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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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On 8/8/2023 at 8:23 AM, BB_Hoody said:

You can get by pretty well with just English in the major cities and tourist areas. But if you venture outside of that? It would be wise to know some basic German. I try to pick up some German here and there. But imma start trying to study some basics.


I goofed and got a hotel thats out near the sticks. Where I see not everyone has strong English If at all. Hotel manager was able to transfer me to another location right in the city. It'll add about a grand to my stay.


But it's worth it to be in the heart of Munich. Being able to walk to a variety of restaurants. As appose to taking a bus and train for an hour to get ino the city. Lastly I think this goes for anywhere. But if you make an attempt to speak the language? It's an instant ice breaker.



Yeah, you don't need a car in Munich. S-Bahn and U-Bahn are just fine. Remember taking the older 420 model back in the day:




found some old footage on youtube:




they still have the old U-Bahn (subway) trains I believe:





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1 hour ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

Quick update.


Got in around 9PM, didn't get the exam until 4AM this morning. She was already 3cm dilated without any support. They started the induction and now it's a waiting game. 



I'm happy for you. I'm gonna start calling you Papa Optimus now ☺️


Edit: Big fail on my part. It was right there Poptimus810 or Poptimus108 for our Euro brethren.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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2 minutes ago, Reiraku said:

Tangled was way better than it had any right being. And Brave was way worse than it was hyped up to be.

You know I liked Brave as well. Wasn't amazing or anything but was a good time. 


I haven't seen Raya but it looks cool. 

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3 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

At least we all can agree that Raya is the worst one.


Awkqafina nees to be stopped at this point. I liked Raya. But after listening to her be scuttle in the live action Little Mermaid, I don't need to hear her voice anywhere else again.


Strange World was pretty good too. People really crash landed a movie because the son was gay for all of 10 seconds worth of screen time. Wild as fuck.

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Just now, Sonero said:


Awkqafina nees to be stopped at this point. I liked Raya. But after listening to her be scuttle in the live action Little Mermaid, I don't need to hear her voice anywhere else again.


Strange World was pretty good too. People really crash landed a movie because the son was gay for all of 10 seconds worth of screen time. Wild as fuck.


That is a very reductive way to put it.

My nephews tried to watch it on D+ and asked me to put something else after a while since they found it boring as fuck.

The same happened to Light Year.


Many kids simply didn't like it, and that lead to bad word of mouth.

It wasn't only that the son was gay for 10 seconds, since there are many people who don't care about that and they still didn't went to watch the movie with their families.


I say is more of a combination of apathy towards disney, the movie not hitting the spot for many people in the target demographic than the supposed controversy.

Then add that Disney purposefully tanked the movie by reducing any kind of promotion, and announcing that it would be in Disney+ in less than a month iirc, which lead to more people to just wait and see it on D+.


Disney has been in a death spiral for a while, where many of their movies either bomb, or under perform/barely perform well enough to break even.

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Just now, Lantis said:

Didn't they also cancel Lightyear because they portrayed a lesbian couple together for like 3 seconds?


Some parents are insecure AF


Same as above.

The movie tanked for multiple reasons, which imo have way more weight than the "controversy".

Cuz lets be honest, the people who don't care about that didn't go to watch it either.



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Strange World was poorly marketed. Disney crashed a bunch of their films for w/e reason. The son being gay for 10 seconds worth of storyline became a massive hyperfocus of online commentary though.


Lightyear was okay as a movie. Strange World was a lot more fun. Tried to be an old time adventure movie. Pixar has had a few underrated gems too. Luca is awesome; The Good Dinosaur is hella good too. Seeing Red is a movie that was made. Need to watch it a second time to see how it hits.

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Just now, Sonero said:

Strange World was poorly marketed. Disney crashed a bunch of their films for w/e reason. The son being gay for 10 seconds worth of storyline became a massive hyperfocus of online commentary though.


Lightyear was okay as a movie. Strange World was a lot more fun. Tried to be an old time adventure movie. Pixar has had a few underrated gems too. Luca is awesome; The Good Dinosaur is hella good too. Seeing Red is a movie that was made. Need to watch it a second time to see how it hits.


Yeah, but online is not real life.

Most people are unaware or don't care about the online conversation/discussion/controversy, regardless of what side of the political spectrum they are.


The movies tanked everywhere.

I can only speak for my close circle of friends and family.

None of their kids liked those movies.

They found them boring, they rather watch animes like One Piece, or KDramas in the case of some nieces.

Or other stuff in D+ like Bluey.



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10 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

The movies tanked everywhere.


Treasure Planet and Atlantis didn't do exceptionally well in theaters either. Doesn't mean they were bad movie. Both of those are pretty great.


Taking box office results as a measure of a movie's quality isn't always the best. Although I'm trying to remember where the boring parts of Strange World were. Might have to rewatch that one too.

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Just now, Sonero said:


Treasure Planet and Atlantis didn't do exceptionally well in theaters either. Doesn't mean they were bad movie. Both of those are pretty great.


Taking box office results as a measure of a movie's quality isn't always the best. Although I'm trying to remember where the boring parts of Strange World were. Might have to rewatch that one too.


I never said that the quality was tied to box office.

Just pointed out that the movie tanked everywhere, so the online conversation was not really a factor, or at least the most decisive one.

I even pointed out how Disney purposefully tanked it by reducing its reach.

Also never said it was bad, but that in my close circle, my nephews and nieces and the kids of friends didn't find it entertaining so they never finished.


And yeah, I agree, a movie can be great, like Treasure Planet or the Iron Giant, and still tank.

Those are movies I love and think are classics, but failed to attract people on the theaters.


But at least they found a second life on video and rental.

Something that not many movies can do now days due streaming.

Yes, we have video on demand, but not many movies manage to pull it off.


I think in recent times, I have only seen it happen with Puss In Boots The Last Wish and Bullet Train, where they got good VOD numbers after performing neither good or bad in theaters.

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Just now, Darc_Requiem said:

Looks like people being jerks on social media again. Lil Tay isn't dead, nor is her brother.


But now I am wondering if this is a publicity stunt to bring her and her brother into the spotlight, since iirc, it was her brand to create "controversy" 🤔

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2 hours ago, Sonero said:


Treasure Planet and Atlantis didn't do exceptionally well in theaters either. Doesn't mean they were bad movie. Both of those are pretty great.


Taking box office results as a measure of a movie's quality isn't always the best. Although I'm trying to remember where the boring parts of Strange World were. Might have to rewatch that one too.

treasure planet is one of the greatest movies ive ever seen.

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Oooh Disney talk again? 


OK from what I have seen is whoever Disney has to market their movies is failing horribly. On top of that they're allowing certain narratives to run wild which alienated possible moviegoers. Look at Barbie. It was a brilliant marketing campaign which revealed later that the film was more pro feminist than originally thought but few learned that until after it dropped. I expected Barbie and Ken from Toy story 3 but didn't get that. They still got me as I did go see the movie. Look at how the live action Disney movies are marketed in recent years and how polarized opinions are on them. 


More thoughts after work. 

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26 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:



Do you hate pineapple in general or just on pizza?


Do you like to eat freshly cut pieces  or pineapple on a taco or burger?

Very random to ask but since you did. 


The juice is really the only part of pineapple I can enjoy. Personally Pineapple juice is best when mixed with another fruit. 


I don't like to eat pineapple as the taste and texture feel weird to me. I hate it in pizza because unlike most other toppings taking out pineapple is a pointless feat. The pineapple juices from the toppings seap into the pizza itself so I can taste it within and to me just doesn't blend well at all with the rest of the pizza. 


In general I don't like to mix meats and sweets. No Hawaiian pizza no pineapple on ham or whatever.


Only exception to sweet meat is beef bulgogi 

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Pinneapple---I love it...even on certain things, like there was some grilled chicken dish from Logan's I always ordered....

...and of course I love pizza.  It is my #1 food...few other things even come close to it.  Still... pineapple and pizza... at least for me, these are 2 things that should never mix under any circumstances.  To me that's about as strange as putting peanut butter, jelly and vanilla ice cream on some fried chicken.

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