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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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3 hours ago, purbeast said:

There is one on the dock with the OLED model.  I have mine hard wired.


As for adapters, yeah I'm not sure if they work.  You can't just expect to plug/play any random USB adapter into anything and expect it to work.  You'll need to use on that specifically says it works with the Switch because the Switch will need to have the software to work with it.  

Pretty sure it's the adapter.  I tried testing it with my phone and in addition to no connection being made, the guts of it practically fell out which is weird because as I said before, it's barely been used.


So now the question is, does it make sense to pony up the extra cash for a Hori lan adapter or would I be just being taken advantage of by spending $30 on something like this? The last one I bought was a cheapie.

1 hour ago, AriesWarlock said:





Shutaro Iida

—Ambitions for 2023

“We are currently still working on content for Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, but we are striving every day to be able to make a big announcement in 2023.”

Koji Igarashi

—Ambitions for 2023

“I’d like to finish work on the remaining content for Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. And that will lead us to the next step.”



Yasuyuki Oda

—Status Update

“Alongside updates to The King of Fighters XV, the staff is working as one on the development of the new Fatal Fury and several other titles. Please look forward to SNK in the future.”


While I'm glad the they'll be finishing up the roadmap for Bloodstained, I'm really hoping they get someone else to do battle design for any upcoming SNK fighting games than Oda.

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4 hours ago, Sonichuman said:



please don't expect high level gameplay in this video, but it is a pretty solid video showing what the cabinet looks like.


Edit:  apparently Ass Creed Jade footage got leaked so if you want to see it before it gets yanked...



Funny story about the Phennex for those that have no plans to watch the Gundam Narrative movie.


It is literally piloted by the brain/soul of an orphan girl butchered in a lab. And maybe one of her friends who grew up later plus a butler depending on how you interpret the movie.


Surprised they are marketing it like that but I guess it is probably the best thing from that movie.


Edited by Wellman
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2 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Inafune still trying to make games?  I'm genuinely surprised.


TBH, I find amusing that people think that Inafune's career is forever doomed after MN9, yes the game was meh, but not a career ending dood.

He has been doing games in different capcacities prior and after MN9.


The most recent one is Azure Striker Gunvolt 3, where he is an excecutive producer and the action supervisor.

In fact, he has been involved on all the games from the series since the 1st one.



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I may actually get some new gamecube controllers soon... it was awesome playing that old system again after so many years, though there's some problems with my controllers.  It was good getting that quick fix of Phantasy Star action again... quite a shame it has to be an IP owned by "that company" though.  (*if it was some other company they probably would've re-released PSO for some easy quick cash for the minimal effort involved in re-releasing things; they did port the older PS games though but I don't care about those.)

Random Phantasy Star lore I was just checking out... Zio seemed like an interesting character

It was also a bit annoying that I don't know where my other old memory cards are; I only found 1 that did not have a PSO save on it so I had to start fresh.  Fortunately that card is the one that had my Viewtiful Joe save on it though......Viewtiful Joe is another one where if Capcom ever re-released it either alone or as part of a "Classics Collection" I'd buy it asap without's a shame that IP just was left to die with the GC/PS2 era....and all Joe got was 2 or 3 cameos since then in some fighting games.

Edited by MillionX
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Just now, Hecatom said:


TBH, I find amusing that people think that Inafune's career is forever doomed after MN9, yes the game was meh, but not a career ending dood.

He has been doing games in different capcacities prior and after MN9.


The most recent one is Azure Striker Gunvolt 3, where he is an excecutive producer and the action supervisor.

In fact, he has been involved on all the games from the series since the 1st one.



See I actually didn't know that that he was involved in Azure Striker Gunvolt at all and thought that was purely Inti Creates.    I didn't think his career was doomed after MN9 but most of the stuff where his name was front and center after leaving Capcom either didn't really make a splash or bombed.  His name being attached to ASG puts his track record after Capcom in a better light and I'm kind of surprised that he doesn't put his name more up front for those games.

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I think that the only outright bombs or critically panned games after he left Capcom are Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z, Mighty No. 9 and Dragon & Colonies.

With the later being more a thing of never managing to catch its strife in the highly competitive mobile rpg gacha games.


Re-Core while receiving a mixed reception, still sold decently, and for what I know, the definitive edition fixed all the problems that people had with the game.

The Soul Sacrifice games were extremely well received, but sadly had the problem of being Vita exclusives.


Guild02 was well received as well.

And the 2 games on the Hyper Dimension Neptunia series he was part of, while niche, sold and were received well by the fanbase.

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It's crazy that art play is still working on stretch goals for Bloodstained. I'm grateful for all the extras- especially Curse of the Moon and classic mode, which I'm honestly more into them the main game itself (I like RotN a lot, but there have been a ton of good Metroid styled games since SotN- classic CV not so much)- but having to work on it for that long after release has to eat up the profits. I hope examples like that and shovel knight make developers reconsider hugely long and ever expanding stretch goal lists when kick-starting games moving forward.

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Got to recommend classic mode if you didn't try it already. Not a huge time sink either- you can probably get through it in an hour or two on the first go. I messed with the alternate characters a little bit in the main game, they had that "Richter mode" feel that IGA's games usually have (though I have enjoyed a few of those, like PoR and DoS). Haven't tried the other bonus content. 

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10 hours ago, Sonichuman said:



Interesting video, especially the part where he said they were trying to mimick the SF sounds as they would have sounded like coming from arcade cab speakers. As an engineer myself, I often have to optimize mixes for what the target listener is going to be cheering them on, which is usually phone/laptop speakers or ear buds, and this is why a lot of commercial pop and EDM music started picking bass tones with more midrange on them or adding midrange frequencies to their bass sounds, so they could still be heard on listening devices with little bass response.

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13 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

Did anyone get any video games for Xmas?


Nope. Never do. Every year it's always "Youte so hard to shop for" and every year I'm like " Gamestop gift card, Bestbuy Gift Card, a fucking Walmart Gift Card, like a gift card to anywhere that sells videogames, I'm the easiest mother fucker to shop for wtf?!?!?!"


It's seriously like people think if they get me a gamenor something I'll be disappointed because they didn't put thought into it or something, like mofo, no, get me a fucking game. 

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31 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Nope. Never do. Every year it's always "Youte so hard to shop for" and every year I'm like " Gamestop gift card, Bestbuy Gift Card, a fucking Walmart Gift Card, like a gift card to anywhere that sells videogames, I'm the easiest mother fucker to shop for wtf?!?!?!"


It's seriously like people think if they get me a gamenor something I'll be disappointed because they didn't put thought into it or something, like mofo, no, get me a fucking game. 

Seems like there is some deep seated trauma here. Tell me all about it.



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The unfortunate thing is that there are definitely people that will easily separate themselves emotionally out what they're watching if it's not live action and the Venn diagram for those type of people probably overlap a good chunk with the same type of people who thumb their nose down at anything that doesn't use realistic graphics in games regardless of the subject matter or context.  It's really a weird thing in the brain.

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20 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Seems like there is some deep seated trauma here. Tell me all about it.



Only the trauma of having to do the family secret Santa every year and every year getting some shit thats like "Wait fucking really?" While I get my person something they actually want lmao. 


One year I got a two pack shampoo/conditioner combo, and no it wasn't a hint! Lol


Honestly I didn't start getting a little salty about till around 4 or 5 years ago when my sister handed out cards for us to fill out so our secret Santa would know what we wanted and I put o. Mine what I put above, Gamestop gift card, BestBuy gift card, like gift card to anywhere that sells electronics and my sisters husband got me a 6 pack of Guinness...I don't even drink Alcohol much less a thick fucking Stout like Guinness. 


Gave the entire pack to my brother. I spent $150 bucks on my secret Santa but mine bought me a 10 dollar 6 pack of shitty beer. 

Edited by RSG3
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2 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Only the trauma of having to do the family secret Santa every year and every year getting some shit thats like "Wait fucking really?" While I get my person something they actually want lmao. 


One year I got a two pack shampoo/conditioner combo, and no it wasn't a hint! Lol

I buy people stuff they can use and If i can't think of anything they can use I give them money/gift card. I brought my brother CP2077 and some workout gear for his birthday in September. My bro likes RPGs and FPS games. He also likes to workout. I figured he'd like at least one of the two.

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Just now, Darc_Requiem said:

I buy people stuff they can use and If i can't think of anything they can use I give them money/gift card. I brought my brother CP2077 and some workout gear for his birthday in September. My bro likes RPGs and FPS games. He also likes to workout. I figured he'd like at least one of the two.

It's really not hard, I honestly don't believe anyone is actually all thay difficult to shop for and generally feel people who say that are low key admitting they don't pay attention to you. My Dad? Anything musical is a win. My step mother? Anything baking is a win. My Geologist/Professor Grandfather when he was alive? Any educational book about history. My Dad called me and asked what he should my gf for Xmas and I was like "Google Sonic Screwdriver." Guess who happy as a pig in shit at my Dad's on Xmas afternoon. 


You literally just have to pay a modicum of attention to another individual in order to figure out what kind of gift they would probably like. It's really not that hard. 

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Just now, RSG3 said:

It's really not hard, I honestly don't believe anyone is actually all thay difficult to shop for and generally feel people who say that are low key admitting they don't pay attention to you. My Dad? Anything musical is a win. My step mother? Anything baking is a win. My Geologist/Professor Grandfather when he was alive? Any educational book about history. My Dad called me and asked what he should my gf for Xmas and I was like "Google Sonic Screwdriver." Guess who happy as a pig in shit at my Dad's on Xmas afternoon. 


You literally just have to pay a modicum of attention to another individual in order to figure out what kind of gift they would probably like. It's really not that hard. 

The hardest person for me to by gifts for is my grandmother. She's not into jewelry or perfume. So likes cleaning and ironing her clothes. I've already gotten her a nice vacuum, ironing board, and iron. I started buying her "period" designed stuff from when she was a little girl but that well has run dry too. I found her this nice 1940s style radio which she liked. I'm glad she's into sports. Now I can just default to New Orleans Saints gear when I'm in a pinch.

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I mostly get money/gift card for xmas, but this time my mom saw  tmnt on amazon and remembered i like the franchise so she got it.

My dad saw TLOU 2 was only $10 there so he told her to get it lol.


In the 2010's , my older cousin's children were in their teens and I got them a x360 game (usually Greatest Hits or BF sale stuff) everytime for Christmas.

In the 90's- 2006, I got my cousin who lives here in Tampa PS2 games like TTT1, GOW 1, DMC1, 


In the last 2 years, the people on the lists are usually either small kids or older adults, so there is less game buying in general.







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1 hour ago, DangerousJ said:

Did anyone get any video games for Xmas?


I got TMNT Shredder's Revenge and Last of US 2 on PS4. Both are physical versions. 

Surprisingly, the turtles game came with a Pizza Hut personal pan coupon like the NES port of the Arcade game


Not exactly Xmas, but I got River City Girls 2 and Sonic Frontiers for my birthday this month.

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So I don't usually post things like this on forums, but I told my wife and other in-laws I would do it to try and help out as much as I can.


On Xmas Eve one of my brother in laws was murdered.  He was 32 and basically had no money to his name other than what he made working.  He was paycheck to paycheck.  


My mother in law is on disability and does not work so my wife (and me included) and her other siblings are on the hook for the funeral/burial costs.


Yesterday they met with the funeral director and found out it's going to cost a lot more than everyone anticipated.  It's going to be in the range of $25k.


So my youngest brother in law started a gofundme the other day and I am posting it below.  I do not want anyone to feel obligated to donate or anything but just letting people know that any little bit helps.


Moderators if this is not allowed, shoot me a PM and I'll remove it, or feel free to delete it.

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