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The Street Fighter V Thread, vol. 2

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2 hours ago, BornWinner said:

DNF Duel will have another beta this weekend.


ArcSys releasing Bestament and doing a DNF Beta on the week Capcom is dropping the last patch for SF5?





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Don't like that they keep nerfing Karin's footsie tools. cr.MK gets yet another round of nerfs and now st.MP too.  Looks like she wasn't the only one because they hit Chun's st.HP as well.   At least they buffed her corner game.  She can finally combo shoulder in the corner - no more finky corner combos into CA.


Cody got some nice buffs, the best being able to chuck the pipe after V trigger 2 ends.  Easier followups after st.HK crush counter and a more confirmable st.MP.  Nice.  

Edited by HeavensCloud
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Some odd changes for Rose but buffs all around so I'm not going to complain. St. HP being less negative on block, EX Orb being V-Trigger cancellable and the white card now healing are nice. Also it seems like she can combo into Heavy Spiral from cr.MP if I understand the notes correctly, which would add some extra damage on top of most her BnBs. She still won't be a strong "meta" character but I'm ok with those changes.


Didn't check out the remaining characters in detail, but Lucia got some siginificant changes, Kolin's stupid st.HP finally got nerfed and Poison is the big winner of the bunch because when they were done buffing her V-Skill 1 they forgot to nerf her so she'll probably be the only S-Tier left after the patch (Edit: never mind, I glanced past the nerfs to Heart Raid. I wonder how big these will turn out to be).


Also glad they changed Luke's jumping animation. I don't care that it looked a bit dumb but it actually threw me off because I kept think he was doing an attack in the air or something every time he jumped.


Also can someone explain the changes to Urien's EX headbutt? Did I understand correctly that it isn't an invincible reversal anymore and can just be stuffed or thrown depending on what part of the animation he's in?

Edited by delete_me
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14 minutes ago, delete_me said:

Also can someone explain the changes to Urien's EX headbutt? Did I understand correctly that it isn't an invincible reversal anymore and can just be stuffed or thrown depending on what part of the animation he's in?

It sounds like his ex headbutt lost both strike and throw invincibility in exchange for more damage, stun and juggle potential. 

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6 hours ago, Dragonfave723 said:

Thanks dude!


Some changes sounds pretty fun, but i have hard time understand the true implications specially on characters i never use, can't wait to see the inevitable yt video with all the changes showing new possibilities



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Oh yeah, one thing I forgot to mention but Cammy's VS1 now being +4 on block means that you can probably get to Gold Rank just spamming that thing over and over again. Definitely the wrong way to buff that move, it'll still be useless in high level but absolutely oppressive in Noobtopia.

Edited by delete_me
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10 hours ago, Doctrine_Dark said:

Bruh. I thought the patch notes would be the highlight of the night.





Holy shyt. Nerf this nigga Will. Decrease the startup on that stHP.


As you wish


Will Smith - DesignBustWILL SMITH

To avoid incidents like the recent one, we changed Will stHP properties making the start-up slower in order to give opponent an opportunity to block it, however we improved the risk-reward giving Will a hold version of the move so he can inflict some actual damage and don't look just like a bitter bitch.

We also decreased forward walk speed so the opponent can see him coming, but increased the backward walk speed to lessen embarassment in case of whiff.

Other changes has been made to make Will overall more fun and rewarding to play, but at same time more fair to play against



stHP: startup from 2F to 4F, recovery from 20F to 24F on whiff


stHP (hold):  stHP have now a hold version that inflict more damage (25 -> 60) and cause knockdown


[New Move] Oscar Strike: Will can now hit his opponent while holding an Oscar in his hand, 80-100-120dmg. Is possible st.HP-> Oscar Strike


[New Move] EX Oscar Strike: 140dmg, after first strike throw the Oscar on opponent's face leaving him on stun state, can be followed by hold stHP. Basically is now possible to combo stHP-> Oscar Strike -> hold stHP 


crMK: crMK hitbox improved, crMK->stMP works as target combo now


Walk speed: forward walk is now 10% slower, backward walk is now 10% faster


VT1 "Fresh Prince" changes: VT1  now on top of gift higher jumps and greater walk speed, on activation it summon a dancing Carlton that will absorb 3 hits, stHP->VT1 is possible now, this can save Will from punishment if st.HP fail to hurt the opponent


V-Gauge changes: Laughs of the audience after st.HP will cause the loss of 50% V-Gauge. Successful stHP (hold)  due knockdown will cause no laughs and gain 25% V-Gauge. Winning the Oscar gain 75%


[New Wife] Salma Hayek: changed wife hoping this one will not turn him into a meme too


[Special Win Pose] When the opponent is Chris Rock, in case of win Will will perform a new cutscene where he sit down and scream "keep my wife's name out of your f***ing mouth"


Edited by CESTUS III
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Even though my Akira is very scrub level, I'm pretty sure I was the only person in the world ever playing VS2/VT2.  I don't quite see what they're hoping for with those changes- yeah she gets a ton of new combo routes, but the VT already has a ton of combo routes.   It'll be a little easier for her to create oki situations with VT2, but you're still going VT1 if you really want mix-ups.


One thing people will hate is that YOLO ex.elbow is going to become YOLO ex.elbow xx VTC.  That's not really improving the character in a positive way, just putting another hard to react to robbery tool in the game.

Edited by Reticently
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29 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I'm convinced @Daemosis on the SFV balance team. Most top tiers got hit, some of them pretty hard. Bison got buffed. Kolin got clapped but at least my boy Alex got nothing but buffs. I'm about to go Kirk Franklin on some fools tomorrow. @Hawkingbirdcan get I get some church music up in here?



4 hours ago, Daemos said:

All these nerfs to Bison... Feels bad man... What a horrible way to end this chapter... SF6 when?


And probably @Daemos is a Capcom insider, Bison also always gets most of the best costumes among the iconic SF2 characters next to Chun li haha



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6 minutes ago, Reticently said:

One thing people will hate is that YOLO ex.elbow is going to become YOLO ex.elbow xx VTC.  That's not really improving the character in a positive way, just putting another hard to react to robbery tool in the game.

They did something similar to Lucia who can now cancel the normal version of her running VS1 into V-Trigger (previously only EX worked). I agree that she needed it on hit but on block seems kind of unreasonable. But then again it's Lucia, so whatever, nobody will notice anyway.

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51 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I'm convinced @Daemosis on the SFV balance team. Most top tiers got hit, some of them pretty hard. Bison got buffed. Kolin got clapped but at least my boy Alex got nothing but buffs. I'm about to go Kirk Franklin on some fools tomorrow. @Hawkingbirdcan get I get some church music up in here?



Thanks fam. 🙃

Praise The Lord GIF by Soul Train

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33 minutes ago, delete_me said:

They did something similar to Lucia who can now cancel the normal version of her running VS1 into V-Trigger (previously only EX worked). I agree that she needed it on hit but on block seems kind of unreasonable. But then again it's Lucia, so whatever, nobody will notice anyway.

Lucia will continue to be bottom since she has stubby buttons and can't deal with fireballs, which got buffed. I laughed when I read that light fire spinner is now "+2 on hit from 0" because I didn't realize until now how useless that move was outside of EX.


Embrace yolo.

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23 hours ago, Dragonfave723 said:


War Crimes: The Patch. 🤣


They really just said "Fuck it, this is Mysterious Mod now."


Should be a fun read at least. Reading the notes is pretty much all you can do with this horrendous netcode anyway.


Edit: Assholes.



So VT2 can't get that good stuff, huh? Ridiculous.


Ryu looks... functional? Like, not bad? That's so weird. I guess I still got PTSD from how bad he's been over the years, so the idea of him not being trash is weird to me.


Oh well, hopefully they got the memo for SF6.

Edited by Volt
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Cool, so they did make Juri's +6 on hit AND +3 on block.  Looks like they changed st.hp so that it only affects cancels and not links.


The new projectile invincibility on her super is weird?  Does that mean it won't clash with fireballs anymore and just blow through them, or she just wont get clipped by them.  I'm struggling to find the utility of this.


Also, I can't square this away:  "After a throw or normal attack, Juri can now utilize the frame advantage to kick an opponent into the air with Fuharenkyaku, making it easier to continue her offensive after a successful hit."


Does it mean she can OTG after a throw with a leg raise, or that the throw will give her enough advantage to get a leg raise in?

Edited by Fatal Error XI
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3 hours ago, Reticently said:

One thing people will hate is that YOLO ex.elbow is going to become YOLO ex.elbow xx VTC.  That's not really improving the character in a positive way, just putting another hard to react to robbery tool in the game.

so what youre saying is, she got added to SFV?   


Congrats on your new main. 🙂 


3 hours ago, delete_me said:

But then again it's Lucia, so whatever, nobody will notice anyway.



...wait wrong one...




Lucia is my spirit main.   As in, I'd main her if I actually could stomach the game's netcode. 




Love how the crazy patch is breathing life into the game. 


But Testament was added to Strive about 8 hours ago. 

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27 minutes ago, Volt said:

Edit: Assholes.



So VT2 can't get that good stuff, huh? Ridiculous.


Ryu looks... functional? Like, not bad? That's so weird. I guess I still got PTSD from how bad he's been over the years, so the idea of him not being trash is weird to me.


Oh well, hopefully they got the memo for SF6.

From the little i understand we (i'm a VS2 + VT2 dude) get still that good stuff when he's on normal state, and on VT2 we get the mammoth punch into CA, from my scrub perspective feels good deal imho 😄


Can somebody with knowledge explain/review what Gief got?


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42 minutes ago, Fatal Error XI said:

Also, I can't square this away:  "After a throw or normal attack, Juri can now utilize the frame advantage to kick an opponent into the air with Fuharenkyaku, making it easier to continue her offensive after a successful hit."

Decent buffs for Juri overall though nothing crazy, but on this particular note i think it's just bad wording on Capcom's part ( though i would love to be wrong ).


22 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

maybe she has a chance now!

She's in a pretty ok spot i would say. Works for her wins but has options for most scenarios.


31 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

I want that costume mod.


I got Lifeguard Juri for you, not that model swap,far superior.




Download : 


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