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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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It's good to be spoiled---just reflecting on some things, and noticed there's games on at least 6 systems (7 if I count that Ms. Pacman A1up machine as a "system") I play on a regular basis, now that I've gone back to playing Gamecube again.  It is how I figured my adult life would be... like a big kid that can afford his own games; so the result is one hell of a collection that just keeps getting better over time....there's no such thing as being "bored"...or having "nothing to do"... that's impossible; I can't ever relate to people who say that.


...and oh yeah, I went by a store that specializes in old movies, games, music, etc. etc... and they actually had a Gamecube controller (and various other old ones too) was only 17 or 18 bucks and change; and fortunately it works!  So this solves the problem; I only had 2 old GC of them has a dead R-trigger button....and the other has a dead directional button; none of the 4 parts of that work... so this is naturally a big problem for some games.  For Phantasy Star, I recently had to go back and forth between the 2 when I needed to access the full menu from Start button (*since that dpad is needed to navigate your items).  In battle, the R is needed to switch to your other main attacks/items you have equipped.  I've already played a bit more of my new character in PSO just a little while ago, thanks to the new controller; he's just a level 3 (FOmar) at this point.

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9 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Dead Space could easily work as a film but I'm sure they'd find some way to screw it up despite only needing to follow the blueprint the game has set..  Sound design would have to be on point.

"We really like the setting and atmosphere and the Necromorphs are really great, but we wanted to make it more grounded and relatable, less zombie like, so you don't have dismember the Necros to kill them anymore."



Edited by RSG3
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The Last of Us HBO is off to an impressive start.  Some things did get changed here and there in how the game got started in comparison to the game but it none of the changes were so radical that I could say it wasn't a great adaptation of the first few minutes of the game.  There are some shots that are extremely similar if not taken directly from the game in how it starts and though I wish Pedro's accent was thicker, he's got the essence of the character down and that's far more important imo.  I may not like Bella or Anna in terms of looks in comparison to their game counterbparts but they also are embodying their characters really well.  I can see why people have said what they've said so far just off the first episode alone so it'll be interesting to see if they are actually able to stick the landing.


Also want to add how great it is that they dragged Gustavo in to do the music because it helps the show feel even further authentic...its such a no brainer  when a game has even a little bit of iconic music or leitmotifs within it and the adaptation just refuses or is reluctant to use any of it. *stares at the Sonic Movies*.




Edited by Sonichuman
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I could recognize some lines of dialogue taken directly from the game too.


Not gonna lie, I almost forgot about the lack of spores with how good this first episode was. My wife asked me if all that shit happened in the game and I was like YEP THAT'S SOME HEARTBREAKING SHIT RIGHT THERE HUH?


Only issue I had was



Ellie's infection reveal was kinda rushed, almost like a passive mention. I do believe they will dwell more into in the next episode though


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1 hour ago, Lantis said:

I could recognize some lines of dialogue taken directly from the game too.


Not gonna lie, I almost forgot about the lack of spores with how good this first episode was. My wife asked me if all that shit happened in the game and I was like YEP THAT'S SOME HEARTBREAKING SHIT RIGHT THERE HUH?


Only issue I had was


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Ellie's infection reveal was kinda rushed, almost like a passive mention. I do believe they will dwell more into in the next episode though


Yeah I forgot to mention that was a minor nitpick that they revealed that WAAAAY too fast.  I dont think they reveal that until roughly 1/4 -1/5 of the way shortly before Tess buys them some time to get away from the pursuit.  And it feels like its a much bigger deal in the game off the bat than it is in the show because of it despite being the reason this journey even exists in the first place.

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40 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

So how many seasons can they get out of TLOU show max with only 2 games?



3-4 Seasons with 8-9 episodes each?

They put up a trailer of what to expect in the coming episodes and it looks like they don't quite get to the end...iirc its about halfway through the first game based on what I saw.  If I can find the trailer I'll post it.




Edited by Sonichuman
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Aren't you guys all like hardcore fans of the games?  I'd have to imagine your views on this being good or not is a bit bias cause of that.  Maybe not. 


I didn't watch it last night...I was asleep.  But its on HBO so I can watch it whenevers right?  I always said I'd rather see this as a movie or show than play it as a game.  I hope its good/decent.  It dont have to blow me away or anything.


Just some videos of mine -



I decided to give Stalker a try.  These guys were having a party.



I was able to play Little Nemo and the Guardians of Slumberland.  Its really pretty but kinda simple.  I cant post a video of that shit till the 23rd though.

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23 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Yeah I forgot to mention that was a minor nitpick that they revealed that WAAAAY too fast.  I dont think they reveal that until roughly 1/4 -1/5 of the way shortly before Tess buys them some time to get away from the pursuit.  And it feels like its a much bigger deal in the game off the bat than it is in the show because of it despite being the reason this journey even exists in the first place.

I think it would have been better if the episode ended with



Joel and Tess realizing Ellie is infected just by glimpsing at the scanner, and leave all the explanation for the second episode. It would've created a lot of tension for first-time viewers to know WTF is going on


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14 minutes ago, Lantis said:

I think it would have been better if the episode ended with


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Joel and Tess realizing Ellie is infected just by glimpsing at the scanner, and leave all the explanation for the second episode. It would've created a lot of tension for first-time viewers to know WTF is going on



I don't even think they should have really touched on it until later to serve as a mystery.  If it were me I would have set had Ellie stab the guy in the leg just as she was about to be scanned but he doesn't get it off so its ambiguous.  It would have been something that viewers who hadn't played the game wouldn't have realized until later the real reason she attacked but it would have been subtle.


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ha, so Anthem on PS4 is on sale for 97% off = 1.79 😆 that's quite the sale price---even though yeah.... no one wants it at this point.


Metal Hellsinger is on sale for 30 so I'm most likely getting that one next.

Fire Pro Wrestling World is 10 bucks right now, so that's tempting as well....they continue to focus heavy on insane levels of customization, so by default that franchise is infinitely better than any WWE-related trash out there for the past several years.


I finally played Starlink the other day; I bought it a long time ago but this was the first time playing; it's actually fun so far.

Edited by MillionX
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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

Yeah I forgot to mention that was a minor nitpick that they revealed that WAAAAY too fast.  I dont think they reveal that until roughly 1/4 -1/5 of the way shortly before Tess buys them some time to get away from the pursuit.  And it feels like its a much bigger deal in the game off the bat than it is in the show because of it despite being the reason this journey even exists in the first place.

It's revealed in the game almost exactly as it is in the show, except there are two soldiers and Joel doesn't go berserk on them in the game.

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1 hour ago, Hecatom said:

If you had plus when the PS4 rolled out, you have access to TLOU1, no need to buy the overpriced remake.

Yeah I actually played through that one. But I wouldn't mind getting the upgraded version to play through again. Might get it when this season of the show is over. I'm still fucking with GoW right now, and need to get back to Elden Ring.

Edited by Chadouken
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Oh yeah---Borderlands 3 is on sale too... 


man, I think this was another one I took time off work for when it came out... it was this and another big game that came out at the same time; major regrets there.... B3 was a terrible disappointment, especially when it launched in that sorry ass state like so many other "major", mainstream games these days.  Co-op/multiplayer was consistently a problem, and the loading times on XB1  were absurd.  (**haha remember they made the character FL4K a non-binary for some apparent diversity points 😆 bruh the character is a robot... so...of course?)


I wonder now if Gearbox will ever find their way again... after this one, then there was the Tiny Tina's Wonderlands game, which was another disappointment for other reasons.  At this point, if a Borderlands 4 or Wonderlands 2 is announced, my expectations are basically's a tough sell now.  That brand of humor that's always in these games...that's another thing that's worn out its welcome, imo.  Part of the reason I stopped playing Wonderlands regularly is that I'm tired of the non-stop goofball shenanigans... nothing is allowed to be serious for even 2 seconds; it's actually worse than the modern Marvel movies.

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