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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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Just now, Maxx said:

Never gonna happen since the figurehead of the fgc wanna be the good guys and keep saying they are part of the fgc. 

Smashers act like they are their own thing, use their own terminology, Smash isn't even a fighting game.
What is next, should we get Professional Chess into the FGC? 

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1 hour ago, Serpent said:

The FGC can't even agree on notation, partly because they can't seem to be bothered to actually do written resources anymore and would rather just have videos scattered around on youtube and social media. There are more resources today than ever, but it's a hell of a lot more "work" too. Some people are getting paid now, but most people never will, yet everyone's putting in way more work.


Smashers and unga Kens might be the last group of people that just are in it to have fun.

Someone actually made a website for fgc terminology recently.they teamed with hifight. It has all the terms and what games it's used for, as well. As examples. 



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1 minute ago, KingTubb said:

Yo, this thread is wild. 


I was kinda kidding about FGC people fighting about what a shoto is, but people legit arguing in there 🤣

Dawg these fights are all over my Twitter feed. I was fucking dying. Especially because fgc was bullying them about ewgf jokes for Kazuya and they got aegis reflectored and Went on the defense over this 

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5 hours ago, MillionX said:

bruh... so the "palette-swap" shenanigans are happening with ACTUAL people in history as well?!?! 🤣

Well, I look forward to that Barbara Walters biopic in a few years with someone that looks like Lupita Nyongo playing Barbara.... or how about a George Washington mini-series featuring Idris Elba as George? 😆


Later on, we get Zac Effron playing Obama 🤣


hahaha imagine if someone produces a biopic about Dr. Martin Luther King....with John Leguizamo as MLK...

Oh boy.  You KNOW I gotta call him in now.  Mr. Heston?  It's that time again.......................




I Figured this would happen sooner or later.  I thought it would be in America first, but it hit across the pond first.  LOL.  Anne Boyelyn eh?  I wonder who we're gonna hit with the player 2 palette swap next?  Which historical figure of history will get it next?


Napoleon Bonaparte played by.................................................Dwayne,"The Rock"Johnson

George washington played by...................Denzel Washington.(And he could probably pull it off too.)

General george Custer played by........................MASTER P

annie oakley played by .................................................MICHELLE OBAMA

Abraham Lincoln played by.................................Katt Williams
Shaka Zulu played by..............DOLLY PARTON!?!?!? 👀


lol.  Now I see why Dangerous J does this casting roll,   Calls.  This is fun.


Edited by Deadly_Raver
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45 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

Streamers and Commenters aren't the FGC 

The actual players are. 

Streamers are players.. Commentators have influence and still regularly play. They are all players when you get down to it. This isnt like the NFL or NBA where a commentator hasn't touched the game in 1000 years. They all play and enter tournaments. 


Literally everyone who is playing at a decent level is a streamer in 2021. We aren't having in face tournaments unless your a troglodite state like Florida. 

That's a weird statement to me. 

Edited by Maxx
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sheeeittt, Yipes is still my favorite overall commentator, man... there was some other dude I forget the name of that he was usually paired with and it was entertainment gold every time on the mic. with those guys.


edit---here's the trailer for that Anne Boleyn movie:

Another one because this shit is fun--- 

Clarence Thomas --- starring Richard Dreyfuss

biopic of Kamala Harris, featuring Catherine Zeta Jones as Kamala

"Whitney" --- miniseries about Whitney Houston... featuring Michelle Yeoh as Whitney.

"No Chance in Hell" --the life story of Vince K. McMahon... with Method Man as Vince.  


ohoooooo no, some girl tried to defend bonnets against Kevin Samuels of all people


Edited by MillionX
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Shoto for me has always meant bread and butter character whom anyone can pick up and easily learn the game with and do relatively well. Thats generally been true. Not always but generally. 


So Ky and Sol would be GGs Shotos.


The Mishimas would probably be Tekkens Shotos, but not in Smash. That's Mario and Luigi imo. 

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Shoto to me is the fireball and uppercut motion archetype of character that Capcom, SNK, and a couple of other developers made sure were in every 2D fighting game they put out in the 90s so that arcade players would be more comfortable dropping quarters in because they already feel like they know how to play.


But who cares?  Smashers want so badly to be wrong about something, why is it worth anyone's time correcting them?

Edited by Reticently
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6 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Shoto for me has always meant bread and butter character whom anyone can pick up and easily learn the game with and do relatively well. Thats generally been true. Not always but generally. 


So Ky and Sol would be GGs Shotos.


The Mishimas would probably be Tekkens Shotos, but not in Smash. That's Mario and Luigi imo. 

I pretty much agree. The only addition I have is some sort of projectile (usually some sort of energy wave/plasma) and some sort of uppercut. 


With this talk about community, it reminds me of the following positions


  • Every era of hip hop stating that the succeeding era is garbage.  
  • How people who think only the 1984 Transformers series is Transformers and Beast Wars and all that come after is ass. 
  • MMA today isn't the real MMA
  • Dodge Charger shouldn't have four doors

Demographics change over time. Once it becomes more accessible, the landscape changes. 

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haha, one of the social low points I remember and still laugh about...back in the day, an old friend wanted me to speak to this girl that he had a major crush on. (e.g.--something like "..could you see if she would go out with me?")  I wish I could go back in time and record that.... the shit was hilarious for SO many reasons.  I forgot the exact words but I still remember the look on her face like it was yesterday....she had this look of disgust like " can't be serious."  It was a struggle to keep from laughing right there.  

Mannnn, she was all like

Ew Reaction GIF I don't think she would've hooked up with him even if he just straight up paid for it.  She was indeed a cute one....definitely wayyyy out of his league.  Later on the phone when updating him on the situation, there were moments when I had to mute the phone so I could laugh again.


On another note, another friend finally got the new Xbox... at Gamestop; supposedly they had a new shipment.  I checked but still no such luck for me.  They had an S-model but nah, fuck that. (*haha see the above wonderful gif for my reaction to the S.)

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6 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Shoto for me has always meant bread and butter character whom anyone can pick up and easily learn the game with and do relatively well. Thats generally been true. Not always but generally. 


So Ky and Sol would be GGs Shotos.


The Mishimas would probably be Tekkens Shotos, but not in Smash. That's Mario and Luigi imo. 

The irony being that Charge-Type characters were created specifically to be the beginner friendly characters, without the hassle of motions, much less the O.G. SRK (all 3 inputs required).


Shotos have always been the main long range zoning characters.


They're not the easiest to play, imo.

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3 minutes ago, iStu X said:

I just had fast food for the first time since starting my diet in early May and I feel absolutely disgusting and want to vomit. 

This is why I always tell people to get cardio in. I can tell you've been doing cardio. People say oh you need to do so much to burn fat, it's not worth it, it's all calories in.


But that's ignoring that cardio especially is an appetite suppressant and fitness in general changes your body's natural dietary craving. It's simply easier to eat healthy if you're active.


I'm not a huge fan of a "diet" specifically, I think it's more cleaning up naturally. Nothing short term, albeit you might want to try some keto here and there, but generally long term dietary choices.


That being said, the occasional fast food is perfectly fine. Especially on a rest and recovery week.

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18 minutes ago, Serpent said:

I can tell you've been doing cardio.

Except I haven’t been. I haven’t even stepped foot in the gym or exercised at home/local areas. 

18 minutes ago, Serpent said:

I'm not a huge fan of a "diet" specifically, I think it's more cleaning up naturally. Nothing short term, albeit you might want to try some keto here and there, but generally long term dietary choices.

Im essentially doing keto right now and due to my own medical conditions it’s a diet I plan on keeping for the long haul. 


18 minutes ago, Serpent said:

That being said, the occasional fast food is perfectly fine. Especially on a rest and recovery week.

Hard disagree. Even the thought of stuff like pizza and fast food makes me nauseous now. The fast food was out of convenience, my own laziness and not wanting to cook since I had already cooked 3 times today.


I regret eating it entirely. not just out of principal of my diet but because it’s made me feel this sick. 

Edited by iStu X
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16 hours ago, OPTIMUS124 said:
15 hours ago, TheInfernoman said: head reading that.


Maybe it was better to have gatekeeping after all.

 Once it becomes more accessible, the landscape changes. 

Unpopular opinion: Things becoming more accessible means some degree of gatekeeping is needed. The problem with the FGC now is that people (who are more than likely trying to get paid) want to open up the clubhouse to anyone and everyone and not have any sort of metric as to what makes you a member of the "club." Every club worth joining has a price of some kind and if it doesn't, then it's probably not worth joining. 

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35 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Things becoming more accessible means some degree of gatekeeping is needed.

I see where you're coming from, cast a wide net, you'll get a toilet seat, boot, and tire along with all the good fish. 

It's a catch 22, honestly. FGC is trying to generate interest, cause the amount of people  in it is pretty tiny. To put it this way:

Lots of FGC people (me included) were really excited that Strive peaked at 30k simultaneous players last week. The only fighting game to ever do better numbers is Dragon Ball Fighterz (44K). 

But then you look at DOTA 2 and it has 400k, right now, at 8:30 in the morning EST. 


Are MOBAs communities shitty? From the outside it sure seems like it, but they don't have to worry that their favorite game is going to disappear or stop being supported any time soon like a lot fighting game players do.


So you get in the rock and a hard place situation of:

Do you cast that wide net, get a huge player base and stay financially healthy

Or do you dig in your heels, hope that the people that have been supporting you shill your game so they have some one to play and you make enough cash


Edited by KingTubb
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11 hours ago, JHDK said:

The irony being that Charge-Type characters were created specifically to be the beginner friendly characters, without the hassle of motions, much less the O.G. SRK (all 3 inputs required).


Shotos have always been the main long range zoning characters.


They're not the easiest to play, imo.

I find charge characters far far far harder then motion characters. 

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42 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

I find charge characters far far far harder then motion characters. 

I think some genuinely are.


This, however, goes against what the creators explicitly state their intention behind charge inputs was.


Further, for a portion of those who are dedicated FGs players, perhaps motion characters are easier.


But that ease comes from years if not decades of muscle training and memory.


Further still, we have the aforementioned decades of FGs already being in the wild.


Perhaps the fact of so many charge characters being more difficult  for you, is simply due to bad design that strayed from the initial concept.


The O.G. WW charge characters had really good buttons. Their specials were gravy. Guile simply had really meaty gravy.




after all, and Sim was great for reasons far beyond a slow to execute slow moving projectile and a flaming antiair.


Guile had great buttons.


Chun WAS great buttons.


Gief is the only top character with truly standout motion attacks, and he needed to get in and get that knockdown.


It is rather funny that the characters who relied more on their motion inputs, which were intended to be the more advanced characters, were the worst in the game.


Later mechanics like charge partioning are for masturbating robots, and only serve to diminish the fundamental formula of the genre, mechanically.

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The only times I really played charge characters was in 3S. All the inner mechanics and how charge moves were done was fantastic. Being able to charge for a Urien head butt during dash animations was mind blowing. 

Towards the end of playing super turbo I mained Deejay. I don’t really know why? I just really enjoyed his play style and how his combos flowed. I think a lot of it also had to do with just being bored of playing Ryu. 

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5 hours ago, KingTubb said:

I see where you're coming from, cast a wide net, you'll get a toilet seat, boot, and tire along with all the good fish. 

It's a catch 22, honestly. FGC is trying to generate interest, cause the amount of people  in it is pretty tiny. To put it this way:

Lots of FGC people (me included) were really excited that Strive peaked at 30k simultaneous players last week. The only fighting game to ever do better numbers is Dragon Ball Fighterz (44K). 

But then you look at DOTA 2 and it has 400k, right now, at 8:30 in the morning EST. 


Are MOBAs communities shitty? From the outside it sure seems like it, but they don't have to worry that their favorite game is going to disappear or stop being supported any time soon like a lot fighting game players do.


So you get in the rock and a hard place situation of:

Do you cast that wide net, get a huge player base and stay financially healthy

Or do you dig in your heels, hope that the people that have been supporting you shill your game so they have some one to play and you make enough cash


If there's anything I've learned from being in the music industry, it's that changing what you do to hopefully please looky-loos and outsiders never works out. If they stick around, they expect to be catered to, if they don't, now you're in a situation where you have a community trying to be something it's not. If people are forced to approach the community on its own terms rather than expecting a red carpet to be rolled out for them, it will make the community all the better.


May sound selfish, but I don't care whether people like James Chen get paid or not if it makes the community worse in the process. What happens to the FGC at large doesn't affect me one iota because I'll still be playing the games I like with the other people who continue to play them, or by myself if I have to, but it's a shame to see so much infighting going on because the FGC decided to accept anyone and everyone instead of just people who were willing to do what it took to be a part of it. 

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1 hour ago, Chadouken said:

I prefer charge characters slightly more than others, but I have a lot of fun playing either. 


I love Ballrag's moves.  He's easily my favorite character in Street Fighter.  Because he's fucking awesome.

Tyson is pretty much my favorite fighter of all time, too.

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