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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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On 3/29/2024 at 8:59 AM, DoctaMario said:

Fans have been demanding a PC port and remaster of Bloodborne for ages and it still hasn't happened, meanwhile while DS has been ported everywhere.


The thing that sets Bloodborne apart other than the combat, is that the setting is unique. I don't generally go a big rubbery one for fantasy settings, so the souls series isn't as compelling to me. Similarly, I find Sekiro 's setting a lot more interesting than Souls.


Youre not considering the fact that there are 3 Souls games vs only one Bloodborne game, so the playerbase is going to be concentrated for Bloodborne. And while I understand what you're saying RE the "love for it being birthed by comparison," there's really only one game like that and it is Bloodborne whereas there are plenty of games with settings and vibes like DS. So really there's not much to compare Bloodborne TO. Like, yeah, in a spiritual sense it makes sense to group DS and Bloodborne together, but outside of the fact that they're made by the same company and that DS3's combat is built off BB's, they couldn't be more different.

I can see your point, and actually, I think I'd turn over and agree with you. The truth is though, most people don't see it that way because they haven't had it articulated for them the way you have me. They will still compare them the way they do, and in keeping with that, I think both you and I are correct.

On 3/29/2024 at 8:59 AM, DoctaMario said:

RE Sekiro prequel, I guess we'd have to agree to disagree. I remember people saying that they'd love a Castlevania game based on the 1999 war (a significant event in the series' canon) or a Bloodborne prequel based on the events of Loran, but there isn't enough meat to those events that I think they'd make compelling games on their own. Similarly, I don't think Tomoe training Genechiro or helping sever Takeru's immortality is enough to warrant more than a DLC. Part of what makes those events interesting is that there's enough bones there to give you an idea of what happened but not so much that you can't draw your own conclusions about them, which imo is the strength of Miyazaki's brand of storytelling.

It's true that you can leave a lot to the imagination and have it be just as compelling, but I, for one, would love to weave lightning in combat with how much of a dance Sekiro's systems feel like. I love the romance of combat in that game, and expanding on that with awesome skills and a banger story with even more meat and mystery than the first release is definitely possible in a potential prequel. If they do any more Sekiro content (which I doubt they will), it will probably be in the form of a sequel. Let's be real here. That's just how their games are. I don't know of any FromSoft prequels that aren't minor time-travel sections in their games.

On 3/29/2024 at 8:14 AM, DoctaMario said:

Bloodborne doesn't have the pvp playerbase ds3 has

On 3/29/2024 at 8:14 AM, DoctaMario said:

despite having better combat overall.


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Baldur's Gate antics--- so... that was a tough battle but I made it through... heading into the main city entrance, this bitch and a large "construct"/robotic guard thing tried to arrest us....oh yes... they would pay dearly for that.  This was also a great opportunity to try out another new power I got recently thanks to "Emperor"....that + a "potion of speed" I had was insane results for damage output.  


...after all that, some journalist bitch tried to cause trouble because she saw me looting one of their corpses... ok well you get added to the body count as well then....she got her silly ass one-shotted... only 1 exp for that little kill but it was satisfying all the same.  Journalist, lady... there's your "exclusive scoop"... you bleeding out on the street with the other victims.

Edited by MillionX
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Oh yeah---BG3--- one moment of disappointment about last night's battle to get into the city area... there's this big robot thing called "Steel Watch", armed with a giant great-sword.... naturally I was thinking how cool would that be if you could steal it, if not when you kill this thing then by making him drop the weapon... so I casted "Command: Drop"....and sure enough----the sword was dropped.... annnnd then when trying to loot it you get this message that it's "too heavy" to pick up or put in inventory.  (the weight is something like "100", way more than any other items you normally pick up)  If you have enough points in Strength, actually you can at least get it into inventory apparently....BUT it sadly cannot be wielded like any other weapon you can acquire.  There was some glitchy way people were doing it months ago but sadly that was patched out of the game.  😞 

I would've left it in there... and perhaps you just need a character with ridiculous strength levels to wield it.


Another cool little moment from yesterday... found a newly-turned mindflayer near the city, in a secluded area... it was alone and still weak since it had *just* completed transformation from being previously human (very noticeable in terms of stats too; all his numbers were pitifully low)...he hadn't even found a victim to eat the brains of yet.... haha of course we killed the bastard.  You can get an illithid powerup from him as well so that was cool.  He had no chance...I don't think he even got an opportunity to attack; Astarion got to sneaky snipe shot on him... Shadowheart hit with Guiding Bolt, then I finished it with that juicy Eldritch Blast.


Edited by MillionX
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6 minutes ago, Hecatom said:


Is this video I think it is? At work, can't watch it. IIRC this is the video where he essentially defends Kotaku and leaves out all the context for why they were getting the screws put to them. They were diplomatic for the most part but even his comment section came after him. They were REALLY disappointed in him. 

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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Is this video I think it is? At work, can't watch it. IIRC this is the video where he essentially defends Kotaku and leaves out all the context for why they were getting the screws put to them. They were diplomatic for the most part but even his comment section came after him. They were REALLY disappointed in him. 




The baclash was bad enough for a response where the ekephant on the room is still unadressed, lol




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19 hours ago, Dayaan said:


Bloodborne has more viable builds, more viable weapons, and it's actually deeper overall when you consider that you can parry heal attempts and make combos. Also that you have to manage resources like your bullets well (they're the main way to parry) otherwise you end up having to blood tap to get more which consumes life. The combat is pretty deep but souls players never gave it a chance.

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2 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Bloodborne has more viable builds, more viable weapons, and it's actually deeper overall when you consider that you can parry heal attempts and make combos. Also that you have to manage resources like your bullets well (they're the main way to parry) otherwise you end up having to blood tap to get more which consumes life. The combat is pretty deep but souls players never gave it a chance.

Excellent points! However, have you considered:


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2 hours ago, iStu X said:

Has DF done a port comparison for Unicorn Overlord? 

No they haven't actually.  Don't know if that's on a list of things to get to in the future since they were more concerned about Dragon's Dogma and plus with the visual style that Vanilla has it you'd think most versions of the game shouldn't be too taxing since their artstyle does most of the heavy lifting.

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3 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

Good shit,@Sonichuman I like running with your crew. You see me kill your boys with the auto cannon? My bad, man!  😬😂

Know I don't think I was there for that.  Things were dicey with just us 3 for a minute and then you came in and eased things and we started cleaning house.  Last mission before you showed up we had robots and lasers every fucking where.  Also GGs!



Joel is about to hit us with another faction in the next few weeks.  The moment we clear out the Automatons more than likely.

Edited by Sonichuman
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4 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

Bloodborne has more viable builds, more viable weapons, and it's actually deeper overall when you consider that you can parry heal attempts and make combos. Also that you have to manage resources like your bullets well (they're the main way to parry) otherwise you end up having to blood tap to get more which consumes life. The combat is pretty deep but souls players never gave it a chance.

Blood Vials and Gem Grinds (especially gem grinds) made no one care lol. 

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8 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

No they haven't actually.  Don't know if that's on a list of things to get to in the future since they were more concerned about Dragon's Dogma and plus with the visual style that Vanilla has it you'd think most versions of the game shouldn't be too taxing since their artstyle does most of the heavy lifting.

Makes sense. A game like Unicorn Overlord is likely really low on their radar if it’s even there at all. 

@Darc_Requiemive seen you’ve been playing it a lot on your switch. How you feelin’ about it? Have you noticed anything that makes it feel sluggish or whatever?  My biggest potential issue is load times. Cristales ended up being unplayable to me on switch due to its constant and fairly log load screens. I really don’t wanna deal with that again. 

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@iStu XI haven't had any issues with Unicorn Overlord on Switch. The load times are within reason. I use fast travel a lot during the end game and nothing has really stuck out to me. It's not like Three Houses were the loads times annoyed the hell out of me. Ironically enough, the game with load times that annoyed the most recently is Rebirth. They are fine typically but then I start using Chadley's combat simulator and I feel like I've loaded up FF7: Remake on PS4 by mistake.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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2 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

Why blood vials? I think they make healing more viable in a pvp situation because it's not like estus cancelling.

Because it's so fucking fast it's really really difficult to punishment and a fuck load of pepple really hated that. You get 20 suoer fast heals, makes rhe fights drag out for a long time, people didn't like it. Fuck people bitch about healing with Estus and that shits slow as fuck and easily punishable, so yea they loath blood vials. I still get hate mail from people for using Crimson Flasks when invaded in Elden Ring, as if their personal house rules mean fucking anything to anyone. 

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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

Because it's so fucking fast it's really really difficult to punishment and a fuck load of pepple really hated that. You get 20 suoer fast heals, makes rhe fights drag out for a long time, people didn't like it. Fuck people bitch about healing with Estus and that shits slow as fuck and easily punishable, so yea they loath blood vials. I still get hate mail from people for using Crimson Flasks when invaded in Elden Ring, as if their personal house rules mean fucking anything to anyone. 

Ive found you can predict when people are going to heal because they'll try to put some distance between you when their health gets to a certain point. If you're ready, it's not too bad parrying that and it'll usually lead to a kill so it's worth it. But you can also stay on them so they don't have a chance.


What's the crimson flask do? Invasions are a free for all. Anyone trying to put any kind of rules on those is basically just publicly saying they suck lol

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Just now, DoctaMario said:

Ive found you can predict when people are going to heal because they'll try to put some distance between you when their health gets to a certain point. If you're ready, it's not too bad parrying that and it'll usually lead to a kill so it's worth it. But you can also stay on them so they don't have a chance

People didn't enjoy that game flow. Look man I'm not telling you your wrong for liking Bloodborns PVP I'm just telling you the stuff you like the general community hated. They hate healing as it is, make it fast and give us 20 of them isnt gonna make them suddenly like healing more. 


2 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

What's the crimson flask do?

Elden Rings Estus Flask is called a Crimson Flask of Tears. 


2 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Invasions are a free for all. Anyone trying to put any kind of rules on those is basically just publicly saying they suck lol

And yet they do it all the fucking time. 

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1 hour ago, AriesWarlock said:

Is this supposed to be some sort of insightful take? Because pre-orders giving people cosmetics for the main character is par for the course. Not only is it not new, it's the norm. This is worse than his Metroid Dread take. I mean people were buying codes off of Ebay so they could get all pre-order armors for ME2 and ME3. This has to be engagement farming, he can't be this stupid....can he?

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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18 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Is this supposed to be some sort of insightful take? Because pre-orders giving people cosmetics for the main character is par for the course. Not only is it not new, it's the norm. This is worse than his Metroid Dread take. I mean people were buying codes off of Ebay so they could get all pre-orde armors for ME2 and ME3. This has to be engagement farming, he can't be this stupid....can he?

He's trying to dichotomize (....not sure if this is a word) the difference between people saying its a game for men but getting preorders bonuses for dressing up a woman...which doesn't really work and if you think about it for a while it ends up going full circle to potentially being offensive.

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2 hours ago, RSG3 said:

People didn't enjoy that game flow. Look man I'm not telling you your wrong for liking Bloodborns PVP I'm just telling you the stuff you like the general community hated. They hate healing as it is, make it fast and give us 20 of them isnt gonna make them suddenly like healing more. 



I think the problem is lumping Bloodborne in with souls games. It shares some mechanics I guess but it's really very little like them and should be treated as its own thing.

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1 minute ago, DoctaMario said:

I think the problem is lumping Bloodborne in with souls games.

This is an issue for the "Souls" games in general, the amount of people who include Sekiro in that category is pretty painful and people are calling Stellar Blade a Souls game now to, and like yea i see the influence but fucking nooooo!!!!!

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13 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

This is an issue for the "Souls" games in general, the amount of people who include Sekiro in that category is pretty painful and people are calling Stellar Blade a Souls game now to, and like yea i see the influence but fucking nooooo!!!!!

You are going to have to add Souls-like to your list with Metroidvania man. 

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