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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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1 minute ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

I agree. Yet we all know that if you campaign slogan sucks, your movement has an uphill battle. As mentioned, there's more nuance than just saying "defund the police". The issue is that it's not conveyed very well especially when there is the extremely vocal minority who thinks police need to have their budgets wiped and departments abolished. 

"Defund" is exactly what the people pushing for that meant until they got a lot of pushback from people who'd thought through the ramifications of that more than they themselves had, at which point they went with the "well, what I REALLY mean by 'defund' is..." tack. 

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10 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

"Defund" is exactly what the people pushing for that meant until they got a lot of pushback from people who'd thought through the ramifications of that more than they themselves had, at which point they went with the "well, what I REALLY mean by 'defund' is..." tack. 

I understood what it meant from the jump pretty much, cuz I actually bothered to read what it entails and listen to ppl who were for and against it. Kinda need to actually listen to both sides of an issue before making a decision. The word "Defund" threw me off but after doing my due diligence I understood it fine


But when ppl already make up their mind about something from the jump, I doubt educating themselves on it was on their to do list🤷🏾‍♂️


But whichever side you are on on this issue, what we're doing now clearly is NOT working, that much we may can agree on. If not defund, then ppl need to start coming up with better solutions to this policing problem,


I got a 6 year old nephew, I don't want him to be killed by some robber in the street trying to make a buck or some Gung ho cop just for existing so I'd definitely support whatever solution that makes things better


Edited by HD-Man
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14 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

I understood what it meant from the jump pretty much, cuz I actually bothered to read what it entails and listen to ppl who were for and against it. Kinda need to actually listen to both sides of an issue before making a decision. The word "Defund" threw me off but after doing my due diligence I understood it fine


But when ppl already make up their mind about something from the jump, I doubt educating themselves on it was on their to do list🤷🏾‍♂️


But whichever side you are on on this issue, what we're doing now clearly is NOT working, that much we may can agree on. If not defund, then ppl need to start coming up with better solutions to this policing problem,


I got a 6 year old nephew, I don't want him to be killed by some robber in the street trying to make a buck or some Gung ho cop just for existing so I'd definitely support whatever solution that makes things better


It's more that the word "defund" means a certain thing. People took it literally, which should be expected, and the people who took it literally aren't to blame because it was poorly worded. There should have been a push for a different slogan and it would have been a lot more clear.


But I agree different stuff needs to be done. The street my studio is on now was where I lived for close to 10 years and in the last 5 years, it's gone from drive bys, gunshots a block or two away, and murders every couple months to being a decent street where that stuff doesn't really happen much. If they'd defunded the cops in Nashville it might have slid back to what it used to be. And there's a school nearby, those kids shouldn't have to deal with idiots on the walk to and from school or get stuck in the middle of some bad shit.

Edited by DoctaMario
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18 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

It's too easy to become a police officer. There needs to be more and tougher training.

This point. . . right here. . .


Barack Obama Crying GIF by GIPHY News


In the heat of an exchange, the power to be judge, jury, and executioner should require a lot more. 


18 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Police shouldn't be the catch all for everything. For example, they shouldn't be doing wellness checks. They aren't trained for it.


Dallas Police Chief Brown (Ret.) summed this up perfectly. 


I stand by the fact that the two most underpaid professions are first responders and teachers. 


Edited by OPTIMUS124
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aha, so there is footage of the guy with the Boo-Boo Bag attack on the subway

heh heh... that's going to leave a MARK! 


funny he didn't try this on another guy though... he probably knew he'd get that ass beat the fuck down for it.


I'm still laughing at the fact that this dude just happened to be walking around with a bag of shit, like he had this planned out as a major event for the day.  I much did he have in there? 


haha this one comment:

"She was waiting for the #2 train."


Edited by MillionX
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3 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

Rogan isn't anti vax tho. The people saying he is have never listened to anything but cherry picked, out of context soundbites on him, which is why they think he's anti vax. The whole situation is a perfect illustration of how people will stick with what they want to/are told to believe even though it's easy as hell to find evidence to the contrary. And a lot of those folks are the ones crowing about "believing the science." Can't make this shit up. 


Kyle Kinane is hilarious however

If you broaden the definition to anti ALL vaccines, then yes. You could say he isn't. But on this one, he's engaging in all the hypocrisy anti-vaxxers do. He has a clear bias, whether he's conscious of it or not. He has all the "questions"/pushback in the world for pro-vaccine opinions, but blindly believes whatever straight up kooks say. But again, I don't think a lot of people listen to him seriously, and that's why I asked the original question of if anyone here knows someone who does.

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1 hour ago, axeman61 said:

If you broaden the definition to anti ALL vaccines, then yes. You could say he isn't. But on this one, he's engaging in all the hypocrisy anti-vaxxers do. He has a clear bias, whether he's conscious of it or not. He has all the "questions"/pushback in the world for pro-vaccine opinions, but blindly believes whatever straight up kooks say. But again, I don't think a lot of people listen to him seriously, and that's why I asked the original question of if anyone here knows someone who does.

If he had on some of the legit doctors with a YT following (e.g., ZDoggMD) who have a more balanced approach on the subject it would help clear this up.  

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6 hours ago, DangerousJ said:


ha, funny when something like this is so true to life.  Yes, I was one of those people with 30+ hours on Elden Ring already by this past Monday.... and no sleep at all during Sunday.

I was also playing it early this morning before work.  I think the count is up to 48-ish hours now.


edit---it just hit me that if a certain friend buys this game, he's actually wasting money... since that dude *only* seems to enjoy co-op games...and the co-op in Elden Ring is different from what most people would assume....

Edited by MillionX
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3 hours ago, OPTIMUS124 said:


If he had on some of the legit doctors with a YT following (e.g., ZDoggMD) who have a more balanced approach on the subject it would help clear this up.  

Guest selection is not the problem. Well, not the main problem. The main problem is him not giving the same static to quacks as he does pro-vaccine people. If you're going to ask questions and throw doubt every damn near every time someone says something, do that with everyone. That's not him by a long shot. He has a "yeah but" or "that's not what I read" whenever someone has pro-vaccine opinions, but has barely anything for anyone else. Guests almost don't matter on this if you have that kind of disparity.

Edited by axeman61
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23 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

Guest selection is not the problem. Well, not the main problem. The main problem is him not giving the same static to quacks as he does pro-vaccine people. If you're going to ask questions and throw doubt every damn near every time someone says something, do that with everyone. That's not him by a long shot. He has a "yeah but" or "that's not what I read" whenever someone has pro-vaccine opinions, but has barely anything for anyone else. Guests almost don't matter on this if you have that kind of disparity.

Rogan is not a journalist, or more accurately he's not what most journalists pretend to be (i.e. a neutral reporter). But on balance, I'd say he's been more fair to covid vaccine enthusiasts than the media and big tech have been to anyone who's skeptical about the covid vaccines- look at how many people have been blacklisted for simply observing things and speaking up 5 minutes before the establishment backpedals and admits that same thing. Do you think CNN would have a skeptic on without shouting them down the whole time? If the objection is that he's not being as friendly to one side of the argument, try watching or listening to 95% of the media talk about any given topic you find yourself "right of center" on. Your points of view, when acknowledged at all, will be regularly mischaracterized, short changed, assigned bad motives ipso facto, shouted down, edited to remove context, or represented by the dumbest person they could find to talk about it.


Edited by Camacho
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DAMN. I don't know about this shit, but is there anything Ukraine can realistically do against Russia? External businesses are taking damn near everything they can from Russia, but I keep hearing that they fucked up or took more of Ukraine each press release.

Edited by axeman61
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15 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

DAMN. I don't know about this shit, but is there anything Ukraine can realistically do against Russia? External businesses are taking damn near everything they can from Russia, but I keep hearing that they fucked up or took more of Ukraine each press release.

Long term? No. They can't win on their own. Russia has the numbers. Ukrainians are making it as painful for Putin as possible. They are fighting for their homeland and Russian forces don't seem to be amped to be there. They are fighting out of obligation, Ukrainians are fighting for survival. That's why this attack is taking longer than Putin calculated. He clearly thought he'd just roll over them. It seems what ever victory he claims will be a Pyrrhic one. He's experiencing heavier than expected casualties, unprecedented domestic blow back, and the destruction of his economy. The last I saw the one Ruble is worth less than a penny. Their dollar is worse less than our penny. 

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25 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

DAMN. I don't know about this shit, but is there anything Ukraine can realistically do against Russia? External businesses are taking damn near everything they can from Russia, but I keep hearing that they fucked up or took more of Ukraine each press release.

Not really.


Their only possible hope is to hold out as best as they can and hope that the sanctions and local heat make Putin relent.

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54 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

DAMN. I don't know about this shit, but is there anything Ukraine can realistically do against Russia? External businesses are taking damn near everything they can from Russia, but I keep hearing that they fucked up or took more of Ukraine each press release.

The key to Ukrainian victory is to constantly skirmish with and snipe soldiers to drag out the conflict as long as possible.  Ukraine can't win directly, but they can make Russia pay in casualties to the point they will lose their will to fight.

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11 minutes ago, Dayaan said:

People dieting is no reason not share well made food like this! Looks awesome! Please keep sharing this stuff. I can't eat it, but knowing others are enjoying good food is awesome to me anyway. Enjoy ~

Haha. I appreciate that but I was being facetious. 


when I use to post food I made/stuff I baked more regularly @Darc_Requiemalways teased that my cooking was going to make everyone stop dieting and/or get fat cause they’d want to recreate whatever I was showing off 😂


hell, the cake wasn’t even for me. It was for a friend as a congratulations treat since the day before  she told me she got the promotion she’s been wanting  at her job. So I made it for her as a surprise 

Edited by iStu X
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3 minutes ago, iStu X said:

teased that my cooking was going to make everyone stop dieting and/or get fat cause they’d want to recreate whatever I was showing off 

The stuff you used to post looked good. And for the most part looked reasonably healthy.
Then again what good for you may or may not be good for me. 

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10 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

The stuff you used to post looked good. And for the most part looked reasonably healthy.
Then again what good for you may or may not be good for me. 

Thanks man. Outside of the occasional dessert pretty everything I made was low calorie/low carb/keto/whatever you want to call it. 

I’m still on my diet and don’t plan on going off it anytime soon. I just gotta change something’s up. Cause I’ve lost 100lbs now (sitting at 207 currently) but I’m like that..”skinny fat” where I still have a pretty significant gut but it’s not crazy noticeable.

I’m really wanting to change that and work on that so I’ll be a lot more slim/tone in definition. So I’ve been doing more cardio while upping my carb intake a bit so I have more energy to burn while also upping my protein intake pretty significantly. 

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20 minutes ago, iStu X said:

Outside of the occasional dessert pretty everything I made was low calorie/low carb/keto/whatever you want to call it. 

Still, ether the way you present it or somthing, you made it look good. 
I also think a well made lean cut of what ever meat, steamed or baked veggies, and the other stuff you plate did look good. 

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9 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I don't know how to solve the policing issue. I do know that there are some obvious problems that need to be corrected. 

  • It's too easy to become a police officer. There needs to be more and tougher training.
  • Police don't need military's grade hardware. Guys without the training don't need APCs.
  • Police shouldn't be the catch all for everything. For example, they shouldn't be doing wellness checks. They aren't trained for it.
  • Existing protocols needs to be adhered to. What's the point of body cams if they aren't on?
  • Police shouldn't be investigating themselves. It's like Congress getting to give themselves raises. Shouldn't be a thing.

The thing that keeps coming up is a lack of training. There needs to be more training, higher standards, and with those higher standards higher pay. Getting more qualified individuals to take up a dangerous job is going to require higher compensation.

One thing that can be tried to solve the issue is probably teaching black communities in major cities to stop breaking the law. 



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Speaking of food I’ve made. I made spaghetti tonight. I used protein noodles, and spicy Italian sausage. Which is a different protein than what I usually use (turkey) but I really didn’t feel like going to the store today. It’s also the reason why I used jar sauce as I usually make my own.

The bread is also keto bread while the cheese on top of both is fat free mozzarella. 


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Just now, RSG3 said:

Ground turkey is the worst imo. Has a rubbery texture to it meat shouldn't have imo. I would sub the sausage every time if beef is off the table. 

It’s not off the table per-say I’ve just never been a fan of beef or pork. I’ll eat them but they’re never my first or even second choice. 

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2 hours ago, axeman61 said:

DAMN. I don't know about this shit, but is there anything Ukraine can realistically do against Russia? External businesses are taking damn near everything they can from Russia, but I keep hearing that they fucked up or took more of Ukraine each press release.


Someone within the high military ranks must feel Putin is going in the wrong direction taking Russia down with him. Someone should step into his office and take him out. I read his officers walk 20 or 50 steps behind him because he's watching his back.

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I thought that too. Someone's going to take him out.


But I don't think (even with my non-existent knowledge of things) that he just got a wild hair up his ass one day and said "let's take Ukraine". People around him had to co-sign that in some way, right? Bear in mind I don't know how Russian government works. It's possible everyone said "don't do that" and he did that. Still, this is interesting to see. The more Russia "wins" in terms of conquering Ukraine, the more they lose.

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1 hour ago, Volt said:

Stop being a food cuck. 🤣

Does this mean I eat more or less food...


1 hour ago, iStu X said:

So I made it for her as a surprise

When friends of mine get promoted I don't do much. You are a good friend, and not at all fatphobic. 👍 

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4 hours ago, Camacho said:

Rogan is not a journalist, or more accurately he's not what most journalists pretend to be (i.e. a neutral reporter). But on balance, I'd say he's been more fair to covid vaccine enthusiasts than the media and big tech have been to anyone who's skeptical about the covid vaccines- look at how many people have been blacklisted for simply observing things and speaking up 5 minutes before the establishment backpedals and admits that same thing. Do you think CNN would have a skeptic on without shouting them down the whole time? If the objection is that he's not being as friendly to one side of the argument, try watching or listening to 95% of the media talk about any given topic you find yourself "right of center" on. Your points of view, when acknowledged at all, will be regularly mischaracterized, short changed, assigned bad motives ipso facto, shouted down, edited to remove context, or represented by the dumbest person they could find to talk about it.


I'm sorry, but "they would do it too" is not good enough for this level of bias. If Joe wants to put himself across as smarter than the average bear on COVID (until he gets challenged and uses the "just a podcaster" smokebomb), then he looks dumb when he leaves common sense at the door for one side. That's why I say it hardly matters what guest he brings on.





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2 hours ago, Volt said:


Putin really thought he could wrap that up in 15 days!?


Putin probably expected that the Ukrainian army would melt as soon as Russian troops entered their borders, then have his troops march in Kiev in a day of two among either the apathy of the locals or even their support. Then, with a lighting victory achieved in a few days, he would have restored a Russian puppet in Kiev, proclaimed victory over the West, basked in the propaganda and tried to force the West to give up on their sanctions since there's no longer a crisis going in Ukraine. I don't think that without these expectations he would have risked all out war in the middle of Europe and strangling sanctions.


Needless to say, his initial assessment was all wrong, and then shit rapidly hit the fan.

That's what happens when you take a calculated risk, but you're shit at math and everyone in the room is too much of a sycophant or scared for their life to tell that you're fucking up.


Now Russia is headed toward a default, all the economic development since the fall of the Soviet Union is going to go down the drain, the Russian army not only has failed in its blitzkrieg but has revealed how shockingly incompetent and weak it actually is, and on the home front the Russian police has to arrest grandmas who survived the siege of Leningrad and literal children. Even if the Russian government survives to win its war against Ukraine their victory will only be the beginning of their real problems, as they'll have to try and hold a country that completely despise them.


It's indeed like the US and Afghanistan, except Americans can actually fight for real and have an economy to back them.

Also, I don't think Afghanis really hated the Americans anywhere near as much as Ukrainians hate Russians now.

Edited by Phantom_Miria
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