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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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All of you think you're a nerd huh? This guys said, "hold my beer!"









9 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

So I just got out of seeing Bullet Train for my $3 movie in the theater and holy hell what a fucking ride!  I saw a few previews of this mobie here and there and was interested but it wasn't quite enough for me to be like I HAD TO SEE IT, but after coming out now I feel bad that I was about to just by pass this crazy rollercoaster.  Very Quentin Tarantinoesque in how the story is handled, you aren't really dropped in the middle of the plot but the overarching plot has 7+ threads that are constantly clashing and weaving.  Tons of gore, tons of humor with splashes of action all in a just over the top package.  Also has a ton of star power in the film, whether in an important plot thread or in just one off cameos.  The only major complaint I could have is that the staff on this train is acting completely oblivious to the amount of bullshit happening on it and its hard to believe the cops not getting called or people getting tossed off. 


I think one of the actors in Bullet Train played Scorpion in the latest Mortal Kombat live action movie.

Edited by Jion_Wansu
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I keep seeing this story pop up lately about the woman that got snatched up in the old city I love to shit on--- the infamous Memphis, TN.  


That is definitely "ill-advised" though... to be out jogging at about 4:30 am (*it's still quite a long time before sunrise at this time, btw).... in MEMPHIS of all places.  I wonder now how long she had been living there and was she just in denial of how much of an embarrassing cesspool that "city" is?  

 I doubt they knew she happens to be wealthy woman, actually...they just saw a cute white girl in a skimpy outfit and saw there were no witnesses since it was 4-ish in the morning.... and grabbed her. (*..and obviously too dumb to realize there's cameras everywhere in society now.  Yes, I firmly believe that Memphis criminals are even dumber than the average criminal from anywhere else in the country.  When it comes to this "city", my expectations have always been and always will be as low as possible for everything.)



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Ah... a guy is charged now 


Of course there's always the juicy arguments in the comments about common-sense things being misconstrued as "victim-blaming" ...this always seems to be the case when the victim in question is a woman, I've noticed over the years.  I'd say it's stupid for a man to be out jogging alone at that time as well.... ESPECIALLY in that foul, raggedy ass trash-heap that's still being passed off as a "city".  No way in the world I'd be out there at 4am while living there of all places...even if I had a firearm with me.  It's better to be safe than sorry.  I'd probably feel safer in an actual 3rd world country.


*oh, and it's just a matter of time before a large # of black women on social media chime in to start making this about them, of course.

Edited by MillionX
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"Ah, what a wonderful day! Time to check up new art from my favourite hentai artists on Twitter!"

"Oh, what's that? It's a suggested topic about Dungeons and Dragons. Let's see what those wacky nerds are up to!"

"Oh, it's yet another of those controversies about someone finding this or that race racist in real life. Lovely!"

"Oh, it's about a race of fantasy space monkeys that were uplifted by a wizard and then broke free or some shit. Kinda like The Planet of the Ape-"

"Oh, they interpreted the monkeys as an allegory for black people. Of course they did."

"One of those monkeys even has a lute in the illustrations, that means minstrel shit, right?"

"Oh, if you argue that they might be tripping and note that associating black people to monkeys isn't a good look they say you're defending slavery."

"Oh, the D&D company made a heartfelt formal corporate apology for that. Thank goodness."

"What a lovely day."



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3 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Oh it gets better, the guy he's quoting also has this gem of tweet.


"For comparison, the atmosphere Venus is 96.5% CO2 -- and the planet is still there."


The planet:


It has the densest atmosphere of the four terrestrial planets, consisting of more than 96% carbon dioxide. The atmospheric pressure at the planet's surface is about 92 times the sea level pressure of Earth, or roughly the pressure at 900 m (3,000 ft) underwater on Earth. Even though Mercury is closer to the Sun, Venus has the hottest surface of any planet in the Solar System, with a mean temperature of 737 K (464 °C; 867 °F). Venus is shrouded by an opaque layer of highly reflective clouds of sulfuric acid, preventing its surface from being seen from Earth in light. It may have had water oceans in the past,[23][24] but after these evaporated the temperature rose under a runaway greenhouse effect.[25] The water has probably photodissociated, and the free hydrogen has been swept into interplanetary space by the solar wind because of the lack of a planetary magnetic field.[26] Because of the lethal surface conditions, the planet is sometimes referred to as Earth's "evil twin".


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One of my old lady friends who I ain't talked to in a second got real snippy with for no discernable reason.


Jody must be blowing her back out now, women get real mean when new dick arrives on the scene. I let her have that attitude, I'm at peace finally, don't need no negative vibes


Seems like, probably unrelated, that ever since I got this new promotion chicks around me been changing up, usually for the worst. Probably unrelated but u never know 😂😂

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1 hour ago, BornWinner said:

People on Twitter are not real.



Ain’t no way a person cares about something so harmless.

The unfortunate thing is that yes...this is in fact something that people care about.  I have a white friend who saw people were concerned about this and had a session of " Ask A Black Dude" with him because he had to know if "Digital Black Face"  was a real thing and I had to tell him I had never once considered a white person using a gif that featured a black person as racist lol.  I'd never considered an issue until he brought it up like 3 or so years ago?  Of course I did say it's also going to depend on context.  If you put a post like "BRB I'm gonna go get a snack" and you put up a minstrel looking mfer eating watermelon then that's sus.

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51 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

My homeboy say he paid $20 for a hotdog with NO bun and somehow didn't notice it. Nah, my boy, you knew you ordered a bunless glizzy, no way you making that mistake, especially at that price. Hell, I wouldn't have paid $20 for one with a bun 😂

Bruh, that sounds extremely suspect 😂. I paid $5 for a hot the theater yesterday and had all the questions.

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57 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

For those of you who read comics as a kid or now, what series did you read?


I started at 7 yrs old with Uncle Scrooge and G1 Transformers (1989-1991)

I then started reading  X-men vol.2  and Amazing Spider-man from 1991- 1999 (X)  and 1991 - 1996 (SM)


i started with xmen def. i liked xmen cause it was sorta like, superheroes vs racism. and i  d reading around when the genoshans were doing concentration camps genocide on mutants. i read most of the marvel shit. todd mcfarlane did amazing spider man before they gave him his own spidey comic. jim lee was new on the scene. never really got into dc. then image comics appeared and i stopped reading everything. then many years later i started a lil with the manga. mostly beserk. never really did much manga reading. last manga i bought wars manga.  the new one. not the old one based on the movies.

Edited by VirginDefiler
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1 hour ago, DangerousJ said:

For those of you who read comics as a kid or now, what series did you read?


I started at 7 yrs old with Uncle Scrooge and G1 Transformers (1989-1991)

I then started reading  X-men vol.2  and Amazing Spider-man from 1991- 1999 (X)  and 1991 - 1996 (SM)


I started with Asterix, TinTin, Lucky Luke and Mafalda since my parents have the collections of the books for those series when I was 4yo.

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1 hour ago, DangerousJ said:

For those of you who read comics as a kid or now, what series did you read?


I started at 7 yrs old with Uncle Scrooge and G1 Transformers (1989-1991)

I then started reading  X-men vol.2  and Amazing Spider-man from 1991- 1999 (X)  and 1991 - 1996 (SM)

I started with late 80s Spiderman and X-men, I also read quite a bit of Ghost Rider, Punisher and Thor (Eric Masterson).  House of M was the last big comic event I read.  On the DC side I read Detective comics from about 88- 95, and Green Lantern.  I read the first couple of years of Spawn until it started getting really wacky after about the 4th year or so. 

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I got a huge box of comics from my cousin I. The late 80s and that's what I read out of. It was a really eclectic mix of DC and Marvel from their popular to really obscure characters. They ranged from. The early 70s to late 80s content. I didn't start reading 90s comics till the mid 90s when I hung out with a different cousin who was really into 90s Xmen and Spiderman. That's how I read to Hella goofy Spiderman Clone Saga. 

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With comics, I started super late in the game with Spawn #1 in 1992.  Before that, all my free-time was an even split between videogames and action figures.... strange thing here is that I was an artist since as far as I can remember... but still wasn't into comics until Spawn and Image Comics became a thing.  The thing that set them apart was the quality of art and colors.  To me, the stuff they were doing in Image Comics blew away anything I had seen of Marvel and DC at the time.  They couldn't compete at all.. especially when it came to the colors---- they were using computer graphics programs and the result looked 10x more awesome, imo.  I also just liked those characters more; Spawn and all the characters from his story, The Maxx, Shadowhawk, a big Hulk-type named "PITT"... Image was on fire right out of the gate.  I still have all of them; I don't recall throwing any of the collection away.  


Marvel and DC-- eventually I started getting those cards in the mid 90s; I enjoyed collecting those.  In terms of story, one thing that finally caught my attention was the Onslaught saga in Marvel. (**imagine how cool this shit would be in mini-series form or on the big-screen... too bad Disney has it though, and there's no hope for any kind of accuracy to the source material at all at this point, since that's not what Hollywood is about.) This, along with the LEGENDARY art from that guy Joe Madureira... ohhh I was buying all of it... I became a big fan of his style in particular, and whenever "Joe Mad" was on something it was absolutely a day 1 buy for me.  It's still one of my favorite comic art styles of all time. 


Looking it up again... yeah ShadowHawk was cool because he was the brutal antihero type... he would regularly break people's spines.  haha yeah... that's how characters in Image rolled, folks.

Of course more people are familiar with Spawn though... and he's another one that liked making the bad guys find out the hard way what's up.

Edited by MillionX
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1 hour ago, Hecatom said:


I started with Asterix, TinTin, Lucky Luke and Mafalda since my parents have the collections of the books for those series when I was 4yo.

i luv tin tin. tin tin shouldve been bigger in the usa.


as for image comics. when image came out in 93 i think.. image had just a few comics. biggest ones were  spawn(mcfarlane) and wildcats(lee). but imo, they just seem like copycats of spiderman and xmen which both artists previously worked on. point is. image had great artists, but no good writers. at the time. but eventualy they found better writers. n better comics because of it. 

i think i still have wildcats issue 1 somewhere.


btw, amazon has a good library of downloadable comics. ive bought a few good comics here and there.

its a trip to buy a digital comic and "flip" the pages with finger swipes on the screen. 

Edited by VirginDefiler
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36 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

...btw, amazon has a good library of downloadable comics. ive bought a few good comics here and there.

its a trip to buy a digital comic and "flip" the pages with finger swipes on the screen. 

FYI Humble Bundle drops huge comic collections pretty regularly.  I got the entire Street Fighter comic run a while back for a decent price.  

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sound we can see.

@DoctaMariothis should interest you considering youre a musician and all.




theres actually this effect shit you seeing in the rings of power intro. i thought it was just cgi, apparently not. lemmie see if i can find it.


found it



now i understand what im seeing here. im seeing sound.


its called cymatics. its also what caused the swiss cheese look to our universe regarding how galaxies clustered together.


"When the expansion of the universe began, ‘space’ was not the silent vacuum it is today. Sound, by definition, involves the inelastic collisions of atoms and/ or molecules, and since the density of matter following the Big Bang was extreme, so too was the intensity of sound. According to the acoustic theory of the Big Bang, the immense anti-nodal sound pressures were responsible for causing the matter to be ordered in a manner that can still be seen today in the way the galaxies are clustered. "





as seen here in this slice pic of the universe. note the swiss cheese effect of the billions of  galaxies represented by tiny dots.

Edited by VirginDefiler
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Re Comics: I’ve shared this story before but my first comics were Usagi Yojimbo and TMNT. But as a kid I never really understood or knew about the fact comics had through lines and such. I just liked reading what my parents would get me. (That’s also why I got super into the Archie-verse of Sonic)

when we moved to Colorado that changed. Due to my heart condition the elevation levels in Colorado were literally killing me. So I was constantly sick, staying home from school, on a respiratory machine multiple times a day, and so on. 

When my mom told my Nana, she told my could my Cousin Seth who was significantly order than me (by about 7 years) and was super into comics. So my cousin started sending me entire story lines of archie tmnt, X men, spider man, new mutants, so on. 


So that’s how I got really into comics. I was actually truly introduced to spider-man with the clone saga. 😂


thankfully Carnage in New York and Maximum Carnage made me a True Believer and I just kept getting into more and more comics. My attention to them and following of them have wavered over the years for one reason or another but I’ve loved since I was around 7. 

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54 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

who was your fav artist/illustrator? mine was kent williams. 

If it’s not limited to comic books, Junji Ito’s work has always been fascinating to me. One page, you’ll be seeing his plain characters just living their lives. The next? Some of the creepiest panels you’ve ever seen with the most detail ever. He somehow manages to put jumpscares into a manga and it’s always effective. I’ll post some examples, but I’ll keep it behind a spoiler for people not into horror stuff.



Last warning.







This next one deserves a triple warning because what the fuck.







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