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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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2 hours ago, iStu X said:

I think this means you eat a plate from the cookout in front of the white people who brought the potato salad with raisins. 

Why would I ever eat that to begin with. White people got Pakis fucked up. That's why we don't go to our mother's friends' homes anymore. They will literally serve baby carrots and peanut butter and call it dinner. That is both elder and child abuse.

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2 hours ago, Phantom_Miria said:

Needless to say, his initial assessment was all wrong, and then shit rapidly hit the fan....

Honestly up until this debacle I had considered Putin to be fairly reasonable and rational in most of his decisions barring a few high profile assassinations.  IMO he either got a little high on his own supply (power) or he's just been surrounded my sycophants for so long that whenever an obviously bad idea comes along they just had no choice but to support him.  


Honestly, I'm kind of curious what the average Russian thinks about this but I don't know a good way to find an unbiased source.

Edited by J-ride
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20 hours ago, axeman61 said:

If you broaden the definition to anti ALL vaccines, then yes. You could say he isn't. But on this one, he's engaging in all the hypocrisy anti-vaxxers do. He has a clear bias, whether he's conscious of it or not. He has all the "questions"/pushback in the world for pro-vaccine opinions, but blindly believes whatever straight up kooks say. But again, I don't think a lot of people listen to him seriously, and that's why I asked the original question of if anyone here knows someone who does.

Would you say that people who are blindly pro-vax have a "bias?" Look, we're in a time where even asking legitimate questions about the vaccines and their effectiveness gets you labeled as an antivaxxer which is fucking stupid. I listen to Rogan fairly regularly, and he will absolutely push back on guests with crazy opinions, ask questions, try to get clarification, but corporate press types don't ever pull those clips because they don't support the narrative that "Rogan peddles dangerous 'misinformation.'" Which is highly ironic when you consider that the misinformation they themselves peddle has gotten us involved into wars, provoked riots, smeared people they don't like as treasonous, and divided the country more than anyone ever thought possible.


This whole "misinformation" craze is nothing a moral panic started by people who've lost their stranglehold on what information gets disseminated and what doesn't.

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12 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:




Meh this is ridiculous. As we've seen, not all the Russian people agree with Putin's actions, and we're already hitting them with sanctions which punishes people more than governments. If it was Putin brand vodka or something he got a cut of, sure get rid of it, but if this is just "anything Russian=bad" then it's just double punishing people who may not agree with what's going on.


Are we going to have to stop playing Tetris now too?

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7 hours ago, J-ride said:

Honestly, I'm kind of curious what the average Russian thinks about this but I don't know a good way to find an unbiased source.

It is a totalitarian regime, so it would be hard to get people to feel safe to speak in the first place.


As for Putin... Man had decades with that image of being a cold, calculating ex-KGB goon dissolved in one week. It's insane. No one expected him to be this reckless or stupid.

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21 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

If it was Putin brand vodka or something he got a cut of, sure get rid of it, but if this is just "anything Russian=bad" then it's just double punishing people who may not agree with what's going on.

True, but it also punishes those who do agree with his stance. This may galvanize the people into getting him to chill on this. 


17 minutes ago, Volt said:

As for Putin... Man had decades with that image of being a cold, calculating ex-KGB goon dissolved in one week. It's insane. No one expected him to be this reckless or stupid.

Exactly. He really thought it was gonna be easy mode. 


2 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

The Tetris company Headquarters location is in Las Vegas, Nevada according to Wikipedia.
 Henk Rogers (a Dutch entrepreneur), Alexey Pajitnov (original designer of Tetris) bought ELORG's remaining rights around 2005.

Crisis averted.

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11 hours ago, Phantom_Miria said:

Even if the Russian government survives to win its war against Ukraine their victory will only be the beginning of their real problems, as they'll have to try and hold a country that completely despise them.

This is what gets me. Even if Russia takes over Ukraine and installs their puppet government or whatever, do they really think Ukranians are just gonna stand by idly and fall in line? They weren't asking for Russia to make a comeback (except for those guys in Donetsk and Donbass I suppose) . Putin still thinks he's in the Iron Curtain days where all the former Soviet republics want back in

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No need to declare captured Russian tanks, other equipment of invaders as income 

"Have you captured a Russian tank or armored personnel carrier and are worried about how to declare it? Keep calm and continue to defend the Motherland! There is no need to declare the captured Russian tanks and other equipment, because the cost of this ... does not exceed 100 living wages (UAH 248,100)," NAPC's press service said.

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10 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

The Swiss broke Neutrality, the same neutrality they keep since Treaty of Paris in 1815

I know someone posted about it earlier. Maybe I did.


Even Switzerland broke neutrality. And that's like, one-third of their national identity (The other two is general bank fukkery and good ass chocolates.)


Putin 100% did not see that one coming. I don't think they broke neutrality even during both world wars.



1 minute ago, DarkSakul said:

No need to declare captured Russian tanks, other equipment of invaders as income 

"Have you captured a Russian tank or armored personnel carrier and are worried about how to declare it? Keep calm and continue to defend the Motherland! There is no need to declare the captured Russian tanks and other equipment, because the cost of this ... does not exceed 100 living wages (UAH 248,100)," NAPC's press service said.

Just to make sure, they should probably paint the Ukraine Flag over the Russian one or something. Friendly Fire is a thing, y'know? 🤣

Edited by Volt
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Mannnn, that "Unpopular Opinions" reddit forum is always giving me gold on a daily basis... checking in on it just now, and right at the top of the page: "Hot milk is delicious"... for some reason that one coming out of left field got a good laugh out of me.


also--"Ghostbusters II has a better theme song than Ghostbusters (original)"....heh, I like both but yeah I'd agree with that one.


ah, one of my favorite topics once again popped up in recommended...

hahaha women never really like this topic in general, it seems...because it tends to paint them in a bad they'll always disagree at first....and then go right on to say something later that proves the point (e.g.---she'll mention that she "dated plenty of bad boys earlier in life but now..." ANNNND you just confirmed it right there, honey.  Case closed; "All too easy." as Shao Kahn says.)

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I don't know if anyone noticed but a ton independent women who are stunning and brave are currently fleeing Ukraine while the men are expected to stay behind to die for their nation.  I guess they don't want equality when shit hits the fan!

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9 minutes ago, J-ride said:

I don't know if anyone noticed but a ton independent women who are stunning and brave are currently fleeing Ukraine while the men are expected to stay behind to die for their nation.  I guess they don't want equality when shit hits the fan!

Its our evolution. Women are the best type to care for children, they are gatherers.


It does make me wonder if we ever had a war, how would these roles apply to hood rats and extreme leftists?

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51 minutes ago, zatalcon3 said:

It does make me wonder if we ever had a war, how would these roles apply to hood rats and extreme leftists?

in before "I am Black" from Zata
How your lily-white-ass is going to fare in war? 

I worried less about the hood, and more about Meal Team Six when they encounter a real threat.
Are they going to cry like a bitch like Kyle Rittenhouse; or are they going to cry about they are "white Americans and have rights" like Karen did Jan 6 at the airport?

My experiences, people like you are baby shit soft. 


Edited by DarkSakul
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Russia's RT moves to Rumble after being deplatformed elsewhere



ICANN says it won't kick Russia off the internet

Ukraine had petitioned the non-profit in response to the invasion.


Even as governments and corporations around the globe squeeze the Russian economy through increasingly stringent financial sanctions for the country's invasion of its neighbor, Ukraine, some within the aggrieved nation have sought to punish Russia further, by kicking it off the internet entirely. 


On Monday, a pair of Ukrainian officials petitioned ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) as well as the Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC), to revoke the domains ".ru", ".рф" and ".su." They also asked that root servers in Moscow and St. Petersburg be shut down — potentially knocking websites unde those domains offline. On Thursday, ICANN responded to the request with a hard pass citing that doing so is not within the scope of ICANN's mission and that it's not really feasible to do in the first place.


"As you know, the Internet is a decentralized system. No one actor has the ability to control it or shut it down," ICANN CEO Göran Marby, wrote in his response to ICANN representative for Ukraine, Andrii Nabok, and deputy prime minister and digital transformation minister, Mykhailo Fedorov, on Thursday. 

"Our mission does not extend to taking punitive actions, issuing sanctions, or restricting access against segments of the Internet — regardless of the provocations," he continued. "Essentially, ICANN has been built to ensure that the Internet works, not for its coordination role to be used to stop it from working."

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3 minutes ago, J-ride said:

One trend I noticed IRL is the biggest advocates for BLACKNESS and MUH PEOPLE are always the dudes married to white women.

the question to ask though is, were those black men like this BEFORE or AFTER they got married to their whyte whamen? 


it's an interesting thing I briefly had a conversation about with my fiancée. She's 3/4 Thai 1/4 Chinese and I'm a mixed Mexican so IF we had kids what will we do? On top of that regardless of what a parent teaches a child, kids...will also develop their own sense of identity. I only bring this up because would my "what if" kid be an advocate for asian or hispanic/latin equality? or would they not even care since they'll be a multi ethnic mutt? 

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2 hours ago, J-ride said:

I don't know if anyone noticed but a ton independent women who are stunning and brave are currently fleeing Ukraine while the men are expected to stay behind to die for their nation.  I guess they don't want equality when shit hits the fan!

At some point decades into the future, assuming human civilization is still around.... imagine the latest war-themed  FPS, or the movies/shows based on Russia vs. Ukraine, featuring all those brave women who actually saved the day, y'know since they're so superior of course.  In fact, a team of elite female assassins were the ones to take Putin down personally, of course...just like when they single-handedly saved the world from Hitler and the Axis powers.  The U.S. President in the story at the time will be played by a black guy who is also gay, of course....he plays the part of Joe Biden.  

trying not to laugh GIF


that latest commercial for Wayfair features Kelly Clarkson... yeah, she's noticeably bigger but I don't care.  I'd pounce that cute PAWG ass no questions asked.  She is also an example of an acceptable southern accent; it sounds nice, surprisingly.  

Edited by MillionX
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1 hour ago, AriesWarlock said:

On Monday, a pair of Ukrainian officials petitioned ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) as well as the Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC), to revoke the domains ".ru", ".рф" and ".su." They also asked that root servers in Moscow and St. Petersburg be shut down — potentially knocking websites unde those domains offline. On Thursday, ICANN responded to the request with a hard pass citing that doing so is not within the scope of ICANN's mission and that it's not really feasible to do in the first place.

Guess the rest of the world should start petitioning as well 

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21 minutes ago, MillionX said:

that latest commercial for Wayfair features Kelly Clarkson... yeah, she's noticeably bigger but I don't care.  I'd pounce that cute PAWG ass no questions asked.  She is also an example of an acceptable southern accent; it sounds nice, surprisingly.  

Her ex husband gets paid alimony to be a stay at home dad while she tours the country.  He might be the one dude that beat the family court system.  Homey is living his best life right now!

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