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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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Cat tried to argue me that what Will did was cool. It's cool to defend your wife, but there's a right way and a WRONG way to do it. You try done shit like that in the real world, it'll get you shot. You don't go around laying hands on ppl just because they said something you didn't like


Like, Will could've cussed Rock out, started roasting back or simply pulled him to the side to talk things out. He did NONE of that. Had this a happened in the streets away from cameras, it could've gotten ugly 


I can see right now some dudes ain't gonna live much longer thinking they can run up and swing on somebody. Homicide rate going up everyday, this AIN'T the time to try and be a tough guy, especially over trash 

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1 hour ago, HD-Man said:

Cat tried to argue me that what Will did was cool. It's cool to defend your wife, but there's a right way and a WRONG way to do it. You try done shit like that in the real world, it'll get you shot. You don't go around laying hands on ppl just because they said something you didn't like


My dad got a better version of the video for a bit.


You were right, Will was laughing about her big ol' Sagat head up until he looked at Jada. I don't know what deal with the devil he made but somebody get Will Smith an exorcism.



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Yeah, I still just really want to know what's going on that puts Will in the state where he feels it's OK to slap someone on stage at the damn Oscars. We're ocean level deep in the jokes right now, but that shit still truly surprises me. I didn't think it was real, even though looking back it clearly was.

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2 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

Yeah, I still just really want to know what's going on that puts Will in the state where he feels it's OK to slap someone on stage at the damn Oscars. We're ocean level deep in the jokes right now, but that shit still truly surprises me. I didn't think it was real, even though looking back it clearly was.

Jada = Dr. Gero 

Will Smith = Android 16

Chris Rock = Goku

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You know at the time I thought Will Smith's career was completely over, but now that he actually won the Oscar, that brings up quite the dilemma: do you still hire him now that he's part of that exclusive club or you still shun him away because the guy can't keep his emotions in check?


The amount of people trying to disregard Jada's actions though quite disgusts me, acting like it didn't matter what she did or who she slept with. Like WTF?

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There's so many layers here... this is such juicy material here, folks... I'm loving it.  The strange thing is that he seemed to be laughing about it at first... then I guess since Jada herself didn't like that SUDDENLY he was "angry" about it.  ...and all this over a woman that fucked his son's friend on the side not that long ago.  I'm probably not inclined to defend a so-called "wife" like that....on national television (which is stupid in itself; millions of witnesses now to what could easily be an assault charge) and over a joke that was mild at best.


Well, finally something happened at the Oscars that's worthy of everyone's attention, so at least there's that.  Now I hate missing the Whirl Girls podcast last night as they were live with it... oh gee I wonder which one they sided with 😆


hahaha Chris afterwards said "that was the greatest moment in the history of television." 🤣  I know there's tons of reaction-based youtubers out there rubbing their hands like woooooo we got some content TODAY, folks...


**edit---I seriously doubt this hurts his career... this society, especially the entertainment so heavily slanted in women's favor it's insane... so Will doing the "Good Guy Thing" standing up for his so-called "wife" like that will be a huge positive for his image.

Edited by MillionX
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11 minutes ago, Lantis said:

You know at the time I thought Will Smith's career was completely over, but now that he actually won the Oscar, that brings up quite the dilemma: do you still hire him now that he's part of that exclusive club or you still shun him away because the guy can't keep his emotions in check?


The amount of people trying to disregard Jada's actions though quite disgusts me, acting like it didn't matter what she did or who she slept with. Like WTF?

In all fairness, Will is still a grown man who, I thought, knew way the hell better than to do what he did. Unseen pressure or not. It'll be interesting to see how this affects his career. I think it will have next to no effect, considering he just slapped someone on stage at the Oscars, won an Oscar, gave a little apology speech, and that was that outside of social media.

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29 minutes ago, Lantis said:

This could also set a VERY dangerous precedent as well. So now it's gonna be OK to go ahead and assault comedians on stage for jokes they consider inappropriate? I mean Will Smith now had slaps, but what if it got escalated with more deadly force? Will everybody still be talking about "honor" and shit so freely?

I've been hearing this take, but I think it's overblown. It's only Will's status and the venue where it happened that made this go down without incident. If you're a regular joe trying that shit at a comedy club, you don't know what might happen between security and the comedian having hands you didn't know about.

Edited by axeman61
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2 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

I've been hearing this take, but I think it's overblown. It's only Will's status and the venue where it happened that made this go down without incident. If you're a regular joe trying that shit at a comedy club, you don't know what might happen between security and the comedian having hands you didn't know about.

We know how this works though. I do think that it won't be that easy to go on stage going forward. 

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Oscars in 2016




While hosting the Oscar ceremony in 2016, Rock mocked his Madagascar co-star Pinkett Smith for deciding to boycott the ceremony due to their lack of diversity.

The event’s diversity problem was under particularly harsh scrutiny that year, as April Reign had invented the hashtag #OscarsSoWhite, to highlight the fact that, for the second year in a row, all 20 Oscar acting nominees were white.

“Jada said she’s not coming,” said Rock while hosting the 88th Academy Awards.

“I was like, ‘Isn’t she on a TV show?’ Jada’s gonna boycott the Oscars? Jada boycotting the Oscars is like me boycotting Rihanna’s panties. I wasn’t invited!”

Rock continued to mock the couple later in his monologue, quipping that Pinkett Smith was upset Smith did not receive an Oscar nomination for the 2016 film Concussion. 

“You get mad. It’s not fair that Will was this good and didn’t get nominated. You’re right,” he said, addressing Pinkett Smith. “It’s also not fair that Will was paid $20 million for Wild Wild West.”

Pinkett Smith did not seem too bothered by the crack when asked to respond at LAX.  

“It comes with the territory, sweetheart,” she said. “Hey look, it comes with the territory but we gotta keep it moving. We gotta keep it moving. We gotta keep it moving.”



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57 minutes ago, NinetiesArcades said:

This whole ordeal just made being a comedian a dangerous job imo. Reminds me of those jesters in king's court back in the day getting executed for telling a 'bad' joke. You'd think society has advance since then.

That's the main thing I'm worried about is the precedent this could set.  I'm seeing all sorts of takes on this situation on my feed and most of them are black and white with no nuance.  If Chappelle was up there and made a small crack at trans people (I know he said he isn't gonna do that anymore but lets say he let one slip) and a trans person casually walked up on stage and slapped Chappelle...I wonder who were A OK with justifying Will would be ok with this situation?

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Just now, Sonichuman said:

That's the main thing I'm worried about is the precedent this could set.  I'm seeing all sorts of takes on this situation on my feed and most of them are black and white with no nuance.  If Chappelle was up there and made a small crack at trans people (I know he said he isn't gonna do that anymore but lets say he let one slip) and a trans person casually walked up on stage and slapped Chappelle...I wonder who were A OK with justifying Will would be ok with this situation?

I have feeling that Dave, in his current Bokeem Woodbine form, would have threw hands in that situation.

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9 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

That's the main thing I'm worried about is the precedent this could set.  I'm seeing all sorts of takes on this situation on my feed and most of them are black and white with no nuance.  If Chappelle was up there and made a small crack at trans people (I know he said he isn't gonna do that anymore but lets say he let one slip) and a trans person casually walked up on stage and slapped Chappelle...I wonder who were A OK with justifying Will would be ok with this situation?

Again, the whole situation made this special. This shit is not about to start happening en masse at comedy clubs.

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21 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I have feeling that Dave, in his current Bokeem Woodbine form, would have threw hands in that situation.

I don't Smith would have pulled that bullshit on Dave.  He hit Chris like that because of the size difference and he wouldn't have stepped up to someone close to him physically.


And lets be real here, he wouldn't even have THOUGHT about slapping Patrice.

Edited by J-ride
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