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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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5 minutes ago, Reticently said:

I mean, yeah - but the thing is that per the article they can't tell why or how people in Florida are catching it.  To the point where the only common thread for them is that they were in Florida.

I didn't know most people had immunity to it so it makes sense that it's something that always floating around and it just happened to get the right people in the last few years. I guess it's possible that the virus has mutated but if that were the case, you'd think it would be an epidemic.

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14 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I didn't know most people had immunity to it so it makes sense that it's something that always floating around and it just happened to get the right people in the last few years. I guess it's possible that the virus has mutated but if that were the case, you'd think it would be an epidemic.

It's a bacteria, and pretty easy to cure with modern medicine as long as you don't wait too long to see a doctor.


And it normally takes months of close contact with someone who has untreated leprosy to catch it, which makes it supremely goofy that they can't pin down who in FL is giving it to people.


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17 hours ago, Reticently said:

Just going to Florida is now a risk factor for developing leprosy?






Central Florida




Death was formed in Altamonte Springs, Florida (Central Florida)





In a poll by the German Rock Hard magazine, Leprosy was voted the number one of the 25 most important death metal albums of all time.



Bodies deformed way beyond belief
Cast out from their concerned society
Flesh contorting day after day
Freak of the dark world is what the people say
Their lives decay before their eyes
There is no hope of cure
Among their own kind they live
A life that's so obscure
First an arm and then a leg
Deterioration grows
Rotting while they breathe – Death comes slow
Leprosy will take control and bring you to your death
No chance of a normal life to live just like the rest
Leprosy will spread with time, your body soon to change
Appearance becomes hideous a sight too much to take
Tuberculoid the most severe
Decay of the nerves comes fast
Sense of feeling soon to be gone
Life will never last
No hope of recovery after the nerves are eaten away
Damage is done you feel no more pain
Bones decay deterioration grows
Origin of this horrid disease nobody knows
Their lives decay before their eyes
There is no hope of cure
Among their own kind they live
A life that's so obscure
First an arm and then a leg
Deterioration grows
Rotting while they breathe – Death comes slow
Leprosy will take control and bring you to your death
No chance of a normal life to live just like the rest
Leprosy will spread with time, your body soon to changel
Appearance becomes hideous a sight too much to take


Leprosy will take control and bring you to your death
No chance of a normal life to live just like the rest
Leprosy will spread with time, your body soon to change
Appearance becomes hideous a sight too much to take




Hope everyone stays safe.

Edited by AriesWarlock
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Some of the players in Baku for the chess world cup. they have a women's section and an open section:


player.png Women
Player Rating Country
3cpGLsArnHom8gxYO9uw.jpeg Ju Wenjun squarey.png 2564 CN.png
IjqCsTEytOF1KtpQv5gp.jpeg Goryachkina Aleksandra squarey.png 2557 YOiY4VlS5R99ayEHXB90.jpeg
CTivZeMqybol9DEEEnos.jpg Koneru Humpy squarey.png 2553 IN.png
PLlDFXFWVl02iZ5hDpH1.jpg Lagno Kateryna squarey.png 2552 YOiY4VlS5R99ayEHXB90.jpeg
gVHctEh9Po1KpN83NpXk.jpg Kosteniuk Alexandra squarey.png 2532 CH.png
PAJI6rFoWUu5WpQT17il.jpg Tan Zhongyi squarey.png 2523 CN.png
3WuT5ZGd27U1IBLFWRYw.jpg Dzagnidze Nana squarey.png 2511 GE.png
8owDAqBqcgZ7Sf02MTLu.jpg Muzychuk Mariya squarey.png 2511 UA.png
VvSLvwvI17VqSaFBTuZX.jpeg Muzychuk Anna squarey.png 2504 UA.png
see all
player.png Open
Player Rating Country
IbJnW2KPOYJgxZbrSAGL.jpg Carlsen Magnus squarey.png 2835 NO.png
5lakVaKZHX8yTuda65nL.jpg Nakamura Hikaru squarey.png 2787 US.png
mdcaj6SnGn7eUXPvnTKL.jpg Caruana Fabiano squarey.png 2782 US.png
CWuLgJwWT5DI00PJpwPQ.jpg Nepomniachtchi Ian squarey.png 2779 YOiY4VlS5R99ayEHXB90.jpeg
i1sc4tJESTEg446VsTKL.jpg Giri Anish squarey.png 2775 NL.png
whzioG7ylQemq2OwfhX4.jpg So Wesley squarey.png 2769 US.png
PMbHTq0VzaZfRhugMvcR.jpg Radjabov Teimour squarey.png 2747 AZ.png
qnTUBKUoMjSIdNQcYwQG.jpg Gukesh D squarey.png 2744 IN.png
EBzN5k9V3i3QAO8bBh49.jpg Mamedyarov Shakhriyar squarey.png 2742 AZ.png
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i was thinking to myself.

about the ufo hearings in dc.

what if, the military just flat out tells congress and the prez, to suck their dicks?

cuz, if the military. different militaries of the world have been reverse engineering these crafts. these electromagnetic+gravity field vehicles since the 1950s.

they most likely have a fleet hidden somewhere by now.

whats to keep these nameless faceless dudes at the pentagon that are in control of these vehicles. from committing a bloody coup and declaring a military dictatorship?

cuz idk if u havent noticed but traditional weapons wont penetrate a gravity field. so guns missiles and shells wont do shit to these vehicles as long as their gravity field is up.

only energy based weapons will work against em.

and last time i checked civilians dont have any military grade emp generators, lasers, or microwave lasers.

which means we find ourselves in a forced labor camp working like slaves.

because i doubt these nameless faceless individuals who are running this undercover shit or reverse engineering advanced tech, are gonna give up their power and control without a fight.


its alleged that in the 50s prez eisenhower threatened the dudes at area 51 to invade that base with the army if they didnt give him his monthly progress reports. cuz they actually stopped sending him their monthly reports and started trying to keep progress under cloak from him. but he wasnt having any of that. and they restarted sending him reports.

at that time. mid 1950s.

they hadnt succeeded in making a fully functional em gravitic vehicle yet. so they had no power to defy the president.

but that was then, this is now. and they in the 50s did eventually figure it out and made 1 work.

its decades later and they most likely have a fleet.

president has no power over them now.

if there is a conflict between pres with congress vs the pentagon,...the pres and congress have no power over this clandescent group working in the shadows.

these men at the pentagon can essentially conquer the world in a single day if they wanted.

do you understand the danger here?

with these hearings. i hope that. that doesnt happen. but, i doubt these shadow dudes with no ethics dont let absolute power corrupt absolutely.

the president has control over nukes. he has the codes.

we control the president. so we have the control over nukes.

last time i checked.

president has no control over these faster than light vehicles mass produced by now. whats to stop some general/commander from taking over the world? cuz the prez doesnt have some button he can push to deactivate these vehicles. cuz these vehicles were made under the radar in secret from not just the public and govt but even from the rest of the pentagon.

is the pres and congress really in control. you saw how they are doing everything possible to block the govt from seeing documents, files, etc.

and make no mistake. aint no one from the govt forcing their way into some secret base without a fight. hmmm.


i think we are in more danger than we realize here. cuz what happens if congress gets pushy. how far will the pentagon push back. cuz in the past congress took this as a joke. but they arent joking around anymore and are serious. and i have certain doubts these shadowy folk at the pentagon hiding these advanced tech are gonna give up their godlike powers without a fight yall.



i find it ironic, that americans feverishly fight for the 2nd amendment, saying its to protect themselves from the govt.

meanwhile. the moronic masses dared to take an intellectual nap, telling themselves bullshit about aliens ufos arent real all that nonsensical contrary to reality ego driven narcissism about how humanity is the center of the universe...and let a few unregulated unpoliced figures working in the shadows build up power for themselves. so much power to the point they become unstoppable.

smdfh lmfao. we deserve slavery. we are that dumb to allow a few shady folk that much power over us.

the only thing u can do with your handgun. is commit suicide with it if the pentagon defies the president and congress regarding giving up their power. cuz bullets cant penetrate gravity fields. gravity fields of these vehicles make physical matter move around it. not through it. its why ufos make no sonic booms. the gravity field displaces the air around it. there is no air friction against the vehicle at all. hence no sonic boom.

all your guns. tanks, fighter jets, nukes, etc..are worthless toys against these vehicles.

well done everyone. back to your thumb sucking nap.

Edited by VirginDefiler
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this is salvatore pais.

ive known about him for couple years now.


he use to work for the air force, as an engineer. now hes with the navy.

he filed a patent with the u.s. patent office on behalf of the navy, for electromagnetic gravitic field vehicles he engineered for the navy.

his vehicular design is a black triangle. which has been seen many many times by people in ufo sightings.

he doesnt explain the full way how his vehicle design works, due to national security reasons aka not giving away the secret to how the em field produces the time/space field thats essentially a shield to any physical matter.

and u can find his patent online btw with the patent office. if u wanna see it.

and keep in mind. the govt has seized electromagnetic flight patents from the private sector/civilians.

its why the military doesnt allow boeing or any company to make a em flight vehicle.

only electromag flight patents the military doesnt seize are their own patents. like salvatore's.

but the point is.


they definately have already built a fleet. make no mistake yall. these black triangle ufos seen many times are theirs(navy).

so lets pray the pentagon obeys congress and not the other way around.

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1 hour ago, axeman61 said:

It's... a sign. It's literally just placing a sign. How do you screw that up when you have access to planners and shit?


I'm beginning to think this dude is just Wheatley from Portal 2.

At a time when the company is going to court over unpaid rent, Elon thinks it is in the best interest of the company to make a giant, flashing Las Vegas sign on top of a half empty office building. What kind of a play is this? Is he opening a dance club on the top floor?



Edited by Jurassic
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2 hours ago, misterBee said:

Alright boys time to decide Zatal's fate:


I've never heard of her

Why would we (and you) care about a Jalen Green over a Lebron? Why would we want a doink the clown when we can have a Roman Reigns?

Let us have religion threads again. You can make it like an event such as one weekend a month or something. Instead getting some nobody to return you can get a chance to finally have the greatest shoryuken poster of all time to sign with megashock. 

Bring back religion threads because It is only HE who can boost the ratings of this site!


Edited by weneedhim
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17 minutes ago, weneedhim said:

I've never heard of her

Why would we (and you) care about a Jalen Green over a Lebron? Why would we want a doink the clown when we can have a Roman Reigns?

Let us have religion threads again. You can make it like an event such as one weekend a month or something. If you do this mod, instead getting some nobody to return you will more likely get the greatest shoryuken poster of all time to finally sign with megashock. 

Bring back religion threads because It is only HE who can boost the ratings of this site!


Are you Cisco's mom?

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What happened to Zat? I have him on ignore, and I've been kinda offline for a bit with my move.


Edit: nvm. He was banned or something and we're deciding if he comes back. I'm dumb and didn't see that that was a thread link posted.

Edited by axeman61
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10 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

@Jion_Wansu  so the vibrator-in-his-butt cheater guy didn't show up for this tourney?



Went to the wiki. It looks like you actually have to qualify for this single-elimination tournament. Also, Magnus has never won a world cup so maybe he's in beast mode for this tournament!!!



The Chess World Cup 2023 is a 206-player single-elimination chess tournament that will take place in Baku, Azerbaijan, from 30 July to 24 August 2023. It will be the 10th edition of the Chess World Cup. The top three finishers in the tournament will qualify for the 2024 Candidates Tournament. The tournament will be held in parallel with the Women's Chess World Cup 2023.



The following 206 players qualified for the World Cup:


Then is gives you a list.


Surprised that the world champion Ding Liren is not in this thing!!!








And the LOLZ:




Edited by Jion_Wansu
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That big-time lotto win reminded me again; I'm curious how much "sudden wealth" would you guys need to immediately quit whatever job and never work again (unless it's something you'd enjoy doing, like art, music, etc.)?  That one person that recently won big (900 million, if I recall) is sitting on a few hundred mil at least *after* the tax the deduction and taking a lump sum (*I'd always go for the lump sum payout; smaller monthly payments seems like a bad idea, imo; if something were to happen to you sooner rather than later, they are under no obligation to continue paying your family, I've heard; better to get a giant sum of money all at once.)


On the "low" end it's probably around 15 to 20 million as "quittin' time" money at least for most people, I'm guessing....some might quit for even lower than that, perhaps.... at the very least I'd take a long time off before doing anything resembling "work" again.  I imagine that would be so nice to do whatever you want, all day every day.... no need for work/school to get in the way of the fun things again.  


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26 minutes ago, Reticently said:

Man, I'd be having a long difficult think about things if I won $2 million.  Even $1 million would probably shave at least a decade off my wait for retirement.

Oh yeah, the amount obviously changes things pretty drastically... like the difference between whether I moved to the "rich" area of town or not.  If it was "just" something like 1 or 2 mil then at that level I'd stay where I am.  At 20 mil and up I'd move to a certain neighborhood where the "cheapest" property is probably no less than 750 or 800k.  In neighborhoods like that you probably don't have to worry about "Deebo and Big Worm" goons (*ah, if only I could "Thanos snap" such people out of existence completely...) causing trouble anymore....especially if it's a gated community as well.  There's some areas here where the homes look like something you'd see a soap opera family of characters living in.  This also depends of course on how the numbers add up for estimating how much upkeep and any staff for the new place would cost.


On a smaller amount of sudden money where I'd have to keep working... 1 thing I'd spoil myself with would be something nice in terms of a car, like a Porsche.  Everything else I enjoy is relatively cheap, like the acquisition of some more arcade machines....but that's possible even on an ordinary "middle-class" salary anyway.

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