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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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25 minutes ago, J-ride said:

Anything that goes against the female imperative/current narrative has to be destroyed.  There are all kinds of "advice" in the media circles about open relationships, polyamory and other such nonsense.  They can rebrand degeneracy with whatever new age title they like, in the end, it's just a selfish way to live that won't result in any sense of fulfillment.


2 hours ago, MillionX said:

AM with a good one today


Apparently Tichina Arnold made the "mistake" of talking about the emasculation of Black men in the media...

I'd say it's not *just* black men though... in the past couple of years, Hollywood and a certain ideological side tends to look down on or even want to outlaw/ban any kind of traditional masculinity.... that's frowned upon and seen as "toxic" or "creepy" these days.

I agree, which is why I personally have done my best to adapt to this. You can choose to read what I write here, but to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if none of you cared since my generation's way of handling societal things like this is very different. I'm not going to pull a Zatalcon and make broad conclusive statements, but this is how I deal with widespread "emasculation."


I come from a really traditional family. I can BBQ, do an oil change, swap a tire and do a pushup. I've got a schlong and I identify as a dude. I'm fairly religious and I'm straight. As far as the long standing definition of "man" goes, I am one, or developing into one.

The way I've chosen to approach this with is not to identify what's different between me and Hollywood's common man. I'm not a 500 lbs yet aesthetically pleasing basketball player, nor am I an extremely feminine boy. I am all of me.



That means that being me, being a man, is only determinable by me. Masculinity has universals, yes, but personal masculinity - what makes me feel good about being me, a man - is different. I would never, ever wear make up, because that does not make me enjoy myself, or enhance my experience as a male in my world. I am, however, currently looking into porous nail paint so that I can perform my ablution so that I can pray, thus making myself feel good while also fulfilling and giving full virtue to another side of my identity. I am writing this post 5 minutes after purchasing some rings for myself for no reason other than cosmetic. If you think I'm defining femininity as purely superficial, it goes beyond that for me too in other ways. What defines a man is ultimately what makes you feel good about yourself in the identity you have chosen, without using non-masculine traits to an excessive degree whereby you are expressing yourself in a closeted sense so as not to take the societal risk of identifying yourself as more feminine than masculine. It's perfectly alright to be more feminine than masculine, and I understand why one would hide behind the title of masculine despite their actions. It happens. But I am also saying that that is not masculinity, and that's ok. We as third parties need to be more accepting of other ways of life.


I think the major problem is similar - but obviously not to the same degree - to how Hollywood portrays women to us as men. It's given us a subconscious lens through which to determine the beauty and therefore value of a woman. Granted, most of us are able to work past that fairly easily to see the best in all beautiful women who come from all walks of life, but there is now a sense of victimisation among men too from Hollywood's portrayal of us. And it's totally fair, understandable and valid too. We are not all fair skinned goons who cut and bulk on the whims of executive pedophiles for the entertainment of the masses. I don't think there is a need for an eruptous outcry from men about how unrealistic the media is now about us, but it's something that's definitely worth paying attention to, because it informs the choices we make on an individual level to feel comfortable in our bodies. If nipple piercings become standard among all masculine hotties, suddenly simply not getting one is no longer just the absence of an event in your life, but it is now a choice that you must be brave enough on a certain level - no matter how low - to make.


The same advice applies to us that has applied to women since... ever. It's time we adopt it too. Do whatever the fuck makes you feel good. That is manly as fuck.

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My respect for Tachina Arnold went up immensely just for her being bold enough to ask that question knowing the potential flaming, cuz unfortunately many won't even bother to ask us what we need.


Some of those responses to her question where disgusting tho, how is something that will ultimately affect your race in the long run NOT your problem? It's "Protect Black Women" every day, but fuck us when we have a problem, we just gotta figure that shit out on there own, huh?  


Ironically that type of dismissive attitude is one of the many things that helps allow Hollywood to continue emasculatin black men


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5 hours ago, elliephil said:


lol reddit's fault again

who gives a shit about reddit? People get too wrapped up in the ongoings of social media. Please develop a personality that isn’t based around clicking on a reaction 

don’t get me wrong. I post on reddit and I post on Twitter. Fairly regularly at that but I also don’t invest any real thought or feelings into either. Having an identity and belief structure so heavily tied to social media is just…really fucking dumb. 😂 



Edited by iStu X
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1 hour ago, HD-Man said:

When ppl say Kojima is a hack, I'm gonna refer back to that rogue AI scene, dude was clearly looking into the future while writing the MGS games. 

People who call Kojima a hack (Po Pimpus) cant see past their own nose. 


Which reminds me, anyone seen the absolute insane hole Jim Sterling has decended into? I remember calling him an emotional click bait asshole and getting tore up for it. Now dudes on YouTube in a full on dress and makeup making insane rants about Elden Ring and shit. 


I feel vindicated. 

Edited by RSG3
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On 4/15/2022 at 1:15 AM, DangerousJ said:

My condolences  to you and your family man.

I'm glad that there were no unresolved issues between you two. 


Thank you so much. I'm only sad because I'll never be able to speak to him again. I'm truly blessed that there are no regrets. 

20 hours ago, Lantis said:

My deepest condolences to you and your family. Whatever you need, we'll be here

Thank you. The love and support from my friends both online and in person has been overwhelming. I'm who I am because of my Dad. 

15 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I'm sorry man. If you need anything let me know. 😔

Thanks. Not gonna lie, coming into this forum has been a place of refuge. I'm the "rock" in this situation so having a few seconds to let go has been awesome. 

8 hours ago, Chadouken said:

I'm really sorry to hear that, man. Hope you're hanging in there.

Thanks, I am doing OK. The moment that replays out is when the hospital gave us the rundown yesterday stating that he is reaching the end of his life. When they asked us about reviving him in the event his heart stops, everyone (including my mother) looked at me. I told my mom that "she knows what dad wants". I had the opportunity  to give my mom strength in what was probably some of the worst news she has ever received.  It has been truly humbling to be looked at as the still point through all of this. I have taken moments to keep myself grounded throughout.


To all of you guys, thank you so much for keeping my family in your thoughts. 

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1 hour ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

Thanks. Not gonna lie, coming into this forum has been a place of refuge. I'm the "rock" in this situation so having a few seconds to let go has been awesome. 

Make sure you have someone to talk to about how you feel. When my Dad passed, I was more worried about how my Mom and Brother felt. I didn't really talk to anyone and sort of went off the rails for a bit.

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Well, somehow I missed this show.... it only lasted 1 season though:


He mentions it at the end how obviously different this is from modern stuff with vamps and werewolves----Yeah... It would be nice though if someone would produce a vampire/werewolf-themed show that isn't so heavily reliant on the "teen romance" aspect of things... they always go for that in the modern era, because of a certain demographic the recent/modern books with those creatures are typically aimed at.  Throughout the years of me enjoying Vampire Diaries and The Originals... I never cared that much about which characters were hooking up with each other.

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Everything that happens to me makes me stronger. It's all meant to be. There is no free will. 


Who would like to be autopotent?


I know most of you guys don't believe in numerology, but according to one numerology calculator it says that I am basically invincible if I maintain perfect balance, but if I don't, I am still extremely hard to defeat. 


Well, I got that goth looking girl's number, but we still have not gone on a date, but I talk to her every time I see her at work. She works like 6 days a week and goes to school. For some weird reason she only answered me once via text. She ignored two texts and one call, after that I stopped texting and calling. Most likely she is just busy. I'm not sure what is going on here because she always seems to be very happy to see me in real life. Whatever. I have other girls to talk. Maybe she is not interested anymore and she is just faking it with me now. I am likely just setting myself up for disappointed with this person. Oh fucking well. Let's go insane over a women and destroy the universe. According to some woman, I would go insane when a woman breaks my heart which would lead to everything ending. 

Edited by Seth Vega
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5 hours ago, MillionX said:

Well, somehow I missed this show.... it only lasted 1 season though:


He mentions it at the end how obviously different this is from modern stuff with vamps and werewolves----Yeah... It would be nice though if someone would produce a vampire/werewolf-themed show that isn't so heavily reliant on the "teen romance" aspect of things... they always go for that in the modern era, because of a certain demographic the recent/modern books with those creatures are typically aimed at.  Throughout the years of me enjoying Vampire Diaries and The Originals... I never cared that much about which characters were hooking up with each other.

Did you ever watch the Netflix Castlevania show?


The first few seasons are a bit slow but the third and fourth are better imo. Theres not too much romance.

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17 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

Did you ever watch the Netflix Castlevania show?


The first few seasons are a bit slow but the third and fourth are better imo. Theres not too much romance.

Ohhhhh yeah....the Castlevania series was one of the few things that kept me subscribed to Netflix in a time when I was thinking about dropping it... it's SO damn good... I also bought one or 2 of those seasons on dvd, but so far the latest one isn't out on dvd from what I've seen....I liked it so much I wanted to permanently have them in physical media form.  In the last season, the fight with Carmilla vs. Isaac was's definitely how things should look when an all-out battle is going on with a powerful vamp, imo.  It is a masterpiece.  I'd go so far as to say it's my favorite fight scene in the whole series.

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On 4/15/2022 at 1:04 AM, OPTIMUS124 said:

I lost my father today. The one thing that I can say is that I said everything I needed to throughout our time together. 


It was an honor to have been his son. 

He left this world peacefully and knowing that he raised a good man. The loss still hurts but I hope that makes it hurt less.

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20 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

I don't know who started it but Minnie def finished it


The lady gettin rocked like a fighting game training mode dummy. Is wearing a security jacket. Why is security picking a fight with an employee? And how you security getting rocked by someone in a body suit??? She needs to be fired for getting her ass whupped like that. 

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On 4/14/2022 at 1:21 PM, DarkSakul said:

You are Black in the same manner Rachel Dolezal is Black.
You come off as Black the same way Jared Leto is at Acting.

 You should retire the hand bro, there are so many fat ugly girls in the world just waiting for you.

Try this one or both of these out. 1st one is a leftist, the 2nd one is getting an ass tat, your name can be on there! get them hoe-NOs on lock!







Edited by zatalcon3
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Occasionally, I like to check out the "friend zone" subreddit... y'know, I really feel bad for the girls that post their stories there.  I'd bet that in 99% of the cases where a female is FZed, the harsh truth is because of 1 of these possibilities:

  1. She must be absolute bottom rank in the looks department... like not just fat but extremely ugly too, like the girls zatalcon3 keeps mentioning 🤣  The dude who FZed her likely thinks she is physically repulsive in several categories, and thus she is forever in the "not even if I was drunk" category.
  2. Her guy friend is already in a relationship with someone else... and either isn't likely to cheat OR he is but doesn't see her as someone worth cheating with.
  3. Her guy friend happens to be a co-worker, and he's not dumb enough to risk his job. (An embarrassing thing there is that it seems most guys are indeed that stupid)
  4. Or... her guy friend is gay.

...but any time I hear of these stories, the #1 scenario seems to be the most likely case (if these girls posted pics of themselves, we'd see that yes...they happen to be in the "Gabourey Siddebe"/"Lena Dunham" rank, and we'd all immediately think---"Oh I see....yeah now it makes sense.").... the #4 might be the second most common situation.  If # 2, 3, and/or 4 are not true... then #1 has to be the case, unfortunately for them.  Anything outside of these possible scenarios... just like someone claiming they beat Battletoads back in the NES days, I'm just not inclined to believe it.  Maybe...maybe I'll add a possible 5th scenario of none of those being the case but the guy in question just has an extremely low sex drive where he's just not as motivated in that aspect of life like everyone else....and even that is just a "maybe", imo.

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5 hours ago, iStu X said:

@zatalcon3has been warning us and warning us and warning us


a man was hospitalized for tearing his lung while masturbating


Damn. Not lung related but this also gave me a thought about how some of you can benefit off the fat ugly girls in a healthy way. The real thing is good for your *heart. Imagine that, a walking balloon of pure cholesterol has the potential to provide benefits to your physical and mental health? All the reasons why many have to stop watching porn and stop jacking off, and just date the girls in their tier list.

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