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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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haha, there can never be too much of those memes.


Gaming is another source they'll start mining for reboot material in a big way, I'm sure... well, there's Arcane, Castlevania and Resident Evil though so it's already getting started.  Fortunately, we got lucky ---Arcane and Castlevania were amazing.  Imagine what happens when they take a shot at making a Bayonetta series....either Bayo herself or Jeanne will look like this:

pursed lips disapproving GIF

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1 hour ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

Google TV randomly recommended Short Circuit. I watched half the damn movie without realizing it. 


Sidenote - Fisher Stevens had all of us fooled.



The Short Circuit alongside the Batteries not Included movies where one of my favs when I was a kid, I was really into robots, and is kind of a reason why I studied Computer Sciences 😅

Edited by Hecatom
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3 hours ago, MP_ said:

Shit, I've almost been tempted by shows at the Danforth. But yeah, after I caught it in Chinatown I've been hella selective.

I'm not too sure what to do going forward other than being super selective of where and when to take that risk of getting sick now. The show was awesome and I do not regret going at all... but I also don't want to get sick AGAIN for a show at a place like the Danforth lol.

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It randomly hit me to search if there's a term for a grandparent past the "great grandparent" designation...y'know... further back in your family lineage... 


Apparently it's "3rd great" or whatever number, or 3x or "three times" grandparent.  I guess most other people probably haven't given it much thought either since it would be unusual to actually have met someone that far back in your family will probably become common eventually with how many people have kids at really young ages though.  I'm sure several people in Gen-X will still be living as "great great grandparents" soon because of so many teen pregnancies going on.  My #1 crush back in high school has most likely been a "grandma" for a long time by now (she had a son immediately after high school graduation, so that dude should be 26 now), which is some surreal shit to me.


...but I'm curious... what do you guys call a parent from that far back in the line, when it gets to multiple "great"?  I only knew of my great grandmother, and of course not for long as she was already very old when I was a little kid.  Thanksgiving was typically at her house and her cooking was legend-status for sure.  My mom still has some old pictures and info of the family at least; it was interesting to learn about that.  The farthest back so far that I know of was some people born around the 1890s, which would be of my great grandmother's generation or I think her parents' generation.  

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It would be nice if the rules weren't so damn restrictive in that "unpopular opinions" subreddit forum... this isn't even referring to my threads; I keep seeing ones that look fine to me, and I'm thinking "oh this gonna be good..." then refresh the page and the wack ass mods nuked the shit for 1 reason or another... that shit is lame, man....just pisses all over the fun of such discussions.


*ah, just noticed a cute redhead on another commercial.  It's good that those of us that like the redhead ladies are still allowed to see them on the occasional tv commercial at least.  Heh, yeah I still look forward to hitting a certain friend (who is in denial about these things) with the big "TOLD YA SO." moment when we see who will play Jean Grey... or whenever they remake Into the Badlands in the future, or the Stranger Things remake about 5 to 10 years from now.  Yep I'll keep track of it.


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1 hour ago, elliephil said:

They were certainly out of place for the lineup and the majority of the clientele that evening but they were awesome and played a great show. Can't complain at all.


Damn. Doesn't surprise me. In past years on two tours they opened for Hatebreed... 🤦‍♂️. Fans were asking why. I suppose it was a move on the label to cash in on elements that had some crossover but still. At least I got to see them twice locally with metal bands.



the older stuff is great, many rhythm and section changes in a single song 🤘




Edited by AriesWarlock
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23 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:




the older stuff is great, many rhythm and section changes in a single song 🤘

They recently released a new single that was pretty great.




The first band (Omerta) that played was nu-metal/old slipknot sounding (very good band btw, second time seeing them this year). Terror sounds like wc hardcore. Knocked Loose has that revival metalcore thing going on. Quite the juxtaposition going to technical death metal.


I'm not even sure if most people there even knew what Dying Fetus was. (A band that has probably been playing longer than most people at the show have been alive.) A lot of people in the crowd didn't really know how to react to Dying Fetus except look in awe haha.





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23 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

Definitely one of the race swap castings that bugs the absolute fucking shit out of me. Seeing brown people is a huge deal in the Witcher Universe because they don't have them. They come from a whole another country and it's a big deal see one. I like that show but there's some shit in it that bugs me. Also think Yennifer isn't as beautiful as she should be but that's a personal taste thing. 


Also the Northern Kingdoms in The Wither are Hella racist. Fringilla would never have held a position of power at the academy or be sent to Nilfgaard. 


Like they're either misunderstanding, or flat out ignoring the social situation in this universe so they could cast a black woman as Fringilla. 

Edited by RSG3
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2 hours ago, MillionX said:

It would be nice if the rules weren't so damn restrictive in that "unpopular opinions" subreddit forum... this isn't even referring to my threads; I keep seeing ones that look fine to me, and I'm thinking "oh this gonna be good..." then refresh the page and the wack ass mods nuked the shit for 1 reason or another... that shit is lame, man....just pisses all over the fun of such discussions.


*ah, just noticed a cute redhead on another commercial.  It's good that those of us that like the redhead ladies are still allowed to see them on the occasional tv commercial at least.  Heh, yeah I still look forward to hitting a certain friend (who is in denial about these things) with the big "TOLD YA SO." moment when we see who will play Jean Grey... or whenever they remake Into the Badlands in the future, or the Stranger Things remake about 5 to 10 years from now.  Yep I'll keep track of it.


 reddit is a good place to ask mech or tech questions but other than that i avoid that shittiest of all forums.

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53 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

Ohhhh yes thanks for including the link to the comment section----this is bound to be delicious; I feel compelled to check that entire section out.


It is frustrating at this point when those on my side of the argument use T'Challah Black Panther as the counterpoint... as if they *haven't* heard that same "well actually..." excuse everyone always says in response to that.  It's always better to just use another character as an example, since as far as I know at the moment--- Al Simmons/Spawn and Marvel's Bishop are characters that just happen to be it's not a big deal with them, unless anyone can post something I'm unaware of that contradicts that.  Amanda Waller might be another case as well, I think....or on the videogame front--- Rodin in Bayonetta [Rodin might be one of those types that can take on the appearance of various humans, I think..? Basically he's an exceptionally powerful demon.], Balrog from Street Fighter, Adam from Streets of Rage, etc. etc.  haha yeah let's cast lame ass Seth Rogen as Adam in a Streets of Rage movie and see what happens 🤣


*Reddit--- it gives me a regular "forums" fix, basically.  I really miss the old era of the internet when messageboard/forums were more of a thing.  Way back I had at least a few boards I liked going to on a daily basis... besides SRK there was also "VideoGameReview" before it...for a while, and there was some wrestling forum where people discussed the latest stuff going on in wwe/wcw/ecw back then. (at least back then I still cared about pro-wrestling stuff)


*oh yeah, these comments are too good *usual popcorn/dis gone be good gif goes here

DAMN it's 18,000 comments though 😞 


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I wonder if Lizzo has powers or something.


Aries Spears came at her unprovoked, and now he's a bit emotional on one of his latest podcasts, saying his career might be over (I know; what career) after that skit resurfaced.


Kevin Samuels would say shit about Lizzo too from time to time, and died from high blood pressure (hypertension).


Now anytime someone with any fame says something about her, I'm watching to see what happens to them.



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8 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

You're not famous, so you're alright.


And you're saying shit based on her music. People coming after her who got got went after her weight. I'm wondering if saying bad shit about her in general triggers the curse, or if it's only out-of-pocket shit.

Well if I had been at the Basketball game where she mooned the entire stadium I'd probably have some opinions about her weight to. 

Edited by RSG3
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5 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Also think Yennifer isn't as beautiful as she should be but that's a personal taste thing.




Funny enough, in the books, Yen is described as a little mannish and not a typical beauty as being attractive in her own way, but she couldn’t pass as a great beauty and the people that end falling for her is due to her charisma.
Yennefer as described by Geralt: "...although attractive in her own way, couldn't pass as a great beauty" "...her nose slightly too long, her lips a touch too narrow, her chin receding a little too much, her a brows a little too irregular..." The Last Wish


There are other descriptions where they point out that there are hints for the keen eye that she underwent the change that removed her hunchback and other imperfections.


“You're not saying anything,” she hissed. “So what is it you desire, witcher? What is your most hidden dream? Is it that you don't know or you can't decide? Look for it within yourself, look deeply and carefully because, I swear by the Force, you won't get another chance like this!” But he suddenly knew the truth. He knew it. He knew what she used to be. What she remembered, what she couldn't forget, what she lived with. Who she really was before she had become a sorceress. Her cold, penetrating, angry and wise eyes were those of a hunchback." The Last Wish


"The result was pseudo-pretty women with the angry and cold eyes of ugly girls. Girls who couldn't forget their ugliness had been covered by the mask of magic only for the prestige of their profession." The Last Wish



In some way, I think that the actress, Anya Chalotra, managed to walk the line of being attractive, but still feel in line with what the books tried to convey

My "problem" when I started watching the show was that she felt noticeable younger than Henry Cavill, a combination of each actors age, 23 and 37  iirc during the 1st season and the makeup making Henry look older and Anya look younger, and also being accostumed to the games but then again, that also goes in line with the books, that describe her as having the body of a 20 something, and after a while their chemestry worked nice enough for me to stop noticing it 😅

Edited by Hecatom
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One other thing that aggravates me with how much men are despised in modern society--- the whole "nice guy = you're garbage" mentality.  This appears to be another example of just how much our society actually hates men at this point.  So there's a lose-lose scenario here apparently:

  • You're an asshole---so obviously, the crowd will agree, you're an asshole.
  • You're a nice guy ---so the crowd will shout you down and say you're an asshole. (*or just "incel" since that is now the default insult for a man, no matter the context.  It is astounding how intellectually lazy the average chump is...can't even spend the few seconds it takes to come up with a more accurate and/or funny insult.  It's a shame that most people appear to not be worth the time to engage with in any kind of lively debate for more than a minute or so.)


So basically---as a man you aren't worth shit and you're "wrong" no matter what you do or say.  It doesn't even make logical sense... if the vast majority of people that have met a guy would agree he's a nice guy... ALL of that backup is somehow invalidated by the fact he just self-identified as "nice", eh? (*oh but I thought identifying as certain things are to be taken as absolute "your" truth these days...?) That concept is so stupid it's actually hilarious.  It's just people in an argument that have reached a point of desperation in trying to vilify the man during any kind of men/women topic....since y'know...women can never be allowed to just be at fault for anything or any reason, ever.


Anyway, it's been proven for a couple of generations that it doesn't even pay off at all to be "the good guy" it's silly for people to be that in the first place.  Not only does it hold one actually is a character "flaw" that tends to invite all kinds of negative situations into your life.  It's more beneficial to be the selfish asshole that doesn't care much for other people.  We've all seen this proven time and time again in countless situations.

Edited by MillionX
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