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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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3 hours ago, Maxx said:

Does he have alopecia?



Alopecia is just hair loss, it doesn't matter the cause.


Hair loss (alopecia) can affect just your scalp or your entire body, and it can be temporary or permanent. It can be the result of heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions or a normal part of aging. Anyone can lose hair on their head, but it's more common in men.



Hair loss, also known as alopecia or baldness, refers to a loss of hair from part of the head or body.[2] Typically at least the head is involved.[4] The severity of hair loss can vary from a small area to the entire body.[7] Inflammation or scarring is not usually present.[4] Hair loss in some people causes psychological distress.[3]


Common types include male- or female-pattern hair loss, alopecia areata, and a thinning of hair known as telogen effluvium.[4] The cause of male-pattern hair loss is a combination of genetics and male hormones; the cause of female pattern hair loss is unclear; the cause of alopecia areata is autoimmune; and the cause of telogen effluvium is typically a physically or psychologically stressful event.[4] Telogen effluvium is very common following pregnancy.[4]


Less common causes of hair loss without inflammation or scarring include the pulling out of hair, certain medications including chemotherapy, HIV/AIDS, hypothyroidism, and malnutrition including iron deficiency.[3][4] Causes of hair loss that occurs with scarring or inflammation include fungal infection, lupus erythematosus, radiation therapy, and sarcoidosis.[3][4] Diagnosis of hair loss is partly based on the areas affected.[4]


Treatment of pattern hair loss may simply involve accepting the condition, which can also include shaving one's head.[4] Interventions that can be tried include the medications minoxidil (or finasteride) and hair transplant surgery.[5][6] Alopecia areata may be treated by steroid injections in the affected area, but these need to be frequently repeated to be effective.[4] Hair loss is a common problem.[4] Pattern hair loss by age 50 affects about half of men and a quarter of women.[4] About 2% of people develop alopecia areata at some point in time.[4]


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Just now, Maxx said:

My understanding is alopecia is connected to having an autoimmune disease 

Nope, alopecia is the term for hair loss.

The causes for it can vary from any range of things, testosterone as you said, mental health issues, cancer, side effects from treatments, hormones etc., etc.



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Alopecia is a general term for baldness. 


Alopecia arreata is hair loss usually in patches. It can be on the scalp or other parts. This term specific refers to the disease in which antibodies attack hair follicles (autoimmune)


Other diseases that are autoimmune classified are:


Type 1 Diabetes (antibodies to pancreatic Beta cells which produce insulin)

Vitiligo (antibodies attack melanocytes which produce pigment) 




Edited by DangerousJ
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I got really confused really fast when people started making it out like alopecia is some serious condition or indicative of one.  I had that shit when I was a teenager, just a bald patch on the back of my head, and all it meant for me was an embarrassing couple of months till it left as randomly as it came. 


People really are lemmings eating it up that that's a big deal, even if it's a longer lasting or more comprehensive form. Though I guess if you obsess over your hair, a condition that randoms it out sounds terrifying lol

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11 minutes ago, MillionX said:

whoah... quite the messed up story Tommy's on about now... 2 kids with guns on IG live... one shot the other then killed herself...


Yeah. Its common here in NYC to see young single black mothers mouth off in front or to their kids. On the bus, you'll see black mothers talk on the phone yelling f-bombs and other forms of profanity and violent actions with her 5 year right next to her. Those kids grow up into that, and take all that negative bullshit thug life energy in them, hence a lot of them go to juvey. No one points/calls it out though because these truths are redirected to be about their race instead. Thank the left on that. 

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Witnesses told TMZ the altercation started when the runner leading the race first yelled at the athlete in black to move. But when the next lap came, the kid in black appeared to purposely get in the way of the runner by standing on the track, a major offense in the sport.

The runner in red then pushed his opponent out of the way and the athlete in black retaliated by chasing him down and sucker-punching him from behind.

The athlete fell to the track in a heap but it is unclear if he sustained serious injuries from the attack.



Now that was a race crime.

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Unsurprisingly, Disney+ has much more edits to shows and movies on the platform... seems to have edited some of its,may explain some of the discrepancies in censorship.


^Another one of the reasons I will always prefer to actually have a physical (or locally saved digital which can be kept away from the internet and any "updates" ) copy of the games, movies and shows that I care about.  The idea of changing things "in light of modern sensibilities" (aka pussified, imo)  just irks the hell out of me... it's disgusting.  I want to see and experience whatever it is in the original intended form.   I have no interest in watered down, "fixed" bullshit that is now a half-ass version.  Imagine if right now, the only possible way to see Indiana Jones was to see a "fixed" version where they don't show Indiana simply shooting that guy with the saber, or they have removed the scene where Willie is in the cage about to be sacrificed since that is also too "problematic" for the chumps 10 years from now, etc. etc.  ...or if they remade Street Fighter II but decided Chun Li should have baggy jeans from this point going forward, or a new Tomb Raider remake where Lara Croft is now a fat transwoman, etc.  

Edited by MillionX
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19 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

I wonder what could cause Obama to have a nigga moment like Will. 


Hot dog vendor: Mr President, here's your food. 

Obama:  wTF? There's ketchup on this? 

HDV: Is something wrong ?

Obama: DEADLY RAVE....

Obama is a portrait of self control, I think it would take a hell of a lot to get him to trip. I remember hearing some story during his first presidential campaign where he and Hillary had had some sort of disagreement and they met privately to iron it out. She's tripping out, yelling, etc and he's calm as a Hindu cow all the while just being like

obama deal with it GIF

Edited by DoctaMario
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1 minute ago, DoctaMario said:

Obama is a portrait of self control, I think it would take a hell of a lot to get him to trip. I remember hearing some story during his first presidential campaign where he and Hillary had had some sorry of disagreement and they met privately to iron it out. She's tripping out, telling, etc and he's all like

obama deal with it GIF

I honestly could see this happen. Only POTUS in my lifetime that I've seen interrupted during the SOTU speech and just brushed it off.



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24 minutes ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

I honestly could see this happen. Only POTUS in my lifetime that I've seen interrupted during the SOTU speech and just brushed it off.



It didn't surprise me that he was able to do that. Obama is probably the best orator of any of the presidents we've had so him being able to just keep going and not let the audience rattle him seems on brand.

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20 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

All the wrong, weird, questionable, racists, and other fucked up shit Disney had in their movies, they knew back then it was wrong

Society's values change and I'm not sure how they felt about what they were doing compared to what was acceptable at the time.  Even if a classic film has something unsavory in it, I want it be left intact and unaltered.  Movies should be left as they were made and not to the whims of the current bourgeois.

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7 minutes ago, J-ride said:

Society's values change and I'm not sure how they felt about what they were doing compared to what was acceptable at the time.  Even if a classic film has something unsavory in it, I want it be left intact and unaltered.  Movies should be left as they were made and not to the whims of the current bourgeois.


george lucas GIF by South Park




In all seriousness, your make a key point. Art is a vision from the creator's vantage point. Social norms change over time. Note, the people viewing it see if from a different lens as their values and experience change. There are several movies that I now "get" just because I've lived long enough for them to hit differently. 

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15 minutes ago, OPTIMUS124 said:


george lucas GIF by South Park


In all seriousness, your make a key point. Art is a vision from the creator's vantage point. Social norms change over time. Note, the people viewing it see if from a different lens as their values and experience change. There are several movies that I now "get" just because I've lived long enough for them to hit differently. 

Lucas was a staunch opponent of altering films then later changed his position entirely.  The best theory I read about that is that he changed his position because it allowed him to cut his ex-wife out of royalties, which is pretty hilarious if true.

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22 minutes ago, J-ride said:

Lucas was a staunch opponent of altering films then later changed his position entirely.  The best theory I read about that is that he changed his position because it allowed him to cut his ex-wife out of royalties, which is pretty hilarious if true.

Which is crazy because without her Star Wars (as we know it today) wouldn't be a thing. 

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