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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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On 1/5/2023 at 1:02 PM, MillionX said:

Well, was foolish to assume there was even a small chance this *might* have been a serious movie

Frustrated Larry Bird GIF by SB Nation


I mean, it might be "ok" I guess?

It’s written by a Rick and Morty writer/producer named Ryan Ridley and produced by Robert Kirkman. I wouldn’t have expected anything serious from them. 

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^oh yeah, from the reactions I'm seeing online, it seems I am apparently the only one in the world that's letdown by the fact that the movie is in the "horror comedy" side of things.  So far everyone else loved the's a similar situation to how the rest of the entire world apparently loves "What We Do in the Shadows", and I only watched 1 or 2 episodes of it.  Yeah it was amusing from what little I saw but that's just not what I'm looking for when vamps (and/or werewolves) are least not usually.  Even back in the day with the original Teen Wolf... I *kinda* enjoyed it enough but if there was a more serious version instead of "High school kid realizes he's a werewolf...hijinks ensue!", I would've preferred that.


Follower count is still going up for Lainey, btw---she is at 726k now 😆 ....such is the power of Booty.


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So recently (right after Christmas), I lost my wallet. It had my Driver's License and all of my debit cards in it, plus I had a super nice wallet from Bellroy. I just now in the last day or two found out that the State of Texas finally mailed my replacement license, and should be here soon. Last wallet I had was a very muted green, nah fam I got a bright fucking yellow wallet now. If I misplace that shit, I'm gonna have zero problems finding it. Kinda reminded me of this below:


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So I got to spend the first week of the new year laid up at my girlfriends with a massive sinus infection. So that shit was fun.  Thankfully it was actually just a sinus infection and not Covid. It was one of the first things we checked for when I was going through the worst of it. I’m more-or-less over it now outside of being congested and this lingering cough that won’t go away. 

But after new years eve, day and I THINK the day after new years (whatever day I mentioned getting the massage) I was in and out of consciousness in a sickness induced haze. I’d wake up, try to get something in my stomach, take some meds, maybe a shower to drain my sinuses and then go back to bed. Rinse and repeat for about 4 days. It really sucked and I felt super bad for my girlfriend cause she was taking care of me while also working (she works from home, but besides the point). 

She took really good care of me though. I’m just hoping I didn’t get her sick in return. She just went home about 30 minutes ago and she seems completely fine. So we’ll see. 

Edited by iStu X
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The Invitation is quite alright... it's unfortunate that the trailer for this movie basically spoiled most of the plot though, but I still enjoyed it.  I had it on blu-ray already but noticed it's currently on Netflix.  

Anyway, it was cool... a nitpick though..... spoiler talk obviously:

  • It's just a tough sell for me whenever a character immediately rebels against the whole vampirism thing.  In this movie, there's nothing but positives going on here for her character Evie:
  • She finds out she has interesting distant relatives "across the pond"; cool.
  • These people are extremely wealthy; she goes over there and stays at a mansion, living like part of a royal family.
  • The "Lord of the manor" is a guy she finds to be quite attractive and they hit it off.
  • Then she finds out that oh----these people are strigoi (vamps)....but sunlight isn't a problem for them.  He wants to make her a "bride" and she will get this status too---immortality, the usual super strength and apparent super speed, immunity to disease, etc.

WHAT is the downside here, exactly?  She doesn't get to go back to her bland, ordinary broke-ass life in the U.S. (where it appears she has just the 1 friend)...ohhhhh boo hoo, oh no what a shame there. 😆  It's one of those things where the character of course has to think this is all a bad deal or else there would be no conflict for the dramatic action leading up to the finale.  In reality, most reasonable people would probably be all in on this shit like hell yeah man sign me up.  I get superpowers AND insane wealth and status?  Sheeeeittttt....


One bonus here is that it stars the wonderful Nathalie Emmanuel, who is a certified smokeshow imo... easy consideration for Magnificent 5 status for me:

Salad-toss worthy, this one is.

Edited by MillionX
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Ohoooo this was a juicy question/topic that popped up in the recommended vids

Nah, seriously I'm not directly intervening either in that scenario.  The best you'd get from me is a call for 911/police so they can handle the shit.  When you go out of your way to be the "good Samaritan"... the "hero"----basically you just get harshly negative consequences 99% of the time in reality.... like the bad guy pulling a gun on you right away for daring to interfere.  It's a good way to just become the next victim that day.  Our society already doesn't really care about men that much at all (we're expected to just go to work and die, and do 99% of everything, and never ever complain about anything no matter what, with zero expectations of any kindness or basic human fucking decency/respect in return, btw **cue the bitch-made classic line "Who Hurt You?" right here, of course**), so yeah I'm looking out for #1 above all else.  This only changes if we're talking about close family or friends.

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14 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

I feel like there's a lot of interpersonal drama going on there I don't know enough about to comment on.  


Who is he talking about? I will say these dudes on Twitter need to stop making vague accusations and start dropping names cuz this kinda shit




Is helping no one. 

So a while back I alluded to a TON of problems I had with Vortex Gallery + problems other presented to me, but I didn't expect such a ridiculous kinship.  I'm a licensed mental health professional, and even if some of the stuff that was presented to me was fruitless, I had receipts for everything that I brought to the next level so it's not like I'd take any heat beyond their immediate circle.


Anyway I hope this guy puts his grandparents to rest. With James he's been hinting about having some kind of dirt on CEO which would make sense given how defensive Kenny Omega got when he had a sex offender turn up at the CEO show as a job guy, but he's been hinting for years.  James is still the bro, though, I always enjoy his stories of the era gone by while working at Acclaim and Midway.

Edited by Psychoblue
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27 minutes ago, Psychoblue said:

With James he's been hinting

If he knows something he needs to say it instead of hinting and dropping vagaries. He's "Hinting" that people are being hurt but he won't say who is doing the damage which does nothing but cause damage and mistrust within the scene. 


If he knows and says nothing but vague hints then he's nearly as much to blame. 

Edited by RSG3
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MTG thought she could just play the instrumental for "Still D.R.E." for McCarthy getting elected House Speaker and not get her twitter account clapped


Also apparently Trump said some Black conservative vlogger named Diamond of DiamondandSilk died due to some sickness...I'm curious as to what died from


Edit:.....yyyeeeah...It's no coincidence why they're not saying what she died from and I had a hunch

Edited by Sonichuman
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On 1/8/2023 at 5:24 PM, TheInfernoman said:

Just going to leave this here:



This reminds me.. what ever happened to goths? Do they still exist in this world, are the blue hair fat leftists with bull rings the modern day goths now? I remember back in the day, male goths would walk around with their pants having holes revealing their ass cheeks now it's just showing because they are under this delusion of being comfortable with their bodies.



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8 hours ago, Psychoblue said:

So I'm on the spectrum and despite my license in mental health, maybe my social skills aren't all that they need to be.


Why am I being yelled at?



I think he's probably misread your tweet, but pointless drama like this is why I've left the fgc at large behind. It's a bunch of drama queens who think they're the center of the universe and who often barely play. I still rep the SamSho community, but stupid Twitter garbage has become more important than the games for a lot of "fgc" people. As someone in my 40s, it feels like hanging with a bunch of children a lot of the time.

Edited by DoctaMario
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Yeah the term goths for some reason got swapped out to "emos"....and now I think this faction did indeed evolve to become the modern-day blue or purple-haired, "tons of piercings + tats" people of today that try to be as "unique" as possible.


Also a lot of them happen to be my fellow fans of that vampire TTRPG game from World of Darkness, so they're still out there, of course.... it's still odd to me that these same people that some might also describe as "edgelords" sometimes are the ones that require "trigger warnings" for things like a game where you are playing a vampire or other monsters.... I'll just never quite get that; maybe it's just me---I was that type of kid that saw an "R" rating on a movie as my signal for "oh yeah this will be awesome...this has the good stuff..."

ha, this takes me back.... in the old junior high days I was probably the only Black kid that probably counted as part of the "goth" weird makeup and piercings/tats though; that's a bit much and not at all appealing to me.

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9 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

I think he's probably misread your tweet, but pointless drama like this is why I've left the fgc at large behind. It's a bunch of drama queens who think they're the center of the universe and who often barely play. I still rep the SamSho community, but stupid Twitter garbage has become more important than the games for a lot of "fgc" people. As someone in my 40s, it feels like hanging with a bunch of children a lot of the time.

It feels way worse in poverty/non-Capcom/Namco legacy scenes than anywhere else. I didn't realize how uniquely bad it is until I joined Freshcut (and no they don't do NFTs, I asked them that directly when they first caught wind of this mess after I announced I joined them and got put on blast by this clique) and met non-FGC creators that our crab in a bucket mentality is worlds above any other gaming circle. They still have problems in those circles, plenty of documentation about misogyny, homophobia, racism out there, but they had never seen such a vitriolic reaction in their lifetime just for announcing they got the call to rep with their games.  


My cameo in TMNTxJL was removed over this but as long as they not touch the stuff I put money and labor into and credit me appropriately, we can wash our hands of each other and go our separate ways as I make that push for an EVO stage exhibition for SFxT. I joined them specifically with that on my mind because the window for me doing that with Vortex Gallery (who as far as I know control all the grassroots events at EVO from now on) was obviously closed because they were still mad about me holding them accountable for their lateness, rudeness, lack of contingency/respect for time etc. Imagine how all of this could have been avoided had they understood (and this was the point of my original post) that when you're in that position you're in line to take blame as well as credit regardless of how much you're paid or not paid for it.  They demonize me for yelling at volunteers, like that excuses you from doing a shitty job as if I'm not volunteering too.  

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10 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

I think he's probably misread your tweet, but pointless drama like this is why I've left the fgc at large behind. It's a bunch of drama queens who think they're the center of the universe and who often barely play. I still rep the SamSho community, but stupid Twitter garbage has become more important than the games for a lot of "fgc" people. As someone in my 40s, it feels like hanging with a bunch of children a lot of the time.

Fighting games are a joke. The people who go to these lengths to start a bunch of drama spend way too much time isolated from the real world to manage otherwise normal issues. It has always come off as a desperate cry for validation but also a complete lack of self awareness when any niche community member lashes out on social media.

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