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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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44 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

DO WE GOTTA CHAnge our clocks back 1 hour this nov? or not? didnt the govt say we didnt have to anymore? couldve sworn we had this discussion about this a while back. dont remember tho

The Senate passed it unanimously last March and set it to take effect in 2023 I think, at the request of airlines and travel agencies who booked itineraries that far in advance. I'm not sure of the House passed it yet though. But yeah, if your state observes Daylight Saving then you gain an hour on Sunday.

Edited by Chadouken
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6 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

I died a little after having actually agreed on something with Jason I kinda want to off myself.


Somebody said the final circle of hell has to be you being surrounded by ppl you despise and having to agree with them for once 😂

Does this have to do with Kyrie following in Kanye's footsteps?

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4 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

My wife's ex friend at the time of End Game coming out absolutely hated the fact that Thor was overweight and fat throughout the movie regardless of the clear context.  It was really annoying that she couldn't come to grips that the dude had been through some shit and was trying to process it.

Her perfect dream guy isn't suppose to take a L from a more powerful foe. That leaves him with trauma, self doubt, fear, and depression that causes him to let himself go. That's for us normies.

Edited by BB_Hoody
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3 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

@AriesWarlockI'm mad politicians actually think the average American is that stupid and ignorant. But we must be giving them reasons to think so. 

Considering that people like MTG said a bunch of dumb shit and got elected and people are voting for Hershel Walker and Kari Lake despite the straight gaslighting and garbage that's come out of their mouth?  Yes...We've given some politicians plenty of reasons to think this.

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2 hours ago, HD-Man said:

I died a little after having actually agreed on something with Jason I kinda want to off myself.


Somebody said the final circle of hell has to be you being surrounded by ppl you despise and having to agree with them for once 😂

I've seen his latest tweets and it's the same retarded shit you can see on any other day when he's cooning his enlarged heart out. I'm curious to know what, in particular, you agree with.


He's comparing Kyrie Irving's hotep ass to Malcolm X and Muhammed Ali. It's just stupid all-around. They took a stand and risked their livelihoods for the solid ideas they believed. Kyrie's just spouting dumb shit while still earning millions.

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7 hours ago, MillionX said:

Nah, not when the changes in question look wrong and/or just lame as fuck.... like imagine if they put up Margaret Cho as Storm, and some Lizzo-sized woman as Nightcrawler.... or now Wolverine's subplot is how he's realizing after 200 years of living that he's now a non-binary person so we have to devote some of the film's time to that instead of the usual "superhero shit" people actually want to see in these damn movies.  Some changes are just dumb and will never go over well with the majority of an audience... and ultimately it's a stupid idea to consistently upset a large percentage of what would've been the fanbase.... like if I was making a Spawn movie, no I would not make Al Simmons a woman, or a random white dude for no reason other than possible agendas or to generate controversy-based word-of-mouth.  That temporary gain is a bad plan if it just results in the movie being a box office bomb and the next laughing stock getting roasted on social media constantly.


It's like with the costume changes but worse.  I'd rather the characters in our beloved franchises still be recognizable when they have a new show or movie.  That ship has sailed now, I no longer have any hope of it.... I'm mainly just looking forward to laughing about 1 big-budget dumpster fire after the least they're giving me that little bit of unintended entertainment value.  They'll keep upping the ante too, so there's all kinds of bizarre shit to look forward to in the near future.

I agree. In fact, I'm prepared for Black Panther 2 because I think Shuri is the new black panther (which is fine) and what is going to happen is that she will hook up with Storm. Someone is going to be gay in this movie.  What makes this appealing to disney is that they now have two characters who are female, black, and gay. That is an SSJ3 type of leftist. There is no leftist-tier higher than that, they make everyone else look like conservative racists white males in comparison. 


Oh i also predict that some in the Little Mermaid live action movie will be gay or a transexual, it's probably going to be one of the marine animals. 

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Apparently Tommy Sotomayor is back, and live right now


I'm sure he'll probably move to that Rumble streaming site, since from what I hear, content creators are a bit more free to say whatever on that platform.  When I was keeping up with the Darrell Brooks coverage I noticed Nick Rekieta and some of his cohorts were usually streaming over there instead of youtube now.


Random other note--- Dad continues to be a challenge to holiday-shop for... since he's not a major fan of shows and movies like most people are (so that would rule out things like tv or movie dvd collections and special editions; though he's a fan of George Carlin at least so I got him a George Carlin DVD collection last year)... and any tech-related stuff he already has anyway....and of course it's preferable to avoid "repeating" a gift idea, imo.  This is one of the small reasons I don't really like Christmas time...just because holiday shopping is an annoyance to say the least.... and I'm one of the "lucky" ones that doesn't have a ton of people to shop for.  I imagine it's far worse for people who have to shop for their parents and have several kids to get gifts for (*though with that, kids are usually easy to shop for...for most boys you just buy whatever latest game they're wanting or an eShop gift card or something and you're good to go just like that.)  

...that's minor though; much worse is the prospect of being *obligated* to visit certain folks (friends of the family) I'd rather not visit, really.  There's also the problem of just being in that wretched shit-pile "city" I always rant about, so there's that too.  Whenever I'm back on the road to leave there it's always a huge relief.

Edited by MillionX
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7 hours ago, zatalcon3 said:

Oh i also predict that some in the Little Mermaid live action movie will be gay or a transexual, it's probably going to be one of the marine animals. 

You don't need to predict anything. Sebastian is gay af. Ursula's character and design are LITERALLY based off an infamous Drag Queen. Queer coded characters have existed in film across cultures since the beginning.


I don't agree however with the sentiment of defining a fictional character's sexuality (gay or straight) if it does not serve the plot. Certainly not to score brownie points with minority groups.

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9 hours ago, BB_Hoody said:

@AriesWarlockI'm mad politicians actually think the average American is that stupid and ignorant. But we must be giving them reasons to think so. 

The political class never takes responsibility for their mistakes, instead, they blame, they obfuscate, or they just shrug and walk off. And yet the public still fights tooth and nail over this left/right, Dem/Repub BS as if the spinelessness and ineffectiveness of both isn't responsible for the bad shape the country is in. So I'd say in some ways they're right.

Edited by DoctaMario
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10 hours ago, BB_Hoody said:

@AriesWarlockI'm mad politicians actually think the average American is that stupid and ignorant. But we must be giving them reasons to think so. 

Unfortunately they are. I hate to say but people are stupid. I wish it weren't true but I have to call it like it is. Some conspiracy theories don't even make cursory sense and people eat them up.

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14 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Unfortunately they are. I hate to say but people are stupid. I wish it weren't true but I have to call it like it is. Some conspiracy theories don't even make cursory sense and people eat them up.

The thing is, how many of the conspiracy theories that used to be considered the territory of goofballs and weirdos turned out to be true? "The government is feeding people LSD to study the effects." "The government is surveiling everyone." I'm not saying you should believe any old theory that comes down the pike, but think about how bananas those two things sound, and they turned out to be TRUE.

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haha, I have never even seen the face of that voice actor before... so of course the moment I saw the profile pic, I already knew what the deal was, why he was exiting the role 🤣  Amazing how a certain side has things completely backwards these days when it comes to voice acting and live actors who are actually on screen....but this is the wacky Twilight Zone world we live in now, where we're supposed to pretend it all makes perfect sense..  I suppose Cree Summer wasn't supposed to voice probably half her giant list of voice credits in her legendary career then...*assuming* for a moment we're being equal and fair with applying that idea (even though that isn't the case though; I'm sure they'd agree that black/brown folks can voice whatever characters they are cast for; it is only others who have to stick to voicing characters they *match*, of course.)


One of my favorite VAs of all time that wasn't a major character--- Paul Dobson from the old mid to late 90s dub of DBZ.... the "Aussie" sounding Zarbon, man.. that voice was GOLD.  Anytime I've heard Zarbon after that and he doesn't have the Aussie Paul Dobson sound, it automatically registers as the "incorrect" Zarbon voice in my mind, and it is automatically not anywhere near as cool.

Edited by MillionX
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11 minutes ago, MillionX said:

One of my favorite VAs of all time that wasn't a major character--- Paul Dobson from the old mid to late 90s dub of DBZ.... the "Aussie" sounding Zarbon, man.. that voice was GOLD.  Anytime I've heard Zarbon after that and he doesn't have the Aussie Paul Dobson sound, it automatically registers as the "incorrect" Zarbon voice in my mind, and it is automatically not anywhere near as cool.

Man this how I feel about Jiece whenever he he doesn't sound offensively australian.

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15 minutes ago, MillionX said:



One of my favorite VAs of all time that wasn't a major character--- Paul Dobson from the old mid to late 90s dub of DBZ.... the "Aussie" sounding Zarbon, man.. that voice was GOLD.  Anytime I've heard Zarbon after that and he doesn't have the Aussie Paul Dobson sound, it automatically registers as the "incorrect" Zarbon voice in my mind, and it is automatically not anywhere near as cool.

He was the English voice of Wolfgang Krauser in the anime Fatal Fury 2: New Battle



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47 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

The thing is, how many of the conspiracy theories that used to be considered the territory of goofballs and weirdos turned out to be true? "The government is feeding people LSD to study the effects." "The government is surveiling everyone." I'm not saying you should believe any old theory that comes down the pike, but think about how bananas those two things sound, and they turned out to be TRUE.

The difference between a conspiracy theory and a proven fact in current year is about 6-8 months.

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41 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

The thing is, how many of the conspiracy theories that used to be considered the territory of goofballs and weirdos turned out to be true? "The government is feeding people LSD to study the effects." "The government is surveiling everyone." I'm not saying you should believe any old theory that comes down the pike, but think about how bananas those two things sound, and they turned out to be TRUE.

That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talk about things, that if you just take five minutes, you can verify are complete bullshit. It's sad that ancient cultures with far more limited technology was able to figure out things that people today doubt. This is in spite of the far easier means to figure it out. We still got people arguing over whether the Earth is flat or not.  Or the Moon landing morons. You can see the moon landing sites from a telescope. You can literally verify it yourself. People are fucking idiots. The older I get the more I realize it.

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I find it funny how "government surveillance" is a conspiracy theory. Like no it isn't. The government is ALWAYS checking on you one way or another, and has been doing so for the longest time, even before the Internet ever came to be. It's just easier for them to do it nowadays with the advancement of technology. I find it hilarious and incredibly stupid how the whole "COVID vaccine microchip" was such a big thing acting like the government had no idea what they were doing before that

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25 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talk about things, that if you just take five minutes, you can verify are complete bullshit. It's sad that ancient cultures with far more limited technology was able to figure out things that people today doubt. This is in spite of the far easier means to figure it out. We still got people arguing over whether the Earth is flat or not.  Or the Moon landing morons. You can see the moon landing sites from a telescope. You can literally verify it yourself. People are fucking idiots. The older I get the more I realize it.

The flat earth shit is hilarious, ancient civilizations figured it out cuz the Moon casts a shadow. 

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9 minutes ago, Lantis said:

I find it funny how "government surveillance" is a conspiracy theory. Like no it isn't. The government is ALWAYS checking on you one way or another, and has been doing so for the longest time, even before the Internet ever came to be. It's just easier for them to do it nowadays with the advancement of technology. I find it hilarious and incredibly stupid how the whole "COVID vaccine microchip" was such a big thing acting like the government had no idea what they were doing before that

And those same idiots carry their cell phone everywhere 🤣

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42 minutes ago, Lantis said:

I find it funny how "government surveillance" is a conspiracy theory. Like no it isn't. The government is ALWAYS checking on you one way or another, and has been doing so for the longest time, even before the Internet ever came to be. It's just easier for them to do it nowadays with the advancement of technology. I find it hilarious and incredibly stupid how the whole "COVID vaccine microchip" was such a big thing acting like the government had no idea what they were doing before that

Bruh. . . .


BIG DATA is a legitimate problem. There are so many data points now that people don't know what to do with them. 

31 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

And those same idiots carry their cell phone everywhere 🤣

I explained this to a family member once. They were complaining about the COVID and the NWO and how the government is using it to track people. I responded - "So they are using a global pandemic as a front for tracking people but you carry a cell phone that has two way communication with cell towers, use location services via GPS for social media, bank digitally, and have stuff delivered off Amazon by the USPS. Why do they need to know where you move when they know how you move"?



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1 hour ago, Lantis said:

I believe people are so desperate to feel like they're fighting some invisible power that they will subscribe to any stupid ass theory just to feel "enlightened"

Yup. Some people HAVE to believe they're special. Whereas most people have to DO something special to feel that way, a conspiracy theorist just has to believe everyone else is lying about something.


This happens even in people who already ARE special by the metric of wealth or fame. Kyrie Irving has more money and status than at least 70% of the people he'll run into or see with his eyes. But he has to be special in that he's trying to "wake up his people". Even if he doesn't read enough into what he's shilling to know why it's BS.

Edited by axeman61
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10 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

Kanye promised to go silent for 30 days and that shit ain't last 24 hours 🤦🏾‍♂️ 😂

That's on brand.  There's no way Kanye would be able to last a month without all capsing about something.  Gun to head, I really think he'd take the bullet in the brain within a week.  If Jigsaw put him in a trap, there would be no chance of him being able to set aside his ego to win.

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On 11/1/2022 at 11:35 AM, J-ride said:

I'm going to have to disagree.  Most women are terrible judges of character and make poor decisions when it comes to a men.  They love it when they get with that good for nothing man that fills their life with drama and trauma. 


I worked with a guy who said he was a womanizer the first day he started and the chicks at work lined up for that dick.  


My cousin decided to be baby momma number 4 to Tyrone and is currently fuming mad that he doesn't help raise his bastard.  🤷‍♂️


If women's intuition did anything for them there wouldn't be all these single moms running around crying about the lack of good men.

Women will only freely give up their bodies for sex to a man that embodies a lot of Satanic Energy, or Luciferic Energy, or Christic Energy. They will also give up their bodies without any manipulation to a man that embodies a varying combination and varying degrees of the three energies I have mentioned. A Mormon girl actually yelled out loud at me “I want to fuck you!”  I was so disgusted by her. Men that embody the energies I mentioned are uncommon to rare. Their rarity depends on how much of the energies that I mentioned they contain. The more they have, the more rare they are. 

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2 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

It took me a long time to finally find out that what Cornholio meant by "TP" was toilet paper.

funny u mention toilet paper cuz this morning i was thinkin up a fiendish practical joke involving toilet paper.


next wedding reception party you go to thats at someone's house. go to the bathroom. unroll most of the toilet paper. write with a pen just one word. "SUP!"

then reroll it as best you can where its unnoticable you unrolled it.

2 weeks after the wedding reception party, theyll be on the bowl, and they are gonna get the surprise of a lifetime.

theyll def spend that day checking under their bed and checking every closet lol.



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