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Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.

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Does anyone else find it weird and amusing how SF6 has pretty good music in the Battle Hub lobby, main menu, character creator, the World Tour map, and the "Tutorial" (even though that's just the Genbu Temple stage) but all the character themes except Ryu and Jamie are just trash? 


You'd think it would be at least the other way around as worst case scenario, or both are equally good as in V, but no 

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2 hours ago, delete_me said:

It's sweet how I'd have to pick the option that tells me I "excel" at fighting games and then get put in the pool with all the killers.

Because to the overwhelming majority (like 90%+ of the playerbase going by SFV numbers) you are one of the killers. Y’all are so caught up comparing yourself to the pros you forget what actual bad players look like.

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30 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:





I don't know man. We are pretty easy to find. Right @Volt 😉

Since when you turned into Ja Morant? You weren't in the Ultra Plastic trenches breh, stop fronting. 🤣


14 minutes ago, -PVL93- said:

How so you guys feel about having access to a full drive gauge every round, meter carrying between rounds, and drive impact giving a wall bounce in the corner on block? 

Feels good. If I die with full meter, I can claim it was just part of my strategy. 

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6 hours ago, Skort said:


Yea they do. 




Then you do ~ 10 matches to qualify if i remember and it places you in whatever rank the game thinks you deserve based on your performance and wins. After that, the rank / derank rollercoaster starts until you find your sweet spot.

They forgot the 5th category "Crack Addicts".  For players who have been grinding training mode 6 months prior to game release.  

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4 hours ago, Vhozite said:

Because to the overwhelming majority (like 90%+ of the playerbase going by SFV numbers) you are one of the killers. Y’all are so caught up comparing yourself to the pros you forget what actual bad players look like.

This! The percentage of players who got gold is like 3% or something.  Even though it took forever it makes me feel pretty good about reaching Diamond.  


I’m still gonna lie on that shit🤭


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6 hours ago, Vhozite said:

Because to the overwhelming majority (like 90%+ of the playerbase going by SFV numbers) you are one of the killers. Y’all are so caught up comparing yourself to the pros you forget what actual bad players look like.


True, our perception is somewhat skewed. But I can't help but be flabbergasted by the usage of the word "excel" in this case. Even if you take the entire playerbase into consideration and look at "us" relative to a rookie rank, I'd still never consider myself excelling at it. Or anything in my life, honestly. 


Like, I dunno, Djokovic excels at playing tennis. But there's nothing in my life where I'd apply hat word. But I'm probably overthinking a tiny little questionnaire that's only there to get the matchmaking rolling.

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I feel like people are exaggerating how much of an advantage the people on the crack will have against regular people. AFter a few months, that's mostly going to settle down.


Its been 3 of strive and there are still Sol players that don't know they can punish Gio's 214K on block every time with 5K.


So crack or no crack, it won't be the reason why some people are losing.

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I don't know if it's been mentioned here yet, but in the beta you can access a kind of weak-arsed training mode. Go to character demonstrations, and select one that involves the level three super. Hit touchpad at some point during the demonstration, and you can give it a go yourself - except you've got full replenishing resources and can try all sorts of crap out. Drive rush timing is far trickier than I would have guessed. 

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@SoneroThanks. What is really giving me issues is mid-combo drive rushes from neutral, like Ryu's juiced up qcb+p to drive rush. That's the timing that's killing me, on recovery on a special that knocks folk up and I return to neutral - it's a pisser, but I guess just practise will help; I remember thinking I could never FADC a dp onceover!

Edited by JustBooming
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2 hours ago, Doctrine_Dark said:



Love how they made thia Rudta guy perfect middle way between Dhalsim kind of fakir and a punk, made it seem a corrupted monk that becane Mad Gear Gang material 


Not wanting him as main cast character, but as NPC is cool, specially if they will make him some sort of Sim nemesis 


Rudra (god of tempest, he even have thunder face paint) vs Agni (god of fire Dhalsim pray)

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what with this anti-Ono propaganda keeps coming up and doesnt die


as if this guys would want everyone to believe that SF5 would have been SF6 if Ono wasnt around lol


There is no chance that modes like in SF6 would be a priority or would had happen in SF5 release timeline.


People having illusion of granduer believing that would happen if Ono wasnt there in the first place in SF5? lol


that time storymode and other single player modes are frowned upon by fgc in general it was a niche. most of the time they seen story nerds just needs call back land would be happy like simple callback and cameos. how many negative reception when vanilla sf5 was called upon for lacking arcade mode in the begining and divided the community in general.


sfv arcade edition was capcom realizing that their gaming ip would be saved by just being a compeitive exclusive ip as usual.


and there is a new trend in the gaming industry recently that CAPCOM think would be the safe route for SF IP.The thing is everything has change in the gaming industry and competitive this time thats why Capcom is broadening the content of SF6 but it is no way gonna happen even Ono was out in SF5


because you got sony and capcom was still over concident with there SF IP plus the gaming trends back that time was entirely different and the priority was diferent. This is why they got this "characters are just function" thing press release that time in MVCI.


Another most of this anti Ono sentiments posted before was him holding back on characters not appearing in SF5 like ideas guest characters.


While some try to make theories that Ono is responsible for not making SF3 characters as the next main protagonist in SF5? lol 


I been active most of the time in that era would see that the terrible decsion were goofy characters but holding back on SF3 clearly isnt Ono fault take a look at SF6it rather the higher ups?


Same as the modes and DLC in SFXT it would be the higher ups expectation.


And guest characters in SF5? all this guys parroting and echoing those online dreams of FGC influencers that want to turn SF into Capcom allstars versus SNK lol. Kyo Kusanagi and Morrigan in SF5? LOL






Edited by Shakunetsu
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