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The Street Fighter V Thread

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5 minutes ago, Psychoblue said:

When he got a game off me using Blanka vs my Dhalsim (I forgot I had slide whoops) he popped off so hard that he shoved me into the gift card rack like a damn For Honor hazard.  I had to puff my chest out like Abi VT1 when he went to do it again so I don't get scratched up again.


Did you look into each other's eyes after your display of manliness?


🧐 🤏🍿

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1 minute ago, Sonero said:


Did you look into each other's eyes after your display of manliness?


🧐 🤏🍿

I was in a hurry to run it back, so no.  Also since it was during business hours I was concerned if I did my usual shit talking some random family would recognize that their attending BCBA is this foul mouthed nutjob growling at this thin dude and I'd have to hear about it later.  

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17 minutes ago, Sonero said:

I'mma be honest. If a dude invites me to his hotel room and its to play SF5 instead of bedding me, its just gonna cause harm to my self esteem.


Like damn man, I ain't pretty enough to be harassed? Gotta make me play this bum ass game instead of objectifying me?



Pulling out SFV IS harassment.  You're being targeted by top tier degenerates whose depravity knows no bounds!

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13 minutes ago, Sonero said:

Talk that shit and growl at them? What kind of caveman game are you spitting at dudes?


Have you tried complimenting their nike's? Might be a better way to get more "locals" back at your place.



Sorry the long time away from locals has done some weird things to my social skills.


I must do better as one of the scene vets.  


Next time I'll tell him he has a good look in his eyes.  


On a serious note, since the most he has as a player is knowing how to do special motions, firing up CVS2 either on PCSX2 or NullDC next time I invite him over for a set might be something he digs.  I don't do that crazy A-Groove nonsense (yet) so rocking P-Groove or K-Groove might be fun for casuals.

Edited by Psychoblue
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13 minutes ago, Psychoblue said:

On a serious note, since the most he has as a player is knowing how to do special motions, firing up CVS2 either on PCSX2 or NullDC next time I invite him over for a set might be something he digs.  I don't do that crazy A-Groove nonsense (yet) so rocking P-Groove or K-Groove might be fun for casuals.

I'll body all of you in CVS2.

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15 hours ago, HeavensCloud said:

Am I the only one that feels the netcode getting worse after each update? Every time they 'improve' the netcode people seem to be happy for the most part and I'm over here wishing they never touched anything.  


It didn’t get better or worse for me this patch. But the the netcode is 9/10 for me overall since switching to PC. 



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8 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

If it wasn't 2020, I'd just gift it you. Unfortunately it is 2020 and my wallet isn't what it normally is.

Appreciate that man. Honestly not a cost issue just a "how much will I use it?" question. But with the people here that will want to play it makes more sense. I'll keep an eye on it.


Plus with a PC account if I ever needed a pick me up I could run amok in Rookie/Bronze for a bit.


angry attack GIF by Nat Geo Wild

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1 hour ago, GetTheTables said:

I keep hearing about how much better the game runs on PC. Makes me tempted to pick it up now that I have a comp that can handle it but I don't know that I want to give Capcom any more SF5 money.


Reminds me how Daigo said they should make PC standard, it plays so much better.

That would first mean that a lot of devs need to get their asses out of their heads and actually fine tune the PC Version.

*cough* Controller Pluging *cough*

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6 minutes ago, Sonero said:

Getting all those PCs to run tournaments would be a massive paint in the 🍑 though.  Maybe capcom should just learn how to code a fighting game for consoles.



Well they want to be eSports, then they should be able to get their stuff running and organiced on the Nr.1 Plattform for eSports.

Not pointing my finger on Capcom alone here I point at all the FG Devs and the FGC in general.

Wait for the Riot FG to come out and they just flex on everyone else with doing it, just because they can.

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Also, PC seems to come with some headaches that console gaming seems to avoid. 


It's not all the time, but getting controllers to work, bad ports, etc. seems to be a much more common problem on PC.


Then again, it's way more open ended, so mods can make your experience way better. 


It'll be at least another 12-18 months before I even consider picking up a new console, so I'm got plenty of time to mull it over

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19 minutes ago, KingTubb said:

Also, PC seems to come with some headaches that console gaming seems to avoid. 


It's not all the time, but getting controllers to work, bad ports, etc. seems to be a much more common problem on PC.


Then again, it's way more open ended, so mods can make your experience way better.

I basically did this dance for 2 years until covid came along and forced my hand.


I think if you spec'd out what you'd need to run pretty much all the modern (and probably upcoming FGs) it wouldn't be too terribly high in cost. At least relative to a PS5/XBSX. 


That's kind of the rub though; part of the benefit of having a PC is that you can use it for a lot more than just that so buying one "just" for FGs seems like you're spec'ing the wrong way. At least you can upgrade later.


What tipped it for me was having something PC only that I wanted access to (TTS during lockdown). I think that is when it makes the most sense; when you are getting full use out of the box. Makes me feel a lot better about the investment. Otherwise everything I'm playing now I could still be playing on PS4 (sans MB/3S via FC2 but those are new additions).

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The PC is a powerful tool.  The added power comes at the cost of added complexity, but honestly it's no big deal.


In regards to fighting games there is occasional weirdness with controllers, but for the most part it's a non-issue.  Steam can translate almost any controller to xinput, which is the standard for PC games.  Your PS3/PS4/Switch controllers should work just fine once you set the Steam controller mapping up.  Alternatively, if you own a stick with a xbox (xinput) mode you will pretty much have 0 issues.


A respectable PC will cost 1.5-2x the price of a console, but you'll be able to use it for years and upgrade it over time.  With consoles you buy a new machine whenever Sony/MS/Nintendo tell you to.  With a PC you can choose when/what you upgrade based on your needs.  The added cost is balanced by having way more control over your experience and how much money you want to put in/how long you want to use your machine.


Probably the biggest perk of a PC is the raw performance and game library.  With a PC you get access to emulation, as well as the ability to play lots of legacy titles on Steam/Epic/GOG/etc.  The idea of a 'remaster' is really a console thing, since a lot of them don't look any better than the PC versions of the same game released many years ago.  There's no need to wait for a remaster to be sold to you when you can play the original with newer hardware any time you want.  There are also many games that only have life on PC because they are either never made for console or were originally made for consoles that nobody uses anymore.


I wouldn't recommend a PC to everyone and the new consoles are certainly very powerful, but there are definitely advantages to owning one.  If you want to just play games and not worry about anything then console is still the way to go -- but if you want more versatility, power, and the ability to do other stuff (like streaming/content creation) then a PC is a no-brainer.

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1 hour ago, KingTubb said:

Also, PC seems to come with some headaches that console gaming seems to avoid. 


It's not all the time, but getting controllers to work, bad ports, etc. seems to be a much more common problem on PC.


Then again, it's way more open ended, so mods can make your experience way better. 


It'll be at least another 12-18 months before I even consider picking up a new console, so I'm got plenty of time to mull it over


Some Sticks seem to have problems.

Steam however does have good Controller support at this stage.

Heck I played Company of Heroes 2 with a Controller the other day and that shit worked. I lost cause I keeped pressing the wrong buttons but it worked xD

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9 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

How do you deal with Alex EX stomp? Its plus on block, fast as shit, and recovers almost the second he touches the ground

Pull the cable out.


Honestly I'm happy enough if I block it. If I feel like they're gonna be real stompy NJs can work alright to at least not be there. I feel like half the battle with that move is just trying to mitigate the "get in" factor. I haven't really played a char with an EX reversal so if its blocked just gotta hold it or maybe backdash.

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27 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

How do you deal with Alex EX stomp? Its plus on block, fast as shit, and recovers almost the second he touches the ground

Jump backwards or forwards. If you block it, v-reversal out.


If you neutral jump, he can anti air you with st.lp and get a mix out of it. He may have options for stomp whiffing (since it doesnt have the extra animation from the grab), but I'd have to lab them. Think he might be able to EX knee you if you forward jump. If he did back to back EX moves for 1XX damage then dude is on the losing end of things.

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Speaking of v-reversal, it's something that I never do. It doesn't help that Laura is so dependent on vt so I don't wanna use it. You could probably count the number of times I've used it on purpose in one hand. 


I know Alex is supposedly bad but I've gotten smacked by him too many times lol.


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58 minutes ago, Illwill88 said:

I know Alex is supposedly bad but I've gotten smacked by him too many times lol.


The good thing about Laura is that she gets a knockdown v-reversal. Not sue if she gets a meaty out of it, but she does push them away a good distance.  Against Alex, making lose all that ground is a pain.


In my ft10 against Hawkingbird, I sort of reviewed how he played based on his replays, then spent some time going over all the knockdowns Alex had to see what he got out of them. Unless its EX knee or EX power bomb, he literaly gets no oki from a damn thing ever (except maybe in the corner). So if you v-reversal away any opportunity he used ots pend meter to force himself in then its RIP for the rest of his pressure and game.


It also means that you can take a command grab after one of the situations where the pressure is legitimate. If you do that it means Alex blew his load for further pressure.


Capcom sort of hates Alex and its kinda hilarious.

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3 hours ago, Vhozite said:

Tbh he’s one of the reasons this afternoon has me reconsidering Nash. I cannot cope with the zombie walk speed. 


Play Birdie 


He kinda fell off the map this season but he's still solid mid. I can see your play-style fitting with the character. 


They kinda nerfed his aa a lil too hard imo...  Cammy and Rashid can jump on him for free this season.





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