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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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21 minutes ago, purbeast said:

Just need to up your sound system game lol.


God of War, The Last of Us, Uncharted, etc...


All of those have incredible sound in the combat.  At least on my system they sound great.


Nothing has worst sound engineering than the Netherrealms MK/IJ games though.  Those are god awful.

I don't know if this is a hot take or not, but everyone hyped up Killer Instinct (2012) sound, and while I think the music and voices are amazing, I don't think that a lot of the sound design for the hits sound very impactful.


The sound in SF6 I think is actually very good.  I am a fan of most of the music as well, whereas my buddy doesn't like it at all because he's not into hip hop and is a metal head.  But the game sound effects and stuff are great.  I love all of the little voices that the players talk to eachother in the middle of the match, like perfect parrying or punish counter throwing.  And SF6 is one game that I have to turn my subwoofers down for because it is TOO loud lol.  The bass gets to the point it's kind of distracting so I have to turn my amp down to like 1/2 power.

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On 1/10/2024 at 11:18 AM, iStu X said:

Chapter 1 of FFXV ends on a fucking bummer. My boy bands home being bombed by the rival army that Noctis’s dad was organizing a ceasefire with. Noctis’s dad being assassinated. Noctis thinking his waifu to be is dead. 

thank god my ride immediately started blasting the Chocobo theme. 😂

 Mambo de Chocbobo is the GOAT Chocobo Theme. If that is not in the game, someone at SQEX is getting these hands.


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22 hours ago, purbeast said:

Just need to up your sound system game lol.


God of War, The Last of Us, Uncharted, etc...


All of those have incredible sound in the combat.  At least on my system they sound great.


Nothing has worst sound engineering than the Netherrealms MK/IJ games though.  Those are god awful.

What makes you say that NRS has bad sound?

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6 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:



Seriously though, I think they're pretty good as far as hit impacts and such.

I can elaborate a bit lol...


The music is basically an afterthought.  There is zero memorable music in the games.  Also most of the music is muted so it's at like 50% the volume of the game sound.


Then the sound effects...


Basically every metal object sounds exactly the same, on every hit.  Every punch/kick sounds the same regardless of how weak or powerful looking it is.  To be honest it might also go with the piss poor animations where the animation of hits also have absolutely zero impact to them.  But even the hit sound effects, they sound like shit from the Matrix from like 1999 or whenever it came out.  Like every hit in the game sounds like something in the fight between Morpheus and Neo.  It's just that lame ass "pfft" sound basically.  Or the sound effects on fatalities when shit is being ripped apart, sounds like stuff out of a b-level horror movie, like a sponge in a bucket of crap just being squeezed or something. It just sounds super generic and amateur.


All of the players yelling and screaming and all that crap sounds the same too.  There is just like no variety in it.


If you go back and play MK1-3, the sound was emphasized big time.  Maybe not the music as much as the effects though, but still some of the old music, while not the best at all, it is still memorable and if I heard it, I could tell you what stage it went to.  But the hits had impact back then too.  Every punch didn't sound the same.  Uppercuts sounded different than hitting a low kick. 


It just sucks the newer games don't have as much attention put into the sound AND animations.  But the animations is for a whole different discussion.  They are even worse than the sound effects.

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20 minutes ago, purbeast said:

I can elaborate a bit lol...


Yeah music has definitely never been emphasized that much in the series although some of the songs from the first game areas close to being iconic in the series as you can get.


As for the hit effects, I think it's a stylistic choice that is exclusive to those games. The hit sounds from SF2 through 3 were pretty iconic too, like if you walked into a loud arcade, you could hear them above the din of everything else, same as that 3 note motif from the original MK title screen. They're exaggerated like almost everything else in MK which is consistent with its presentation. So while I get that they might not be everyone's cup of tea, they're definitely something that says "MK" at least to me.


As for the animations, did you play 11 at all? The animations are pretty buttery smooth in that game across the board. It was a jump production wise from previous games.

Edited by DoctaMario
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9 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Yeah music has definitely never been emphasized that much in the series although some of the songs from the first game areas close to being iconic in the series as you can get.


As for the hit effects, I think it's a stylistic choice that is exclusive to those games. The hit sounds from SF2 through 3 were pretty iconic too, like if you walked into a loud arcade, you could hear them above the din of everything else, same as that 3 note motif from the original MK title screen. They're exaggerated like almost everything else in MK which is consistent with its presentation. So while I get that they might not be everyone's cup of tea, they're definitely something that says "MK" at least to me.


As for the animations, did you play 11 at all? The animations are pretty buttery smooth in that game across the board. It was a jump production wise from previous games.

The thing that "says MK" is that the sound and animations suck lol.


As for the animations, like from a technical point of view, they are like factually bad and don't make sense.  There is a good youtube video explaining the technicality of WHY the animations look so bad.  It was an interesting watch for me because like I knew they were bad, but it was interesting to listen to a professional animator explain exactly WHY they look so bad.


This dude has multiple videos discussing multiple NRS games and why the animations are bad, and where they improved and stuff.








Edited by purbeast
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Creating another Skyrim character... "Vorador" (yep, the green elder vamp from Blood Omen; of course he's made as an Orc).... it reminded me that there should always be a way built-in to "open-ended" rpgs like that to skip the story/cinematic stuff at the beginning once you've seen it that first time.  I'm sure "Alternate Start" is one of the most popular little mods for that reason in Skyrim.  ...I remember that Borderlands 3 had a "skip" option as well that was patched in shortly after it launched....all these games should have that; if you have seen the story stuff already and are just making a new character, it's best to just get to the good "do what you want" part asap via a "skip intro sequence" option.


I may also get back into ESO again....I still wish it were a regular game instead of an mmo....


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Yeah man... I love the world of Elder Scrolls, though yes my jumping on point was much later with Skyrim.... there was a point where I was desperate for new Elder Scrolls content and ESO was out there so I got it on a sale one day....basically rationalizing it to myself that "at least I'm not paying full price for this..." (it was either a sale or I used MS Reward points for it; I forgot at this point... I'm already missing those good ol' days when the MS Rewards program was worth a damn.  They've gutted the hell out of it recently; it's in shambles now.)


One of the annoyances was that it's difficult to get vampirism *naturally*....and of course it's designed that way on purpose because it's also something you could buy with real money on the in-game shop.  Some other clever vamp players made it worse by camping out those areas and spawn-killing the blood fiends before newer players can get to they could charge gold for their services of turning you themselves....kinda messed up but funny at the same time.  Eventually some more generous players became more common, who were just giving out their vamp-bite for free.

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2 hours ago, iStu X said:

Are there any new characters in T8 aside from the new Mishima and the coffee girl?

Three new characters. Azucena, Reina, and French spy Victor. The number of newcomers is pretty standard for the series. Both Tekken 3 and 7 being outliers by having a ton of newcomers.

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11 hours ago, BornWinner said:

Three new characters. Azucena, Reina, and French spy Victor. The number of newcomers is pretty standard for the series. Both Tekken 3 and 7 being outliers by having a ton of newcomers.

Ah, I forgot about Colonel Sanders Blade

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6 hours ago, Hecatom said:


I hate videos like these. literally just don’t buy them. Stop falling prey to fomo.

If you buy mtx’s like loot boxes and then bitch about how they’re extorting you than guess what? You’re the fucking problem, you know it, they know it and they love you for it. it also means they aren’t going anywhere. 

Edited by iStu X
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full video about the samples from various VGM in case people missed the link


God damn I'm getting my mind blown already, didn't even know the "scream" "Red Hot Skull" from SA was a sample from a whole dif song.  This whole video is about to be interesting.

Edited by Sonichuman
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11 hours ago, iStu X said:

I hate videos like these. literally just don’t buy them. Stop falling prey to fomo.

If you buy mtx’s like loot boxes and then bitch about how they’re extorting you than guess what? You’re the fucking problem, you know it, they know it and they love you for it. it also means they aren’t going anywhere. 

I both agree and disagree. Yes, it is on the fans to stop buying. But we can't discount just how much devs (on behalf of publishers) fuck with the game in order to push people toward the micros. Or they fuck with the game to help everybody who might buy them vs the rest. Most pubs can't do lootboxes anymore, but they can taint matchmaking every way to put you up against people with the new shit, make things a grind unless you buy micros, or similar devious tactics.


You see no better example of this than in Call of Duty nowadays. The biggest thing people complain about is Skill Based Matchmaking being cranked into overdrive. But the primary reason they cranked it is to protect the new players so that said new players might buy micros. When the community has really had enough, they'll just switch to some other tactic.


So, yes. People should stop buying micros. But these pubs are trying everything possible to push people toward them, so even that simple solution isn't that simple.

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19 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

I both agree and disagree. Yes, it is on the fans to stop buying. But we can't discount just how much devs (on behalf of publishers) fuck with the game in order to push people toward the micros. Or they fuck with the game to help everybody who might buy them vs the rest. Most pubs can't do lootboxes anymore, but they can taint matchmaking every way to put you up against people with the new shit, make things a grind unless you buy micros, or similar devious tactics.


You see no better example of this than in Call of Duty nowadays. The biggest thing people complain about is Skill Based Matchmaking being cranked into overdrive. But the primary reason they cranked it is to protect the new players so that said new players might buy micros. When the community has really had enough, they'll just switch to some other tactic.


So, yes. People should stop buying micros. But these pubs are trying everything possible to push people toward them, so even that simple solution isn't that simple.

It's easy enough to say "don't buy them" but these companies are using psychological techniques to sell them. It's actually manipulative in a way that saying "don't buy them" almost misses the point.

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