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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread

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7 minutes ago, Sonero said:


We're all a living eulogy to our parents. Whether or not you were able to do a public speaking engagement is irrelevant.


Every action you take because of a lesson they taught you reflects on the life they lead as people.


If your father was worth honoring, then you would have done so a hundred fold by now.  Any time you do something and remember your dad fondly, you did a service to their memory.

That’s really nice 👍 

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19 minutes ago, GreatDarkHero said:

In reality, it is often the best way to go and just poke your way into victory. Chun-Li in 3S has the compacity for helping the player accomplish that and call out the dudes who might be too impatient to handle the footsies game.

I'm not poking Chun Li, she has too much whiff punish potential. Ken players stay Kara DPing.

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50 minutes ago, Sonero said:

Thank you.


Its going to be tricky because I may have to deliver it in Spanish.  Two other people will be speaking: a close friend of hers and my brother in law. Both of them are also spanish speakers. Its going to take me some time to iron out the word choices. My Spanish vocabulary has been demolished by living in the US so long.


Its going to be a bit challenging. I'll definitely post a translation here though. If my emotions are going to get hit with a Gigaton Punch, everybody is getting it.

Good luck. Stay strong. If you want, I can help you proof read it when you post the draft.

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Just now, odin said:

When I made my post about the activity in all the SRK forums, I won't lie I was super surprised.

That site is actually dead aside from GD.


I thought there was still fighting game talk in other places, but no... It's a barren wasteland.

Whoever is paying to keep that site alive is definitely throwing money away.

Considering Mr. Wiz wanted to eliminate GD because he wanted the focus of SRK to be on the game-related forums, I find it highly ironic that GD is basically what is keeping SRK semi-alive (or life support, whatever)

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1 minute ago, Sonero said:

Could've sworn you werent too fond of how I handled things and all that jazz.


What up Lantis?



I always appreciated you as a mod and human being, bro. I just wanted to make that clear.


I just said all parties involved were at fault but it is not something I will hold against you (if that matters at all)


With that said, I hope you do fine in your eulogy, and offer my full support once again.



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2 minutes ago, Sonero said:

Just busting your chops. I know what I said may have felt vague, like a strange cry for help, rabble rousing and/or all sorts of different erratic behaviors. It was just interesting seeing how people took in the info.


There was a post made earlier where I defend myself against some of the claims in SRK. It was never my intention to get people to quit it. 


But now that Preppy outed himself and out the whole convo out, I hope it makes some sense why I made the decisions I did. That dude is out of his mind and d3v enabled him something fierce.


Series Finale of the SRK Lounge had a crazy ending though. 😂

To be perfectly honest, I wasn't even gonna say anything until somebody was like "If you're not speaking out FUCK YOU" and I was like "Well we are not ALL as outspoken as that". I mean, if people got rightfully enraged, it was totally comprehensible, I'm just not into that whole "forced guilt" that some people try to shove down your throat.


Problem is I'm sort of a dumbass in expressing my thoughts and people were thinking I was sorta defending d3v or attacking people who were angry at your ban, which was not my intention at all, but it is what it is. 🤷‍♂️

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34 minutes ago, Lantis said:

Considering Mr. Wiz wanted to eliminate GD because he wanted the focus of SRK to be on the game-related forums, I find it highly ironic that GD is basically what is keeping SRK semi-alive (or life support, whatever)

Guess it's time to test that theory

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16 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

I hope folks like:




Geese pants

Sonic human

J ride


Etc. will settle here.


White shadow did make an account and post occasionally here but seems to have stopped.




What about maxx? And my bro HD-Man? I think he has an account, but doesn't post here.

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41 minutes ago, Sonero said:

I keep vascillating between making a news thread (just a place to post news articles of daily news we find important) or not.


Dont want it to turn into the election thread 2.0 on accident. Which sucks because just regular news filtering is super handy


I think the best option would be then to have a thread dedicated to post the news, and another to discuss them.

That way, we can have the news posted, and if the discussion gets out of hand, it can be moderated separatedly from the news feed.


Slso, i think we need a Hentai thread, lol

Not to post stuff, but to discuss anything new that comes out XD


Also, i am dissapointed on you, you could have used ComputoMania name, but went with Sonero SMFH, lol

Edited by Hecatom
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