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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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2 hours ago, Reticently said:

Yeah, they kind of do.  Like, not everyone is as dumb about it as your reddit person, obviously.  But people who were mostly taken care of in their childhood (which is kind of the goal) have a tendency to try to live right at the edge of their means because everything always worked out for them in the past.  Which basically sets them up for the poverty trap once things get out of hand.


While I don't think a person of average intelligence is necessarily stupid, most people seem to try to get through life not thinking too hard about much of anything, if they don't immediately have to.

Honestly I can't figure out how someone could get to their 20s and not have any inkling about stuff like this, especially if they didn't grow up rich. It's even more amazing to me that they'd need "don't spend money you don't have/don't spend more than you make/pay your bills on time" explained to them.

Edited by DoctaMario
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My parents own their own business so I was taught budgeting and I've been debt free for a long time.  It's pretty nice not owing any money, I can quit my job any time I feel like it and still be fine financially.


I have my five year old price comparing, couponing and budgeting.  I think it's great practice for real life, and I reward her with a toy that she bought with her "savings" from time to time.


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3 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

I remember some woman on Reddit complaining how she and her husband and their 2 kids were having trouble making the rent and were having trouble to the point that she and the husband were skipping meals so the kids could eat. When I asked what bills they had, she replied that they had subscriptions to nearly every streaming app under the sun, PSN, Nintendo Switch Online, as well as a $200 per month internet bill. When I read this, I was basically a living version of that Jackie Chan meme.


Do folks really need someone to teach them how not to spend money on things they can't afford, how to make a budget, and how to pay their bills on time? These three things are pretty much the bedrock of not getting yourself into trouble financially and are how-to-wipe-your-ass levels of basic.

I'm definitely one of those mellilenials who really could've used some financial education and structure in my 20s. Make a lot of dumb decisions due to not knowing better. And not thinking long term which I've corrected.


However. I've always at least had the sense. To always have at least a few months worth of my total bills and rent stashed up. I've never been stressed to pay my bills. Wether I was in between jobs or not.


But thank God for the internet. A lot of financial education is a click away. So there's no excuse now. I'm now rebuilding my stock portfolio. And putting things in place to buy a property in the next 3 years.

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9 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

I remember some woman on Reddit complaining how she and her husband and their 2 kids were having trouble making the rent and were having trouble to the point that she and the husband were skipping meals so the kids could eat. When I asked what bills they had, she replied that they had subscriptions to nearly every streaming app under the sun, PSN, Nintendo Switch Online, as well as a $200 per month internet bill. When I read this, I was basically a living version of that Jackie Chan meme.


Do folks really need someone to teach them how not to spend money on things they can't afford, how to make a budget, and how to pay their bills on time? These three things are pretty much the bedrock of not getting yourself into trouble financially and are how-to-wipe-your-ass levels of basic.



Well, just look at our government and their spending...

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Oh no... I thought it was just a joke or song parody at first but I heard a bit of that horrid Awkwafina song for Little Mermaid... holy shit man... it's one of the worst things I've heard in years.  Good thing I happen to *not* be the parent of a little girl right now since that would mean I'd have no choice but to see that shit-ass movie and endure that ridiculous "song".  I feel sorry for all the Dads out there at this time that must now suffer through this one....perhaps you could mentally block it out and tinker around on your phone or a portable system while in the theater?  I guess that wouldn't work out since I'm sure the kid will notice and be like "Dad look look!" and then you have to resume paying attention to it.

One of my friends has 3 kids but he lucked out on this issue because he only has boys.... of course it's unlikely they will want to see this movie.  Somewhere there's probably some dads that came up with a lie that they were busy---like "eh, I got this manager meeting in Knoxville that weekend..." so it falls on the kid's mom to take her to see it. I'm wondering what movies my parents probably secretly hated but had to endure because I wanted to see it.  


I bet there's probably some funny bloopers behind the scenes though, where she and other people in the recording session may have been cracking up laughing while trying to record that sounds like she's actually making "quack" sounds like a duck at some point. 😆

Edited by MillionX
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11 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

Do folks really need someone to teach them how not to spend money on things they can't afford,



Edit: But let's also not pretend the problem is simply people spending money on stuff they can't afford. We all know good budgeting and money management is a whole fuck load more then just that. We don't teach people to budget, how to properly save, how to grow money at all, how banks and their interest growths work, how credit works, how to take what little you have and make it go farther. I learned fuck all about any of this stuff in school, my dad's parents barely understood it (my grandfather had a 4th grade educstion on my dad's side)  so he didn't know, and my mother's parents who were rich didn't teach her shit, even tho they should have, so I didn't learn any of it either. Had to teach myself through trial and error and a good chunk of wasted money, and I still barely understand anything above a rudimentary level of savings. I don't know fuck all about stocks or any of that shit 


58% of Americans in 2023 live paycheck to paycheck and not all of them are just buying PS5s they can't afford, or have a bunch of goofy stream services. Most of us really are trying we just don't have the education to navigate this horse shit stacked ass fucking system that no one tells us the inner workings of at all. 

Edited by RSG3
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IMO financial education is really where people really make the worst decisions and totally fuck themselves.  That's why I'm making sure both of my kids really understand those fundamentals as early as possible.


I had a Pharmacy technician I work with ask me if I would buy a BMW and I told them absolutely not because of the maintenance costs associated with them.  I specifically told them if they would sweat a 3-5k repair bill that they shouldn't consider a BMW.  They decided to buy one anyway and when it broke down they couldn't afford to fix it, and now they know why they bought it for so cheap, lol.

Edited by J-ride
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My car is now 20 years old and has 99k miles.


I take it for oil change/tire rotation every 6 months. Aside from occasional big charges like door lock actuator or something, my repair bills are usually $250 - $400. 


It has some scratches here and there,but it gets me from a to b safely.


Automatic transmission

Power steering

Power windows and locks


Keyless entry


It's not pretty,but it is functional like me😅

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14 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

Do folks really need someone to teach them how not to spend money on things they can't afford, how to make a budget, and how to pay their bills on time? These three things are pretty much the bedrock of not getting yourself into trouble financially and are how-to-wipe-your-ass levels of basic.

I was 17 when a started college. The student loans were my debt. The most money I'd ever owed someone up to that point was $20, so yeah a class teaching finance should be a requirement to graduate. I didn't fathom that I wouldn't pay those off until 14 years later. And I actually paid on my loans while i was in school. I couldn't vote, couldn't buy cigarettes, couldn't buy alcohol, and I wanted to go into the marines but I couldn't because my parents wouldn't sign to give me permission. Yet, I was given loans in the 10's of thousands of dollars. Not mention the the credit card offers.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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20 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

My car is now 20 years old and has 99k miles.


I take it for oil change/tire rotation every 6 months. Aside from occasional big charges like door lock actuator or something, my repair bills are usually $250 - $400. 


It has some scratches here and there,but it gets me from a to b safely.


Automatic transmission

Power steering

Power windows and locks


Keyless entry


It's not pretty,but it is functional like me😅

I have 200k on my daily driver.  I see no point in replacing it because my kids will just tear up a new car anyway.  I buy cars new but I change the oil every 5k miles and I drive the car until it's DEAD.  Flexing your car is for single guys, I don't care about that shit.

Edited by J-ride
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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:



Semi related. Or maybe not related much tbh, but something that came to mind reading this.

You know something that I find funny and sad.

That here in my country, is more expensive to go to a private school than at a private university.


Dunno how it became to that point here, lol

If I were to sent a kid of mine to the school I went, I would spent more than double of the money that I spent from when I studied my career on a same period of time, and that is not counting for inflation.

Edited by Hecatom
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6 hours ago, J-ride said:

I tell younger people at my work who are looking for financial/budgeting advice to check out Clark Howard. 


I will give them more advice if they want it.  Most of the time people don't want solutions to what they are complaining about lol.

That very last sentence, in which that can't stressed enough in these times. I was telling this to my younger siblings, but the one a generation younger than me never do what I and others advised him to do. Instead, alcoholism and past incarnation defined him for worst. I've done more than enough in taking care of people when I couldn't afford to.


At the end, you can show a man or woman love, but be tough at it, so they may become stronger as their lifespan allow. We're a working progress at the end.

Edited by Emptyeyes_
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Hell of a good haul today on the tv/movies front--- I picked up a dvd of Mystery Science Theater 3000 - "The Essentials"...this was a major one since it includes their episode of Manos: The Hands of Fate! (original air date was in January of 1993)...and another episode with Santa Claus Conquers the Martians.  Manos of course is one of the most legendary bad films of all time.


In addition to the MST3k I finally got Salem's Lot on blu-ray, and season 7 of Chicago PD (I'll get season 6 later; these 2 were top priority for me in acquiring that series... that finale from 6 continued into the first episode of 7 was incredible.)  Then I stopped by some other places today and found the original Tron on blu-ray for just 4 bucks!  Best Buy also had a major one----HEAVY METAL on 4k.  It was forever ago when I first saw that, and I figure that's one of those that will disappear forever if I didn't take the opportunity to get it now on 4k physical media.  It was from way back when gorgeous 2d art/animation was still a thing that could end up on the big screen


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20 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

Honestly I can't figure out how someone could get to their 20s and not have any inkling about stuff like this, especially if they didn't grow up rich. It's even more amazing to me that they'd need "don't spend money you don't have/don't spend more than you make/pay your bills on time" explained to them.

the future is going to go further downhill, mainly because math in general is considered to be racist.  Finance isn't going to mean shit when the next gen can't do basic math. 


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I just saw Fast X (your seatbelts)...




Jason Momoa's deranged performance  as villain Dante and John Cena as "heroic"  Jakob


Action: The bomb in Rome sequence, the final battle and the Cypher/Letty fight



The use of "altered" flashbacks  for exposition


The pacing suffers a little due to the plot device of separating the team into 4-5 "threads" for a large part of the runtime


too many characters- Some are basically cameos and unnecessary but added due to their long standing tenure in the franchise


Overall:  Slightly better than F9, but not as good as 5-8 and Hobbes/Shaw



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1 hour ago, Chadouken said:

I'm fucking dying pls send help 😂🤣😭

Seriously. Think about it: The very first song is her singing about she’s better than everyone and how intellectually bored she is cause the bitch knows how to read while all the towns folk are singing about just trying to live day to day.  She’s a cunt. 

The servants that live in beasts castle don’t even care about her as a person. They just care it’s a girl that can lead to their freedom and you know, them not dying. They literally groom her to be for the Prince while never learning about her outside of the bitch knows how to read so they bribe her with a library. 

The beast doesn’t give a shit about her either. He’s like “man, if I bone this bitch I can break the spell and all ya’ll mother fuckers will finally stfu? FINE I GUESS!” He gave fuck all about dying or them dying. Didn’t even put in the effort. Depression is a bitch but the dude deserves the curse. 

Seriously Everytime I dwell on it I wonder wtf the prince did to make them so loyal to him since he’s so abusive towards all them. I honestly think none of them are actual loyal to him but they just have to put up with his bullshit cause they got roped into his dumb ass drama with some witch that cursed him cause like bell, he’s a right cunt 


Also, what kind of dude kidnaps a chicks dad to get her to like him? That’s not it bro. That’s some Andrew Tate assert your dominance dumb shit.

There’s red flags fucking everywhere. Not just from him but bell from belle too. And just the stuff I mentioned earlier. The fact she stayed basically for books, and then later for killing the dude who was trying to Mack on her and she didn’t like. So she was like “beast, get this dude and we’ll bonezone. You can even wear the cape” 


Also, after the spell is broken, you really think beast is gunna magically change back from being a shit hole to his servants? Or to her? From throwing innocent people in a dungeon, being an emotional abusive fuck and LITERAL MURSER?! Probably not. Also, also, how the fuck do you think her fucking dad feels about it? “Dad, I’m gunna stay shacked up with the dude who threw you and jail and threatened to keep you there until you died unless I lived with him” 




there’s so much more I could talk about. I fucking hate Belle and just BatB as a whole. 


This whole bullshit story started cause they taught a women to read.



Im voting for DeSantis now. Keep banning them books, Florida. 

Edited by iStu X
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7 hours ago, zatalcon3 said:

I have a question for you leftists here.

If a trans-male and trans-female made a sex tape, would that be considered straight porn or gay porn? 

There was an article about a trans-male marrying a trans-female.


8 hours ago, J-ride said:

Cinderella is also high tier if not top.  Ariel is absolute dog shit for sure though.

Isn't Sleeping Beauty and Snow White the same story? Both get poisoned by an evil queen or something with an apple. I know there are 2 different princesses who get poisoned.


Is there a Mr. Ingof? A Mr. Jack Ingof?



Chick out he video. The commentators. Who allowed this 🤣







Ian taking off his 2nd place medal in the closing ceremony:



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5 hours ago, Lantis said:

One would think the actual ages of the Disney princesses would raise more eyebrows than their race, yet here we are..... how old are the Disney Princesses%3F According,years old Cinderella and Tiana%3A 19 years old


Disney is aware of this as you may have noticed the ages change as society has. 



Taking Disney Princess movies this serious

@RSG3Working for the mouse, I kind of have to in some form. 

Edited by TheInfernoman
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I want my questioned about the transgender love discussed here because it is mind boggling. What do transgenders go for? If a trans-male (a female who became a male) goes for real females, then that's not gay because we are supposed to think of the trans-male as an actual male. However, if they go for real male's that biologically wouldn't be gay either. The only thing way they would be able to stay with in the LGBT rules is if they hook up with the same trans-type, meaning a trans-male hooks up with another trans-male, thing is why put in all that effort and money to be trans when they could have just remained as lesbians? 

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