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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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The coast guard finally got around to my MMC application. I don't have a bad background other than a misdemeanor so I'm sure I'll pass this adjucation process. I'll admit I cut it pretty close sending my info so late but hopefully I can breathe a sigh of relief now


This is another step closer to where im trying to be in life. There's still plenty of work to get where im going

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I grew up in the UAE and Pakistan so heat actually is my ally, Bane. 

With that said, I always leave my home in MINNESOTA with sunscreen no matter the season or sunshine. It keeps my skin soft and youthful and it ensures I’ll stay prettier than everyone in this thread for years to come… except Zatalcon. He will always be more handsome than me…

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New York City is ready to hit residents and visitors alike with a “congestion charge” after federal approval was granted Monday for its first-in-the-nation plan to impose big tolls to drive into the most visited parts of Manhattan.

The program could begin as soon as the spring of 2024, bringing New York City into line with places like London, Singapore, and Stockholm that have implemented similar tax impositions on drivers simply going about their everyday business.

The news was announced within hours of NYC officials ordering pizzerias that use coal or wood-burning ovens to slice their carbon emissions by 75 percent or else face hefty fines, all in the name of protecting the environment.

Up to 100 restaurants could be affected by the new rule


AP reports under one of several traffic tolling impositions under consideration, drivers could be hit with as much as $23 a day to enter Manhattan south of 60th Street as part of the plan to get people out of their cars and onto public transport or even just start walking rather than driving.

The exact amount is still to be decided by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, which is overseeing the long-stalled plan


The levy has been sharply opposed by officials in New Jersey, where people bound for Manhattan by car could see costs of commuting skyrocket.

Those complaints have been echoed in other cities like Los Angeles where residents simply see a new tax being foisted on drivers.

Taxi and car service drivers who have to access Manhattan as part of their daily work have also objected, saying it would make fares unaffordable.

Some MTA proposals have included caps on tolls for taxis and other for-hire vehicles, although it looks like at this early stage no cap is forthcoming, leaving room to increase the levy in future years.

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15 hours ago, BB_Hoody said:

Speaking of deserts. U.S deserts are awesome. So many cool rock formations and plant life. Living in Tucson and seeing those mountains on the horizon was always nice. Deserts out here in Qatar are depressing. There's nothing. Just flat rubble and dirt as far as the eye can see. I was told in Saudi Arabia. Is where you can see the golden sand dunes you see in movies. 



Well it's weird. When I was in a dry climate like California I wouldn't burn. It go straight to tanned/dark. When I was in a humid climate like North Carolina I would burn and could hardly get tanned/dark. Strange.




9 hours ago, Chadouken said:

 Uh, wouldn't extra tolls just clog up traffic even more?


Read this as "trolls" at first.


Edited by Jion_Wansu
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7 hours ago, Jion_Wansu said:

Well it's weird. When I was in a dry climate like California I wouldn't burn. It go straight to tanned/dark. When I was in a humid climate like North Carolina I would burn and could hardly get tanned/dark. Strange.

@RSG3actually explained this earlier. Water amplifies the affects of the Sun. Humid environments makes sweat slow to evaporate, So you'd be sweaty in NC and that would cause you to sunburn more easily.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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i was thinkin today, about SNL. old baack in the day snl.

aaaand i barely watched snl as a kid. the bulushi era snl.

but i do remember when eddie appeared. cuz from day 1 of his appearance. i made sure to watch every snl ep from that point on till he left.

but when eddie arrived so did a m hall.

and i forgot how talented he was.

back then.

but his problem was that he popped into the snl scene at the exact moment eddie did and eddie murphy eclipsed all.

it was like

its saturday night!

starring..eddie murphy!

co starring....everyone else.

it was like that.

but anthony left before eddie. he left the show. he was barely on.

but they offered him movie deals before eddie. but eddie left soon after too.


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