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At least we can thanks the show for giving us great comedy...

.. At its expense.


Also, it seems that people are complaining now that the show made

1) The black char a stoner, since it goes into harmful stereotypes, apparently.

2) Go into detail that Fred has a micro penis.

Edited by Hecatom
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Rise of TMNT has been a really fun show from what I've watched so far.  If you go into the show with the expectation that the show is not really taking itself seriously then I believe most will have a fun time with it.  In some ways it reminds me of Sonic Boom in terms of not taking itself seriously but isn't as self referential with the humor with the 2D animation being off the charts when it decides to do action.

Edited by Sonichuman
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Hot take BUUUUUT stuff like this makes me lean more towards series that keep one continuous storyline VS rebooting every few years an establish series. I know not all series are victims of this...but manga/anime is far less likely to do this and I just stay in that realm these days. Obviously I'm not saying manga/anime is superior in this way but if I were to explain to someone where should they begin to say watch/read One Piece/HxH/Bleach/etc, you just say start at Chapter 1/Episode 1 and they would be fine all the way through.


With other properties here...well we do a lot of "start at this series but check out X run by Y too" and "this reboot is the most faithful to the OG story from 19 whatever" Maybe this is why I do enjoy Star Wars in terms of Western properties most because flawed as it is, the storyline is (until Disney forces a full reboot)  is one canon storyline. maybe I'm a cranky old man but this is how I am now...

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18 minutes ago, TheInfernoman said:

Hot take BUUUUUT stuff like this makes me lean more towards series that keep one continuous storyline VS rebooting every few years an establish series. I know not all series are victims of this...but manga/anime is far less likely to do this and I just stay in that realm these days. Obviously I'm not saying manga/anime is superior in this way but if I were to explain to someone where should they begin to say watch/read One Piece/HxH/Bleach/etc, you just say start at Chapter 1/Episode 1 and they would be fine all the way through.


With other properties here...well we do a lot of "start at this series but check out X run by Y too" and "this reboot is the most faithful to the OG story from 19 whatever" Maybe this is why I do enjoy Star Wars in terms of Western properties most because flawed as it is, the storyline is (until Disney forces a full reboot)  is one canon storyline. maybe I'm a cranky old man but this is how I am now...


I don't really think is a hot take.

At least for me.


Is one of the reason I tend to read mostly manga than comics now (besides the dip in quality of many comics).

Then add that at times, you need to follow multiple comics to follow the plot making it tedious.

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One other thing to consider is how specific this is. “Biggest Premier Day For A Max Original Animated Series ever.” It sounds impressive, but it’s actually just the biggest fish in a small pool. That’s like five shows and of course the adult spin-off of a beloved classic IP that was heavily promoted would have better initial viewership than Santa Inc.


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I can believe it, aside from those that were interested in the show, those that were fans of the OG property and those wanting to hate on it, I can't think of a bigger pool of folks to tune in to see the show.


Honestly I still should try to watch myself. But I am behind on other shows.

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On 1/14/2023 at 11:30 PM, BornWinner said:

One other thing to consider is how specific this is. “Biggest Premier Day For A Max Original Animated Series ever.” It sounds impressive, but it’s actually just the biggest fish in a small pool. That’s like five shows and of course the adult spin-off of a beloved classic IP that was heavily promoted would have better initial viewership than Santa Inc.


The specificity of the qualifier narrows down an already limited set of shows. Take Young Justice for example. It's  not a Max Original Animated Series. It was a Cartoon Network show that was cancelled, picked up by DC Universe, then picked up by HBO Max when DC Universe content was rolled into it. I'm not saying YJ got more views but even if it did. The wouldn't count based on their qualifier. 

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I read Velma's synopsis. I thought someone was trolling. They weren't. It's clear that no one reviews this shit before it goes into production. How could you read that shit and think it's a good idea? Shit was live action Powerpuff Girls bad. Both ends of the Twitter spectrum hate it. Even digital manure entities like The Mary Sue think it's bad.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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^Oh yes I am loving the delicious crash and burn of this Velma show.  I haven't seen it and I don't plan to.


I'm watching Dragonball Super again; I haven't seen this in a long time but I got the blu-rays recently... the Goku vs. Kale + Caulifla fight was better than I remembered; that main "Super" theme even played when he fought the merged form.  ...but yeah it's cool to see this on my bigger tv now (55 glorious inches of screen).  Ohhh I forgot he went ULTRA against her!  DB Super was the most epic shit.  I love that theme that plays for when he was first reaching the Ultra Instinct form.


*Note---I guess if one were to fuck Kefla it would technically count as a 3-way.

Edited by MillionX
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5 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:

Sooo have journalists began damage control with headlines of Velma getting review bombed yet? 🤣


Screen Rant has lowkey defended it by saying that the show is being review bombed by fans. (I swear that outside the Pitch Meeting the whole yt channel and site are garbo)

But tt the same time have said that the show is not really good.

Edited by Hecatom
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There are more trash sites trying to defend the shitshow now, CBR is proclaiming that Norville is the best version of Shaggy to date, and Out is saying that the show is much better that what haters and trolls want you to believe, slowly but steadily, the usual clowns are starting to put out there their paid articles puking the same tired nonsense that is the fans at fault for not liking it.

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I just finished Tekken bloodline:




Decent art/animation

Solid fights.- I loved seeing lots of moves from the games - WGF, Paul Heihachi d+ 2, Nina/ divine cannon and unblockable, King's Reverse arm buster, giant swing, Paul's b+ 1+2, etc

It doesnt drag.




If you don't know much about the Tekken 2/3 story, you will feel a bit lost as it doesnt really explain a lot.

I started with TTT1, and know a little from T6/T7. 


Abrupt ending.


Overall: 7.5/10



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9 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

I've been seeing a lot of good things about the new Puss in Boots movie in my Twitter feed and I kinda want to check it out.  I haven't even seen the other movies though.

The movie is excellent.

I went to watch it on theaters with my brother and my nephews.

For the most part you can watch it without the need to watch the 1st movie, since the story is very self contained, and even when there is a returning char from the 1st movie, their interactions don't really allude to the events on it, and focuses on the aftermath which is implied to be years later from the events of the 1st one.


This movie is for me, the best animated movie of last year by a wide margin.

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