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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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5 hours ago, Dayaan said:

Your gf's mom*


Is that correct? Or is she a step-mom?

His grandma from his dads side. Idk. I was very sleep when I wrote it. 😂


either way. His dad and his grandma said the Jewish space laser is why theres wild fires in Hawaii. Also as an addendum his dad also told him at the order of previously Obama and now Biden scientists are using devices to control the weather. 

so there’s that. 

my gf and I are both very excited to get him home next Tuesday so he’s no longer around that shit (he stayed with his dad for the summer)

Edited by iStu X
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57 minutes ago, iStu X said:

His grandma from his dads side. Idk. I was very sleep when I wrote it. 😂


either way. His dad and his grandma said the Jewish space laser is why theres wild fires in Hawaii. Also as an addendum his dad also told him at the order of previously Obama and now Biden scientists are using devices to control the weather. 

so there’s that. 

my gf and I are both very excited to get him home next Tuesday so he’s no longer around that shit (he stayed with his dad for the summer)


actually, you can change affect the weather if you have a very powerful maser. microwave laser. but i dont believe the govt if fuckin with the weather. they have more important things to do with masers than alter weather. but yea a maser can heat anything including the atmosphere. as u know, the weather is essentially just differences between hot and cold air. so u could change the weather with one thats powerful enough.


Edited by VirginDefiler
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This runaway success of Baldur's Gate 3 has been an interesting thing in the industry... I think it was partly one of those "right place, right time" situations... like this game scratched that itch that a lot of rpg fans were missing for quite a long time...and it came about right after Diablo 4 which was disappointing for a lot of fans.  There was also a D&D-related game from last year or so that was a disaster (AngryJoe and friends had a good time roasting it, I remember)....and of course the fact that we're still about 837 years away from the next Elder Scrolls.(*I guarantee Bethesda hasn't done a goddamn thing with TES VI other than the cheap few seconds of pre-rendered landscape they showed off a few years ago at either an E3 or some other event....footage that they probably scrapped together real quick at the last possible second just to prove "uhh yeah it's totally still in the works, guys...we swear.")  Another notable one that's missing from the scene is Fable---a franchise they're trying to resurrect but it's still a long way off, apparently...and then of course there was that D&D movie from a few months ago that I think did alright at the box office(?)  It looks like a lot of variables came together with perfect timing and helped this game blow up as a result.

Edited by MillionX
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It really hit me as a remission alcoholic on why the former on-going pleasure itself got boring?


Simply hearing or listening to a random person's story or taking in nature itself is far more valuable in contrast. 


Considering where the world is going, what's perceived as "the little things" over work slavery and materialism, should be treated as fundamentally important forms of connections.


Fortunately, the two aren't a coping mechanisms. It's just a part of what we living things do.



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11 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

American flag = Confederate flag

This woman is going to far with this but there's a small nugget of truth in what she's saying.  The unfortunate thing is its not something I want to think or suspect of people but it's getting to the point nowadays that if you have an overabundance of American Flags in one area that it starts getting sus.

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2 hours ago, Emptyeyes_ said:

It really hit me as a remission alcoholic on why the former on-going pleasure itself got boring?


Simply hearing or listening to a random person's story or taking in nature itself is far more valuable in contrast. 


Considering where the world is going, what's perceived as "the little things" over work slavery and materialism, should be treated as fundamentally important forms of connections.


Fortunately, the two aren't a coping mechanisms. It's just a part of what we living things do.




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Morning. I have one question for you all that applies or just a view point. Are you more of a target for flirty inappropriate seniors ranging from 60s to 80s, while they are in a relationship or married? Unsure why this happens to me, but I do find it disrespectful to their partners when they not around. Unless they give them the green papers for more than one partner, then I just call it the way I see it. Lol. The majority just don't share that way.


It's always the old folks for me, but I'm not far from 50 either. I just look a bit younger than being in my early 40s. Amusing topic, though.

Edited by Emptyeyes_
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EXCLUSIVE: Branding experts warn Rachel Zegler backlash could RUIN Disney's big budget Snow White remake and predict executives will be having 'crisis talks' in order to win back fans ahead of 2024 release

  • Rachel, 22, caused uproar online after admitting she 'hated' the original movie
  • The West Side Story actress insisted her Snow White would 'not be dreaming about true love' in the upcoming film
  • PR and marketing executives warned her comments could have a 'negative' impact on the movie's success when it is released in March 2024
  • READ MORE: Snow White star Rachel Zegler is slammed as a 'fake feminist' and accused of 'gaslighting' Disney fans 

Rachel Zegler's comments about the upcoming live action Snow White remake could have 'a huge impact on ticket sales,' branding experts have warned.

The 22-year-old actress has received plenty of backlash after she admitted that she 'hated' the original 1937 movie and branded the storyline 'weird,' while referring to the Prince character as a 'stalker.'


The big budget Disney movie is scheduled for release in March 2024 and now it has been predicted that executives will be 'having crisis talks' in order to do some serious damage limitation following the negative response to Rachel's stance.


The backlash occurred after several videos of Rachel speaking negatively about the original film in various interviews last year resurfaced online, where she said of her version of the character: 'She's not going to be saved by the prince and she's not going to be dreaming about true love.'

As well as being labeled a 'fake feminist,' some critics accused Rachel of 'gaslighting' and one marketing consultant has warned that Disney will 'need to be careful with how they have portrayed Snow White.'

Speaking to, branding expert Carla Speight said: 'Whilst it's been clear that the original Disney Princess films hold old values, Disney have fallen for the trap of going to the opposite extreme to inflict strong and loaded messaging on the viewers - believing that's empowerment.


'There was a time when Disney actors were media trained and were thoughtful about the impact of their words, whilst sticking to key messaging about the films, but it seems with this total rewrite of Snow White, picturing her as a "boss girl" has gone to the heads of their stars.

'Disney will need to be careful with how they have portrayed Snow White and what they do and don't allow their actors to say about it going forwards. They simply cannot repeat the same mistakes and allow their actors to be so vocal in their own personal opinions during promotions.


'It can have a huge impact on ticket sales, especially with the amount of negative backlash so early in the promo trail.' 


Carla continued: 'They need to get the key messaging and strong selling point into a brief for the cast of the film and ensure they stick to it. If they don't, it's a disaster waiting to happen and the backlash will keep growing. 


'It's possibly a good idea to get Rachel to clarify what she meant and highlight it was her own personal opinion, not a slight on women,' she advised.

'They should highlight the important message that it's okay to be who you want to be. After all, Disney has been famously telling us that they're the place where "dreams do come true" and have never actually defined what those dreams should be. Neither should their actors.'


PR expert Nick Ede agrees and told that perhaps Rachel 'isn't the best person to promote the film' - despite playing the main character.

'Rachel is a big-named star playing one of the world's most famous fairytale characters immortalized by Disney, but instead of taking the lead of The Little Mermaid's Halle Bailey and embracing her role, Rachel has actively chosen to spoil the narrative and express the new direction she has taken Snow White in,' Nick claimed.

'This is by no means a wrong move and Snow White, and other stories, if they were written today would have very different nuances and narratives but the fact that she's actively being negative about the source material and laughing off the old Disney film and the fairytale makes her look too eager to show off the new version and shows little or no respect for the previous version and other iterations.


'I am sure Disney executives must be having crisis talks and thinking perhaps their new Snow White isn't the best person to promote the film and ensure it is a box office success,' Nick predicted.


'The film is due out in 2024 and with the negative narrative that's now surrounding it, they will find it hard to create a magical and positive hype which they ultimately were looking to get having Rachel appear on red carpets.


'The negative press may entice people to see what all the fuss is about but unlike the recent Barbie movie, which features brilliant feminist and empowering messages which we only discovered upon viewing, it feels like the cat has been let out of the bag and we already have an opinion of the film thanks to Rachel's narrative.'

Speaking alongside her co-star Gal Gadot at the D23 Expo in September last year, Rachel promised fans that her version of Snow White is 'not going to be saved by the prince' and said 'she's not going to be dreaming about true love.'


'She's dreaming about becoming the leader she knows she can be and the leader that her late father told her that she could be if she was fearless, fair, brave, and true,' she told Variety.

In a separate red carpet interview at the same event, she said: 'The original cartoon came out in 1937, and very evidently so. There's a big focus on her love story with a guy who literally stalks her. Weird! Weird! So we didn't do that this time.


'We have a different approach to what I'm sure a lot of people will assume is a love story just because we cast a guy in the movie,' Rachel continued, referring to Andrew Burnap.


'All of Andrew's scenes could get cut, who knows? It's Hollywood, baby!' she joked, before admitting in a separate interview that she was 'terrified' when she went on a Snow White ride at Disney World.


'I was scared of the original version. I think I watched it once and never picked it up again. I'm being so serious,' she claimed.

'I watched it once, and then I went on the ride in Disney World, which was called Snow White's Scary Adventures. Doesn't sound like something a little kid would like. I was terrified of it, never revisited Snow White again.'


After TikTok and Twitter blew up with a negative response, Rachel seemingly responded to the backlash and tweeted on Friday, August 11: 'I hope the world becomes kinder.'


A few hours later, she added: 'I love you very much. Forever and ever. Remember to be kind. Treat each other with patience and empathy. 

'Remember that you are loved unconditionally, no matter your mistakes, no matter your misunderstandings. You deserve it. You deserve love. You deserve to live without fear.' 


When one fan replied and asked: 'Are you also just like extremely exhausted all the time?' Rachel responded and said: 'I am so exhausted. I think it's over for me tbh.' has contacted representatives for both Rachel and Disney for comment. 



What I find amusing is that she has been in 2 bombs, soon to be 3, and she is talking shit alienating both the public and the studios that are who will hire her on her power to bring people to the seats to watch movies.


She is sinking her career way before it has any chance to actually take off.


She is kind of cute, but not enough to survive the dumbassery she is pulling off, lol.

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I wouldn't even say that i with the internet per se, since is not only what she says regarding any online commentary about her or the movie, but the way she conducts herself in interviews, vids on the strike and her own youtube channel.


I know she is 22yo, but man, she really seems to lack common sense.

She says a lot of dumb shit that regardless of what you think about the movie or her, just adds to the pile of things that make her unlikeable for most people.


Then add the comments she said on site regarding the strike that not only serves to alienate the public, but also makes her look like a liability for any project.


She runs her mouth without thinking at all.

I wouldn't be surprised if Señorita White will be her last movie in a long time, not just with Disney, but in general.






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