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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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12 hours ago, J-ride said:

Is it still customary to clap if the pilot lands the plane that badly? 

So, the angled approach is an actual piloting technique used when you have to land a plan in extremely prohibitive winds. You can tell by the amount of drift after the initial approach that the winds must have been brutal. It's definitely not easy to pull off (as you can see) but it has been done before successfully.

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5 hours ago, Camacho said:

That stuff and Lutefisk would be a pretty rough mental hurdle.

My roommate in college was from Thailand and he was obsessed with finding the most disgusting foods imaginable.  So I ate some pretty gross shit from the Asian market, but nothing compared toömming it smells like rancid meat. 


From the wiki:

"In 1981, a German landlord evicted a tenant without notice after the tenant spread surströmming brine in the apartment building's stairwell. When the landlord was taken to court, the court ruled that the termination was justified when the landlord's party demonstrated their case by opening a can inside the courtroom. The court concluded that it "had convinced itself that the disgusting smell of the fish brine far exceeded the degree that fellow-tenants in the building could be expected to tolerate."

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heh, it's funny the reputation surstromming has.  I've never tried it, but the ONLY commentary I've seen on it seems to be a general consensus that it is one of the most disgusting foods in the world by a longshot.  There is also one called hakarl from Iceland which is rotten fishmeat---I heard about it on Jeopardy one day:ákarl  😆

its a no from me dawg GIF

More for the category of "foods you'd have to pay me a LOT of money to even consider eating"

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6 hours ago, MillionX said:

There is also one called hakarl from Iceland which is rotten fishmeat---I heard about it on Jeopardy one day:ákarl  😆


i actually watched the entire show of Vikings recently.

when the show first dropped many years ago. i think 2013 i watched it on tv then on hulu.

i watched the first 3 seasons repeatedly. but never all seasons. until this year.

well anyway. final season the vikings reach iceland and greenland and theres scarce food.

and they had to eat rotten fish. cuz no food no crops no nothing.

so that fetish food comes from history im guessing. at least the show implies.


btw thats a great show.

if you like game of thrones youll like history channel's Vikings. its essentially the exact same thing as GOT except no dragons. but all the intrigue backstabbing and duplicity is there. i didnt realize all 6 seasons are great. 

also the spin off vikings valhalla is coming to netflix on feb 25 i think.


plus that tv show shows you how cool white people were...before christianity.

they all wore fur coats, draped in gold, rocked tats, and had funky fresh hair styles.

sorta like modern day hip hop stars.

when white peeps were cool.


Edited by VirginDefiler
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On 1/31/2022 at 10:35 AM, NinetiesArcades said:

Just finished watching season 3 of 'The Sinner' series in Netflix;  Bill Pullman as a defective aging detective is op af. Thoroughly enjoyed the 8 eps from start to finish; excellent writing, amazing acting and the story pacing is just right, like peeling an onion. I enjoyed the premise of the story; why seemingly normal folks commit horrible crimes. Can't wait for season 4; hope it continues the hype!

never heard of the show but im down for a good detective show

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USA's "gross cultural food" of legend is definitely chitterlings/"shitlins".  I'm not sure why anyone here in the 21st century would still willingly eat that old poor-ass slave scraps "food".  That shit is horrible.... an aunt had otherwise good taste in terms of the foods she liked cooking....but she also liked to make and eat chit'lins.  It's another thing you'd have to pay me to eat.


Another note way out of left field... I heard an interesting thing on one of those alien/UFO shows that in 1981, the newly-inaugurated President Reagan being rumored to have had a briefing on the UFO/Alien situation.  He supposedly met with CIA, advisors, and special "caretakers" of the information....basically it's how I always imagined this kind of thing would play out behind the scenes ( ...with of course, things really starting for the U.S. with the Roswell incident in 1947.

A little taste here....oh yeah it's good stuff:

After a short break, The Caretaker began the briefing.

“Mr. President, as was mentioned earlier, I must say, that this briefing has the highest classification within the U.S. government. I will start with a slide presentation. I have most of this briefing on the slides, but I also have an outline that I have passed out to each in attendance.”

“The United States of America has been visited by extraterrestrial visitors since 1947. We have proof of that. However, we also have some proof that earth has been visited for many thousands of years by various races of extraterrestrial visitors.”

“Mr. President, I'll just refer to those visits as ETs. In July, 1947, a remarkable event occurred in New Mexico. During a storm, two ET spacecraft crashed. One crashed southwest of Corona, New Mexico and one crashed near Datil, New Mexico. The U.S. Army eventually found both sites and recovered all of the debris and one live Alien. I'll refer to this live Alien as ‘EBE 1.’"

“Mr. President, EBE means ‘Extraterrestrial Biological Entity.’ It was a code designated to this creature by the U.S. Army back in those days. This creature was not human and we had to decide on a term for it. So, scientists designated the creature as EBE 1.”

A movie or show about this would be fascinating to me... I guess the series X-Files back in the day came close enough to being that, actually....of course I was a big-time fan of got stale when Mulder left though... fortunately the show had kinda run its course anyway by that point.


Another interesting tidbit:

“In the 1976 MJ-12 report, it was estimated that the aliens' technology was many thousands of years ahead of ours. Our scientists speculated that until our technology develops to a level equal to the aliens, we cannot understand the large volume of scientific information we have gained from the aliens' craft. This advancement of our technology may take many hundreds of years.”

“ … Mr. President, time is very different on the Eben Planet, which, by the way, we call SERPO. Their day is approximately 40 hours. That is measured by the movement of their two suns. The solar system containing SERPO is a binary star system, or two suns, rather than one, like our solar system.”


Edited by MillionX
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Charles Oakley Rips ‘Fat Slob’ Charles Barkley For Criticizing Current NBA Players: ‘You Ain’t Taking Care Of Yourself To Talk About Somebody’



“He talks too much,” Oakley said of the TNT analyst on The Breakfast Club. “Back then you didn’t talk, now you talking cause these young kids all care about you. I see you on TV talking stuff and you a fat slob. You ain’t taking care of yourself to talk about somebody.”

Oakley then revealed he’s still not over a physical altercation he got into with Barkley more than 20 years ago. “He violated code,” Oakley explained. “He violated code when he tried to hit me on my cheek. I don’t play like that.”




Oakley said he doesn’t care if more than two decades have passed by since his tussle with Barkley, he’s still upset. “It don’t matter,” he explained. “I still gotta pay, so he still got to pay.”

Even though Oakley is clearly still bothered by their altercation, he’s not looking for an apology from Barkley. “It is what it is. I mean, I don’t need an apology from him, he ain’t nobody.”

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2 hours ago, MillionX said:

Another note way out of left field... I heard an interesting thing on one of those alien/UFO shows that in 1981, the newly-inaugurated President Reagan being rumored to have had a briefing on the UFO/Alien situation.  He supposedly met with CIA, advisors, and special "caretakers" of the information....basically it's how I always imagined this kind of thing would play out behind the scenes ( ...with of course, things really starting for the U.S. with the Roswell incident in 1947.

A little taste here....oh yeah it's good stuff:

Dude- they got here almost exactly two years after the Manhattan Project's Trinity test. The bomb was detonated in July 1945,  just 140 miles west of the where the UFO crashed in July 1947. This was the first  nuclear detonation and it was like we rang a bell throughout the galaxy, signaling to whatever is out there that we took a huge step with technology. They detected the shift in our technological capability and started visiting us to monitor our progress with it (and maybe to even interfere).


It's no coincidence that all this happened in the same area around the same time. Our nuclear weapons put us on the galactic map and other beings noticed us. 

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That would be interesting and make sense that certain major tech advancements would draw attention, and perhaps some of them chose to check in on us yet again.


oh yeah I need more of that alleged briefing if I can find it... it's too good... they go on to mention, as most probably suspect by now... multiple races of alien visitors in recent least that they knew of at the time.  Reagan was informed of "at least 5"; 1 of them being described as "hostile" (apparently the ones that abduct humans and experiment on them).


Another possible reason for keeping it all a secret at all cost---something much more disturbing, actually... what if that's a result of a certain agreement that was reached....say there was contact, and they are the ones that made that decision long ago...that the general public is not ready to be formally aware, at least not yet.  In that scenario, those in the know would have no choice in the matter, considering we are faced with a species that has tech that is far beyond anything we had then or now.  It would be preferable to not end up being seen as a "problem" to them.


edit---actually... speaking of X-Files from earlier; the network "Comet" shows it every day, I just remembered... there's several episodes on tonight, starting now [season 5, episode 4 "Detour"]!  Scully is looking so tasty as usual.


Edited by MillionX
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Creatine low key be legal magic. Lol. Im def noticing real gains in my lifts. A week or two ago i was benching 175 for two sets of 8... Im already hitting two sets of twleve. Which means i can junp up to 180/185. Im gonna keep it at 175 though for at least 1 week or two. Im worried imma burn my arms out again and injure myself. 


I like to be able to do 5x5 for lifts or two sets of 12 before i jump to the next weight up. 

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7 hours ago, Maxx said:

Creatine low key be legal magic. Lol. Im def noticing real gains in my lifts. A week or two ago i was benching 175 for two sets of 8... Im already hitting two sets of twleve. Which means i can junp up to 180/185. Im gonna keep it at 175 though for at least 1 week or two. Im worried imma burn my arms out again and injure myself. 


I like to be able to do 5x5 for lifts or two sets of 12 before i jump to the next weight up. 

I heard the creatine just water weight that comes off after awhile, definitely seemed like it shortly after I stopped taking it and lifting. 


I'm curious cuz I'm not too knowledgeable about it. Any more insight into that, fam? 

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25 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

I heard the creatine just water weight that comes off after awhile, definitely seemed like it shortly after I stopped taking it and lifting. 


I'm curious cuz I'm not too knowledgeable about it. Any more insight into that, fam? 

Creatine reduces muscle soreness which allows you to workout harder and more often. Its been ages been when I went the gym I was sore as hell going three times a week. On Creatine I was going five times a week. I increased my bench by 50% in two weeks.

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5 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Creatine reduces muscle soreness which allows you to workout harder and more often. Its been ages been when I went the gym I was sore as hell going three times a week. On Creatine I was going five times a week. I increased my bench by 50% in two weeks.

That part I definitely understand, was just curious if you'd lose all that mass you built up if you stop taking it. I'd probably get back on it if I knew my gains would stick after I stop using the supplement 

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6 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

That part I definitely understand, was just curious if you'd lose all that mass you built up if you stop taking it. I'd probably get back on it if I knew my gains would stick after I stop using the supplement 

You don't lose anything you build. It's only helps with your recovery. You simply can work out more often because you aren't so sore.

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39 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

That part I definitely understand, was just curious if you'd lose all that mass you built up if you stop taking it. I'd probably get back on it if I knew my gains would stick after I stop using the supplement 

I sont believe you lose "mass", it's not like a steroid where once you jump off it it all comes off. Its like a reallocation of water fluids to ypur muscles, so the water retention can make you look "bloated" or bigger due to it. But if i understand it once your off it you still retain all muscle benefits and now back to normal water weight. 

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