked like he wanted to pull a Snagle Puss and slide out of frame, exit stage left. 


For what i have heard, only few people knew about what Foreskin was going to do, the others were left on the dark until it was too late.

Apparently, if they would know, they wouldn't have left them do it, since Comcast was explicit on the staying out of political topics since they invested a lot of money and want to pivot on esports, even purchasing a big arena for events, and the whole idea of reviving G4 was to cement themselves and be ready.


It is why after the rant you saw Sessler, Foreskin and the Vice president that were attacking people on twatter become silent out of nowhere (very likely they were told to stfu by comcast), and the last 2 moving into other stuff, probably being either fired or moved into other stuff that can't hurt the brand further until their contracts end.

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37 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Would be cool for them to get a bump due to Elden Ring, especially Sekiro, I feel that game is slept on since the Easy Mode debate was in full force when that game came out 

Last number I can find for Sekiro's sales was 5 million- 2 million for BB, which I think makes a strong case for re-releasing on for PC and current gen with improved performance. Personally, I like Sekiro's gameplay the most of the bunch, followed by BB- BB kills the atmosphere element though. Sekiro forces you to learn its combat, but once you've got the skills, you're never going to simply be under-leveled or under-equipped like in the others on account of it not having the usual RPG mechanics. Yeah, I know people do SL1 runs in DS, but those are still pretty gear dependent and require an absurd amount of practice. 


Oh, and Sekiro gets bonus points for having fewer shitty runbacks than any of the others. Long runbacks are crap, especially when the bosses can frequently 1 or 2 shot you. Even the PS2 Shinobi title was kind enough to let you restart directly at bosses. 

Edited by Camacho
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2 hours ago, Hecatom said:


After sinking any chance that G4 had to succeed , Foreskin and the vicepresident have jumped ship/were fired and are bringing new people 🤣


Comcast invested millions in the show in order to enter the esports ecosphere, just so 3 or 4 idiots ruin any chance of that, lol.

Where are you seeing that Frosk got fired caaaause as far as I can tell from her twitter that doesn't seem to be the case


I tried looking up stuff online and I only saw a 3rd party video mentioning this but nothing official at the moment.  She even still has "G4TV Host" under here twitter.

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