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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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10 hours ago, Chadouken said:

Yeah dude, we also had:



Princess Bride

Raising Arizona

Full Metal Jacket


Good Morning Vietnam

Adventures in Babysitting 


and Monster Squad


Great fucking year for movies.


Hold up hold up. We're forgetting the most important things to come from 1987:














Some of the timeless tracks:







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It would be so nice if more businesses were open 24/7.  This is the plight of "early bird" types like myself that tend to wake up at stupid times like 2 or 3am.  I happen to be craving a pizza right now...that would be a great way to start this weekend off right...but due to the time, I can't get one right now.  Back in the good ol' days just a few years ago, Walmart would be an option at least but even they decided to be a pussy and implemented a schedule...they don't open until 6 am (one of them here doesn't open until 6:30...and during the height of the pandemic it was 7!)

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12 minutes ago, Phantom_Miria said:

They removed the video, what was it about?

It's a sketch called "inside the mind of a pedophile" where Aries plays a pedophile uncle lusting after a kid his niece Tiffany Haddish leaves with him. They use an actual kid. It has a "be careful who you leave your kids with" message, but them using an actual kid amps up the cringe.


search "aries spears tiffany haddish sketch" or something similar to see it. I'd imagine it's being taken down a lot.

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from what i saw of the vid. didnt get to see all of it. 

its not criminal at all.

but it is corny tho. the skit aint really funny. but i dont see any wrongdoing tho. but def not really funny. that said, EVERYONE is jumping on the "its wrong cuz reasons" bandwagon cuz 21st century cancelculture idiots smell blood in the water. and are trying to make it creepier than it really is.

also, by youtube taking the vids down, and assholes makig censored edits of it when theres NOTHING to really censor. they make it out to look worse than it is. in other words, peeps are tryin to manipulate the audience into thinking its worse than it is. tsk. its just corny, nothing else. frivolous lawsuit 1,000%

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That little weasel ass excuse they keep pulling up for the blackwashing issue... I'll admit it's a bit clever, devious shit.... it seems clear that they fall back on this because they know damn well that 99% of the time... a white character being white is not a part of his/her origin or part of the story in any significant way....but most of the time, a black character's blackness is related to the origin and/or part of his/her story.....the perfect excuse to always have this mindset that it's always ok for literally any character to be played by a black person, but never the other way around with non-black actors.  Imagine how this sounds with any other race.... where let's say you had a hispanic dude always being in favor of anyone suddenly being a Latino....he'd be ok with an Xmen team that is all hispanic or Latino actors, complete with obvious accents so the race-swapping is as obvious as possible... or a white person always being in favor of everyone being swapped to white when it comes to live action.  People would understandably start to conclude that this person is a "supremacist" for their particular tribe, and is only interested in seeing people of his/her race on screen....never anyone else.  No matter who it's from, that shit is pretty disgusting, imo.


Two that come to mind as possible counter-points might be Bishop and Spawn/Al Simmons though... *maybe* their race was a significant factor in their stories at some point in the comics but I'm not aware of it so far.  In the cartoon, Bishop being a black guy was never an "issue" in the story from what I remember...he's just a dude from the future that is trying to prevent a certain timeline from happening.  I don't remember Spawn's race being a focused "issue" from Todd McFarlane either, at least in the Spawn books I had, and I was collecting for a while since issue #1.

Edited by MillionX
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HBO Posts Free Episode of House of the Dragon to Steal Thunder from Amazon’s Rings of Power Premiere


HBO and Amazon are in a bitter fight for the attention of audiences who love both Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings, and the premiere cable network took a major shot at their streaming rival this week.

HBO’s highly anticipated prequel to Game of Thrones, titled House of the Dragon, premiered on August 21st. A rival show was just released yesterday evening on Amazon Prime, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.

In what many viewed as an attempt to assert its dominance over OTT streaming services, HBO decided to release the first full episode of House of Dragons free to the public on their YouTube channel on the same night as Amazon’s big premiere. The free episode currently has just under 77,000 views on YouTube.

Occasionally, HBO will post free releases on its HBO Max app the pilot episodes of some of its smaller shows that may be buried under hundreds of other titles in an attempt to win over new fans. But rarely is this done with powerhouse shows that have been traditionally kept behind the paywall.

Amazon’s own release of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power is currently free to subscribers of Prime Video or available to those signing up for a free 30-day trial on the website.

The company has been aggressively advertising the Lord of the Rings continuation after pouring an excess of funds into the project. According to Gizmodo, “Amazon has spent $500 million making Rings of Power (plus another $250 million just to acquire the license).” Opening the Amazon app currently brings up a black title screen promoting the show for a moment before the online shopping platform opens — with yet another Rings of Power video promo at the top of the page.


House of Dragons has racked up a reported 25 million views since its release day and has already been renewed for a second season following the premiere. The first episode ever surpassed viewership for the 2019 Game of Throne finale, which brought in 19.3 million viewers.



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1 minute ago, J-ride said:

I am not excited about either show and probably won't bother watching them because I'm confident they are both going to suck balls.

I thought House of the Dragon was going to suck because I didn't think that George R.R. was actually involved and it was all HBO just doing stuff.  Come to find out that it's not the case and not only is he actually involved the series is actually a book he was going to publish but decided to just make into a show instead.  This made me turn around my expectations completely with the show and so far with the first 2 episodes I'm enjoying what's been established thus far.


I've also watched the first 2 episodes of Rings of Power with no expectations especially after seeing people making fun of that intro that was floating around  (which come to find out actually isn't the intro for the series...don't know what that was that people were making fun of).  My thoughts on it are from someone who is not intimate with Tolkien's lore and purely from someone who has enjoyed Peter Jackson's contribution to the IP.   Rings of Power production values are through the roof especially in terms of how the show has been shot and locale choices.  Seeing young Galadriel and Elrond has also been pretty interesting and also seeing what Khazad Dum looked like in the past has also been pretty great.  I'm not sure exactly what to make of the story right now but there are some plot paths that are holding my attention along with someone showing literally out of the air who has shades of Gandalf but I'm not 100% on whether it's him or not. 


So far House of the Dragon is more interesting but I'm sure as the story beats for Rings of power continue along that it has the potential to pick up.  I wouldn't dismiss either of these shows as they are right now.  I'd tell people to actually give them a shot unless you're one of those weird people that when a black actor shows up in a predominantly white fantasy setting that it makes you face twist up in knots.

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9 minutes ago, J-ride said:

The rings of power looks dull to me because they made STRONG WOMAN character trope and I fucking hate that shit way more than race swapping characters.  HOTD I'm more willing to give a shot if the writing is actually good. 

If you haven't watched it how do you know its just a trope?

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i saw ep 1 of rings of power, and i wasnt even thinkng of tropes or strong female characters cuz that show EXPECTS you to know in advance most of the tolkien lore n im rusty with his lotr/hobbit lore. so i had to rewind a few parts to follow wtf people were even sayin.

most of the time my mind was on tryin to remember lotr/hobbit lore to grasp wtf the characters were talking about.

ep 1, it wasnt bad at all.  i recommend u watch it. youve seen worse n wasted an hour on less.

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4 minutes ago, J-ride said:

Because of the predictability of the ideologues who write that bullshit.  They aren't clever enough to make a that kind of character interesting.

But how do you know if you haven't watched it? Who are the editors and what else have they done to let you know this will be the pattern? 


I'm just wondering if you have more then "Trust me bro." Tolkien was a feminist so you need more them pointing out a strong female character, for me anyway, Middle Earth has tons of those.

Edited by RSG3
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18 minutes ago, J-ride said:

The rings of power looks dull to me because they made STRONG WOMAN character trope and I fucking hate that shit way more than race swapping characters.  HOTD I'm more willing to give a shot if the writing is actually good. 

From everything I've seen, you'd hate the show. When I saw Jeremy Jahns opening up his review with bottle of liquor, I knew what was up. Galadriel two shotting an Ice Troll was bad enough. She did so after standing there watching it just massacre her own men. To me that is the TLDR of with what's wrong with the show. I haven't seen LOTR in a while but I remember it being a struggle for a team of warriors to take down one troll. All that aside the dialog's not good. It's clear the writers think they are putting something deep and insightful but it's anything but. I'm not super knowledgeable about Tolkien, but based on what I'm hearing those who are into Tolkien are not happy with the show. 




Edited by Darc_Requiem
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9 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Yea I dunno that mountain troll I'm the book/movie got owned pretty quick by a handful of midgets, an old man Wizard and a Strider. 


Jeremy Jahns is a strong channel, love his content. 

I was thinking of the Cave Troll. After watching this clip, my opinion of the Ice Troll scene in RoP hasn't changed. Although, Sean Bean survived so that's a big L on the Cave Troll's part.



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11 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

again, just watch the show, at least ep 1,  n dont judge it without seeing it. if i found it watchable even tho i hate tolkien...youll b fine.

I agree on the watch it and judge for yourself part, but saying I hate Tolkien but I found it watchable isn't really a good thing. A lot of the things that bothered fans of the original FFVII didn't bug me in the Remake but I hate the original FFVII. So I wouldn't expect a fan of the original game to take my word for it, in fact I'd expect the opposite.

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Except a lot of fans are on board with the FF7 remake, I love the original and I'm enamored with the remake in its current state. 


It would depend what part of Tolkien he hates. I like Tkien a lot but even I can admit he can be too flowery and long winded. When I read the books I'll skip some chapters that are just eating drinking and describing good times because nothing actually happening. 


Depending on his answer I could see where he is coming from. 

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6 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:



They are calling it "Copi" which is hilarious to me because there is another invasive fish from Eastern Europe and Western Asia called the "Goby" that is taking over the Great Lakes.


They are bony and basically inedible. Their main issue is that they eat all the food of the other bottom dwelling fish (and even some sport fish, like perch) in the lakes and that causes issues for the hierarchy. I remember my family member worked for Ministry of Natural Resources at the time and bluntly said "You have to kill it if you catch it." As kids, we use to throw the poor things like baseballs haha.



Anyways, I hear someone tell me to eat a fish called a "copi" and now I've doubled down on never eating it lolol

Edited by elliephil
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14 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Except a lot of fans are on board with the FF7 remake, I love the original and I'm enamored with the remake in its current state. 


It would depend what part of Tolkien he hates. I like Tkien a lot but even I can admit he can be too flowery and long winded. When I read the books I'll skip some chapters that are just eating drinking and describing good times because nothing actually happening. 


Depending on his answer I could see where he is coming from. 

Yes but if you hadn't played FF7:Remake yet and I said "I hate FFVII but I love FFVII:Remake". I doubt nor would I expect you to take my word for it. 

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22 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Except a lot of fans are on board with the FF7 remake, I love the original and I'm enamored with the remake in its current state. 


It would depend what part of Tolkien he hates. I like Tkien a lot but even I can admit he can be too flowery and long winded. When I read the books I'll skip some chapters that are just eating drinking and describing good times because nothing actually happening. 


Depending on his answer I could see where he is coming from. 

i find tolkien to be too slow paced. and as you say long winded, the flowery aspects of his writings i dont mind all that much. mostly that in certain parts of his stories he has a tendency of doing too much talk n not enuff action. i hate hobbit way more than lotr tho. 


oh btw, i forgot to mention one thing about rings of power. the music is fanfuckingtastic. 

its waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay good. like conan the barbarian, good bad and ugly, star wars type good

the soundtrack is a slam dunk home run.

Edited by VirginDefiler
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10 minutes ago, Reticently said:

Tolkien himself had a woman kill the Witch King of Angmar in combat, and never wrote Gadriel as less than a demigod, so idk.

I have no qualms with Gadriel being the most powerful Elf as such it was clearly established in the lore that she was and if she was using magic to wreck people I wouldn't have an issue with it at all.   I'm not opposed to female characters in fantasy, it's just dumb to make her the Elvish version of Rey Skywalker when that's really not who she was and doesn't make sense in this universe.  That's just shitty writing by untalented hacks. 

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40 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Yes but if you hadn't played FF7:Remake yet and I said "I hate FFVII but I love FFVII:Remake". I doubt nor would I expect you to take my word for it. 

I would probably ask you more questions to help illuminate why you feel that way and see if I could feel the same. 


If I ask questions and your answer is "I can just tell, trust me bro" and you hadn't played/watched it yet, yea I'll probably blow you off. I'm pretty done entertaining Po Pimpus quality positions. 

Edited by RSG3
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So I just got out of seeing Bullet Train for my $3 movie in the theater and holy hell what a fucking ride!  I saw a few previews of this mobie here and there and was interested but it wasn't quite enough for me to be like I HAD TO SEE IT, but after coming out now I feel bad that I was about to just by pass this crazy rollercoaster.  Very Quentin Tarantinoesque in how the story is handled, you aren't really dropped in the middle of the plot but the overarching plot has 7+ threads that are constantly clashing and weaving.  Tons of gore, tons of humor with splashes of action all in a just over the top package.  Also has a ton of star power in the film, whether in an important plot thread or in just one off cameos.  The only major complaint I could have is that the staff on this train is acting completely oblivious to the amount of bullshit happening on it and its hard to believe the cops not getting called or people getting tossed off. 

Edited by Sonichuman
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