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Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars

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6 minutes ago, Camacho said:


I enjoyed the first 3 Sonic games as a kid, but they don't hold up now. Lots of the other classic titles/franchises from that era (Mario, Mega Man, Contra, Castlevania, etc) are still enjoyable.


100% this. 

Edited by iStu X
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i think the original sonic games shine more on replays because when you first start your gonna want to go fast but that's gonna get you killed as counterintuitive as that sounds but the more you play them and memorize the level layout and stuff the faster you can go and the more enjoyable the games become.


also i really like sonic adventure 2 even tho i know its pretty bad but c'mon people i gotta escape from the city and  follow my rainbow.


and finally sonic 06 is sonic adventure 3 people don't want to admit it kinda like type moon fans won't admit there was a tsukihime anime.

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8 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

Where have you been? Fans that grew up on the Adventure games tend to hate on the Genesis ones. They hate the fact that Sega panders to classic fans instead of them.

Sure, I guess there’s that section of people. I think Stu just dislikes the series in general though. Which is whatever, I just find it surprising because even people that don’t like Sonic games are usually hard pressed to admit that a lot of the earlier games are classics.


6 minutes ago, iStu X said:

Why? I’ve always been pretty vocal about my dislike of Sega and Sonic. 

and I also said that there’s very few sonic games I find worth playing. Which is true. And even then they barely pass as playable to me. 

I guess I’ve never seen those posts. 

I am deeply saddened by this news. Sega has either created or at least enabled SO many dope games IMO. 


Gonna pour one out on a Dreamcast for the homie Stu. Cause Sega haters gotta go unfortunately. Gonna pay @HD-Manto do some stabbin’


10 minutes ago, Camacho said:

I enjoyed the first 3 Sonic games as a kid, but they don't hold up now. 

How so? I’ve never really heard this complaint. Personally I think there are aspects about the very first game that make it a chore, like the less intuitive level design and the lack of spin dash, but other than that I find those first three games pretty approachable still and why they remain classics to so many people.


Tight controls, bright and colorful spritework that still looks appealing (so much so that literally thousands of indie games have popped up over the last ten years mimicking styles like this), great music as always, and the sequels being an improvement upon its predecessor in pretty much every way.

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34 minutes ago, M A R T I A N said:

Sega has either created or at least enabled SO many dope games IMO.

I agree. But they don’t use them anymore outside of rose tinted collections. 

Sure they “brought back” Streets of Rage but Sega had nothing to do with it except sign checks. It also isn’t that great. I don’t want to play a combo video simulator when I play a beat em up. I’d rather play a beat em up that’s simple but engaging like River City Girl

same with Sonic Mania. It’s “fine” but I’d rather play other platformers

What about Golden Axe? What about Vectorman? What about non-mmo phantasy star? Skies of Arcadia? Billy Hatcher? I could keep going for a while.


 All they do now is continue to piss on Sonic’s grave and publish Atlus/Yakuza titles. Which again, they barely have anything to do with them.

I mean ffs even their social media’s dunk on how bad some of the sonic titles have been and how many stupid things they’ve done over the decades. 

Sega constantly shoots themselves in the foot and they think the cure is a shot gun blast to the chest. 

Edited by iStu X
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35 minutes ago, nickmanx5 said:

i know that skies of arcadia hd remaster is coming or they can do that crash/spyro and give me the exact same game with 4k graphics i don't care! why doesn't sega want my money!

Sonic sez you’d rather have a sequel to Sonic and the Secret Ring 

Edited by iStu X
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I'm glad "That Company" that's known for the blue hedgehog is still around to continue being another laughing stock of the industry, imo.  


Sonic 3--- I was just kinda "so-so" on the hype for that back in the day.  The real high point of the franchise for me was Sonic the Hedgehog 2.  It would still end up with a good spot on a "favorite games of all time" list for me.


It's almost that time, folks---BIOMUTANT releases tomorrow.  I'm still not sure which playstyle/class I want to go with from the start.  It will be tough to find time since I have the current Gears 5 stuff to do, the current Diablo 3 season, and Outriders as my main gaming itinerary at the moment.

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9 minutes ago, MillionX said:

It's almost that time, folks---BIOMUTANT releases tomorrow.  I'm still not sure which playstyle/class I want to go with from the start.  It will be tough to find time since I have the current Gears 5 stuff to do, the current Diablo 3 season, and Outriders as my main gaming itinerary at the moment.

I know it likely won’t matter to you cause I know how you are with games that let you customize but the game is apparently trash. The review embargo lifted on it today and pretty much every game analyst I follow on Twitter have said it’s horrible. 

Really buggy, bad pacing, constantly clipping into the environment or through the environment. All sortsa stuff 

Edited by iStu X
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35 minutes ago, M A R T I A N said:

How so? I’ve never really heard this complaint. Personally I think there are aspects about the very first game that make it a chore, like the less intuitive level design and the lack of spin dash, but other than that I find those first three games pretty approachable still and why they remain classics to so many people.


Tight controls, bright and colorful spritework that still looks appealing (so much so that literally thousands of indie games have popped up over the last ten years mimicking styles like this), great music as always, and the sequels being an improvement upon its predecessor in pretty much every way.

The art direction, graphics, and music are all great and memorable, but they just aren't that fun to play. I wouldn't call the controls tight- Sonic's inertia when doing anything other than a spin dash feels like starting a terribly geared car in Gran Turismo (starts off ultra slow, then ramps up abruptly. The game is ideally all about getting and maintaining speed, but there's a ton of shit that just seems annoying interfering with the flow. The gameplay is mechanically ultra simplistic compared to the Mario games of the time- seriously, play through SMB3 or SMW, then play through a Sonic game- it's like comparing cotton candy to the complexity of a great piece of baklava. Nostalgia blinders from people in what I'm guessing is the average SRK age demographic (30-40 ish?) props them up more than anything. Granted, I haven't spent much time with them in a long ass time, but anytime I have tried on the last 13 or so years (Genesis collection on the 360, Genesis collection on PC, Sonic CD for free or for a couple dollars on PC, playing them with my nephews, etc), I just can't enjoy them. 

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3 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

Interesting. I  always thought that the vast majority hold Sonic 1,2,3,S/K as hallowed and everything after that era as mixed bag or crap except for Mania.



Take from someone who's in the fandom, Sonic fanbase is fractured as fuck. Just to provide a cliff notes version of it, there's a generational divide. Fans who grew up on or prefer the classic games, fans who grew up on adventure and the games modelled after them and the fans of modern Sonic which started with Sonic Unleashed. Other Sonic games like Advance, Rush and Riders falling in between them. 


The Adventure fans are the most pissy as most of the shitty games fall under their era and they are fanbase that Sega ignores the most.

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Sonic 2 and 3&K (this is one game, lets not kid ourselves here) ABSOLUTLY hold up. Some of the finest platformers of their time to the point they continue to influence developers to this day (The Entire Sonic Hacking community, Sonic Mania, Freedom Planet to name a hand full). Sonic 1 doesnt hold up as well but thats because its the blue print that Sonic 2 and 3&K built upon in order to be as great as they are. Sonic starts to fall apart when transitioning to the 3D realm but a lot of that is due to his style of game design not really being suited to 3D (3D Platforming and lightning speed aren't a great mix and take a ton of work to get right. Segas only managed it a couple times.



Ya'll are better then then regurgitating garbage IGN opinions.


Edited by RSG3
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Being honest, does  modern Sega have any draws in the video game world besides Yakuza and Judgment series?

I suppose Streets of Rage 4 is now considered an "indie " game considering I dont see any Sega logos on any promotional material.


It's weird that that there hasnt been a new Virtua fighter game in  9 or so years. I was never into the series myself, but it feels weird that they didnt make a new game after SF4 lit a fire under developer's butts.

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5 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

Being honest, does  modern Sega have any draws in the video game world besides Yakuza and Judgment series?

They own Atlus which produces the Persona series and other games like Catherine. That’s about it.

They also own Phantasy Star Online 2 which surprisingly enough is a fairly popular MMO. Back in jr high I played the first one a lot with my friend. 

Edited by iStu X
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1 minute ago, DangerousJ said:

Being honest, does  modern Sega have any draws in the video game world besides Yakuza and Judgment series?


Total War series. It's one of Sega flagship titles. Being exclusive to PC will make it a virtual unknown to console players. 


Valkyria Chronicles series has a cult following. I remember VC4 being pretty good. 

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2 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

Total War series. It's one of Sega flagship titles. Being exclusive to PC will make it a virtual unknown to console players. 


Valkyria Chronicles series has a cult following. I remember VC4 being pretty good. 

Valkryia is pretty good. I always forget Sega owns it. For whatever reason I always think it’s an NIS title 

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im gonna guess sega isn't like square or capcom and keep extremely capable devs locked in the closet. i thought they didn't make a new virtua fighter becuase they didn't have anyone to make that shit although a couple of people left team ninja so maybe their good now?

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I'll try to play through  Sonic 3 again sometime soon and see if my opinion holds. I played 2 & 3 the most as a kid and I think I enjoyed 3 the most. I was actually looking forward to finally playing Sonic CD (none of my friends had a Sega CD growing up) when I got it on PC, but was quickly bored to tears.

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59 minutes ago, nickmanx5 said:

i think the original sonic games shine more on replays because when you first start your gonna want to go fast but that's gonna get you killed as counterintuitive as that sounds but the more you play them and memorize the level layout and stuff the faster you can go and the more enjoyable the games become.


also i really like sonic adventure 2 even tho i know its pretty bad but c'mon people i gotta escape from the city and  follow my rainbow.


and finally sonic 06 is sonic adventure 3 people don't want to admit it kinda like type moon fans won't admit there was a tsukihime anime.



Basically the way the games are designed, it punishes me for going TOO fast but also does the same when I get hit and lose momentum. Mario 64 has this problem too.

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1 hour ago, iStu X said:

What about Golden Axe?

Trash brawling series. Many way better titles deserving of a return. Golden Axe is really over rated. Series isnt worth the time of day after 2. .


1 hour ago, iStu X said:

What about Vectorman?

Hahaha nother one I do not get the love for. Garbage level design, AWFUL graphics, terrible sound, everything sounds like some variation on a fart, like biggest misuse of the Genesis Sound Chipo ever. Vectorman games are fucking hideous, and they just really arent that fun to play in the long run, and i just never understand the love for them at all. I own both of them and they never get any play.


1 hour ago, iStu X said:

What about non-mmo phantasy star?

This would be cool, but no one gives a fuuuuuck about single player Phantasy Star who isnt 30 years or older like you and I, like lets be real here. Very few people are interested in what honestly amounts to an RPG series light on story and heavy on dungeon wandering with no map.


1 hour ago, iStu X said:

Skies of Arcadia?

That would be pretty cool, but again unless your like 30 or older that title means fuck all to you.


1 hour ago, iStu X said:

Billy Hatcher?

This is where I decided i had to resapond. You gonna shit on Sonic but stan for dog shit ass Billy Hatcher and his stupid ass egg? Fuck me man lmao.


1 hour ago, iStu X said:

All they do now is continue to piss on Sonic’s grave and publish Atlus/Yakuza titles. Which again, they barely have anything to do with them.

I mean ffs even their social media’s dunk on how bad some of the sonic titles have been and how many stupid things they’ve done over the decades. 

Sega constantly shoots themselves in the foot and they think the cure is a shot gun blast to the chest. 

This could be said for almost every game company in some for or fashion, shit even Nintendo is hella guilty of this kind of behaivor lol.


27 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

Interesting. I  always thought that the vast majority hold Sonic 1,2,3,S/K as hallowed and everything after that era as mixed bag or crap except for Mania.

This right here. Fucking facts. Sonic 1-3&K are solid to fucking excellent. After that its hit or miss as fuck.


25 minutes ago, Camacho said:

seriously, play through SMB3 or SMW, then play through a Sonic game-

So the two games I can literally fly over 95% of the stages in are mechanically deeper then the series that actually demands you learn its level lay outs in order to do them quickly as intended? Mario 3 and World are super fucking fun, but man they are flawed as fuck. All that so called depth and you can just fly over almost every single issue the games ever present to you.


27 minutes ago, Camacho said:

Nostalgia blinders from people in what I'm guessing is the average SRK age demographic (30-40 ish?) props them up more than anything.

He says as he props up Mario games that have their flaws ignored regularly so they can propped up as the best shit ever.


13 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

It's weird that that there hasnt been a new Virtua fighter game in  9 or so years.

Is it tho when the guy who created the series just doesnt really make games anymore, and fighters dont bring in 90s money anymore. Is it really that strange? Do you really want to keep competing with Tekken and losing in every single world wide arena but your own where you barely manage to keep up?


11 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

I always liked Alex Kidd.

Alex Kidd has a new game coming out.

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8 minutes ago, nickmanx5 said:

im gonna guess sega isn't like square or capcom and keep extremely capable devs locked in the closet. i thought they didn't make a new virtua fighter becuase they didn't have anyone to make that shit although a couple of people left team ninja so maybe their good now?

We’ll know the 26th. Sega is doing a Virtua Fighter live stream announcing stuff including but not limited to an esport league. 

I love Virtua Fighter. Surprisingly enough it’s the only 3D Fighter I’ve been able to “get”. With Tekken and Soul Calibur anytime I tried to learn it I couldn’t. It felt like someone gave me a lobotomy and lost all knowledge about fighters I had. 

yet with Virtua Fighter as soon as I started playing everything clicked and I got obnoxiously good. 

this was me basically every game 


calculating the hangover GIF

Edited by iStu X
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4 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Sonic 2 and 3&K (this is one game, lets not kid ourselves here) ABSOLUTLY hold up. Some of the finest platformers of their time to the point they continue to influence developers to this day (The Entire Sonic Hacking community, Sonic Mania, Freedom Planet to name a hand full). Sonic 1 doesnt hold up as well but thats because its the blue print that Sonic 2 and 3&K built upon in order to be as great as they are. Sonic starts to fall apart when transitioning to the 3D realm but a lot of that is due to his style of game design not really being suited to 3D (3D Platforming and lightning speed aren't a great mix and take a ton of work to get right. Segas only managed it a couple times.



Ya'll are better then then regurgitation garbage IGN opinions.


You don't like sonic?  That's fine.  Not every game is for everyone.  But I get really annoyed anytime someone gets close to saying dumb stuff like the games were never good and and they say it in a serious non meme manner.  Saying stuff like that starts making me not take your opinion seriously.

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24 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Sonic 2 and 3&K (this is one game, lets not kid ourselves here) ABSOLUTLY hold up. Some of the finest platformers of their time to the point they continue to influence developers to this day (The Entire Sonic Hacking community, Sonic Mania, Freedom Planet to name a hand full). Sonic 1 doesnt hold up as well but thats because its the blue print that Sonic 2 and 3&K built upon in order to be as great as they are. Sonic starts to fall apart when transitioning to the 3D realm but a lot of that is due to his style of game design not really being suited to 3D (3D Platforming and lightning speed aren't a great mix and take a ton of work to get right. Segas only managed it a couple times


Ya'll are better then then regurgitation garbage IGN opinions.


Couldn’t have said it better. That IGN quote has been in my head for this whole discussion lmao 

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2 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

You don't like sonic?  That's fine.  Not every game is for everyone.  But I get really annoyed anytime someone gets close to saying dumb stuff like the games were never good and and they say it in a serious non meme manner.  Saying stuff like that starts making me not take your opinion seriously.

Legit, Im all for discussing the flaws in Soic games because there are plenty, but how come most of the time when people complain about the 2D Genesis ones their complaints are always so weird or just way out there.


Comacho kinda lost me at "Sonic has slow start up" Yea...cuz the goal is to maintain your momentum. If you find yourself coming to a stop and needing to run back up to full speed you probably fucked up somewhere in your route. That was the whole point. You got punished for not having an opimal route by needing to take time to get back up to speed. Now Sonic 2 introduced the Spin Dash to do deal with this "Problem" but even the Spin Dash doesnt zoom you to max speed off the line, nore did the figure 8 run or the recently developed Drop Dash. The reason for this is max speed and keeping it is supposed to be earned. Like the biggest flaw with the entire Rush series is that you can go from 0 to Ludacris speed at the tap of a button. Going fast is no longer a skill. You dont need to earn it, you just press a button and your fuck up is erased as your back to full speed by just pushing a button. Sonic is rewarding BECAUSE you ave to earn the right to go fast. You don't (Or didnt anyway) Get to go fast just because you turned the game on. Going fast was your reward for becoming a skilled player.


If thats not for you thats fine, RTS games arent for me, but i wouldnt sit there and say StarCraft was never good because I dont like that kind of game. It just isnt for me.

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20 minutes ago, iStu X said:

We’ll know the 26th. Sega is doing a Virtua Fighter live stream announcing stuff including but not limited to an esport league. 

I love Virtua Fighter. Surprisingly enough it’s the only 3D Fighter I’ve been able to “get”. With Tekken and Soul Calibur anytime I tried to learn it I couldn’t. It felt like someone gave me a lobotomy and lost all knowledge about fighters I had. 

yet with Virtua Fighter as soon as I started playing everything clicked and I got obnoxiously good. 

this was me basically every game 


calculating the hangover GIF

i've never been good at any 3d fighter but as long as lion continues to not make allowances for old men ill be there

Edited by nickmanx5
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4 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

This is probably just mebut I think they should have gone older with Sully. 


I keep thinking of Tom Hanks for some reason.

Mark Wahlberg as Sully is a huge miscast. Like a big miscast. I thought Tom was too till I saw him. He fits a younger prequel Drake pretty well so far in the stills.


But Mark? He looks, sounds, behaives nothing like Sully. Dude doesnt even have a Cigar in that picture, and I just mentally hear Mark saying Sully Lines in my head and they sound so wrong....Mark can not say "Im sweating like a hooker in church" and have the pinache and class that Richard McGonangal has.


I just dont see Mark sellling the line "Victor GOD DAMN Sullivan." I just dont.


This is about as big a miss as when they cast Mark to be Max Payne.

Edited by RSG3
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8 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

So the two games I can literally fly over 95% of the stages in are mechanically deeper then the series that actually demands you learn its level lay outs in order to do them quickly as intended? Mario 3 and World are super fucking fun, but man they are flawed as fuck. All that so called depth and you can just fly over almost every single issue the games ever present to you.


He says as he props up Mario games that have their flaws ignored regularly so they can propped up as the best shit ever.


Nothing is forcing you to exploit the flight (which is very easy to do in SMW) , and there's so much more to chew on overall even if you do.   Getting a 96* completion in SMW is still fun as hell, and SMB3 is still fun and surprisingly challenging if you don't warp. 

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I never knew that IGN video existed. I didn’t really care about gaming news outlets, analysts and things like that until a few years ago. And it was I wanted to be more involved on REDACTED and later here. 

like I’ve said, as a whole I think the sonic series is horrible. But I’ve also said there are a few games I think are playable. Even if they’re just passable to me. I’d still rather play other games than them for the most part .


2, CD, 3+K, Colors and Generations are pretty much the only ones I’ve even been super happy that I played them. The rest always felt like an absolute god damn chore. 

honorable mention to the the DS ones (Rush?) cause they used the dual screen in some cool ways via level designs. 

Edited by iStu X
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2 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

They hate the fact that Sega panders to classic fans instead of them.

As it should be. Adventures suck. 


2 hours ago, Camacho said:

just that their effective early 90's "attitude"  marketing paints them more positively than they really earned. 

Funny How Nintendo rode that 90s attitude harder than Sega with their "PLAY IT LOUD" ad campaign.



2 hours ago, iStu X said:

I’ve always been pretty vocal about my dislike of Sega and Sonic. 

Yeah, we get it you have a hate boner for Sega Sonic. 

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12 minutes ago, Camacho said:

Nothing is forcing you to exploit the flight

But thats the point. Exploiting flight is super easy and trivializes the entire expeirence. How can we call these games master works when 1 powerup invalidates the vast majority of the experience while dumping an on another that actually asks you to learn how to play the game and use all its mechanics to succeed. 


Your playing SOTN and the Crissigrim drops. You really gonna choose NOT to use it? I mean i wont but only because ive beaten SOTN like 90 times its to the point I HAVE to limit myself. Same for Mario 3 and World. I have to choose to not exploit the tools the game willingly hands me in order for it to be a fun or even remotely challanging experience. On the other hand Sonic never hands me broke ass shit (Least the classic ones, im sure some modern Sonic game has some dumb shit power up in it somewhere) so i can always use all the tools the game provides me and not invalidate the entire game in the process. Even Super Sonic still demands you know the level well enough to not fall in a pit, or get crushed under something, or know the level well enough to not run out of rings in a compromising situation. Even the Broke ass hard to earn extra form has hard limits on it so it doesn't break the whole game in half. Like theres always a 10th of a second I could shave off a zone run by optimizing my route better. You can do this with Mario but its not really designed for it, the level design isnt condusive to it really, and again i can just fly over all the obstacles so they dont provide an actual course to speed run, not really.


So yea nothing is forcing me to exploit flight, but we are comparing two games in their entirety and 96 gates is a lot less impressive when you can fly over 85 of the levels leading to those gates.


The speed run community for SMW literally changed the completion run rules for speed running the game by adding in the need to collect all the Yoshi Coins in each stage because actual SMW speed Runs where all the same, boring as fucking hell and 100% everyone flying over everything. Speedrunning exposed SMW fucking hard.


I also dont really agree there is all that much more to chew on in those games. Mario recycles a ton of ideas. You could cut a ton of the auto crolling levels in Mario 3 and it would be a better game imo. Tighter, less repetitive, and the pace would improved greatly. World has some stages you could probably Axe to and they wouldnt be missed all that much imo. Those games are bit bloated.


Im not sure what else to say. I dont really know how to respond to "Sonic fans just ignore the games flaws so they can prop the series up" as well as "Well yea but if you just ignore the glaring flaw that is the racoon tail and the cape, then the games are amazing!!!" like come on my dude. I really dont know what else to say to that heh.

Edited by RSG3
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Probably worth adding that I didn't have a Genesis as a kid (first thing I owned was a GB at 11 in late '93, followed by a SNES in '95), so my time in the 90's with Sonic games was almost always at friends' houses. Maybe if I had locked down with them back then I'd have a stronger attachment. But I could also argue that efforts over the last 13 or so years to play them ending in disappointment kind of prove my point about them not holding up well sans hard nostalgia- and I did really like Sonic as a kid  (used to trace crappy Sonic , SF2, and Megaman artwork from EGM and Gamepro before I could own a system). There are a ton of classic games I either didn't play or barely got to play as a kid that I enjoy immensely as an adult, and a lot, maybe even most, of those involve memorization. 

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i have come to realize from this conversation that i am generally easily pleased by platformers maybe my inherent short man instincts yearn to climb and jump over shit. like i don't think i have ever finished like any platformer and like thought it was trash. 


i didn't know people hated mario sunshine till the hd version got announced.

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37 minutes ago, BornWinner said:

I forgot they were making an Uncharted movie.



I know it’s supposed to be a prequel, but they couldn’t give Sully a mustache?

Looking at this still right here, I actually think Whalburg looks WAY closer to Uncharted 4 Drake than he ever has, does, or will ever look like Sully. 😳

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4 minutes ago, M A R T I A N said:

Looking at this still right here, I actually think Whalburg looks WAY closer to Uncharted 4 Drake than he ever has, does, or will ever look like Sully. 😳

It’s technically a prequel movie before the games even started (even before the Vita game I believe). So them looking young doesn’t particularly bother me. But I still feel like they’re both horribly miscast

Edited by iStu X
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14 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

Funny How Nintendo rode that 90s attitude harder than Sega with their "PLAY IT LOUD" ad campaign.

Add that to the list of 90's cringe. I remember the ridiculous US marketing for Super Metroid, Yoshi's Island, and Earthbound plain as day. But that shit largely fell flat, Nintendo never caught the "cool factor" that Sega built back then, despite all the puke and baby shit ridden ad campaigns. It seemed like only in the next console generation cycle did people start to really appreciate the goldmine of content that was released on the SNES.  

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3 minutes ago, iStu X said:

It’s technically a prequel movie before the games even started (even before the Vita game I believe). So them looking young doesn’t particularly bother me. But I still feel like they’re both horribly miscast

It’s not even an age thing with Whalburg. It’s just nothing about his look or demeanor whatsoever says “Sully” to me. I can’t picture this guy cracking jokes on the side of an Appalachian cliff with a cigar in his mouth. 

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7 minutes ago, Camacho said:

Add that to the list of 90's cringe. I remember the ridiculous US marketing for Super Metroid, Yoshi's Island, and Earthbound plain as day. But that shit largely fell flat,

It seems that way, but Nintendo won the 90s 16 bit console wars. 
By both sales record, number of remembered games and the fact Nintendo still makes consoles while it marked the downfall for Sega. 

Looking back now, they are both Gringe. 

Edited by DarkSakul
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Just now, M A R T I A N said:


It’s not even an age thing with Whalburg. It’s just nothing about his look or demeanor whatsoever says “Sully” to me. I can’t picture this guy cracking jokes on the side of an Appalachian cliff with a cigar in his mouth. 

I agree completely. Like I said, he’s a huge miscast. 

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3 minutes ago, Camacho said:

Probably worth adding that I didn't have a Genesis as a kid

I mean this is probably a huge part of it. Sonic games honestly REQUIRE replay to be fun. They aren't all that fun the first time in much the same way a racing game isnt very fun the first time because you dont know the course, the car, or really the game at all. I had an NES and a Genesis as a kid and my friend had the SNES. I had the opportunity to play Sonic till i could practically do the Zones with eyes closed. It makes a huge difference.


4 minutes ago, Camacho said:

But I could also argue that efforts over the last 13 or so years to play them ending in disappointment kind of prove my point about them not holding up well sans hard nostalgia

It doesnt really tho. What it tells us (and some other lines in other posts) is that you dont stick with them long enough to learn the maps to be able to go properly fast.


And thats fine by the way. Like if thats not your bag that cool. Thats fine. Replaying stages, courses, whatever over and over and over AND OVER AND OVER isnt everyones idea of fun. A lot of people are one and doners, or only a have a couple in them, while Im on what has to be my 100th playthrough of Final Fantasy Tactics because that job system just never gets boring to me.


Sonic requires time. Its not a sit down and instant gratification/reward type of game/series. Its a series that demands you play again and again and again in order to earn the right to go Sonic Boom. If you dont have time, or desire to put in...that time...then you'll probably never find these games fun because they what want from you. They where designed tall and wide so you would replay them 100s of times finding the absolute best route through the stages.


Here is a typical Mario World stage




And here is a typical Genesis Era Sonic Stage




Notice the Sonic 2 stage has mutiple routes. They want you play it over and over and mix and match the 3 levels of stage to find a route that is fastest for you. Those are the first stages of their perspective games to by the way. The MArio Stage is the one to the left of Yoshis house, and the Sonic one is Zone 1 of Emerald Hill.


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8 minutes ago, iStu X said:

It’s technically a prequel movie before the games even started (even before the Vita game I believe). So them looking young doesn’t particularly bother me. But I still feel like they’re both horribly miscast

The problem is we have seen Young Sully and he looks nothing like that.




least Holland actually kinda looks like Young Drake. Marks a whole swing and a miss.



Edited by RSG3
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1 minute ago, RSG3 said:

The problem is we have seen Young Sully and he looks nothing like that.


least Holland actually kinda looks like Young Drake. Marks a whole swing and a miss.



I know. This is the third time I’ve said this lol

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2 minutes ago, iStu X said:

I know. This is the third time I’ve said this lol

I know you have said multiple times. You dont have to keep saying it, wasnt specifically for you, just launching off of your post. Its a general comment about the issues of casting Mark as Sullivan. You dont have to keep saying you think its a miscast. We know.

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Just now, RSG3 said:

I know you have said multiple times. You dont have to keep saying it, wasnt specifically for you, just launching off of your post. Its a general comment about the issues of casting Mark as Sullivan. You dont have to keep saying you think its a miscast. We know.


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