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The Street Fighter V Thread, vol. 2

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So it really happened 


Of course it's in the classic Capcom fashion to hype people up only to say "yo come back later this summer" after a week long countdown 


The teaser is probably not representative of how the game will look (compare any of the SFV openings and trailers to ingame footage), so we'll have to wait for a proper demo, however Luke looks much better and Ryu is now a bearded combat hardened fighter he should be. That's already good news 


We won't hear about the features for a looong time so at best we can hope for a short match to tease what mechanics are like in the new game 


Oh and yeah the logo is complete shit, you can feel the touch of a zoomed Tiktok crowd all over it while selling a brand new nft collection 

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16 minutes ago, Daemos said:

- I think I heard Bison in the background saying "I'm back you maggots! hahahahaha!". In fact, I am certain.

You mean Violent Luke?


Bison goes after Luke as his new vessel instead of Ryu and turned Luke into his new mind control puppet for now instead of Ken and Ed.

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45 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

Since he says as one of the designers it could be as a consultant, perhaps?


Because last i checked he is still with Platinum and is supposedly involved with Bayo 3.

If Platinum and Capcom are willing to work together that could open up some cool possibilities. 

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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Hoped we got more but whatever, now that shit started we will see more in future 


Hard to tell what ingame art style will be like, if we can use this teaser as indication impression is more realistic than clayfighterV but thankfully still heavy stylized, no "they're real people now" bullshit that scared me after DMC5 


Ryu new design is simple but awesome, too bad for the beard but guess was inevitable after internet wierdos made a cult about that Ryu alt costume. 

Will have classic look as alt, so no problem here 


Luke new design looks simple but decent.

MMA SFV one was good too, had very "fighter" vibe to it, hope it return too

Glad they seem to remember his base hair colour is brown, the everybody is fluo banana yellow blond nightmare may be over 


55 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Wait does Luke not have the dumb ass Popeye arms now? Hard to tell.....and why am I analyzing this shit. Oh, I just got up LOL

still have them, muscle proportions seem simply bit less extreme than SFV, but still have huge forearms 


1 hour ago, AriesWarlock said:


That logo sucks, and the whole video has such a MMA feel to it 🤢

i've zero problem with MMA vibes, if anything if may mean there will be an actual tournament and more focus on martial arts clashing and less scifi GiJoe, i welcome it lol 


Hope fight in exotic crazy locations stay a thing and oct.. exagon is more part of Luke's imagery, doubt SF6 stages will be bunch of ufc arenas

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1 minute ago, Mr.Cipher said:

Thanks for the Mitsuru.


I feel really sorry for everyone who stayed up all night to get 40 seconds of nothing.


Make it 2.

I was just finished The Righteous Gemstones when i tuned in to check if i could catch some of the matches when the teaser was starting 🤣

I expected nothing, and Capcom delivered nothing.


Me and Sonero were talking about how Capcom is still working like if it was 2007 with this teaser, meanwhile the competition has rised the bar so much with how to announce their games.


Capcom is still on the mind set that they have the fgc on the bag, so they are doing the bare minimum

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Capcom Co., Ltd. (Capcom) today announced that Street Fighter 6, the latest title in the Street Fighter series, is currently in production.


Street Fighter was first released as an arcade game in 1987, followed by the smash hit Street Fighter II in 1991. Its innovative battle system generated mass excitement, establishing the fighting game genre and driving cumulative total shipments for the series over time to 47 million units worldwide*.


Even today, more than 35 years since Street Fighter first debuted, the series still enjoys immense popularity across the globe. Further, in recent years the series has increased its presence by driving the fighting game genre in esports.


Street Fighter 6 will be the newest title in the series and the sequel to Street Fighter V, which has shipped a cumulative 6.1 million units*. Capcom is developing the title with the aim of elevating the fighting game genre to a new level in the world of esports while also utilizing its cutting-edge development technology to produce an enthralling game experience. Details regarding the game’s content and release will be shared at a later date.


Further, Capcom revealed a June 24, 2022 release date for the newly announced Capcom Fighting Collection, which is a title that leverages the rich library of content that the company has built up in the fighting game genre over its history. In addition to featuring the Darkstalkers series and the first home console and PC version of Red Earth, the title brings together a total of 10 popular games including Hyper Street Fighter II, aiming to further grow the user base by expanding the company’s fighting game brands overall.


Capcom remains firmly committed to satisfying the expectations of all users by leveraging its industry-leading game development capabilities in order to create highly entertaining gameplay experiences.


[Product Details]

1. Title: Street Fighter 6

2. Genre: Fighting

3. Platforms: TBA

4. Release Date: TBA

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25 minutes ago, Sonero said:

Oh my fucking god...


The hexagon and the twirling camera. What if SF6 is designed with 3D movement in mind? That's the reveal. It'll be Tekkenish in movement.

 Lol joke or not good thought

Tbh if SF6 love his number gimmick as V did i will not be surprised see exagon be signature gimmick of this one 


Maybe the action taking place still in 2D style but developed on 3 crossed lines and you switch from one to next one left or right with one single wide side-step 


Lol who knows

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29 minutes ago, Daemos said:

You leave us and his beautiful beard alone! YOU UNDERSTAND? 

It's the ONLY thing they got right in this trailer and that's Ryu's look.

idk so far only 3 things that gave me vomit are 


-Luke frame when he smile giving me "realistic expression" DMC5 nightmares, but lucky rest still give me heavy stylized impression 


-Logo being absolute crap


-Music/announcer, but guess that's supposed to roll with Luke as protagonist 


8 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Nope 😑

Well, guess we may hope to see something more  of SF6 when they will announce/show it 


Iirc SF4 reveal was like that, non ingame teaser and then we got a super early build Ryu vs Ken vid

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Leave it to Capcom to turn the announcement of the new Street Fighter into something underwhelming.


So, it seems the artstyle will remain roughly the same from the SFIV and V games and not go in some awful photorealistic way. Good.


With that said I hope that all those details on the models, like Luke's nasty arm veins etc., will just be stuff for the pretty CG trailer and not part of the in-game look, because that weird blend of stylized designs and realistic details doesn't work too well in my opinion, and can look downright creepy. Mixed.


That logo is some of the ugliest, nastiest piece of shit I've ever seen in my life. I legit saw ugly fan logos that look better than that. Did someone pay someone else to design that? Really? What were they thinking? Bad.


What we know about the roster is that Capcom is looking to have a mix of classic characters and newcomers. On one hand we have Luke, the guy with exactly one fan in the whole world and that's Sonero, and even with him I perceive some layers of irony in his appreciation of the character; on the other hand there is, of course, the inevitable returning main character. I'm of course talking about Chris Redfield, from the Resident Evil series.




It's certainly very brave for Capcom to pull such a crossover, and the story potential is truly endless: Chris Redfield, renown boulder puncher who fought Wesker mano-a-mano in the middle of an erupting volcano (everyone's favourite stage in SFIV), has now joined the Street Fighting tournament in order to train before going and whooping ass at the European HQ of BSAA, like he promised at the end of Village. Will this be a chance to see other returning fan favourites from the Resident Evil series as fighters? Characters like Wesker, that hot tyrant chick from the Dead Aim game that is actually a guy that looks like a really cheap imitation of Sephiroth, and Steve. Only time will tell!


Also, the trailer showed fucking nothing, except revealing that Capcom is indeed making the game (no shit), and they still want to put Luke in it (we already knew as well, and we're still saddened by the news). Just Capcom being Capcom.


Oh, and yes: the collection of old games is the real hype announcement of the day.

I told you guys we were getting Darkstalkers games. Not just one, but five!

Edited by Phantom_Miria
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At first I thought you'd all be overreacting with the logo but looking at it a bit more ... yeah, it's really not good.


But it's also just a logo, so whatever. I'm more concerned about the artistic direction they're going with this. I really don't like how Ryu looks, it almost feels like a model import from Gears of War or something:





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