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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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Ok, the countless tattoos look terrible but her "demonic eyes" look pretty damn cool, imo....could also double as an intended "vampire" look.  I'd do it as well if it were fully safe to have whatever that procedure is.  Way back in the day when the Hellraiser movies were new, I always thought the "solid black" demon eyes look would be a cool thing to have for real.


That 'shoe on head' vid is making the rounds lately as various others have been doing their reactions/commentary:


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You could just get yourself some blacked out contact lenses. They make them for aesthetic, they don't have a script on them anything. 


Then you don't have to do anything as risky stupid as have a tatoo artist stab you in the fucking eyeballs 10k times. 


Probably don't want to get your tongue forked like she did either. 

Edited by RSG3
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5 minutes ago, Reticently said:

The extreme body modification people are always just so desperate for some kind of attention.


You can't even see your own eyes like 99.999% of the time, so it isn't like you're doing that for your own gratification. 

You mean you dont want to spend a year or more relearning how to talk and eat and everything else involved after you got your tongue forked like a snake for some fucking reason? You can't see it, everyone else barely gets to see it and most of us don't want to see it in the first place lol. 

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On 8/20/2023 at 5:05 AM, BB_Hoody said:

Watched it. Never once did they acknowledge the Gorilla/monkey performance and putting on clan hoods. I'm pretty sure that was the line that was crossed for YouTube to move on them. 


And they only lost their partnership. They can still post. But none the less this is well deserved. There's a fine line between hot takes on dating and relationships that some won't agree with. And just flat out racist jokes and acts done with malice. And they crossed it like it was cool. 



They tried to be slick by doing it on Rumble but they must of forgot the first gorilla incident* was done on Youtube. It's when Preach was going to Miami for other business, F&F didn't know this, and Myron start talking shit about how he was "box them up". Preach called his bluff, set up the fight, and Myron turned whiter than Casper. They started back sliding quick. 


*Yes, there was more than one. WTF.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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15 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

Fuck Fresh and Fit especially for spouting all this free speech shit, but trying to shut down channels that talked bad about them. Now that they're experiencing what they tried to inflict on others, they're literally out here crying. Fuck outta here with that.

The Lead Attorney cooked them while being completely professional. He broke down the exact situation you were describing with those clowns.



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37 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

They tried to be slick by doing it on Rumble but they must of forgot the first gorilla incident* was done on Youtube. It's when Preach was going to Miami for other business, F&F didn't know this, and Myron start talking shit about how he was "box them up". Preach called his bluff, set up the fight, and Myron turned whiter than Casper. They started back sliding quick. 

Bro Preach accepting their fight challenge is one of the funnest fucking things I've ever seen in my life. Preach just all dead ass "I'll be there." 

Edited by RSG3
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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

They tried to be slick by doing it on Rumble but they must of forgot the first gorilla incident* was done on Youtube. It's when Preach was going to Miami for other business, F&F didn't know this, and Myron start talking shit about how he was "box them up". Preach called his bluff, set up the fight, and Myron turned whiter than Casper. They started back sliding quick. 


*Yes, there was more than one. WTF.

It was Fresh that actually issued the boxing challenge. But none the less they did this to themselves. And it all started because they got in their feelings because Aba made a video criticizing some their approach and some of their views. He didn't disrespect. Just constructive criticism and they were so butt hurt for the longest time. That they let it cost them a bag. Pretty emotional and unbecoming of a masculine man I'd say.


I still think some of their takes are valid and on point. But they as people? Need to grow the fuk up, and handle people with opposing views better. And what's wild? Till this day! Aba was hands down the best guest they ever had.


The way the women all stfu and gave him their full attention when he spoke straight wisdom to them. Never had to raise his voice, curse at them. None of that. Myron should've took notes 



Edited by BB_Hoody
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4 hours ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

After almost two weeks in the NICU, our family is finally home. Today I changed his diaper and fed him off of his cues alone. 


How it felt . . . 


batman animated animation GIF by hoppip

That's good and all but don't throw him into green and red clothes at the age of 9 and make him jump between rooftops to draw enemy fire.


Congrats, by the way! I hope he grows up to make you proud.

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5 hours ago, Chadouken said:

I'm glad you're all home, man! Congrats again, on being a new dad! It's a game changer.

It sure is. You just look at your kid in amazement at all times of the day. To see the way he looks at the world with amazement when I carry him through the house is the stuff dreams are made of. 

5 hours ago, DangerousJ said:



In one year, he'll have to put a lock on the Masterpiece Transformers shelf.

I'm thinking of ways now 🤣

5 hours ago, Reiraku said:

His boy is going to break into that shelf. They're gonna call it "Optimus Crime"

I've kept in touch with a YT reviewer that I met several years ago at a TF convention who now has a 9-year-old. I asked him how does he teach his son NOT to bother with his collection. His response was "at a very early age, teach them to look with your eyes and not with your hands." 

2 hours ago, Dayaan said:

Congrats, by the way! I hope he grows up to make you proud.

Much appreciated!

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2 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Cuz fights at school are so brand new Katrina.  

She's very oblivious or at least pretends to be from her own hidden mask. There was a time when you had to put certain students besides you that you really dislike in the hospital, so they would back off of you in the 1980s to 1990s era in public schools. Generally boys and a specific group of girls at the time were pretty consistent at fucking with you in a way where they've gained self gratification if you let them. Enough of us been there. Those were pretty bad times, especially if you really dislike said school you were in, where you purposely get suspended multiple times to getting expelled in hopes of going to a better school.

Edited by Emptyeyes_
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haha public school not safe anymore?  It's been trash for a long least back to when my generation were growing up.  It seems like Gen-X was the starting point of the great downfall of American society, a kid there seemed to be a clear difference between the much older kids and my gen at the time.  My peers seemed like pure worthless, disrespectful garbage in comparison.


I remembered just now the first time I heard a kid in my class curse at a was actually elementary school; I think 3rd grade, if I recall... that dude was basically your typical shitty kid that probably ended up being a criminal later in life....just like most of my "peers" (embarrassing to even use that term, tbh).  I notice how it would just continue to get worse as the years went on....and my particular peer/class group would just get increasingly disrespectful, trashy and generally worthless.  I also don't really agree with it always being the parent's fault either... sometimes kids are just shitty people at their very core.... like they were born and destined to be that way regardless of any positive outside factors that one would assume could make a difference.  I don't think that's something most people want to admit or think about though.


*edit--I realize though that the older kids are technically part of the same generation... but they were so different from my specific peer/class group it seemed like they were just of a different generation entirely, imo.  Even more of depressing was how the kids that were younger than us were even worse....each new class/generation following X has seemingly become progressively worse in nearly every point of comparison.

Edited by MillionX
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6 minutes ago, MillionX said:

 sometimes kids are just shitty people at their very core.... like they were born and destined to be that way regardless of any positive outside factors that one would assume could make a difference.  I don't think that's something most people want to admit or think about though.

Damn those philosophical, astrological zodiac signs. I HAD TO SAY IT! LOL.

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