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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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1 minute ago, Sonichuman said:

Yeah...Russia is not going to be the same after this.  Putin is pissing off his own people so I don't even think that he has to worry about anyone trying to kill him on the outside of the country right now, he's gonna have to keep an eye open anywhere he goes in his own country going forward.  The more stuff he does like this the more he's just giving the people an excuse to revolt.

And don't forget how he literally stays several feet away from even his most trusted officers in meetings. That gotta rub some people the wrong way. Putin is isolated to an extent no one expected, that was a horrible miscalculation.


How bad was it? 



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11 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Yeah...Russia is not going to be the same after this.  Putin is pissing off his own people so I don't even think that he has to worry about anyone trying to kill him on the outside of the country right now, he's gonna have to keep an eye open anywhere he goes in his own country going forward.  The more stuff he does like this the more he's just giving the people an excuse to revolt.

The end stages of every Dictatorship. Eats itself from within. The problem with being a Dictator (for the Dictator) is the next guy in line is always always ALWAYS eyeing your spot. 

Edited by RSG3
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12 hours ago, RSG3 said:

The end stages of every Dictatorship. Eats itself from within. The problem with being a Dictator (for the Dictator) is the next guy in line is always always ALWAYS eyeing your spot. 

If we survive this then I hope that Russia will see how the dictatorship has fucked them up and distribute the power among more people to prevent this in the future cause this is a real precarious position that the whole world is in right now cause of this asshole.    Then I start to think If Russia starts to rebuild itself after this I'm wondering what China or any of the other communist countries are going to do if Russia decides to try something different.  Would they sit idly by and let Russia do that or would they attempt to interfere because of their own self interest?

Edited by Sonichuman
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18 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

If we survive this then I hope that Russia will see how the dictatorship has fucked them up and distribute the power among more people to prevent this in the future cause this is a real precarious position that the whole world is in right now cause of this asshole.    Then I start to think If Russia starts to rebuild itself after this I'm wondering what China or any of the other communist countries are going to do if Russia decides to try something different.  Would they sit idly by let Russia do that or would they attempt to interfere because of their own self interest?

Yea, I keep seeing people saying they hope he dies, but I personally feel like him getting offended is just as risky as him staying around. The culture there needs to change for anything meaningful to happen with their leadership. 

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1 hour ago, Volt said:

I don't even remember when the prices started to skyrocket tbh. All I've heard in the past year or so was "There was another increase in gas prices." Even the news anchors sounded annoyed by how often they had to say it. 

I never felt a big jump in Massachusetts till super recently. It seems like it hits other areas like Cali east sooner than here. Like they're at $6 when I'm just hitting $4 now

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2 minutes ago, Jion_Wansu said:

So, is this Ukraine/Russia thing going to escalate. What do you guys/gals think?

100%. Putins losing. Sanctions hitting him hard as fuck. Dude didn't expect this much resistance plus he didn't realize his army wasn't as trained as he thought. Dude gonna drop a bike out of spite unless a mutiny happens

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5 minutes ago, Maxx said:

100%. Putins losing. Sanctions hitting him hard as fuck. Dude didn't expect this much resistance plus he didn't realize his army wasn't as trained as he thought. Dude gonna drop a bike out of spite unless a mutiny happens

I severely underestimated how hard these sanctions would hit Russia. Ukraine may able to win just by holding onto until Russia collapses in on itself. Countries that typically don't participate in sanctions are......Putin fucked up himself.

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31 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Yea, I keep seeing people saying they hope he dies, but I personally feel like him getting offended is just as risky as him staying around. The culture there needs to change for anything meaningful to happen with their leadership. 

Unfortunately I only see 2 ways out of this situation where the minimal amount of death is involved.  1. Putin eventually takes the L and backs off and works to try to rebuild trust with the other countries that have been putting sanctions on him as well as his own people.  This has a less than 5% chance of happening and I'm being generous.  Based on what we know about Putin personality wise and the fact that he's double and triple downed on this and is still telling people this is a 'special military operation', there's no way he'll do this.  And he's surrounded himself with yes men.  Nobody is going to tell him he's wrong and if they try he'll get rid of them.  This may as well be considered to be not on the table.


The 2nd is someone specially from Russia, preferably higher up takes him out.  It has to be someone from Russia cause god forbid someone from the west assissinates him and and the higher ups investigate and find that out and then use that as an excuse because they feel threatened.


So yeah...this is going to escalate until 2 happens more than likely.  That twitter thread that Volt put up also brings up that as the sanctions start getting real, Putin is going have to try to force his hand and tell the world if they don't play ball then he's going to have to do something.   Like I really don't see how things are going to get better in this situation unless 2 happens.

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14 minutes ago, Jion_Wansu said:

So, is this Ukraine/Russia thing going to escalate. What do you guys/gals think?

There aren't a lot of ways this could escalate even further.


Either Putin somehow gets smoke with NATO, after which he'll be promptly roflstomped by all kinds of pincer attacks, or he'll try to shoot a nuke and be undermined internally because no one actually wants to start WW3. Both could happen.


Ukraine is resisting as well as it can, but they're seriously outmatched. The sanctions are choking Russia like a python, but Putin refuses to relent.


Wouldn't surprise me if this ended with the Russian people overthrowing him, but things might get messier before then.

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On 3/7/2022 at 7:08 AM, Jion_Wansu said:

This almost seems planned so that the entire global economy tanks. There was a reason why the US pulled out of all of Afghanistan a few months before the Russian invasion.

Futurama Squinting GIF


On 3/7/2022 at 7:08 AM, Jion_Wansu said:

All I know, is if a foreign country or entity invades the US, then most if not all of the civilians will fight back.

If not only for the fact that US has the one of the most powerful militaries, we have the most guns per capita with around 120 per 100 citizens. 





Edited by OPTIMUS124
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19 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

The house maid and her daughter are also without any signs of being infected.

So with luck, none of us 3 will catch it and by the end of this week we will be free.


Just in time for my new job and for me to go out and  finally get KOF XV (I prefer physical versions for my fgs).

Good stuff. 

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11 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Yea, I keep seeing people saying they hope he dies, but I personally feel like him getting offended is just as risky as him staying around. The culture there needs to change for anything meaningful to happen with their leadership. 


One of the major issues is that a lot of the leadership positions and economic powers are ex high officers from the soviet union.

This has lead to them doing a lot of stuff the old ussr way.

Like Putin, who was a KGB agent.


The common folk actually want to move away from the shadows of the past, but those on power still hold on the illusion of the power they held back in the day, hence they do this kind of shit, and insist on seeing the rest of the world as enemies.


More than a change of culture is a purge of those who keep trying bring the lifestyle of the ussr back.


The problem is that as history has shown us, those kind of things only happen with a revolution, and a revolution always leads to dictatorships.

So it can end in a vicious cycle for them 😕

Edited by Hecatom
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43 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

I forgot to add, and go watch The Batman, my brother says is fucking good.

That no other super hero movie is attempting what this one is doing.


He compares it with how The Dark Knight raised the bar, that this one is doing the same.

My best friend  has been over "super hero" movies for years. He loves the Batman. He was raving about to me on Saturday. I don't disagree with his assessment. I really enjoyed the movie as well.

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51 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

I forgot to add, and go watch The Batman, my brother says is fucking good.

That no other super hero movie is attempting what this one is doing.


He compares it with how The Dark Knight raised the bar, that this one is doing the same.

I'll say that it takes a more serious look at the characters involved. 


Everyone did great work, but Paul Dano does a hell of a villain. 

6 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

My best friend  has been over "super hero" movies for years. He loves the Batman. He was raving about to me on Saturday. I don't disagree with his assessment. I really enjoyed the movie as well.

Agreed. This was a Neo-noir crime drama that just happened to have a guy doing superhero cosplay. 


I'm not sure if there are any car people in the thread, but seeing all of the "components" (e.g., heads, crankshaft, rocker arms)  on the workbench with occasionally being worked on brought warm feelings to my heart.


Edited by OPTIMUS124
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1 hour ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

Lose weight fat boy. 


Really though, dont get one of them soft smooshy seats.  Those things suck.  But you probably already knew that.

Its only my apt toilet seat.. I never have this issue on any other curious if it's just too small for me. No other guy has lived in this apt so maybe it was never an issue for woman who rented it 

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9 minutes ago, Maxx said:



Yeah I've been seeing a lot of dissent about this online in my timeline which I completely get.  If I worked for a company that said "Hey we're David Duke and the Proud Boys but don't worry...we care enough about you that we'll put a large BLM banner on the building"  I'd find that pretty sus.

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It really does feel like 2020 never really left.  Like it feels like 2020 left out the building and everyone was relieved but then 2020 came back in through the exact same door with a really half assed disguise like a fake nose and mustache.  So when "2021" left everyone is like "man that guy felt exactly like the guy that came before"  and then that's when "2021" comes in with a top hat and a monacle.

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y'know, speaking of that... if I had a time machine, I probably would indeed stop and go back again each time I get to March 2020.  I'd keep having fun in the pre-pandemic world theoretically forever...each time that year comes back, I'd hop back into the time machine.  So many things people took for granted, unaware that they would all become an "issue" or inconvenient later... simple stuff like just going to a building for work, and stopping by a favorite restaurant after work, grocery stores being open earelier than 7 am all the time (*eventually it went back but for a while, Walmart and Kroger didn't open until 7.), easily buying game systems if you have the money for it, going to a gym without any concerns, visiting friends and family over the holidays without concern, not having the general atmosphere of my home tainted by work, or just being out in public without everyone looking like bandits that are about to rob the place.


sheeeitttt---on the restaurant bit for a second again---- we were so spoiled... there is a Chick-Fil-A across the parking's so close people could walk there, get food, eat and still have plenty of time left on the 1-hour lunch break.  Across the street we had a Jersey Mike's...across the way in the other direction we had your usual lower-rank stuff like McDonalds, Wendys and a Taco Bell.  Further beyond the Jersey Mikes there was a burger place, a Dunkin Donuts and a new Smoothie King beyond that.  There was also a Greek place in the area where you could get gyro sandwiches.  All of this stuff was in convenient walking distance, in addition to the cafe we had on the 1st floor of the building.


There's at least some positives---human civilization still *exists*, a new Spiderman movie and now Elden Ring just came out...and very soon the Steam Deck will finally be out. (edit---actually I forgot; the first batch started shipping already)

Edited by MillionX
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The country is trying to silence dissent during the invasion of Ukraine.


Russia's ongoing campaign to block social apps during the invasion of Ukraine now includes voice clients. ZDNet reports Russia's telecom regulator Roskomnadzor has banned the walkie-talkie app Zello over claims users were spreading "false information" about the invasion (which Russia falsely labels a "special operation"). Officials said they asked Zello to block transmissions of the offending messages on March 4th, but that it "did not comply" with the request.

Russia blocked Zello in 2017 after it didn't obey a 2016 law requiring storage of user and chat data inside the country. Zello defied the move, developing a workaround that kept the software usable. The app has been popular among protesters despite its work-oriented focus. Before the invasion of Ukraine, vaccine mandate opponents in Canada and elsewhere used Zello to coordinate their protests.


The crackdown was virtually expected. Russia has rushed to cut access to numerous major social platforms, including Facebook and Twitter, while also making it illegal for media outlets to share anything beyond the Putin administration's official narrative on Ukraine. Zello has also surged in popularity since the invasion started. The ban theoretically helps Russia silence political dissent, especially when it involves coordination between Ukrainians and sympathetic Russians.



Edited by AriesWarlock
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9 hours ago, iStu X said:

Interesting read, but yeah, i still think it is better that you use all that effort towards an ugly fat girl. Ugly fat girls are real, they aren't imaginary or digital. You should drop the hand and find the girl of your dreams (or nightmares). 

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