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The Street Fighter V Thread

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1 minute ago, Vhozite said:

I know other people hate it, but I love flashy pop off combos like this. It’s actually one of the things I look for in characters.


Menat is definitely too galaxy brain for me tho lmao

I fucking love combos. In most games I play combo heavy characters for that reason.


What SF5 (and SF4) get wrong, is that the "gateway" to those combos sucks.  Its just "I have VT" or "I have some meter". In other games, getting the opportunity to style like that is a more significant moment and makes it feel special.

Even DFBZ with is crazy homogenous abare handles it better.

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1 minute ago, Vhozite said:

I was gonna mention that...if you would’ve told me Xbox would get mod support I never would’ve made the switch lol 

Do be fair it isn't all the mods... but its a surprising number. Plenty I thought would never work do.


Some to fuck with performance though, and PC might help there.

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1 minute ago, FlyingVe said:

See, then those aren't negatives for you. I used to like messing with that stuff, but now I just don't want to mess with it.

Exactly, nothing wrong with it. I find the whole console wars extremely silly, especially when people bring graphics into the mix as if consoles could stand up to PCs on that front. (For the most part, jury still out on the new consoles and PC parts.)


But honest, practical points like this? Makes perfect sense. Different people have different goals when investing in gaming setups.


Hell, I fell hook, line and sinker for the Switch's Console and Portable gimmick. It fits my needs. 🤷‍♂️

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3 minutes ago, Volt said:

Exactly, nothing wrong with it. I find the whole console wars extremely silly, especially when people bring graphics into the mix as if consoles could stand up to PCs on that front. (For the most part, jury still out on the new consoles and PC parts.)


But honest, practical points like this? Makes perfect sense. Different people have different goals when investing in gaming setups.


Hell, I fell hook, line and sinker for the Switch's Console and Portable gimmick. It fits my needs. 🤷‍♂️

Console performance is always cost/benefit. The new consoles especially deliver some ridiculous specs for the price, especially the SSD's both boxes are rocking.


  With PC the only limit is your wallet, and you can improve it whenever you feel like. With the caveat that games are developed with consoles as a baseline.

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5 minutes ago, FlyingVe said:

What SF5 (and SF4) get wrong, is that the "gateway" to those combos sucks.  Its just "I have VT" or "I have some meter". In other games, getting the opportunity to style like that is a more significant moment and makes it feel special.

I don't think that's the problem tbh.


What really sucks is how a lot of characters are playing with half a deck without VT, or in the case of some characters like G, playing with 2 decks when they get it. Makes the whole thing feel cheaper.


If VTs were minor buffs with the VTC opening up some combo extensions, I think they'd be a lot better.

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1 minute ago, FlyingVe said:

Console performance is always cost/benefit. The new consoles especially deliver some ridiculous specs for the price, especially the SSD's both boxes are rocking.

Actually, the biggest draw for consoles imo are their exclusives. Especially when we factor Console vs. Console.


But yeah, I'll admit I'm impressed with what this gen is bringing to the table. It's too early to say without actually seeing how the actual games will look like, but there's a clear focus on raw power this time around.


Considering they'll drop at 5 whole thousand bucks here, can't really say I'm taking into account the initial investment as a main selling point now. 🤣

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3 minutes ago, Volt said:

I don't think that's the problem tbh.


What really sucks is how a lot of characters are playing with half a deck without VT, or in the case of some characters like G, playing with 2 decks when they get it. Makes the whole thing feel cheaper.


If VTs were minor buffs with the VTC opening up some combo extensions, I think they'd be a lot better.

Sure, but if the solution is make VT's suck, then why have them?  But this is a well worn topic (complaining about VT i mean).


Because VT guarantees your character nutti-ness, that same nutti-ness loses its specialness very fast.  Take SF3 as an example, it didn't take long to go from "wow look at that genei jin combo" to... "oh... another one".

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Jeah when SFV and V Triggers first got announced I immediately thought it would be like BBCP's Overdrives or Killer Instinct's Instinct Mode ie something about your character, maybe a resource or set of moves, gets enhanced. And while that's true  for certain characters in V a lot more characters just felt like they actually weren't even a full character until they popped trigg. Like s3 Cody/Kolin. 

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3 minutes ago, FlyingVe said:

Sure, but if the solution is make VT's suck, then why have them?  

Didn't quite say that.


Take for example the most tame ones like Ryu, Ken and Cammy's (VT1, her 2 is useless.).


They enhance their moves and in the case of Ryu's VT2, even give him a new strong option. But it's not something the character is built around. You don't need VT to win with these characters, but they aren't completely useless either and give them some extra extensions and combo routes.

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45 minutes ago, FlyingVe said:

With the caveat that games are developed with consoles as a baseline.

That's a case by case basis. For example, Capcom used PC as the baseline to develop all their MT Framework games so the console ports wouldn't be shit. Id Software definitely isn't using consoles as the baseline for anything they make. 

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6 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

That's a case by case basis. For example, Capcom used PC as the baseline to develop all their MT Framework games so the console ports wouldn't be shit. Id Software definitely isn't using consoles as the baseline for anything they make. 

Not what i mean. Almost all games are designed with the idea that they have to run on a playstation or xbox from the very beginning of their design. Even ID who uses PC as the primary target is designing everything with that intention in mind.


I'm friends with a couple of developers, and this is basically straight from the horses mouth. The increase in power of the XSX and PS5 will result in PC games looking much better simply because that baseline will be higher.

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1 hour ago, Vhozite said:

Yeah modding (Skyrim) is the entire reason I got into PC gaming and the only reason I stay. I’m playing a modded ~15yo  game as we speak

Nice. I’ve never played Skyrim, but i used to mod the piss out of Duke Nukem 3D 15-20 years ago, and spent a few minutes over the last few days checking out moderns tools for it. I’m not sure i really have the time to build levels anymore, but it was always fun to make something quick and drop like a hundred aliens in a massive room with a few different elevations and routes

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5 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

Did they change the shadow kicks KB requirement? I thought you needed two in a row for that.

It’s her armor break move. Characters that have a KB on their armor break move, do the KB during the armor break if it hasn't been done in the match yet


Edited by Mattatsu
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Man, I hate hot weather.


A goddamn roach just casually walked into my room. Passed below the door. Thing was freaking huge man, it was like, 2 inches or whatever weirdo measurements y'all use for a bigass roach. Legs as big as earphone jacks. 


Thing even had the audacity of smearing my floor when I killed it. I'm legit disgusted by this whole ordeal.

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26 minutes ago, Volt said:

Man, I hate hot weather.


A goddamn roach just casually walked into my room. Passed below the door. Thing was freaking huge man, it was like, 2 inches or whatever weirdo measurements y'all use for a bigass roach. Legs as big as earphone jacks. 


Thing even had the audacity of smearing my floor when I killed it. I'm legit disgusted by this whole ordeal.

That’s my one thing about SA...y’all got all the big ass bugs

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6 hours ago, Volt said:

Man, I hate hot weather.


A goddamn roach just casually walked into my room. Passed below the door. Thing was freaking huge man, it was like, 2 inches or whatever weirdo measurements y'all use for a bigass roach. Legs as big as earphone jacks. 


Thing even had the audacity of smearing my floor when I killed it. I'm legit disgusted by this whole ordeal.

Did you know?  In Asia the big cockroaches FLY. 🙃

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10 hours ago, Volt said:

Man, I hate hot weather.


A goddamn roach just casually walked into my room. Passed below the door. Thing was freaking huge man, it was like, 2 inches or whatever weirdo measurements y'all use for a bigass roach. Legs as big as earphone jacks. 


Thing even had the audacity of smearing my floor when I killed it. I'm legit disgusted by this whole ordeal.

Crunch crunch.

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2 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

Was never on my radar. Always assumed they were generic action movies 

But how can you go wrong with 80s-90s Stallone? Movies don't allow indestructible beasts like Stallone and Schwarzenegger anymore, so you don't get that sense of godhood! You need to watch John Rambo gun down an island of assholes! I hope you watched the Expendables, and at least plan to if you haven't already.

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I ain't playing MK but their DLC builds hype.


I personally liked Predator the best.He also fits well in the theme of the game. Kratos was also cool in MK 9.


And speaking of DLC I am curious how Akira will turn out.Kinda wanna give her a try when she's out.

Edited by Skort
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9 minutes ago, Mr.Cipher said:

And the cycle begins anew.

People are exited for a new NRS Character who looks awesome, then he got the Terminator kicks and usual NRS stuff and he's forgotten in a week.


Don't trust NRS, don't give them your money.

Lol I didn’t say anything about giving them money or playing the game again. That ship has sailed and isn’t returning without custom variations

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