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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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43 minutes ago, J-ride said:

As a father of a daughter I'd care way more about the status of a dude than race considering the tendency of women to date garbage tier dudes in current year.  I'd also be interested in the way his father treats his mother and if he was raised in an intact family unit.  The racism of Indian and Asian dads is one of those things that no one ever seems to talk about for some reason.

My guess is that overall the culture they have cultivated doesn't care to talk about it. The majority accept things as they are. It would take a few generations to change this but only will happen if the current and future generations want to push hard enough to make a change. 

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4 hours ago, MillionX said:

ah, the good ol' days when the female MK characters were allowed to have sexy/revealing outfits on... those were good times.


It's a fascinating thing to notice with those Asian American girls... kinda makes one feel sad for the Asian dudes out there as they rank seemingly low on the totem pole of attraction just generally speaking.  Every Asian girl I saw in person would always be paired up with a white to a point where internally I would just expect it and be amused that my assumption turns out to be correct 99% of the time---like "ah, there's one... where's her white boyfriend or husband?  I know he can't be far behind...hahaha there he is!"  It's like they literally can't resist the white meat.  Stereotypes always are a good little source of entertainment for me, partly because there's always people who wish to pretend that it's BS for whatever silly reason.  It's just part of how the human brain works... pattern recognition and all that jazz.


One of my best friends in college was half Filipino, he did not date Asian girls. It seems to be a common thing. The funny thing is his mom wanted to him to marry a Filipino girl. She was pushing for it, yet she married a white guy. 


Side note: This smoking hot Korean chick was into him and he wouldn't give her the time a day.

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5 hours ago, HD-Man said:

My babe wants to dress as Kitana from Mortal Kombat this year. Ain't no way her thick ass finna squeeze that dump-truck booty in that outfit, but I'm damn sure willing to help her try 😂 


(also, a chick I tried to get with before gettin with this chick is wearing the same thing oddly enough and will face similar problems trying to fit the costume) 

For some reason I can't find this video on YT anymore but this reminds me of:

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I’ve dated a Korean girl and Chinese girl. 

they were both emotionally distant but for very different reasons.


The Korean girl was emotional distant just cause our ages at the time. (Around 19. Neither of us really knew how to communicate what the other wanted in the relationship) 


The Chinese girl was more emotionally distant because she was very career driven and only felt like being emotionally available when she wanted to/when it was the most convenient for her. Which didn’t really work for me. 

Edited by iStu X
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51 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Asian women from my limited exp of working in a few Asian run restaurants is that they are a fucking hand full. That whole demure and sweet thing is for Television, at "home" they are loud, demanding, and uncompromising in almost all facets. 


In my experience, this has been true with chinese women.

Meanwhile japanese women, at least the ones that I dated and met, usually are like the sweet thing you mention.


Of course, my pool for japanese women are way smaller than chinese women, since here in my country we have a considerable big chinese population due hundred of thousand of Chinese people migrating from the mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong during the 90s, so I met way more chinese people than japanese people around here.

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Every time people have said that name "Cromartie" it just reminds me of the enemy from Viewtiful Joe.


...quite annoying that Capcom appears to have no interest in ever continuing or at least doing a re-release of that franchise....even though we're in an era of entertainment where everything gets a damn remake or reboot at some point.


...I still have the audio of my final battle in the first game on my "All Rainbow V-Ranks" run (*using Captain Blue); I recorded it at the time (good ol' VHS) and ripped the audio to mp3.

Edited by MillionX
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16 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

A shidd, my pull out game is undefeated. I pull out even with a condom on. Ain't no kids here, may even go get snipped to seal the deal 😂


According to the article, Cromartie even had 4 kid after getting a vasectomy.


Also, the younger son of my sister, according to her, was born after her husband had a vasectomy, she was deem infertile, and they did it using a condom.

So you can never be safe.

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Sexy City Hunter Sundays:



Goodbye, My Sweetheart (1997) or "The Motion Picture" as it was released as here in MURRICA  by ADV Films

IMO This is the best of the 80-90 min CH OVA/movies with some tweaked designs, something for everyone to do, and a imposing villain with some slightly interesting backstory.

While most CH movie length specials tend to have overly convoluted stories or wear out their welcome early, this one has generally good pacing and a good balance of serious cop and silly sexiness.


Ryo fights "The Professor", but even afterwards, the train they're all on has a bomb that will blow up once they reach Shinjuku station.

What else can Ryo do but defuse the bomb......MillionX STYLE!!!

5:00 - 7:00

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3 hours ago, Hecatom said:


According to the article, Cromartie even had 4 kid after getting a vasectomy.


Also, the younger son of my sister, according to her, was born after her husband had a vasectomy, she was deem infertile, and they did it using a condom.

So you can never be safe.

I cannot imagine being married, having a vasectomy and using a condom.  I've got questions.

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22 minutes ago, J-ride said:

I cannot imagine being married, having a vasectomy and using a condom.  I've got questions.


Well, I don't remember the exact reason in the case of my sister, since I didn't even wanted to know the details when she told me that and as soon as she started telling me and my brother we started messing with her.


But in occasions it can be something about being on a medical treatment that while it doesn't prohibit the intimacy, it recommends using a condom during the duration of the treatment (not necessarily  related to an infection), something about hormones, and how semen inside the vagina can create certain reactions, or even allergies to semen.


I would assume that since she was deem infertile due some cysts, her medical treatment probably advised the use of condoms during intercourse.




Is one of the reasons why is advised to use condoms during sex when your partner is pregnant since there are cases where the masculine hormones and the act itself can induce labor during the later stages of pregnancy.


9 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

They really really didn't want any more kids. 



Jokes aside, at the beginning they were really taken aback due the sudden pregnancy, specially with all the context of their situation, since they saw having 2 kids as good enough, specially since they had the 1st kid when both of them were 18, and the 2nd kid during their mid 20s, so having a 3rd kid in their 30s was something that wasn't on their plans when they were starting to catch their stride in terms of their professional life.

But you know, as it usually happens they now love the kid so much that they can't see their lives without him.

Edited by Hecatom
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Just now, MillionX said:

I do wonder how G4tv would've done in the alternate timeline where the Frosk rant never happened

[*G4tv deleted by ComcastMod*]


It would has still failed, since they were not bringing the numbers.

They have more competition now with people doing it for way less from their homes while keeping the costs low but having good production values.


Meanwhile they were working on the same paradigm from more than a decade ago, with a full production team of writers, reviewers hosts, marketing, etc, etc.

They would have needed to bring millions of views per day, and even then is likely that their production costs would have push them into closing.

But at least it would have been slower.

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1 hour ago, Hecatom said:

.....They would have needed to bring millions of views per day, and even then is likely that their production costs would have push them into closing.

But at least it would have been slower.

I still love that they immediately had Amoranth in a skimpy outfit to try and save the channel after lecturing us about objectifying women.  Muh male gaze, REEEEE!

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