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The Street Fighter V Thread

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So the update added a win streak bonus for those below Diamond.


Acquiring League Points

- A win-streak bonus has been added to Ranked Matches, allowing players to reach ranks better suited to their skill level faster.

For leagues from Rookie to Ultra Platinum, winning 6 or more matches in a row increases the number of League Points (LP) you earn.
Continuing to increase your win streak after 6 matches will slowly increase your LP rate. Once you reach 15 wins in a row, the rate will remain fixed. If your win streak ends or you reach the Diamond rank, your LP rate will return to normal.

- This change does not apply to the Diamond League or higher.
- The losing player's LP rate is not affected.
- If your opponent disconnects from a match, your win streak will not be reset.
- If you disconnect from a match, your win streak will be reset.


That's pretty cool.

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6 hours ago, Hecatom said:

Finally fixed my lolbox one, i had to change the hdmi port. 


So in theory i could jump into the next ki matches. 


The only problem would be that i am immensely ass on the game, since i have only played it like 3 times. 

Don't let that dissuade you. 


It has been so long since I played that I can't even hit a basic opener-linker-ender combo. Lots of mashing and drops.


Not exactly a shark tank situation. 

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Why not right? More SKUs = more $$$. And if you're going to get a FG green lit, more $$$ sure is gonna help that pitch.


My understanding always was that SFV only ended up exclusive because Sony ponied up for it. If they didn't feel like doing that this time, or hell maybe even if MS came back waggling money saying "keep it multiplat plz", no reason not to release it on everything.


More FGs need to come out on more platforms anyways, with crossplay support. The genre is already niche enough to not have it be siloed off further.

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13 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

Y’all clown Xbox but I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for free games on Xbox live 🙂

Just to generally comment, no hate on Xbox here. The Xbox1 was a goofy console but got there eventually and the 360 has some of my absolute fondest gaming memories outside of the SNES.


Only reason I ended up going deep into Sony's pockets was that I lost the XBox1X in the divorce. And then I bought a PC so buying another Xbox didn't make much sense.


From a value for money standpoint, it is real, real hard to beat Xbox + Gamepass. The main reason I'm buying a PS5 eventually is because it'll inevitably end up with some weeb games I can't get anywhere else (though with PC ports even that may finally taper off.)

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Yeah when I was a kid Gundam games were like 50% of the reason I had a PS2. In fact I think I only knew like one person with the OG Xbox. Everyone had a PS2.


Shit changed during the next gen tho. At least in my area 360 got way more popular, and all my friends had it so that’s what I got. 

Knew a lot of people who downloaded free SF4 AE, but I was the only one who stuck with it. Everyone else went back to COD and shit 😕


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That last line in Vhozite's post is the eternal FG struggle.


I think it is actually really easy to get people interested in FGs. There is so much variety that any taste can be filled, and it is a genre defined by "doing sick shit" so watching it naturally generates excitement. The hard part is getting past that initial hump. A lot of potential fans attrition off there and just go back to whatever they are used to (which is understandable but kind of unfortunate).


Same thing kinda happened with my friend group. My buddy and I sort of got into Tekken but eventually he just got too frustrated and dropped it. I might actually be able to keep up with T7 if we had stuck with it (this was around T5 if I remember right).

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7 minutes ago, Shakunetsu said:

I still hoping someone would find an arcade version of Capcom All-Stars


and a also proto SF2 remake from the early 2k if there was.



I have the feeling SF6 could be re-titled and changed because of this. 

We need a ninja to sneak into Capcom HQ and find the secret room holding this game.


While at it, they need to find the data that has the completed version of Doctor Octopus that was scrapped for MVC3. Remember, they had official art, a theme, and an actual character model for Doc Ock before scrapping him. I'm still mad we never got to see him.

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Just now, Doctrine_Dark said:

While at it, they need to find the data that has the completed version of Doctor Octopus that was scrapped for MVC3. Remember, they had official art, a theme, and an actual character model for Doc Ock before scrapping him. I'm still mad we never got to see him.

So many wasted assets  that could have been added in rerelease in compilation. Modders would be happy to work with those stale resources.

Edited by Shakunetsu
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41 minutes ago, GetTheTables said:

That last line in Vhozite's post is the eternal FG struggle.


I think it is actually really easy to get people interested in FGs. There is so much variety that any taste can be filled, and it is a genre defined by "doing sick shit" so watching it naturally generates excitement. The hard part is getting past that initial hump. A lot of potential fans attrition off there and just go back to whatever they are used to (which is understandable but kind of unfortunate).


Everyone is interested in FGs until they get to the first real hurdle.

My best friend loves MK and he used to wash me like 19-1 in X. I got into the series in 11, which he also has. Last time we played earlier this year I think and I was dunking on him even after being like a year out of practice. I don’t mean that as a flex, but my fundamentals were just that much better than his, and it was clear he wasn’t having fun so we played something else. 

Mind you this dude is hardcore at every other game he/we play. I was watching his COD sniping montage and it looked like he was aim botting on a controller. But for some reason he won’t make the leap for FGs. It’s frustrating because I know he’d be a killer. 

But nah it just plays out the same way. You try to get someone into a game or help them level up and they never put in the effort. Wish I could figure out the solution so I could have irl friends to play my favorite games with. 

Edit: Niggas will develop whole strategies for fucking Among Us but won’t lab 2 mins to to beat jump>sweep.

Edited by Vhozite
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I have many friends like that.


The reality is that many games demand a level of upfront investment to reap the rewards of playing them. Fighting games are pretty heavy on that front.


Even then many people just don’t want to put in any effort for what is effectively entertainment. I mean I know someone who won’t play Doom 2016 or Nier automata because he dies on the first battle and doesn’t want to restart. That attitude is very common, and is why games can be so hand-holdy.


In my experience the best way to get people over those humps is with a coop mode... however I don’t know how you implement that in a fighting game.



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5 minutes ago, Jocelot said:

Ahh so SFVI really is gonna be a thing, huh? That's pretty neat. Probably be a long ass time before we see anything from it I'd guess. 

Plentyyyyyyyyy o' time to implement a rollback netcode infrastructure, just sayin'

Based on the SFV Roadmap. 2022 at the earliest. The last DLC drops for SFV this time next year. Honestly they usually run the final balance patch for whole CPT season. So 2023 is probably more likely.

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1 minute ago, Jocelot said:

You guys really think they'd announce a SF Vy that early, huh? I guess I'd figured they'd cool down a bit after the game's final season, y'know? Let it settle before announcing a whole new game. 

I don't see them announcing the game until it's less than a year from release. Once it's announced their SFV DLC sales will evaporate.

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Just now, Vhozite said:

Friendly wager?


$10 (in whatever game currency you want) says they don’t announce shit on SF6 this year 

Sure but we must clear 2 things up:

by this year I meant 2021 (that wasn’t super clear)

we need to define what will constitute an announcement. I vote any official acknowledgement of the game’s existence (the leak doesn’t count).

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2 minutes ago, Jocelot said:

You guys really think they'd announce a SF Vy that early, huh? I guess I'd figured they'd cool down a bit after the game's final season, y'know? Let it settle before announcing a whole new game. 

This is the same company that dropped SFV while SFIV Ultra still had momentum. Or at least that is how I remember it, could be forgetting in my dotage.


The other thing to me is that SFV has already had a helluva long tail. There isn't a great reason to sit on/pad out the release of SFVI - which theoretically is a whole new revenue boom if they don't fuck the football - just to eke out a bit more from the saggy teat of SFV. Let the final season or whatever give them the time they need to get 6 right then roll that motherfucker out.

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10 minutes ago, FlyingVe said:

Sure but we must clear 2 things up:

by this year I meant 2021 (that wasn’t super clear)

we need to define what will constitute an announcement. I vote any official acknowledgement of the game’s existence (the leak doesn’t count).

Boyyyy what we still in 2020. I want my easy $10 🤣


I think they’ll announce in December 2021 or January 2022.

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1 hour ago, Jocelot said:

Ahh so SFVI really is gonna be a thing, huh? That's pretty neat. Probably be a long ass time before we see anything from it I'd guess. 

Plentyyyyyyyyy o' time to implement a rollback netcode infrastructure, just sayin'


Why tho?

SFVs Rollback is perfect according to the Steam forums. All that is wrong with the Netcode is on your end.


There is no reason not to take it 1:1 over into SFVI.

Not that that excuse for a shitty ass Netcode would anyone reconsider their game choice.

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