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The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?

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4 minutes ago, Phantom_Miria said:

For real.

Anyone who hasn't realized that hasn't been hit with a 50% combo starting off a randomly buffered crMK that accidentally clipped their feet.

I’m saying lol.


Mfs tossing out advancing plus on block lows into full combo but that’s ok I guess  🤦🏽‍♂️ 

Edited by Vhozite
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52 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

Not talking about but just you specifically, but it’s crazy to me that I see so many complaints about Drive Impact when Drive Rush is easily twice as dumb. 

Difference is that Drive Rush is actually fun, at least for me.  DI is just annoying to deal with because you have to completely structure your offense around it if someone is DI happy.   

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There's different system mechanics between game and they're irrelevant because HC don't give a fuck about any of them.


No way is JP worse than HC. I get Nemo wants some hot takes with SF6 out but HC us legit the stupidest shit made in the last 10 years. The guy whiffs a button, you go to whiff punish, he can still shoot, he randomly hits you and you lost.


Oh and he has Chun Li length normals.


HC is so ficking stupid that he single handedly demonstrated to me that ASW has no fucking idea what they are doing and people probably shouldn't play their games until they as a company start making sense.

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Oh I misread that but honestly fuck how absolutely bush league that fucking character is. Normally i wouldn't cuss that much, but it is absolutely embarrassing that the alleged premier fighting game creator on the planet would release that type of nonsense.


If you were making this in the 90s when nobody knew know what fine. I'll give it to you that this came out in the wild lands. But this reeks of "ouroboros needs to be a level 3 but its fine that Zero's clone super is 1 bar and so is Vergil's belt".


Somebody in design better explain themselves how they worked that math out because it doesn't make sense. At least MvC3 had 40+ characters. ASW out here taking 4 months working out a character and releasing a murder.


Anybody wanna put bets on whether Rashid gets install or tornado as a level 2?

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What characters would you guys say are strong against Manon? JP and Guile seem like the most obvious answers but I need other opinions. The last section of my Manon guide is tips for fighting her. You guys have more experience than me.

Edited by Vhozite
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2 hours ago, Vhozite said:

What characters would you guys say are strong against Manon? JP and Guile seem like the most obvious answers but I need other opinions. The last section of my Manon guide is tips for fighting her. You guys have more experience than me.

iDom said Juri is a hard matchup because Manon struggles against her slow fireball into Drive Rush.

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Animation  by hand will always be superior to motion capture, not exactly surprising 


I'm more disappointed by how flat 6 can look on comparison. Even at its ugliest, V at least has some style going on. But at 6's worst, it looking like a fucking ps3 game, especially in still shots 


I hope Capcom can at least implement some graphical filters on the future updates or add more vibrant and colorful stages. 


Some of the backgrounds in 6 are fucking dreadful and lifeless 


Edited by -PVL93-
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2 hours ago, -PVL93- said:

I'm more disappointed by how flat 6 can look on comparison. Even at its ugliest, V at least has some style going on. But at 6's worst, it looking like a fucking ps3 game, especially in still shots 

Yeah I made note of that earlier in the thread. SF6 can look really flat when not lit properly. SF5's models have some innate texture/shading due to the artstyle that makes the colors pop and feel alive. It's very noticeable in World Tour in some areas where you meet the masters and the area is not lit the way the fighting is.

Also some of the stances and how the animate is like a noticeable downgrade. Like in SF5 you really get the sense in earlier seasons that the animators took their time with some of these (compare it to Honda for example which is almost static and one of the few stance improvements in 6).

I think both games have "lifeless" backgrounds and some questionable lighting decisions.


It will be interesting to see how the quality of characters and stages changes over the next 2-3 seasons.

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Yeah outside of Super Arts and hair I find SF6 to be a visual downgrade. The colors are less vibrant and it makes the characters look washed out. 


Between the washed out colors and the more realistic proportions Ryu looks like a damn cosplayer. 


I think the animations are a slight downgrade but the game makes up for it with (imo) better VFX. But really I do not like the color palette of the game. I also don’t like the smaller hands and feet. Big appendages is what makes SF’s style distinct.

Edited by Vhozite
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6 hours ago, Vhozite said:

What characters would you guys say are strong against Manon? JP and Guile seem like the most obvious answers but I need other opinions. The last section of my Manon guide is tips for fighting her. You guys have more experience than me.

I don't about matchups because I haven't seen enough high level gameplay yet and, while I think that Manon may struggle a little against fireballs and zoners, I also haven't found the Guile and JP matchups to be that uphill. In fact, I think that the few Guiles I met I beat most of them, while with JP is more about getting used to the matchup and the weird stuff he can do than anything else.


I still feel like Manon's main weakness is lack of cancelable buttons which leave her particularly vulnerable to Drive Impact, and also weak-ish Drive Rush that is good enough in the important oki situation but doesn't let her easily in the opponent's face with plus frames like a lot of other characters can.

Now, she probably should never be able to get in her opponent's face and being plus for free like characters with good Drive Rushes can, because she's a very strong grappler with good buttons and reach, but in the meta of SFVI this is still  a considerable weakness in my opinion. I just wish I could stop getting punish countered because I threw a crouching light kick in neutral and apparently that has enough recovery that I can't recover in time to block the Drive Impact.


So, my suggestion against Manon is that, if she's being belligerent with stHK and stHP, especially the second one which is the good hit confirm, just spam DI and you'll do way more damage to her than she will ever do even if she manages to not get clipped.

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2 hours ago, Phantom_Miria said:

I don't about matchups because I haven't seen enough high level gameplay yet and, while I think that Manon may struggle a little against fireballs and zoners, I also haven't found the Guile and JP matchups to be that uphill. In fact, I think that the few Guiles I met I beat most of them, while with JP is more about getting used to the matchup and the weird stuff he can do than anything else.


JP is a character where I actually see myself changing opinion on the matchup while playing it, wich probably means it's relatively balanced. Like he does with most characters he completely dominates her from full screen, but if you get to mid-screen you can actually punish him with either light or medium QCB Kick when he tries to go for any of his projectiles, while also having st.HK at your disposal which he can only really contest with jumping HP (oddly, neutral jumps from mid-screen can be very good vs. Manon with a lot of characters). After knockdown the mindgame about whether or not he'll wake up with EX counter starts but if you bait it a few times and ideally use those instances to level up your grabs they will start to panic in later rounds.


I think Guile gives her more trouble, as does Dhalsim and, surprisingly, a solid Ryu. I also also have trouble against Blanka, but that's likely more of a player than a character thing.

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15 hours ago, Sonero said:

Anybody wanna put bets on whether Rashid gets install or tornado as a level 2?

If I had to guess, level 1 will be his tornado (albeit work completely different from how it was in 5) and level 2 will be his install. All the installs so far have been 2 whereas projectile supers are level 1s so far.


My assumption as to why installs are locked to level 2s is because of burnout.

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Just for the heck of it I decided to do my placement matches with Lily and ended up in Platinum 4, which is the highest rank among the three characters I've taken to that mode so far.


I can see why she's considered bad in higher ranks because her conversions are a bit odd and you have to find spots to charge her windbuff (which btw. seems impossible to do in the JP matchup) but she's almost Marisa levels of braindead up until low/mid Platinum IMO. Just get the buff, fly in with Condor Spire, mash SPD until they start holding up, then switch to mashing cr.LP until the start blocking, then go back to mashing SPD. It's like playing Mika in Week 1 in SFV when everyone was just blocking her charged HK instead of challenging it.


No offense @TWINBLADES, I'm sure you outplayed all your opponents.👨‍🎓

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