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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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23 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

And my whole position is we could teach broader. I know why it's taught, I know why things are taught where they are taught, my only real claim as Americans could broaden the cultures of music we teach. That's really all I said 


To teach braoder is a luxury.

As it is now, is very difficult to teach what is relevant in academia because it is always underfunded.

Most people, specially kids are mostly interested on popular music.


Plus, most music theory that is taught in most places usually encompasses what you need to learn to be able to understand music at a level that will let you learn easily the music of other places.


Most music majors in USA also allow you to decide in what area do you want to major, depending on what they offer.


Arts Management, Popular Music, Jazz Studies, Musical Theater, Music Education, Music History, Music Industry, Music Technology, Music Theory and Composition, Music Therapy, Performance, World Music or Ethnomusicology.


So is not like is not taught.


And in schools it all boils down of what the school or the parents can have access.

Music instruments are expensive, so that alone limits the type of music you could learn based on what instruments they have access.


Then you have the most glaring issue.

The willingness pf the people who are experts or know about other cultures music to teach.


An expert on his/her field will be more likely to be teaching at university/college level rather than school/highschool.

If it is willing to do so, then it has the barrier of probably needing a degree in education to be allowed to teach, then you have the undefunded nature of music programs in many schools being also a factor.


So at best you have the scenario of those people willing to teach being relegated to community efforts.


And now, we have the actual hostile environment where if someone who is not part of that culture teaching said music will very likely accused of cultural appropriation 🤣


I wouldn't be surprised if that chick will be the 1st to do something like that if a white person is teaching hondurean music in a school 🤣




Is not uncommon for teachers to teach stuff outside the curriculum based on their interests.


My teachers always used not only classical music, but also music around the world that they liked, and I bet other teachers over there probably have done the same.


Music theory is not the same as european classical music.

I learned music theory by learning the classical music from my country, rock, salsa and merengue and other latin american music.



And there was some news some years ago of a teacher using progressive death metal, specifically from the band Ne Obliviascaris as a tool for his classes on Australia at the Sydney conservatorium, one of the most known classical music schools over there.



Edited by Hecatom
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3 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

@HecatomYea I'm not saying it's some easy thing to do or anything, but we could make the effort. We could fund education a lot better then we do. 


There's a lot of things we need to change here that would make things like far broader education way more possible. It's a multifaceted problem, I never once said it was simple or easy. 



I get you, but what I am saying, is that she is conflating music theory with some weird european centrism and racism that is not really true.

Also, I am willing to bet that her complain stems that on places like conservatories, they teach european music, which, duh, of course they will.


Classical music is mostly european, with music from other places in that style being just a recent thing.


Another thing I forgot to post, is that music from other places is usually taught in anthropology rather than in music classes because is usually oriented to the understanding of the culture, and not in a vacuum.



Edited by Hecatom
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6 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

I get you, but what I am saying, is that she is conflating music theory with some weird european centrism and racism that is not really true.

Which is why i said she was wrong on that point, which i understand was the core of the video. Still wrong.


I agree with the rest of your post

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So tonight a guy I work with forwarded me the video of that kid that got pole axed in the US the other day.


Like holy shit, this video is so easy to get a hold off, am not a fan of snuff films but if anybody want to check out what true evil looks like...

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1 hour ago, iStu X said:




ONE MONTH. He Thanos snapped most of his net worth in one. damn. month.


When he pulled out the white lives matter shirt October 4th, he was a billionaire. Three weeks later, even Sketchers (he HAD to have tried other places) is saying they don't want Yeezy shit. We're still in October.


This is so surreal to me. I couldn't imagine fucking up so much money over something so stupid. If I had to lose that much money, it would HAVE to be over something like a murder I felt justified committing. Someone killed my mom, and I saw him on the street. That type of shit. Not like this, man. Not like this.


Oh, BTW, TJ Maxx dropped him too. Didn't even know they sold his shit there, but wow. NOBODY wants to work with this dude now.

Edited by axeman61
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tbh im surprised he didnt implode sooner. he never makes rational sense in interviews, cuz hes crazy. so i expected his downfall sooner rather than later.

what i never understood is why most peeps didnt find his craziness offputting sooner.

and its not just tjmaxx. 


hopefully he disappears forever now, and we dont have to have our eyes burdened anymore with his ugly designs.

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Honestly, I'm surprised he did anything to fuck up his money. I thought his implosion would be him physically hurting himself or someone else in a way he couldn't take back. Not Coondice Owens.


She must have been throwing GOOD pussy at him to jump on her shit like he did. I will believe no other rationale. Her pussy must have credits at the beginning and end.

Edited by axeman61
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10 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

We have reached this point...



She has a valid point that she stole from an Adam Neely video without doing it anywhere close to as well. 


Western Music programs train people to play a certain style of music. This is only the music stylings of a small group of people in a certain place. In general the anglophone world has the hilariously bad habit of making claims like "Greatest 100 musicians of the planet" and then they all somehow ended up English speakers. What a coincidence.


There's a lot they don't teach you in those music programs.  A loooooooooooooooooooooot. The funniest thing is that when you get even middle school pieces that have elements that aren't following strict western aesthetics, you do end up with some white people talking about how something sounds "Asian" (even though the "asian" sound is something made up in the West too).


The tiktok is more or less trash in the way it talked about it. But there are an incredible amount of music stylings that aren't taught in music schools. Is what it is. This didn't happen just in music. It happened in literature too. EVerybody wants to harp about SJWs, but some of the stuff they use terrible in argumentation came aobut ot deal with that type of stuff. Critics of the issue of Orientalism in literature and Post colonial studies and literature are dealing with those types of issues.


10 hours ago, Daemos said:

No she's completely wrong. "Classical Music" is a pinnacle point not just for Western culture but for human culture, it changed EVERYTHING that came after. These kids need to STFU, they've been here for 5 minutes and this is their claim to fame.


I mean...Its literally right there.


Jazz has done as much to change the world as the various composers of orchestral music BUT the pinnacle HAS to be that.


Its a long video but its really good:




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4 hours ago, RSG3 said:

The video I was responding to said it Mario. Wtf bro?

Well you said "there's more than classical music to be taught" so you were repeating it in a sense, or at least that's how I understood it. If I got it wrong, that's my mistake.


Either way it's, a bad take to assume that classical music is the only music taught anyway. I went to podunk-ass schools growing up and we did all kinds of music from elementary school on up to high school and that's not even going to the vast amount of music I learned about in college because classical guitar actually has very little repertoire that was composed by Europeans outside of a few Spanish and Italian composers. It's actually a very South American-centric instrument in terms of most of its famous repertoire.


And I took World Music in college, mainly because I was curious. A lot of it is hard to learn about because as Hecatom said, most of it isn't written down. And then there's a lot of it that just isn't very good. Not all, but a lot of it.


We aren't giving school kids comprehensive histories of music juat like we aren't giving them the history of every country in the world ever. There isn't enough time in the day.

Edited by DoctaMario
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1 hour ago, Sonero said:

I mean...Its literally right there.


Jazz has done as much to change the world as the various composers of orchestral music BUT the pinnacle HAS to be that.


Its a long video but its really good:




Jazz theory was built on the back of classical theory. The iii-vi-ii-V-I chord progression that was a staple of jazz up through the 50s was something Bach was doing back in the 1700s, and the harmonies of a lot of jazz were influenced by late 1800s Romantic/Impressionist composers. Most of those jazz musicians were avid listeners of classical music too, and some (notably Miles Davis) even did Third Stream albums that blended jazz and classical music. Jazz wouldn't exist the way it is without classical music and the written tradition that was fostered around it. Yes, it went in many different places eventually, but big bands were essentially mini orchestras and while Charlie Parker & Thelonius Monk were basically punks before punk rock, they were still playing over western influenced chord progressions with western derived scales.


Gonna check out that video, I've heard of it but never watched it. Thanks for posting it.


Edit: Checked out some of the comments and I think this one really hits the nail on the head as far as the whole debate is concerned



Edited by DoctaMario
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59 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Well you said "there's more than classical music to be taught" so you were repeating it in a sense, or at least that's how I understood it. If I got it wrong, that's my mistake.

I think it was a misunderstanding. We are mostly on the same page I think. I'm aware you can learn other music in places but it's still kind of a rare thing. It's really just a comment about how schooling I. This country could be better and broader in general tho. It really could if we where willing to out the resources to it. 


But you know it also is what it is. 

Edited by RSG3
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I'm wondering you guys' opinion on Kanye. Hopefully this will be the last I talk about him for a while. My question, though, is: how much of this is his illness, and how much of this is him?


I've been saying he needs to get help, but I've been assuming his mental illness is corrupting a good person. I thought, for real, if he got medicated, maybe he can get away from these poisonous grifters polluting his well-meaning mind. But I'm realizing most bipolar people aren't saying nazi shit AFAIK. Coondice Owens is a grifter, but maybe Kanye believes this stuff. He'd just be keeping it down better if he was medicated. But I'm dumb on mental health, so I don't know. What do you guys think?


Outside of that, do you think Kanye was seeing in the future when he made the Red Octobers?

Edited by axeman61
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59 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

I'm wondering you guys' opinion on Kanye. Hopefully this will be the last I talk about him for a while. My question, though, is: how much of this is his illness, and how much of this is him?


I've been saying he needs to get help, but I've been assuming his mental illness is corrupting a good person. I thought, for real, if he got medicated, maybe he can get away from these poisonous grifters polluting his well-meaning mind. But I'm realizing most bipolar people aren't saying nazi shit AFAIK. Coondice Owens is a grifter, but maybe Kanye believes this stuff. He'd just be keeping it down better if he was medicated. But I'm dumb on mental health, so I don't know. What do you guys think?


Outside of that, do you think Kanye was seeing in the future when he made the Red Octobers?

The mental illness is likely causing the darkest thoughts in his mind to take control of the driver's seat. At this stage, he should be surrounding himself with people who love him that are not intimidated by his wealth and power, who will tell him the truth. Kim was actually real with him and saw this coming, she tried to help but she couldn't follow him to his end. People like Candice Owens are hungry for relevance and is a true parasite. They enable the worst parts of him and don't recognize that his illness has expedited his extreme departure from his baselines.

Megastars who reach and stay at an extreme level of fame and wealth like him for extended time need things, people, and practices to ground them, otherwise they do lose it. They live in a bubble surrounding by mostly yesmen that distorts their perspective. In his delusions of grandeur he could not foresee that his own downfall will be himself.

On the bright side if he comes back from this, it will be probably be with epic new music inspired by the destruction.

Edited by Daemos
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I brought up that blacks were still supporting him, but I'm now thinking that's true also (blacks just don't have that kind of power). It would have taken black people AS A WHOLE boycotting him in order for companies to stand up and take notice. It took way less Jewish pushback in comparison.


I still think of this as a "find out" moment after years of "fuck around", but I wonder if Kanye could have gotten off 5 years of saying crazy shit if he started off  saying shit about Jews.

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17 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

It took way less Jewish pushback in comparison.


What's funny is that in the Drink Champs interview he literally says he is jealous of Jews.


Jealous on how they don't divorce, don't abort babies, make business deals with each other. Talked about you don't see Jewish artists make songs about killing other Jews but you got black rappers promoted who do.


Doesn't help that Jews and Hip Hop (even Jews and rhe civil rights movement) are very intertwined with each other. NWA agents was Jewish, Def Jam had Rick Rubin producing and then Lyor Cohen have a prominent management position. Lyor Cohen situation is interesting in retrospect because a few years ago they were calling him a culture vulture because Def Jam had more Jewish people in top positions than Black; and a lot of those Lyor helped get there.


The whole situation is very odd in a dozen different ways.

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2 hours ago, Sonero said:


What's funny is that in the Drink Champs interview he literally says he is jealous of Jews.


Jealous on how they don't divorce, don't abort babies, make business deals with each other. Talked about you don't see Jewish artists make songs about killing other Jews but you got black rappers promoted who do.


Doesn't help that Jews and Hip Hop (even Jews and rhe civil rights movement) are very intertwined with each other. NWA agents was Jewish, Def Jam had Rick Rubin producing and then Lyor Cohen have a prominent management position. Lyor Cohen situation is interesting in retrospect because a few years ago they were calling him a culture vulture because Def Jam had more Jewish people in top positions than Black; and a lot of those Lyor helped get there.


The whole situation is very odd in a dozen different ways.

So despite being called crazy, Kanye isn't a liar in some ways? 

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22 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

There's a Donda Sports?


This dudes whole empire is coming down.




If her pussy doesn't have a "Made in Olympus" sticker and a warning label on it, I don't know what the fuck Ye was thinking.

That poon has gotta be the fucking bomb because she secured a trust fund baby white boy husband and has Ye blowing up his whole life for it.

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You don't get to be a billionaire by being an idiot unless you inherit it so I don't think Kanye is dumb at all, off base on things and not great at communication, possibly being manipulated by ppl like Candice Owens and Trump, but far from just dumb. 


I think his problem is he's mentally ill, refuses to take the meds (cuz he thinks it'll kill his creative energy) and is surrounded by enablers. He needs the right friends to check him on his shit, take his meds  as prescribed and he'll be alright. 


However, he also has to WANT help, and I don't know if he even realizes he needs it 

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