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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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1 hour ago, Sonero said:

Berserk is very adult and serious but doesn't have anything that the Game of Thrones didn't do (other than the Eclipse).


I am very much in the camp of not wanting to see it adapted. They tried with Cowboy Bebop. That has me forever disinterested in them giving anything else a similar treatment. Also shoutouts to the Preacher TV show for being boring AF in the first season...somehow.

I'm actually pretty confident that some anime can be done properly it just takes director's and staff that care enough about the IP to translate what makes it awesome to the big screen or streaming service.  Bringing up comic book movies again, comic book movies and tv shows were campy as hell or mostly garbage as hell and it started taking those diamonds in the rough here and there to make people realize if they actually took the source seriously that they might be able to make something great.  Video game movies and TV series seem to start getting those people in place that actually care.  VG still doesn't have anything that has been truly amazing quite yet but someone at some point is going hit it at this point....and I'm confident that Anime is going to have to go through that same rough patch until someone gets it.

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I think video game movies follow the same formula.


When news of a Metal Gear movie was announced everybody kept saying "just copy/paste the story of the games, they're pretty much movies anyways". The problem with that is that if that were the case, I would just basically play the games. So the problem comes up if you want to make a faithful adaptation or a standalone movie, and ultimately fail at both. I think we have seen better films in recent years (the Sonic movies, maybe Detective Pikachu?) because they have managed to find an adequate balance, but is still a work in progress

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1 hour ago, Lantis said:

@MillionX, my dude, I know you hate woke culture as much as the next guy....but bringing up examples every 3 or 4 posts is starting to get old, man

It’s honestly sad. If you don’t like the adaptation just move on and let the people that do enjoy it enjoy it. 

Edited by iStu X
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It would be nice if it wasn't the trend though... then people who care about something being at least close to accurate would have some legitimately awesome stuff to enjoy....instead of 1 thing after another to laugh about in a very "mystery science theater 3000" kind of way.  Whenever certain major companies are involved, like Netflix or Disney (since Disney owns 98% of everything at this point), I already know to keep my expectations low, and I'm prepared to laugh at the usual result I already know is about to happen.  In this way, I eagerly look forward to seeing how the new Blade, Xmen, Fantastic Four and everything else is soon.  I'm basically waiting to watch 1 Hindenberg crash situation after another out of morbid curiosity. the case of Fantastic 4... that's a tough sell by default; I've never been a fan of them.  They were never as cool as the other famous superhero teams.  Reed is the smartest dude in Marvel, and their son Franklin is godlike OP but that's about all that interests me about them, aside from their presence also bringing Doom and Galactus at some point.


To finally change the subject here for a bit---- Harry Styles SPIT on Chris Pine?!  ...or perhaps just a cough?  It's funny that the real life problems/drama surrounding this movie is probably more interesting than the movie:

hmm... they did not show the other angle.  There's a front shot where you see both Chris and Harry, and Chris stops clapping and looks at him like "...what the fuck bruh?"  I think he either did spit on the guy or purposely coughed on him out of disrespect:


Edited by MillionX
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8 hours ago, MillionX said:

It looked stupid to me--- even though Raiden is a god--- a white person is not who I'd have in mind to play such a character unless part of the story is that he decides to make himself appear that way for some reason, perhaps to fit in at a place that is mostly white people or something... and where was the proper outfit?  They had this guy looking like a white wizard from a D&D or Tolkien kind of story.  It would be like if there's a storyline involving a deity or other mythical being from an African culture... and say we got John Leguizamo playing an "Ishologu" or something... or Meryl Streep...with a plaid bathrobe for some reason.  That would look silly and out of place to me.  Maybe for a Native American mythical being we can get Damon Wayans in a Power Rangers Zeo costume, I guess.


DBZ and most animated things should just stay in animation... that's a different rant there.... I'm not a fan of the push to make every animated thing into a live-action reboot.  It's strange to picture any of the Dragonball characters as real people mostly due to that art style (the more "stylized" a character is, the more difficult it will be to match that in live action... to the point where just about any casting choice will be a disappointment since real people just don't look like that) ....but of course in today's world of "progressive" casting choices, I'm sure we'd get Zendaya as Bulma, who for some reason is also a better fighter than Goku because they have to push the Girl-Power "women are superior in everything" message as hard as possible too.  It will be funny to see Bulma being the one to kick Freeza's ass to save the galaxy.


The fact is that Raiden's form is something that he actively choose to take.

Canonically his real form is a ethereal blob of energy, since he is not human.


He takes a humanoid form to interact with people on earthrealm, and he deliberately chooses one that is not an specific race/ethnicity because he has always advocated, at least before the NRS era to not fraternize much with humans to avoid attachments, hence why there was a divide with him and Fuujin since he decided to live among humans, hence why he took a form closer to the people he lived with, aka the shaolin monks.


It is why, even when in MKX and MKXI, where they decided to change the races of many chars (mostly the humans), NRS kept the non asian version of Raiden, since he always had a more racially ambiguous design, kind of European, but with some hints of other races, to represent his ideology of distancing himself from the humans he interacts with.


Kind of related to the subject.

It is why I dislike that they made Kitana fully asian looking, it defeats the idea of Edeneans being racially ambiguous, with stuff between midle eastern and asian since they are not from earth.


Plus, it makes her look like a discount Chun-Li

Edited by Hecatom
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Oh yeah I was just coming back to post that... it's all over the news; the guy is still out there too.  Funny thing is how skewed the perspective is of some Memphis folks... one of my friends is one of those people in denial who would say "nah it's not that bad..." ...the shit is silly.  Each and every day that "city" is an embarrassment not only to this state but also to human civilization in general.... and it will be that way forever.  If "Memphis" was a person, it should've been put down like a critically wounded animal a long time ago.  


I'm sure others were wondering the same thing about the billionaire heiress ---- (*besides the obvious question of why the hell are you out jogging alone at around 4 am?)---- why would such a wealthy person be in Memphis of all places?  That kind of wealth is all the more reason to stay as far away from that trash heap as possible.


*Interesting---he's sent live streamed videos of his shenanigans as well.  Yes, this kind of criminal bullshit is what Memphis is all about.  Fucking GARBAGE ass pathetic pile of shit "city".  Fuck that place forever.  It is a big shitty skidmark on the country.


EDIT---apparently he's in custody... so unfortunately he was taken alive.... I doubt anyone would feel bad if they just gunned that piece of shit down in the street.

Edited by MillionX
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On 9/6/2022 at 5:47 PM, AriesWarlock said:

Actors Ben Stiller and Sean Penn are the latest high-profile individuals to make it onto Russia’s growing list of people banned from the country.


Stiller met with Zelenskyy, whom he called a 'hero,' in June in his role as a goodwill ambassador of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. He also met with everyday Ukrainians impacted by the invasion.


Hey you are banned from the 3rd worst place on earth

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Dammit... perhaps I shouldn't be surprised that Young Turks has absolutely no videos on either of those big crime stories from Memphis; I was curious to see how they would react but I guess they chickened out on the shit 😆  Normally they would do at least a few videos on any situation involving a crazed gunman since that brings up another chance to argue for more gun control... they can't resist that bait, but apparently not this time.


In fairness, it could also be because these stories aren't really surprising since it's from Memphis, and crazy "thug life" bullshit is to be expected over there.

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Seeing this GoT vs. RoP back and forth, it's one big thing people seems to be missing. I haven't scene the new GoT series but I know that George R.R. Martin is actually involved in it. The original series of Game of Thrones pulled a True Blood, having the creator heavily involved at the outset only to push them aside later on. I don't know if the show is good but a lot of the criticism's I see around RoP revolve around peoples view of how it treats Tolkien's work. Can't really do that when the creator is on set. That aside, how is RoP getting review bombed but GoT isn't. I saw the usual channels making the same remarks about both shows but only the Rings of Power hate has continued post the premiere of each. Maybe people, I don't know, actually don't like the show 🤔

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perhaps tolkien fans are just simply, much greater bigger nerds? idk. it can also be tolkien fanbase has been around for much longer considering tokien is from early 20th century? it can also be that tolkien's writing is much more flowery so tolkien fanbase think tolkien=shakespeare which is LOLZ.

regardless its silly.

btw i saw eps 2 and 3 of HOD.

2nd ep was dull. 3rd ep was good, especially the ending. damn that was good.

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1 hour ago, VirginDefiler said:

perhaps tolkien fans are just simply, much greater bigger nerds?

So much so you wouldn't believe it.  My sister-in-law is a college professor who attends annual academic conferences on Tolkien's work.


That said, too much of the bitching about RoP isn't about the parts of Tolkien it didn't pick up the rights to use or just chooses to ignore.  Like I said, there are some weird choices if you are familiar with the extra Tolkien stuff.  But none of that is the energy going into getting butt-hurt over what they thought Tolkien meant when he described some groups of Hobbits as "nut brown".

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Trekkies seem like the more hardcore nerd fanbase.  I vaguely remember some of them either finished or just know the entire Klingon language...?  Star Wars was kind of "absent" for years until the prequel movies revitalized it on the big screen.


Hot take--- Star Wars was always the more interesting universe to me.  Yeah I realize this is blasphemy to some people.

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Trek vs Wars?


Bigger nerds - hard to tell.  I guess Trek but only because it has a "nerdier" vibe due to the whole concept being multiple races working together in an ideal future where a lot of poverty/disease is minimized whereas SW feels like the Wild West only spread out amongst various star systems. The Empire/first order is generally portrayed in a negative light unlike the federation imo.


Also, SW being much more of a merchandising juggernaut and more kid friendly has made it more mainstream imo. Whether you go to Walmart, a Disney park, watch tv, there are more avenues in which you would be more likely to  encounter SW. Trek  is mostly a TV presence with  novels/toys but not at the same level of SW. 

Does Paramount even do stuff like Trek Day or other hype events?


Trek excels at longform storytelling so its better that it is mostly on TV. While I do think the ST franchise can do thrillers or pure action films well like Khan, Undiscovered Country, and even First Contact, it is hard to bring a thought provoking story in at 90-120 minutes and make boatloads of money.

SW has action, romance, and plays better in the cinema. ST has ship battles, but not really well executed hand to  hand combat and outside of the battleth no iconic close range weapons.

Edited by DangerousJ
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Star Trek is monumentally more "interesting" then Star Wars, Trek asks real questions, and posits real world scenarios for its crew to work through, and they have to work through it. They have to solve the problem in an intelligent and creative way. 


In Stsr Wars you shoot the problem. That's it. Got a problem? Shoot it. If the problem isn't taken down by shooting it then you laser sword it instead. 


Basically Star Trek is a show about "humanity" and science and working to create a better universe for everyone to exist in while exploring to find new things. Trek is what we as a species should be aiming for. 


Star Wars is an Errol Flynn movie in space. It asks nothing of you but to sit back and be entertained. That's it. 


Both series have had some high highs and very low lows. I love them both but for very different reasons. They compliment each other well as they are wildly different takes on stories in space. 

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48 minutes ago, MillionX said:

Hot take--- Star Wars was always the more interesting universe to me.  Yeah I realize this is blasphemy to some people.


Honestly Star Trek is a lot cooler because legitimately weird shit happens to people in Star Trek that they can't explain. In SW everything sort of feels discovered already. In ST you get episodes where characters just looking at each other like 👀 .


Best part about Star Trek is when an episode inevitably ends with a smarter variation of:



What the fuck happened to us? That was weird. What does that mean for my humanity?


and the reply is usually going to be a version of:



I don't know but, did we die? Lets go to some other weird place and see what happens.


So basically the whole of Star Trek is a tale of those prank youtubers that would go to neighborhoods they didn't belong to do weird shit. Except they do it in a spaceship.

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13 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

3 days late, but oh well..


Happy 30th Anniversary Batman TAS!





After 30 years of this show's existence... it is only just now that I'm finding out Richard Moll, aka "Bull from Night Court!" was Two-Face.


Richard Moll was also the final threat Roger had to face ("Big Ben"; his old war buddy back from the dead) in that 80s movie "House":


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15 hours ago, DangerousJ said:


Hallarious. But Jesus actually led by example. Many on the far left. Say people should be charitable and help those less fortunate. But offer them free paid travel, room and food. To help build infrastructure and housing in rural parts of Africa or South America that lack it. How many you think will bitch up? 


And the homelessness in some of the most liberal cities. How can people who believe so strongly in lending a helping hand. Just ignore homeless people sleeping right in front of businesses and what not? 

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25 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

....And the homelessness in some of the most liberal cities. How can people who believe so strongly in lending a helping hand. Just ignore homeless people sleeping right in front of businesses and what not? 

The point of the "parasite class" is to give liberals hegemony in cities so that they can't be unseated and can rule over districts indefinitely.  If they actually cared about people the way they claim then the black communities wouldn't be living in squalor as they have been under their rule from cradle to grave.  


A good example of this was Samantha Bee and her husband, who constantly prattled on about MUH DIVERSITY but when underprivileged kids got a chance to go to her kid's elite school district she and her husband were the first fuckers in line to keep them out.  

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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

Star Trek is monumentally more "interesting" then Star Wars, Trek asks real questions, and posits real world scenarios for its crew to work through, and they have to work through it. They have to solve the problem in an intelligent and creative way. 


In Stsr Wars you shoot the problem. That's it. Got a problem? Shoot it. If the problem isn't taken down by shooting it then you laser sword it instead. 


Basically Star Trek is a show about "humanity" and science and working to create a better universe for everyone to exist in while exploring to find new things. Trek is what we as a species should be aiming for. 


Star Wars is an Errol Flynn movie in space. It asks nothing of you but to sit back and be entertained. That's it. 


Both series have had some high highs and very low lows. I love them both but for very different reasons. They compliment each other well as they are wildly different takes on stories in space. 

As much as I prefer Star Wars in general overall to what I've watched of Star Trek (wife is far more into Star Trek and introduced me to stuff) I can't disagree with any of this.  Star Trek in general feels more thought provoking and mature than anything Star Wars has come out with. 

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1 hour ago, Reticently said:

I feel like Star Trek nerds are a lot more forgiving of bad Star Trek than Star Wars nerds are of bad Star Wars.


Like, for Trek they'll still bitch up a storm and maybe get into a slap fight over it.  But the Wars uber nerd will prison shank a director if given the chance.


Its a bit different when you only really have a set amount of movies to when you have TV shows with multiple seasons. A bad episode or two can be stuck in the middle of some great stuff. A bad movie stands out in that situation.


Although people have been pretty hard on Star Trek Discovery. Not sure if it is actually bad or not either since I've watched all of 0% of it. Same with the Trek show with Scott Bakula. I'm guessing they might've been better than advertised but Star Trek fans are super picky with their TV shows.

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